# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import io
import logging
import os
import zipfile
import rarfile
from subzero . language import Language
from guessit import guessit
from requests import Session
from subliminal import __short_version__
from subliminal . providers import ParserBeautifulSoup , Provider
from subliminal . subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS , Subtitle , fix_line_ending , guess_matches
from subliminal . video import Episode , Movie
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class GreekSubtitlesSubtitle ( Subtitle ) :
""" GreekSubtitles Subtitle. """
provider_name = ' greeksubtitles '
def __init__ ( self , language , page_link , version , download_link ) :
super ( GreekSubtitlesSubtitle , self ) . __init__ ( language , page_link = page_link )
self . version = version
self . download_link = download_link
self . hearing_impaired = None
self . encoding = ' windows-1253 '
self . release_info = version
def id ( self ) :
return self . download_link
def get_matches ( self , video ) :
matches = set ( )
# episode
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
matches . add ( " year " )
# other properties
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . version , { ' type ' : ' episode ' } ) , partial = True )
# movie
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
# other properties
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . version , { ' type ' : ' movie ' } ) , partial = True )
return matches
class GreekSubtitlesProvider ( Provider ) :
""" GreekSubtitles Provider. """
languages = { Language ( l ) for l in [ ' ell ' , ' eng ' ] }
video_types = ( Episode , Movie )
server_url = ' http://gr.greek-subtitles.com/ '
search_url = ' search.php?name= {} '
download_url = ' http://www.greeksubtitles.info/getp.php?id= {:d} '
subtitle_class = GreekSubtitlesSubtitle
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . session = None
def initialize ( self ) :
self . session = Session ( )
self . session . headers [ ' User-Agent ' ] = ' Subliminal/ {} ' . format ( __short_version__ )
def terminate ( self ) :
self . session . close ( )
def query ( self , keyword , season = None , episode = None , year = None ) :
params = keyword
if season and episode :
params + = ' S {season:02d} E {episode:02d} ' . format ( season = season , episode = episode )
elif year :
params + = ' {:4d} ' . format ( year )
logger . debug ( ' Searching subtitles %r ' , params )
subtitles = [ ]
search_link = self . server_url + self . search_url . format ( params )
while True :
r = self . session . get ( search_link , timeout = 30 )
r . raise_for_status ( )
if not r . content :
logger . debug ( ' No data returned from provider ' )
return [ ]
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r . content . decode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' ignore ' ) , [ ' lxml ' , ' html.parser ' ] )
# loop over subtitles cells
for cell in soup . select ( ' td.latest_name > a:nth-of-type(1) ' ) :
# read the item
subtitle_id = int ( cell [ ' href ' ] . rsplit ( ' / ' , 2 ) [ 1 ] )
page_link = cell [ ' href ' ]
language = Language . fromalpha2 ( cell . parent . find ( ' img ' ) [ ' src ' ] . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] )
version = cell . text . strip ( ) or None
if version is None :
version = " "
subtitle = self . subtitle_class ( language , page_link , version , self . download_url . format ( subtitle_id ) )
logger . debug ( ' Found subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
subtitles . append ( subtitle )
anchors = soup . select ( ' td a ' )
next_page_available = False
for anchor in anchors :
if ' Next ' in anchor . text and ' search.php ' in anchor [ ' href ' ] :
search_link = self . server_url + anchor [ ' href ' ]
next_page_available = True
if not next_page_available :
return subtitles
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
titles = [ video . series ] + video . alternative_series
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
titles = [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles
else :
titles = [ ]
subtitles = [ ]
# query for subtitles with the show_id
for title in titles :
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
subtitles + = [ s for s in self . query ( title , season = video . season , episode = video . episode ,
year = video . year )
if s . language in languages ]
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
subtitles + = [ s for s in self . query ( title , year = video . year )
if s . language in languages ]
return subtitles
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
if isinstance ( subtitle , GreekSubtitlesSubtitle ) :
# download the subtitle
logger . info ( ' Downloading subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
r = self . session . get ( subtitle . download_link , headers = { ' Referer ' : subtitle . page_link } ,
timeout = 30 )
r . raise_for_status ( )
if not r . content :
logger . debug ( ' Unable to download subtitle. No data returned from provider ' )
archive = _get_archive ( r . content )
subtitle_content = _get_subtitle_from_archive ( archive )
if subtitle_content :
subtitle . content = fix_line_ending ( subtitle_content )
else :
logger . debug ( ' Could not extract subtitle from %r ' , archive )
def _get_archive ( content ) :
# open the archive
archive_stream = io . BytesIO ( content )
archive = None
if rarfile . is_rarfile ( archive_stream ) :
logger . debug ( ' Identified rar archive ' )
archive = rarfile . RarFile ( archive_stream )
elif zipfile . is_zipfile ( archive_stream ) :
logger . debug ( ' Identified zip archive ' )
archive = zipfile . ZipFile ( archive_stream )
return archive
def _get_subtitle_from_archive ( archive ) :
for name in archive . namelist ( ) :
# discard hidden files
if os . path . split ( name ) [ - 1 ] . startswith ( ' . ' ) :
# discard non-subtitle files
if not name . lower ( ) . endswith ( SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS ) :
return archive . read ( name )
return None