# Python Markdown
# A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown.
# Documentation: https://python-markdown.github.io/
# GitHub: https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown/
# PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/
# Started by Manfred Stienstra (http://www.dwerg.net/).
# Maintained for a few years by Yuri Takhteyev (http://www.freewisdom.org).
# Currently maintained by Waylan Limberg (https://github.com/waylan),
# Dmitry Shachnev (https://github.com/mitya57) and Isaac Muse (https://github.com/facelessuser).
# Copyright 2007-2023 The Python Markdown Project (v. 1.7 and later)
# Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Yuri Takhteyev (v. 0.2-1.6b)
# Copyright 2004 Manfred Stienstra (the original version)
# License: BSD (see LICENSE.md for details).
A block processor parses blocks of text and adds new elements to the ElementTree . Blocks of text ,
separated from other text by blank lines , may have a different syntax and produce a differently
structured tree than other Markdown . Block processors excel at handling code formatting , equation
layouts , tables , etc .
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import re
import xml . etree . ElementTree as etree
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING , Any
from . import util
from . blockparser import BlockParser
if TYPE_CHECKING : # pragma: no cover
from markdown import Markdown
logger = logging . getLogger ( ' MARKDOWN ' )
def build_block_parser ( md : Markdown , * * kwargs : Any ) - > BlockParser :
""" Build the default block parser used by Markdown. """
parser = BlockParser ( md )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( EmptyBlockProcessor ( parser ) , ' empty ' , 100 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( ListIndentProcessor ( parser ) , ' indent ' , 90 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( CodeBlockProcessor ( parser ) , ' code ' , 80 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( HashHeaderProcessor ( parser ) , ' hashheader ' , 70 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( SetextHeaderProcessor ( parser ) , ' setextheader ' , 60 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( HRProcessor ( parser ) , ' hr ' , 50 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( OListProcessor ( parser ) , ' olist ' , 40 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( UListProcessor ( parser ) , ' ulist ' , 30 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( BlockQuoteProcessor ( parser ) , ' quote ' , 20 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( ReferenceProcessor ( parser ) , ' reference ' , 15 )
parser . blockprocessors . register ( ParagraphProcessor ( parser ) , ' paragraph ' , 10 )
return parser
class BlockProcessor :
""" Base class for block processors.
Each subclass will provide the methods below to work with the source and
tree . Each processor will need to define it ' s own `test` and `run`
methods . The ` test ` method should return True or False , to indicate
whether the current block should be processed by this processor . If the
test passes , the parser will call the processors ` run ` method .
Attributes :
BlockProcessor . parser ( BlockParser ) : The ` BlockParser ` instance this is attached to .
BlockProcessor . tab_length ( int ) : The tab length set on the ` Markdown ` instance .
def __init__ ( self , parser : BlockParser ) :
self . parser = parser
self . tab_length = parser . md . tab_length
def lastChild ( self , parent : etree . Element ) - > etree . Element | None :
""" Return the last child of an `etree` element. """
if len ( parent ) :
return parent [ - 1 ]
else :
return None
def detab ( self , text : str , length : int | None = None ) - > tuple [ str , str ] :
""" Remove a tab from the front of each line of the given text. """
if length is None :
length = self . tab_length
newtext = [ ]
lines = text . split ( ' \n ' )
for line in lines :
if line . startswith ( ' ' * length ) :
newtext . append ( line [ length : ] )
elif not line . strip ( ) :
newtext . append ( ' ' )
else :
return ' \n ' . join ( newtext ) , ' \n ' . join ( lines [ len ( newtext ) : ] )
def looseDetab ( self , text : str , level : int = 1 ) - > str :
""" Remove a tab from front of lines but allowing dedented lines. """
lines = text . split ( ' \n ' )
for i in range ( len ( lines ) ) :
if lines [ i ] . startswith ( ' ' * self . tab_length * level ) :
lines [ i ] = lines [ i ] [ self . tab_length * level : ]
return ' \n ' . join ( lines )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
""" Test for block type. Must be overridden by subclasses.
As the parser loops through processors , it will call the ` test `
method on each to determine if the given block of text is of that
type . This method must return a boolean ` True ` or ` False ` . The
actual method of testing is left to the needs of that particular
block type . It could be as simple as ` block . startswith ( some_string ) `
or a complex regular expression . As the block type may be different
depending on the parent of the block ( i . e . inside a list ) , the parent
` etree ` element is also provided and may be used as part of the test .
Keyword arguments :
parent : An ` etree ` element which will be the parent of the block .
block : A block of text from the source which has been split at blank lines .
pass # pragma: no cover
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > bool | None :
""" Run processor. Must be overridden by subclasses.
When the parser determines the appropriate type of a block , the parser
will call the corresponding processor ' s `run` method. This method
should parse the individual lines of the block and append them to
the ` etree ` .
Note that both the ` parent ` and ` etree ` keywords are pointers
to instances of the objects which should be edited in place . Each
processor must make changes to the existing objects as there is no
mechanism to return new / different objects to replace them .
This means that this method should be adding ` SubElements ` or adding text
to the parent , and should remove ( ` pop ` ) or add ( ` insert ` ) items to
the list of blocks .
If ` False ` is returned , this will have the same effect as returning ` False `
from the ` test ` method .
Keyword arguments :
parent : An ` etree ` element which is the parent of the current block .
blocks : A list of all remaining blocks of the document .
pass # pragma: no cover
class ListIndentProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process children of list items.
* a list item
process this part
or this part
ITEM_TYPES = [ ' li ' ]
""" List of tags used for list items. """
LIST_TYPES = [ ' ul ' , ' ol ' ]
""" Types of lists this processor can operate on. """
def __init__ ( self , * args ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * args )
self . INDENT_RE = re . compile ( r ' ^(([ ] { %s })+) ' % self . tab_length )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return block . startswith ( ' ' * self . tab_length ) and \
not self . parser . state . isstate ( ' detabbed ' ) and \
( parent . tag in self . ITEM_TYPES or
( len ( parent ) and parent [ - 1 ] is not None and
( parent [ - 1 ] . tag in self . LIST_TYPES ) ) )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
level , sibling = self . get_level ( parent , block )
block = self . looseDetab ( block , level )
self . parser . state . set ( ' detabbed ' )
if parent . tag in self . ITEM_TYPES :
# It's possible that this parent has a `ul` or `ol` child list
# with a member. If that is the case, then that should be the
# parent. This is intended to catch the edge case of an indented
# list whose first member was parsed previous to this point
# see `OListProcessor`
if len ( parent ) and parent [ - 1 ] . tag in self . LIST_TYPES :
self . parser . parseBlocks ( parent [ - 1 ] , [ block ] )
else :
# The parent is already a `li`. Just parse the child block.
self . parser . parseBlocks ( parent , [ block ] )
elif sibling . tag in self . ITEM_TYPES :
# The sibling is a `li`. Use it as parent.
self . parser . parseBlocks ( sibling , [ block ] )
elif len ( sibling ) and sibling [ - 1 ] . tag in self . ITEM_TYPES :
# The parent is a list (`ol` or `ul`) which has children.
# Assume the last child `li` is the parent of this block.
if sibling [ - 1 ] . text :
# If the parent `li` has text, that text needs to be moved to a `p`
# The `p` must be 'inserted' at beginning of list in the event
# that other children already exist i.e.; a nested sub-list.
p = etree . Element ( ' p ' )
p . text = sibling [ - 1 ] . text
sibling [ - 1 ] . text = ' '
sibling [ - 1 ] . insert ( 0 , p )
self . parser . parseChunk ( sibling [ - 1 ] , block )
else :
self . create_item ( sibling , block )
self . parser . state . reset ( )
def create_item ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > None :
""" Create a new `li` and parse the block with it as the parent. """
li = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' li ' )
self . parser . parseBlocks ( li , [ block ] )
def get_level ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > tuple [ int , etree . Element ] :
""" Get level of indentation based on list level. """
# Get indent level
m = self . INDENT_RE . match ( block )
if m :
indent_level = len ( m . group ( 1 ) ) / self . tab_length
else :
indent_level = 0
if self . parser . state . isstate ( ' list ' ) :
# We're in a tight-list - so we already are at correct parent.
level = 1
else :
# We're in a loose-list - so we need to find parent.
level = 0
# Step through children of tree to find matching indent level.
while indent_level > level :
child = self . lastChild ( parent )
if ( child is not None and
( child . tag in self . LIST_TYPES or child . tag in self . ITEM_TYPES ) ) :
if child . tag in self . LIST_TYPES :
level + = 1
parent = child
else :
# No more child levels. If we're short of `indent_level`,
# we have a code block. So we stop here.
return level , parent
class CodeBlockProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process code blocks. """
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return block . startswith ( ' ' * self . tab_length )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
sibling = self . lastChild ( parent )
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
theRest = ' '
if ( sibling is not None and sibling . tag == " pre " and
len ( sibling ) and sibling [ 0 ] . tag == " code " ) :
# The previous block was a code block. As blank lines do not start
# new code blocks, append this block to the previous, adding back
# line breaks removed from the split into a list.
code = sibling [ 0 ]
block , theRest = self . detab ( block )
code . text = util . AtomicString (
' {} \n {} \n ' . format ( code . text , util . code_escape ( block . rstrip ( ) ) )
else :
# This is a new code block. Create the elements and insert text.
pre = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' pre ' )
code = etree . SubElement ( pre , ' code ' )
block , theRest = self . detab ( block )
code . text = util . AtomicString ( ' %s \n ' % util . code_escape ( block . rstrip ( ) ) )
if theRest :
# This block contained unindented line(s) after the first indented
# line. Insert these lines as the first block of the master blocks
# list for future processing.
blocks . insert ( 0 , theRest )
class BlockQuoteProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process blockquotes. """
RE = re . compile ( r ' (^| \ n)[ ] { 0,3}>[ ]?(.*) ' )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return bool ( self . RE . search ( block ) ) and not util . nearing_recursion_limit ( )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
m = self . RE . search ( block )
if m :
before = block [ : m . start ( ) ] # Lines before blockquote
# Pass lines before blockquote in recursively for parsing first.
self . parser . parseBlocks ( parent , [ before ] )
# Remove `> ` from beginning of each line.
block = ' \n ' . join (
[ self . clean ( line ) for line in block [ m . start ( ) : ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ]
sibling = self . lastChild ( parent )
if sibling is not None and sibling . tag == " blockquote " :
# Previous block was a blockquote so set that as this blocks parent
quote = sibling
else :
# This is a new blockquote. Create a new parent element.
quote = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' blockquote ' )
# Recursively parse block with blockquote as parent.
# change parser state so blockquotes embedded in lists use `p` tags
self . parser . state . set ( ' blockquote ' )
self . parser . parseChunk ( quote , block )
self . parser . state . reset ( )
def clean ( self , line : str ) - > str :
""" Remove `>` from beginning of a line. """
m = self . RE . match ( line )
if line . strip ( ) == " > " :
return " "
elif m :
return m . group ( 2 )
else :
return line
class OListProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process ordered list blocks. """
TAG : str = ' ol '
""" The tag used for the the wrapping element. """
STARTSWITH : str = ' 1 '
The integer ( as a string ) with which the list starts . For example , if a list is initialized as
` 3. Item ` , then the ` ol ` tag will be assigned an HTML attribute of ` starts = " 3 " ` . Default : ` " 1 " ` .
LAZY_OL : bool = True
""" Ignore `STARTSWITH` if `True`. """
SIBLING_TAGS : list [ str ] = [ ' ol ' , ' ul ' ]
Markdown does not require the type of a new list item match the previous list item type .
This is the list of types which can be mixed .
def __init__ ( self , parser : BlockParser ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( parser )
# Detect an item (`1. item`). `group(1)` contains contents of item.
self . RE = re . compile ( r ' ^[ ] { 0, %d } \ d+ \ .[ ]+(.*) ' % ( self . tab_length - 1 ) )
# Detect items on secondary lines. they can be of either list type.
self . CHILD_RE = re . compile ( r ' ^[ ] { 0, %d }(( \ d+ \ .)|[*+-])[ ]+(.*) ' %
( self . tab_length - 1 ) )
# Detect indented (nested) items of either type
self . INDENT_RE = re . compile ( r ' ^[ ] { %d , %d }(( \ d+ \ .)|[*+-])[ ]+.* ' %
( self . tab_length , self . tab_length * 2 - 1 ) )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return bool ( self . RE . match ( block ) )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
# Check for multiple items in one block.
items = self . get_items ( blocks . pop ( 0 ) )
sibling = self . lastChild ( parent )
if sibling is not None and sibling . tag in self . SIBLING_TAGS :
# Previous block was a list item, so set that as parent
lst = sibling
# make sure previous item is in a `p` - if the item has text,
# then it isn't in a `p`
if lst [ - 1 ] . text :
# since it's possible there are other children for this
# sibling, we can't just `SubElement` the `p`, we need to
# insert it as the first item.
p = etree . Element ( ' p ' )
p . text = lst [ - 1 ] . text
lst [ - 1 ] . text = ' '
lst [ - 1 ] . insert ( 0 , p )
# if the last item has a tail, then the tail needs to be put in a `p`
# likely only when a header is not followed by a blank line
lch = self . lastChild ( lst [ - 1 ] )
if lch is not None and lch . tail :
p = etree . SubElement ( lst [ - 1 ] , ' p ' )
p . text = lch . tail . lstrip ( )
lch . tail = ' '
# parse first block differently as it gets wrapped in a `p`.
li = etree . SubElement ( lst , ' li ' )
self . parser . state . set ( ' looselist ' )
firstitem = items . pop ( 0 )
self . parser . parseBlocks ( li , [ firstitem ] )
self . parser . state . reset ( )
elif parent . tag in [ ' ol ' , ' ul ' ] :
# this catches the edge case of a multi-item indented list whose
# first item is in a blank parent-list item:
# * * subitem1
# * subitem2
# see also `ListIndentProcessor`
lst = parent
else :
# This is a new list so create parent with appropriate tag.
lst = etree . SubElement ( parent , self . TAG )
# Check if a custom start integer is set
if not self . LAZY_OL and self . STARTSWITH != ' 1 ' :
lst . attrib [ ' start ' ] = self . STARTSWITH
self . parser . state . set ( ' list ' )
# Loop through items in block, recursively parsing each with the
# appropriate parent.
for item in items :
if item . startswith ( ' ' * self . tab_length ) :
# Item is indented. Parse with last item as parent
self . parser . parseBlocks ( lst [ - 1 ] , [ item ] )
else :
# New item. Create `li` and parse with it as parent
li = etree . SubElement ( lst , ' li ' )
self . parser . parseBlocks ( li , [ item ] )
self . parser . state . reset ( )
def get_items ( self , block : str ) - > list [ str ] :
""" Break a block into list items. """
items = [ ]
for line in block . split ( ' \n ' ) :
m = self . CHILD_RE . match ( line )
if m :
# This is a new list item
# Check first item for the start index
if not items and self . TAG == ' ol ' :
# Detect the integer value of first list item
INTEGER_RE = re . compile ( r ' ( \ d+) ' )
self . STARTSWITH = INTEGER_RE . match ( m . group ( 1 ) ) . group ( )
# Append to the list
items . append ( m . group ( 3 ) )
elif self . INDENT_RE . match ( line ) :
# This is an indented (possibly nested) item.
if items [ - 1 ] . startswith ( ' ' * self . tab_length ) :
# Previous item was indented. Append to that item.
items [ - 1 ] = ' {} \n {} ' . format ( items [ - 1 ] , line )
else :
items . append ( line )
else :
# This is another line of previous item. Append to that item.
items [ - 1 ] = ' {} \n {} ' . format ( items [ - 1 ] , line )
return items
class UListProcessor ( OListProcessor ) :
""" Process unordered list blocks. """
TAG : str = ' ul '
""" The tag used for the the wrapping element. """
def __init__ ( self , parser : BlockParser ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( parser )
# Detect an item (`1. item`). `group(1)` contains contents of item.
self . RE = re . compile ( r ' ^[ ] { 0, %d }[*+-][ ]+(.*) ' % ( self . tab_length - 1 ) )
class HashHeaderProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process Hash Headers. """
# Detect a header at start of any line in block
RE = re . compile ( r ' (?:^| \ n)(?P<level># { 1,6})(?P<header>(?: \\ .|[^ \\ ])*?)#*(?: \ n|$) ' )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return bool ( self . RE . search ( block ) )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
m = self . RE . search ( block )
if m :
before = block [ : m . start ( ) ] # All lines before header
after = block [ m . end ( ) : ] # All lines after header
if before :
# As the header was not the first line of the block and the
# lines before the header must be parsed first,
# recursively parse this lines as a block.
self . parser . parseBlocks ( parent , [ before ] )
# Create header using named groups from RE
h = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' h %d ' % len ( m . group ( ' level ' ) ) )
h . text = m . group ( ' header ' ) . strip ( )
if after :
# Insert remaining lines as first block for future parsing.
blocks . insert ( 0 , after )
else : # pragma: no cover
# This should never happen, but just in case...
logger . warn ( " We ' ve got a problem header: %r " % block )
class SetextHeaderProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process Setext-style Headers. """
# Detect Setext-style header. Must be first 2 lines of block.
RE = re . compile ( r ' ^.*? \ n[=-]+[ ]*( \ n|$) ' , re . MULTILINE )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return bool ( self . RE . match ( block ) )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
lines = blocks . pop ( 0 ) . split ( ' \n ' )
# Determine level. `=` is 1 and `-` is 2.
if lines [ 1 ] . startswith ( ' = ' ) :
level = 1
else :
level = 2
h = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' h %d ' % level )
h . text = lines [ 0 ] . strip ( )
if len ( lines ) > 2 :
# Block contains additional lines. Add to master blocks for later.
blocks . insert ( 0 , ' \n ' . join ( lines [ 2 : ] ) )
class HRProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process Horizontal Rules. """
# Python's `re` module doesn't officially support atomic grouping. However you can fake it.
# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/13577411/866026
RE = r ' ^[ ] { 0,3}(?=(?P<atomicgroup>(-+[ ] { 0,2}) { 3,}|(_+[ ] { 0,2}) { 3,}|( \ *+[ ] { 0,2}) { 3,}))(?P=atomicgroup)[ ]*$ '
# Detect hr on any line of a block.
SEARCH_RE = re . compile ( RE , re . MULTILINE )
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
m = self . SEARCH_RE . search ( block )
if m :
# Save match object on class instance so we can use it later.
self . match = m
return True
return False
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
match = self . match
# Check for lines in block before `hr`.
prelines = block [ : match . start ( ) ] . rstrip ( ' \n ' )
if prelines :
# Recursively parse lines before `hr` so they get parsed first.
self . parser . parseBlocks ( parent , [ prelines ] )
# create hr
etree . SubElement ( parent , ' hr ' )
# check for lines in block after `hr`.
postlines = block [ match . end ( ) : ] . lstrip ( ' \n ' )
if postlines :
# Add lines after `hr` to master blocks for later parsing.
blocks . insert ( 0 , postlines )
class EmptyBlockProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process blocks that are empty or start with an empty line. """
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return not block or block . startswith ( ' \n ' )
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
filler = ' \n \n '
if block :
# Starts with empty line
# Only replace a single line.
filler = ' \n '
# Save the rest for later.
theRest = block [ 1 : ]
if theRest :
# Add remaining lines to master blocks for later.
blocks . insert ( 0 , theRest )
sibling = self . lastChild ( parent )
if ( sibling is not None and sibling . tag == ' pre ' and
len ( sibling ) and sibling [ 0 ] . tag == ' code ' ) :
# Last block is a code block. Append to preserve whitespace.
sibling [ 0 ] . text = util . AtomicString (
' {} {} ' . format ( sibling [ 0 ] . text , filler )
class ReferenceProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process link references. """
RE = re . compile (
r ' ^[ ] { 0,3} \ [([^ \ [ \ ]]*) \ ]:[ ]* \ n?[ ]*([^ \ s]+)[ ]*(?: \ n[ ]*)?(([ " \' ])(.*) \ 4[ ]*| \ ((.*) \ )[ ]*)?$ ' , re . MULTILINE
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return True
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > bool :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
m = self . RE . search ( block )
if m :
id = m . group ( 1 ) . strip ( ) . lower ( )
link = m . group ( 2 ) . lstrip ( ' < ' ) . rstrip ( ' > ' )
title = m . group ( 5 ) or m . group ( 6 )
self . parser . md . references [ id ] = ( link , title )
if block [ m . end ( ) : ] . strip ( ) :
# Add any content after match back to blocks as separate block
blocks . insert ( 0 , block [ m . end ( ) : ] . lstrip ( ' \n ' ) )
if block [ : m . start ( ) ] . strip ( ) :
# Add any content before match back to blocks as separate block
blocks . insert ( 0 , block [ : m . start ( ) ] . rstrip ( ' \n ' ) )
return True
# No match. Restore block.
blocks . insert ( 0 , block )
return False
class ParagraphProcessor ( BlockProcessor ) :
""" Process Paragraph blocks. """
def test ( self , parent : etree . Element , block : str ) - > bool :
return True
def run ( self , parent : etree . Element , blocks : list [ str ] ) - > None :
block = blocks . pop ( 0 )
if block . strip ( ) :
# Not a blank block. Add to parent, otherwise throw it away.
if self . parser . state . isstate ( ' list ' ) :
# The parent is a tight-list.
# Check for any children. This will likely only happen in a
# tight-list when a header isn't followed by a blank line.
# For example:
# * # Header
# Line 2 of list item - not part of header.
sibling = self . lastChild ( parent )
if sibling is not None :
# Insert after sibling.
if sibling . tail :
sibling . tail = ' {} \n {} ' . format ( sibling . tail , block )
else :
sibling . tail = ' \n %s ' % block
else :
# Append to parent.text
if parent . text :
parent . text = ' {} \n {} ' . format ( parent . text , block )
else :
parent . text = block . lstrip ( )
else :
# Create a regular paragraph
p = etree . SubElement ( parent , ' p ' )
p . text = block . lstrip ( )