from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import math
import operator
import typing as t
from contextvars import ContextVar
from functools import partial
from functools import update_wrapper
from operator import attrgetter
from . wsgi import ClosingIterator
from _typeshed . wsgi import StartResponse
from _typeshed . wsgi import WSGIApplication
from _typeshed . wsgi import WSGIEnvironment
T = t . TypeVar ( " T " )
F = t . TypeVar ( " F " , bound = t . Callable [ . . . , t . Any ] )
def release_local ( local : Local | LocalStack ) - > None :
""" Release the data for the current context in a :class:`Local` or
: class : ` LocalStack ` without using a : class : ` LocalManager ` .
This should not be needed for modern use cases , and may be removed
in the future .
. . versionadded : : 0.6 .1
local . __release_local__ ( )
class Local :
""" Create a namespace of context-local data. This wraps a
: class : ` ContextVar ` containing a : class : ` dict ` value .
This may incur a performance penalty compared to using individual
context vars , as it has to copy data to avoid mutating the dict
between nested contexts .
: param context_var : The : class : ` ~ contextvars . ContextVar ` to use as
storage for this local . If not given , one will be created .
Context vars not created at the global scope may interfere with
garbage collection .
. . versionchanged : : 2.0
Uses ` ` ContextVar ` ` instead of a custom storage implementation .
__slots__ = ( " __storage " , )
def __init__ ( self , context_var : ContextVar [ dict [ str , t . Any ] ] | None = None ) - > None :
if context_var is None :
# A ContextVar not created at global scope interferes with
# Python's garbage collection. However, a local only makes
# sense defined at the global scope as well, in which case
# the GC issue doesn't seem relevant.
context_var = ContextVar ( f " werkzeug.Local< { id ( self ) } >.storage " )
object . __setattr__ ( self , " _Local__storage " , context_var )
def __iter__ ( self ) - > t . Iterator [ tuple [ str , t . Any ] ] :
return iter ( self . __storage . get ( { } ) . items ( ) )
def __call__ ( self , name : str , * , unbound_message : str | None = None ) - > LocalProxy :
""" Create a :class:`LocalProxy` that access an attribute on this
local namespace .
: param name : Proxy this attribute .
: param unbound_message : The error message that the proxy will
show if the attribute isn ' t set.
return LocalProxy ( self , name , unbound_message = unbound_message )
def __release_local__ ( self ) - > None :
self . __storage . set ( { } )
def __getattr__ ( self , name : str ) - > t . Any :
values = self . __storage . get ( { } )
if name in values :
return values [ name ]
raise AttributeError ( name )
def __setattr__ ( self , name : str , value : t . Any ) - > None :
values = self . __storage . get ( { } ) . copy ( )
values [ name ] = value
self . __storage . set ( values )
def __delattr__ ( self , name : str ) - > None :
values = self . __storage . get ( { } )
if name in values :
values = values . copy ( )
del values [ name ]
self . __storage . set ( values )
else :
raise AttributeError ( name )
class LocalStack ( t . Generic [ T ] ) :
""" Create a stack of context-local data. This wraps a
: class : ` ContextVar ` containing a : class : ` list ` value .
This may incur a performance penalty compared to using individual
context vars , as it has to copy data to avoid mutating the list
between nested contexts .
: param context_var : The : class : ` ~ contextvars . ContextVar ` to use as
storage for this local . If not given , one will be created .
Context vars not created at the global scope may interfere with
garbage collection .
. . versionchanged : : 2.0
Uses ` ` ContextVar ` ` instead of a custom storage implementation .
. . versionadded : : 0.6 .1
__slots__ = ( " _storage " , )
def __init__ ( self , context_var : ContextVar [ list [ T ] ] | None = None ) - > None :
if context_var is None :
# A ContextVar not created at global scope interferes with
# Python's garbage collection. However, a local only makes
# sense defined at the global scope as well, in which case
# the GC issue doesn't seem relevant.
context_var = ContextVar ( f " werkzeug.LocalStack< { id ( self ) } >.storage " )
self . _storage = context_var
def __release_local__ ( self ) - > None :
self . _storage . set ( [ ] )
def push ( self , obj : T ) - > list [ T ] :
""" Add a new item to the top of the stack. """
stack = self . _storage . get ( [ ] ) . copy ( )
stack . append ( obj )
self . _storage . set ( stack )
return stack
def pop ( self ) - > T | None :
""" Remove the top item from the stack and return it. If the
stack is empty , return ` ` None ` ` .
stack = self . _storage . get ( [ ] )
if len ( stack ) == 0 :
return None
rv = stack [ - 1 ]
self . _storage . set ( stack [ : - 1 ] )
return rv
def top ( self ) - > T | None :
""" The topmost item on the stack. If the stack is empty,
` None ` is returned .
stack = self . _storage . get ( [ ] )
if len ( stack ) == 0 :
return None
return stack [ - 1 ]
def __call__ (
self , name : str | None = None , * , unbound_message : str | None = None
) - > LocalProxy :
""" Create a :class:`LocalProxy` that accesses the top of this
local stack .
: param name : If given , the proxy access this attribute of the
top item , rather than the item itself .
: param unbound_message : The error message that the proxy will
show if the stack is empty .
return LocalProxy ( self , name , unbound_message = unbound_message )
class LocalManager :
""" Manage releasing the data for the current context in one or more
: class : ` Local ` and : class : ` LocalStack ` objects .
This should not be needed for modern use cases , and may be removed
in the future .
: param locals : A local or list of locals to manage .
. . versionchanged : : 2.1
The ` ` ident_func ` ` was removed .
. . versionchanged : : 0.7
The ` ` ident_func ` ` parameter was added .
. . versionchanged : : 0.6 .1
The : func : ` release_local ` function can be used instead of a
manager .
__slots__ = ( " locals " , )
def __init__ (
self ,
locals : None | ( Local | LocalStack | t . Iterable [ Local | LocalStack ] ) = None ,
) - > None :
if locals is None :
self . locals = [ ]
elif isinstance ( locals , Local ) :
self . locals = [ locals ]
else :
self . locals = list ( locals ) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def cleanup ( self ) - > None :
""" Release the data in the locals for this context. Call this at
the end of each request or use : meth : ` make_middleware ` .
for local in self . locals :
release_local ( local )
def make_middleware ( self , app : WSGIApplication ) - > WSGIApplication :
""" Wrap a WSGI application so that local data is released
automatically after the response has been sent for a request .
def application (
environ : WSGIEnvironment , start_response : StartResponse
) - > t . Iterable [ bytes ] :
return ClosingIterator ( app ( environ , start_response ) , self . cleanup )
return application
def middleware ( self , func : WSGIApplication ) - > WSGIApplication :
""" Like :meth:`make_middleware` but used as a decorator on the
WSGI application function .
. . code - block : : python
def application ( environ , start_response ) :
. . .
return update_wrapper ( self . make_middleware ( func ) , func )
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
return f " < { type ( self ) . __name__ } storages: { len ( self . locals ) } > "
class _ProxyLookup :
""" Descriptor that handles proxied attribute lookup for
: class : ` LocalProxy ` .
: param f : The built - in function this attribute is accessed through .
Instead of looking up the special method , the function call
is redone on the object .
: param fallback : Return this function if the proxy is unbound
instead of raising a : exc : ` RuntimeError ` .
: param is_attr : This proxied name is an attribute , not a function .
Call the fallback immediately to get the value .
: param class_value : Value to return when accessed from the
` ` LocalProxy ` ` class directly . Used for ` ` __doc__ ` ` so building
docs still works .
__slots__ = ( " bind_f " , " fallback " , " is_attr " , " class_value " , " name " )
def __init__ (
self ,
f : t . Callable | None = None ,
fallback : t . Callable | None = None ,
class_value : t . Any | None = None ,
is_attr : bool = False ,
) - > None :
bind_f : t . Callable [ [ LocalProxy , t . Any ] , t . Callable ] | None
if hasattr ( f , " __get__ " ) :
# A Python function, can be turned into a bound method.
def bind_f ( instance : LocalProxy , obj : t . Any ) - > t . Callable :
return f . __get__ ( obj , type ( obj ) ) # type: ignore
elif f is not None :
# A C function, use partial to bind the first argument.
def bind_f ( instance : LocalProxy , obj : t . Any ) - > t . Callable :
return partial ( f , obj )
else :
# Use getattr, which will produce a bound method.
bind_f = None
self . bind_f = bind_f
self . fallback = fallback
self . class_value = class_value
self . is_attr = is_attr
def __set_name__ ( self , owner : LocalProxy , name : str ) - > None :
self . name = name
def __get__ ( self , instance : LocalProxy , owner : type | None = None ) - > t . Any :
if instance is None :
if self . class_value is not None :
return self . class_value
return self
try :
obj = instance . _get_current_object ( )
except RuntimeError :
if self . fallback is None :
fallback = self . fallback . __get__ ( instance , owner )
if self . is_attr :
# __class__ and __doc__ are attributes, not methods.
# Call the fallback to get the value.
return fallback ( )
return fallback
if self . bind_f is not None :
return self . bind_f ( instance , obj )
return getattr ( obj , self . name )
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
return f " proxy { self . name } "
def __call__ ( self , instance : LocalProxy , * args : t . Any , * * kwargs : t . Any ) - > t . Any :
""" Support calling unbound methods from the class. For example,
this happens with ` ` copy . copy ` ` , which does
` ` type ( x ) . __copy__ ( x ) ` ` . ` ` type ( x ) ` ` can ' t be proxied, so it
returns the proxy type and descriptor .
return self . __get__ ( instance , type ( instance ) ) ( * args , * * kwargs )
class _ProxyIOp ( _ProxyLookup ) :
""" Look up an augmented assignment method on a proxied object. The
method is wrapped to return the proxy instead of the object .
__slots__ = ( )
def __init__ (
self , f : t . Callable | None = None , fallback : t . Callable | None = None
) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f , fallback )
def bind_f ( instance : LocalProxy , obj : t . Any ) - > t . Callable :
def i_op ( self : t . Any , other : t . Any ) - > LocalProxy :
f ( self , other ) # type: ignore
return instance
return i_op . __get__ ( obj , type ( obj ) ) # type: ignore
self . bind_f = bind_f
def _l_to_r_op ( op : F ) - > F :
""" Swap the argument order to turn an l-op into an r-op. """
def r_op ( obj : t . Any , other : t . Any ) - > t . Any :
return op ( other , obj )
return t . cast ( F , r_op )
def _identity ( o : T ) - > T :
return o
class LocalProxy ( t . Generic [ T ] ) :
""" A proxy to the object bound to a context-local object. All
operations on the proxy are forwarded to the bound object . If no
object is bound , a ` ` RuntimeError ` ` is raised .
: param local : The context - local object that provides the proxied
object .
: param name : Proxy this attribute from the proxied object .
: param unbound_message : The error message to show if the
context - local object is unbound .
Proxy a : class : ` ~ contextvars . ContextVar ` to make it easier to
access . Pass a name to proxy that attribute .
. . code - block : : python
_request_var = ContextVar ( " request " )
request = LocalProxy ( _request_var )
session = LocalProxy ( _request_var , " session " )
Proxy an attribute on a : class : ` Local ` namespace by calling the
local with the attribute name :
. . code - block : : python
data = Local ( )
user = data ( " user " )
Proxy the top item on a : class : ` LocalStack ` by calling the local .
Pass a name to proxy that attribute .
. . code - block : :
app_stack = LocalStack ( )
current_app = app_stack ( )
g = app_stack ( " g " )
Pass a function to proxy the return value from that function . This
was previously used to access attributes of local objects before
that was supported directly .
. . code - block : : python
session = LocalProxy ( lambda : request . session )
` ` __repr__ ` ` and ` ` __class__ ` ` are proxied , so ` ` repr ( x ) ` ` and
` ` isinstance ( x , cls ) ` ` will look like the proxied object . Use
` ` issubclass ( type ( x ) , LocalProxy ) ` ` to check if an object is a
proxy .
. . code - block : : python
repr ( user ) # <User admin>
isinstance ( user , User ) # True
issubclass ( type ( user ) , LocalProxy ) # True
. . versionchanged : : 2.2 .2
` ` __wrapped__ ` ` is set when wrapping an object , not only when
wrapping a function , to prevent doctest from failing .
. . versionchanged : : 2.2
Can proxy a ` ` ContextVar ` ` or ` ` LocalStack ` ` directly .
. . versionchanged : : 2.2
The ` ` name ` ` parameter can be used with any proxied object , not
only ` ` Local ` ` .
. . versionchanged : : 2.2
Added the ` ` unbound_message ` ` parameter .
. . versionchanged : : 2.0
Updated proxied attributes and methods to reflect the current
data model .
. . versionchanged : : 0.6 .1
The class can be instantiated with a callable .
__slots__ = ( " __wrapped " , " _get_current_object " )
_get_current_object : t . Callable [ [ ] , T ]
""" Return the current object this proxy is bound to. If the proxy is
unbound , this raises a ` ` RuntimeError ` ` .
This should be used if you need to pass the object to something that
doesn ' t understand the proxy. It can also be useful for performance
if you are accessing the object multiple times in a function , rather
than going through the proxy multiple times .
def __init__ (
self ,
local : ContextVar [ T ] | Local | LocalStack [ T ] | t . Callable [ [ ] , T ] ,
name : str | None = None ,
* ,
unbound_message : str | None = None ,
) - > None :
if name is None :
get_name = _identity
else :
get_name = attrgetter ( name ) # type: ignore[assignment]
if unbound_message is None :
unbound_message = " object is not bound "
if isinstance ( local , Local ) :
if name is None :
raise TypeError ( " ' name ' is required when proxying a ' Local ' object. " )
def _get_current_object ( ) - > T :
try :
return get_name ( local ) # type: ignore[return-value]
except AttributeError :
raise RuntimeError ( unbound_message ) from None
elif isinstance ( local , LocalStack ) :
def _get_current_object ( ) - > T :
obj = local . top
if obj is None :
raise RuntimeError ( unbound_message )
return get_name ( obj )
elif isinstance ( local , ContextVar ) :
def _get_current_object ( ) - > T :
try :
obj = local . get ( )
except LookupError :
raise RuntimeError ( unbound_message ) from None
return get_name ( obj )
elif callable ( local ) :
def _get_current_object ( ) - > T :
return get_name ( local ( ) )
else :
raise TypeError ( f " Don ' t know how to proxy ' { type ( local ) } ' . " )
object . __setattr__ ( self , " _LocalProxy__wrapped " , local )
object . __setattr__ ( self , " _get_current_object " , _get_current_object )
__doc__ = _ProxyLookup ( # type: ignore
class_value = __doc__ , fallback = lambda self : type ( self ) . __doc__ , is_attr = True
__wrapped__ = _ProxyLookup (
fallback = lambda self : self . _LocalProxy__wrapped , is_attr = True
# __del__ should only delete the proxy
__repr__ = _ProxyLookup ( # type: ignore
repr , fallback = lambda self : f " < { type ( self ) . __name__ } unbound> "
__str__ = _ProxyLookup ( str ) # type: ignore
__bytes__ = _ProxyLookup ( bytes )
__format__ = _ProxyLookup ( ) # type: ignore
__lt__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . lt )
__le__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . le )
__eq__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . eq ) # type: ignore
__ne__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . ne ) # type: ignore
__gt__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . gt )
__ge__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . ge )
__hash__ = _ProxyLookup ( hash ) # type: ignore
__bool__ = _ProxyLookup ( bool , fallback = lambda self : False )
__getattr__ = _ProxyLookup ( getattr )
# __getattribute__ triggered through __getattr__
__setattr__ = _ProxyLookup ( setattr ) # type: ignore
__delattr__ = _ProxyLookup ( delattr ) # type: ignore
__dir__ = _ProxyLookup ( dir , fallback = lambda self : [ ] ) # type: ignore
# __get__ (proxying descriptor not supported)
# __set__ (descriptor)
# __delete__ (descriptor)
# __set_name__ (descriptor)
# __objclass__ (descriptor)
# __slots__ used by proxy itself
# __dict__ (__getattr__)
# __weakref__ (__getattr__)
# __init_subclass__ (proxying metaclass not supported)
# __prepare__ (metaclass)
__class__ = _ProxyLookup (
fallback = lambda self : type ( self ) , is_attr = True
) # type: ignore
__instancecheck__ = _ProxyLookup ( lambda self , other : isinstance ( other , self ) )
__subclasscheck__ = _ProxyLookup ( lambda self , other : issubclass ( other , self ) )
# __class_getitem__ triggered through __getitem__
__call__ = _ProxyLookup ( lambda self , * args , * * kwargs : self ( * args , * * kwargs ) )
__len__ = _ProxyLookup ( len )
__length_hint__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . length_hint )
__getitem__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . getitem )
__setitem__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . setitem )
__delitem__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . delitem )
# __missing__ triggered through __getitem__
__iter__ = _ProxyLookup ( iter )
__next__ = _ProxyLookup ( next )
__reversed__ = _ProxyLookup ( reversed )
__contains__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . contains )
__add__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . add )
__sub__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . sub )
__mul__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . mul )
__matmul__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . matmul )
__truediv__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . truediv )
__floordiv__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . floordiv )
__mod__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . mod )
__divmod__ = _ProxyLookup ( divmod )
__pow__ = _ProxyLookup ( pow )
__lshift__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . lshift )
__rshift__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . rshift )
__and__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . and_ )
__xor__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . xor )
__or__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . or_ )
__radd__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . add ) )
__rsub__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . sub ) )
__rmul__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . mul ) )
__rmatmul__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . matmul ) )
__rtruediv__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . truediv ) )
__rfloordiv__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . floordiv ) )
__rmod__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . mod ) )
__rdivmod__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( divmod ) )
__rpow__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( pow ) )
__rlshift__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . lshift ) )
__rrshift__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . rshift ) )
__rand__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . and_ ) )
__rxor__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . xor ) )
__ror__ = _ProxyLookup ( _l_to_r_op ( operator . or_ ) )
__iadd__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . iadd )
__isub__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . isub )
__imul__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . imul )
__imatmul__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . imatmul )
__itruediv__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . itruediv )
__ifloordiv__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . ifloordiv )
__imod__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . imod )
__ipow__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . ipow )
__ilshift__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . ilshift )
__irshift__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . irshift )
__iand__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . iand )
__ixor__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . ixor )
__ior__ = _ProxyIOp ( operator . ior )
__neg__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . neg )
__pos__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . pos )
__abs__ = _ProxyLookup ( abs )
__invert__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . invert )
__complex__ = _ProxyLookup ( complex )
__int__ = _ProxyLookup ( int )
__float__ = _ProxyLookup ( float )
__index__ = _ProxyLookup ( operator . index )
__round__ = _ProxyLookup ( round )
__trunc__ = _ProxyLookup ( math . trunc )
__floor__ = _ProxyLookup ( math . floor )
__ceil__ = _ProxyLookup ( math . ceil )
__enter__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__exit__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__await__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__aiter__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__anext__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__aenter__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__aexit__ = _ProxyLookup ( )
__copy__ = _ProxyLookup ( copy . copy )
__deepcopy__ = _ProxyLookup ( copy . deepcopy )
# __getnewargs_ex__ (pickle through proxy not supported)
# __getnewargs__ (pickle)
# __getstate__ (pickle)
# __setstate__ (pickle)
# __reduce__ (pickle)
# __reduce_ex__ (pickle)