# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import defaultdict
import platform
from six . moves import range
is_windows_special_path = False
if platform . system ( ) == " Windows " :
try :
except UnicodeDecodeError :
is_windows_special_path = True
if not is_windows_special_path :
from concurrent . futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
else :
ThreadPoolExecutor = object
from datetime import datetime
import io
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import os
import socket
from babelfish import Language , LanguageReverseError
from guessit import guessit
from six . moves . xmlrpc_client import ProtocolError
from rarfile import BadRarFile , NotRarFile , RarCannotExec , RarFile
from zipfile import BadZipfile
from ssl import SSLError
import requests
from . exceptions import ServiceUnavailable
from . extensions import provider_manager , refiner_manager
from . score import compute_score as default_compute_score
from . subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS , get_subtitle_path
from . utils import hash_napiprojekt , hash_opensubtitles , hash_shooter , hash_thesubdb
from . video import VIDEO_EXTENSIONS , Episode , Movie , Video
#: Supported archive extensions
ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS = ( ' .rar ' , )
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class ProviderPool ( object ) :
""" A pool of providers with the same API as a single :class:`~subliminal.providers.Provider`.
It has a few extra features :
* Lazy loads providers when needed and supports the ` with ` statement to : meth : ` terminate `
the providers on exit .
* Automatically discard providers on failure .
: param list providers : name of providers to use , if not all .
: param dict provider_configs : provider configuration as keyword arguments per provider name to pass when
instanciating the : class : ` ~ subliminal . providers . Provider ` .
def __init__ ( self , providers = None , provider_configs = None ) :
#: Name of providers to use
self . providers = providers or provider_manager . names ( )
#: Provider configuration
self . provider_configs = provider_configs or { }
#: Initialized providers
self . initialized_providers = { }
#: Discarded providers
self . discarded_providers = set ( )
def __enter__ ( self ) :
return self
def __exit__ ( self , exc_type , exc_value , traceback ) :
self . terminate ( )
def __getitem__ ( self , name ) :
if name not in self . providers :
raise KeyError
if name not in self . initialized_providers :
logger . info ( ' Initializing provider %s ' , name )
provider = provider_manager [ name ] . plugin ( * * self . provider_configs . get ( name , { } ) )
provider . initialize ( )
self . initialized_providers [ name ] = provider
return self . initialized_providers [ name ]
def __delitem__ ( self , name ) :
if name not in self . initialized_providers :
raise KeyError ( name )
try :
logger . info ( ' Terminating provider %s ' , name )
self . initialized_providers [ name ] . terminate ( )
except ( requests . Timeout , socket . timeout ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r timed out, improperly terminated ' , name )
except ( ServiceUnavailable , ProtocolError ) : # OpenSubtitles raises xmlrpclib.ProtocolError when unavailable
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, improperly terminated ' , name )
except requests . exceptions . HTTPError as e :
if e . response . status_code in range ( 500 , 600 ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, improperly terminated ' , name )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r http error %r , improperly terminated ' , name , e . response . status_code )
except SSLError as e :
if e . args [ 0 ] == ' The read operation timed out ' :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, improperly terminated ' , name )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r SSL error %r , improperly terminated ' , name , e . args [ 0 ] )
except :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r terminated unexpectedly ' , name )
del self . initialized_providers [ name ]
def __iter__ ( self ) :
return iter ( self . initialized_providers )
def list_subtitles_provider ( self , provider , video , languages ) :
""" List subtitles with a single provider.
The video and languages are checked against the provider .
: param str provider : name of the provider .
: param video : video to list subtitles for .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : languages to search for .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: return : found subtitles .
: rtype : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle ` or None
# check video validity
if not provider_manager [ provider ] . plugin . check ( video ) :
logger . info ( ' Skipping provider %r : not a valid video ' , provider )
return [ ]
# check supported languages
provider_languages = provider_manager [ provider ] . plugin . languages & languages
if not provider_languages :
logger . info ( ' Skipping provider %r : no language to search for ' , provider )
return [ ]
# list subtitles
logger . info ( ' Listing subtitles with provider %r and languages %r ' , provider , provider_languages )
try :
return self [ provider ] . list_subtitles ( video , provider_languages )
except ( requests . Timeout , socket . timeout ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r timed out ' , provider )
except ( ServiceUnavailable , ProtocolError ) : # OpenSubtitles raises xmlrpclib.ProtocolError when unavailable
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable ' , provider )
except requests . exceptions . HTTPError as e :
if e . response . status_code in range ( 500 , 600 ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable ' , provider )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r http error %r ' , provider , e . response . status_code )
except SSLError as e :
if e . args [ 0 ] == ' The read operation timed out ' :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable ' , provider )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r SSL error %r ' , provider , e . args [ 0 ] )
except :
logger . exception ( ' Unexpected error in provider %r ' , provider )
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
""" List subtitles.
: param video : video to list subtitles for .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : languages to search for .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: return : found subtitles .
: rtype : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
subtitles = [ ]
for name in self . providers :
# check discarded providers
if name in self . discarded_providers :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping discarded provider %r ' , name )
# list subtitles
provider_subtitles = self . list_subtitles_provider ( name , video , languages )
if provider_subtitles is None :
logger . info ( ' Discarding provider %s ' , name )
self . discarded_providers . add ( name )
# add the subtitles
subtitles . extend ( provider_subtitles )
return subtitles
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
""" Download `subtitle` ' s :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content`.
: param subtitle : subtitle to download .
: type subtitle : : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
: return : ` True ` if the subtitle has been successfully downloaded , ` False ` otherwise .
: rtype : bool
# check discarded providers
if subtitle . provider_name in self . discarded_providers :
logger . warning ( ' Provider %r is discarded ' , subtitle . provider_name )
return False
logger . info ( ' Downloading subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
try :
self [ subtitle . provider_name ] . download_subtitle ( subtitle )
except ( requests . Timeout , socket . timeout ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r timed out, discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name )
self . discarded_providers . add ( subtitle . provider_name )
return False
except ( ServiceUnavailable , ProtocolError ) : # OpenSubtitles raises xmlrpclib.ProtocolError when unavailable
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name )
self . discarded_providers . add ( subtitle . provider_name )
return False
except requests . exceptions . HTTPError as e :
if e . response . status_code in range ( 500 , 600 ) :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r http error %r , discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name ,
e . response . status_code )
self . discarded_providers . add ( subtitle . provider_name )
return False
except SSLError as e :
if e . args [ 0 ] == ' The read operation timed out ' :
logger . error ( ' Provider %r unavailable, discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name )
else :
logger . exception ( ' Provider %r SSL error %r , discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name , e . args [ 0 ] )
self . discarded_providers . add ( subtitle . provider_name )
return False
except ( BadRarFile , BadZipfile ) :
logger . error ( ' Bad archive for %r ' , subtitle )
return False
except :
logger . exception ( ' Unexpected error in provider %r , discarding it ' , subtitle . provider_name )
self . discarded_providers . add ( subtitle . provider_name )
return False
# check subtitle validity
if not subtitle . is_valid ( ) :
logger . error ( ' Invalid subtitle ' )
return False
return True
def download_best_subtitles ( self , subtitles , video , languages , min_score = 0 , hearing_impaired = False , only_one = False ,
compute_score = None ) :
""" Download the best matching subtitles.
: param subtitles : the subtitles to use .
: type subtitles : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
: param video : video to download subtitles for .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : languages to download .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: param int min_score : minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded .
: param bool hearing_impaired : hearing impaired preference .
: param bool only_one : download only one subtitle , not one per language .
: param compute_score : function that takes ` subtitle ` and ` video ` as positional arguments ,
` hearing_impaired ` as keyword argument and returns the score .
: return : downloaded subtitles .
: rtype : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
compute_score = compute_score or default_compute_score
# sort subtitles by score
scored_subtitles = sorted ( [ ( s , compute_score ( s , video , hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired ) )
for s in subtitles ] , key = operator . itemgetter ( 1 ) , reverse = True )
# download best subtitles, falling back on the next on error
downloaded_subtitles = [ ]
for subtitle , score in scored_subtitles :
# check score
if score < min_score :
logger . info ( ' Score %d is below min_score ( %d ) ' , score , min_score )
# check downloaded languages
if subtitle . language in set ( s . language for s in downloaded_subtitles ) :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping subtitle: %r already downloaded ' , subtitle . language )
# download
if self . download_subtitle ( subtitle ) :
downloaded_subtitles . append ( subtitle )
# stop when all languages are downloaded
if set ( s . language for s in downloaded_subtitles ) == languages :
logger . debug ( ' All languages downloaded ' )
# stop if only one subtitle is requested
if only_one :
logger . debug ( ' Only one subtitle downloaded ' )
return downloaded_subtitles
def terminate ( self ) :
""" Terminate all the :attr:`initialized_providers`. """
logger . debug ( ' Terminating initialized providers ' )
for name in list ( self . initialized_providers ) :
del self [ name ]
class AsyncProviderPool ( ProviderPool ) :
""" Subclass of :class:`ProviderPool` with asynchronous support for :meth:`~ProviderPool.list_subtitles`.
: param int max_workers : maximum number of threads to use . If ` None ` , : attr : ` max_workers ` will be set
to the number of : attr : ` ~ ProviderPool . providers ` .
def __init__ ( self , max_workers = None , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( AsyncProviderPool , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
#: Maximum number of threads to use
self . max_workers = max_workers or len ( self . providers )
def list_subtitles_provider ( self , provider , video , languages ) :
return provider , super ( AsyncProviderPool , self ) . list_subtitles_provider ( provider , video , languages )
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
subtitles = [ ]
with ThreadPoolExecutor ( self . max_workers ) as executor :
for provider , provider_subtitles in executor . map ( self . list_subtitles_provider , self . providers ,
itertools . repeat ( video , len ( self . providers ) ) ,
itertools . repeat ( languages , len ( self . providers ) ) ) :
# discard provider that failed
if provider_subtitles is None :
logger . info ( ' Discarding provider %s ' , provider )
self . discarded_providers . add ( provider )
# add subtitles
subtitles . extend ( provider_subtitles )
return subtitles
def check_video ( video , languages = None , age = None , undefined = False ) :
""" Perform some checks on the `video`.
All the checks are optional . Return ` False ` if any of this check fails :
* ` languages ` already exist in ` video ` ' s :attr:`~subliminal.video.Video.subtitle_languages`.
* ` video ` is older than ` age ` .
* ` video ` has an ` undefined ` language in : attr : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video . subtitle_languages ` .
: param video : video to check .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : desired languages .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: param datetime . timedelta age : maximum age of the video .
: param bool undefined : fail on existing undefined language .
: return : ` True ` if the video passes the checks , ` False ` otherwise .
: rtype : bool
# language test
if languages and not ( languages - video . subtitle_languages ) :
logger . debug ( ' All languages %r exist ' , languages )
return False
# age test
if age and video . age > age :
logger . debug ( ' Video is older than %r ' , age )
return False
# undefined test
if undefined and Language ( ' und ' ) in video . subtitle_languages :
logger . debug ( ' Undefined language found ' )
return False
return True
def search_external_subtitles ( path , directory = None ) :
""" Search for external subtitles from a video `path` and their associated language.
Unless ` directory ` is provided , search will be made in the same directory as the video file .
: param str path : path to the video .
: param str directory : directory to search for subtitles .
: return : found subtitles with their languages .
: rtype : dict
# split path
dirpath , filename = os . path . split ( path )
dirpath = dirpath or ' . '
fileroot , fileext = os . path . splitext ( filename )
# search for subtitles
subtitles = { }
for p in os . listdir ( directory or dirpath ) :
# keep only valid subtitle filenames
if not p . startswith ( fileroot ) or not p . endswith ( SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS ) :
# extract the potential language code
language = Language ( ' und ' )
language_code = p [ len ( fileroot ) : - len ( os . path . splitext ( p ) [ 1 ] ) ] . replace ( fileext , ' ' ) . replace ( ' _ ' , ' - ' ) [ 1 : ]
if language_code :
try :
language = Language . fromietf ( language_code )
except ( ValueError , LanguageReverseError ) :
logger . error ( ' Cannot parse language code %r ' , language_code )
subtitles [ p ] = language
logger . debug ( ' Found subtitles %r ' , subtitles )
return subtitles
def scan_video ( path ) :
""" Scan a video from a `path`.
: param str path : existing path to the video .
: return : the scanned video .
: rtype : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
# check for non-existing path
if not os . path . exists ( path ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Path does not exist ' )
# check video extension
if not path . endswith ( VIDEO_EXTENSIONS ) :
raise ValueError ( ' %r is not a valid video extension ' % os . path . splitext ( path ) [ 1 ] )
dirpath , filename = os . path . split ( path )
logger . info ( ' Scanning video %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
# guess
video = Video . fromguess ( path , guessit ( path ) )
# size and hashes
video . size = os . path . getsize ( path )
if video . size > 10485760 :
logger . debug ( ' Size is %d ' , video . size )
video . hashes [ ' opensubtitles ' ] = hash_opensubtitles ( path )
video . hashes [ ' shooter ' ] = hash_shooter ( path )
video . hashes [ ' thesubdb ' ] = hash_thesubdb ( path )
video . hashes [ ' napiprojekt ' ] = hash_napiprojekt ( path )
logger . debug ( ' Computed hashes %r ' , video . hashes )
else :
logger . warning ( ' Size is lower than 10MB: hashes not computed ' )
return video
def scan_archive ( path ) :
""" Scan an archive from a `path`.
: param str path : existing path to the archive .
: return : the scanned video .
: rtype : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
# check for non-existing path
if not os . path . exists ( path ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Path does not exist ' )
# check video extension
if not path . endswith ( ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS ) :
raise ValueError ( ' %r is not a valid archive extension ' % os . path . splitext ( path ) [ 1 ] )
dirpath , filename = os . path . split ( path )
logger . info ( ' Scanning archive %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
# rar extension
if filename . endswith ( ' .rar ' ) :
rar = RarFile ( path )
# filter on video extensions
rar_filenames = [ f for f in rar . namelist ( ) if f . endswith ( VIDEO_EXTENSIONS ) ]
# no video found
if not rar_filenames :
raise ValueError ( ' No video in archive ' )
# more than one video found
if len ( rar_filenames ) > 1 :
raise ValueError ( ' More than one video in archive ' )
# guess
rar_filename = rar_filenames [ 0 ]
rar_filepath = os . path . join ( dirpath , rar_filename )
video = Video . fromguess ( rar_filepath , guessit ( rar_filepath ) )
# size
video . size = rar . getinfo ( rar_filename ) . file_size
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unsupported extension %r ' % os . path . splitext ( path ) [ 1 ] )
return video
def scan_videos ( path , age = None , archives = True ) :
""" Scan `path` for videos and their subtitles.
See : func : ` refine ` to find additional information for the video .
: param str path : existing directory path to scan .
: param datetime . timedelta age : maximum age of the video or archive .
: param bool archives : scan videos in archives .
: return : the scanned videos .
: rtype : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
# check for non-existing path
if not os . path . exists ( path ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Path does not exist ' )
# check for non-directory path
if not os . path . isdir ( path ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Path is not a directory ' )
# walk the path
videos = [ ]
for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( path ) :
logger . debug ( ' Walking directory %r ' , dirpath )
# remove badly encoded and hidden dirnames
for dirname in list ( dirnames ) :
if dirname . startswith ( ' . ' ) :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping hidden dirname %r in %r ' , dirname , dirpath )
dirnames . remove ( dirname )
# scan for videos
for filename in filenames :
# filter on videos and archives
if not ( filename . endswith ( VIDEO_EXTENSIONS ) or archives and filename . endswith ( ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS ) ) :
# skip hidden files
if filename . startswith ( ' . ' ) :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping hidden filename %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
# reconstruct the file path
filepath = os . path . join ( dirpath , filename )
# skip links
if os . path . islink ( filepath ) :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping link %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
# skip old files
try :
file_age = datetime . utcfromtimestamp ( os . path . getmtime ( filepath ) )
except ValueError :
logger . warning ( ' Could not get age of file %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
else :
if age and datetime . utcnow ( ) - file_age > age :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping old file %r in %r ' , filename , dirpath )
# scan
if filename . endswith ( VIDEO_EXTENSIONS ) : # video
try :
video = scan_video ( filepath )
except ValueError : # pragma: no cover
logger . exception ( ' Error scanning video ' )
elif archives and filename . endswith ( ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS ) : # archive
try :
video = scan_archive ( filepath )
except ( NotRarFile , RarCannotExec , ValueError ) : # pragma: no cover
logger . exception ( ' Error scanning archive ' )
else : # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError ( ' Unsupported file %r ' % filename )
videos . append ( video )
return videos
def refine ( video , episode_refiners = None , movie_refiners = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Refine a video using :ref:`refiners`.
. . note : :
Exceptions raised in refiners are silently passed and logged .
: param video : the video to refine .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param tuple episode_refiners : refiners to use for episodes .
: param tuple movie_refiners : refiners to use for movies .
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the : func : ` ~ subliminal . refiners . refine ` functions .
refiners = ( )
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
refiners = episode_refiners or ( ' metadata ' , ' tvdb ' , ' omdb ' )
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
refiners = movie_refiners or ( ' metadata ' , ' omdb ' )
for refiner in refiners :
logger . info ( ' Refining video with %s ' , refiner )
try :
refiner_manager [ refiner ] . plugin ( video , * * kwargs )
except :
logger . error ( ' Failed to refine video %r ' , video . name )
logger . debug ( ' Refiner exception: ' , exc_info = True )
def list_subtitles ( videos , languages , pool_class = ProviderPool , * * kwargs ) :
""" List subtitles.
The ` videos ` must pass the ` languages ` check of : func : ` check_video ` .
: param videos : videos to list subtitles for .
: type videos : set of : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : languages to search for .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: param pool_class : class to use as provider pool .
: type pool_class : : class : ` ProviderPool ` , : class : ` AsyncProviderPool ` or similar
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the provided ` pool_class ` constructor .
: return : found subtitles per video .
: rtype : dict of : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video ` to list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
listed_subtitles = defaultdict ( list )
# check videos
checked_videos = [ ]
for video in videos :
if not check_video ( video , languages = languages ) :
logger . info ( ' Skipping video %r ' , video )
checked_videos . append ( video )
# return immediately if no video passed the checks
if not checked_videos :
return listed_subtitles
# list subtitles
with pool_class ( * * kwargs ) as pool :
for video in checked_videos :
logger . info ( ' Listing subtitles for %r ' , video )
subtitles = pool . list_subtitles ( video , languages - video . subtitle_languages )
listed_subtitles [ video ] . extend ( subtitles )
logger . info ( ' Found %d subtitle(s) ' , len ( subtitles ) )
return listed_subtitles
def download_subtitles ( subtitles , pool_class = ProviderPool , * * kwargs ) :
""" Download :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content` of `subtitles`.
: param subtitles : subtitles to download .
: type subtitles : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
: param pool_class : class to use as provider pool .
: type pool_class : : class : ` ProviderPool ` , : class : ` AsyncProviderPool ` or similar
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the provided ` pool_class ` constructor .
with pool_class ( * * kwargs ) as pool :
for subtitle in subtitles :
logger . info ( ' Downloading subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
pool . download_subtitle ( subtitle )
def download_best_subtitles ( videos , languages , min_score = 0 , hearing_impaired = False , only_one = False , compute_score = None ,
pool_class = ProviderPool , * * kwargs ) :
""" List and download the best matching subtitles.
The ` videos ` must pass the ` languages ` and ` undefined ` ( ` only_one ` ) checks of : func : ` check_video ` .
: param videos : videos to download subtitles for .
: type videos : set of : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param languages : languages to download .
: type languages : set of : class : ` ~ babelfish . language . Language `
: param int min_score : minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded .
: param bool hearing_impaired : hearing impaired preference .
: param bool only_one : download only one subtitle , not one per language .
: param compute_score : function that takes ` subtitle ` and ` video ` as positional arguments ,
` hearing_impaired ` as keyword argument and returns the score .
: param pool_class : class to use as provider pool .
: type pool_class : : class : ` ProviderPool ` , : class : ` AsyncProviderPool ` or similar
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the provided ` pool_class ` constructor .
: return : downloaded subtitles per video .
: rtype : dict of : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video ` to list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
downloaded_subtitles = defaultdict ( list )
# check videos
checked_videos = [ ]
for video in videos :
if not check_video ( video , languages = languages , undefined = only_one ) :
logger . info ( ' Skipping video %r ' , video )
checked_videos . append ( video )
# return immediately if no video passed the checks
if not checked_videos :
return downloaded_subtitles
# download best subtitles
with pool_class ( * * kwargs ) as pool :
for video in checked_videos :
logger . info ( ' Downloading best subtitles for %r ' , video )
subtitles = pool . download_best_subtitles ( pool . list_subtitles ( video , languages - video . subtitle_languages ) ,
video , languages , min_score = min_score ,
hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired , only_one = only_one ,
compute_score = compute_score )
logger . info ( ' Downloaded %d subtitle(s) ' , len ( subtitles ) )
downloaded_subtitles [ video ] . extend ( subtitles )
return downloaded_subtitles
def save_subtitles ( video , subtitles , single = False , directory = None , encoding = None ) :
""" Save subtitles on filesystem.
Subtitles are saved in the order of the list . If a subtitle with a language has already been saved , other subtitles
with the same language are silently ignored .
The extension used is ` . lang . srt ` by default or ` . srt ` is ` single ` is ` True ` , with ` lang ` being the IETF code for
the : attr : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle . language ` of the subtitle .
: param video : video of the subtitles .
: type video : : class : ` ~ subliminal . video . Video `
: param subtitles : subtitles to save .
: type subtitles : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
: param bool single : save a single subtitle , default is to save one subtitle per language .
: param str directory : path to directory where to save the subtitles , default is next to the video .
: param str encoding : encoding in which to save the subtitles , default is to keep original encoding .
: return : the saved subtitles
: rtype : list of : class : ` ~ subliminal . subtitle . Subtitle `
saved_subtitles = [ ]
for subtitle in subtitles :
# check content
if subtitle . content is None :
logger . error ( ' Skipping subtitle %r : no content ' , subtitle )
# check language
if subtitle . language in set ( s . language for s in saved_subtitles ) :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping subtitle %r : language already saved ' , subtitle )
# create subtitle path
subtitle_path = get_subtitle_path ( video . name , None if single else subtitle . language )
if directory is not None :
subtitle_path = os . path . join ( directory , os . path . split ( subtitle_path ) [ 1 ] )
# save content as is or in the specified encoding
logger . info ( ' Saving %r to %r ' , subtitle , subtitle_path )
if encoding is None :
with io . open ( subtitle_path , ' wb ' ) as f :
f . write ( subtitle . content )
else :
with io . open ( subtitle_path , ' w ' , encoding = encoding ) as f :
f . write ( subtitle . text )
saved_subtitles . append ( subtitle )
# check single
if single :
return saved_subtitles