_url . py
websocket - WebSocket client library for Python
Copyright 2021 engn33r
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : / / www . apache . org / licenses / LICENSE - 2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
import os
import socket
import struct
from urllib . parse import unquote , urlparse
__all__ = [ " parse_url " , " get_proxy_info " ]
def parse_url ( url ) :
parse url and the result is tuple of
( hostname , port , resource path and the flag of secure mode )
- - - - - - - - - -
url : str
url string .
if " : " not in url :
raise ValueError ( " url is invalid " )
scheme , url = url . split ( " : " , 1 )
parsed = urlparse ( url , scheme = " http " )
if parsed . hostname :
hostname = parsed . hostname
else :
raise ValueError ( " hostname is invalid " )
port = 0
if parsed . port :
port = parsed . port
is_secure = False
if scheme == " ws " :
if not port :
port = 80
elif scheme == " wss " :
is_secure = True
if not port :
port = 443
else :
raise ValueError ( " scheme %s is invalid " % scheme )
if parsed . path :
resource = parsed . path
else :
resource = " / "
if parsed . query :
resource + = " ? " + parsed . query
return hostname , port , resource , is_secure
DEFAULT_NO_PROXY_HOST = [ " localhost " , " " ]
def _is_ip_address ( addr ) :
try :
socket . inet_aton ( addr )
except socket . error :
return False
else :
return True
def _is_subnet_address ( hostname ) :
try :
addr , netmask = hostname . split ( " / " )
return _is_ip_address ( addr ) and 0 < = int ( netmask ) < 32
except ValueError :
return False
def _is_address_in_network ( ip , net ) :
ipaddr = struct . unpack ( ' !I ' , socket . inet_aton ( ip ) ) [ 0 ]
netaddr , netmask = net . split ( ' / ' )
netaddr = struct . unpack ( ' !I ' , socket . inet_aton ( netaddr ) ) [ 0 ]
netmask = ( 0xFFFFFFFF << ( 32 - int ( netmask ) ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr
def _is_no_proxy_host ( hostname , no_proxy ) :
if not no_proxy :
v = os . environ . get ( " no_proxy " , os . environ . get ( " NO_PROXY " , " " ) ) . replace ( " " , " " )
if v :
no_proxy = v . split ( " , " )
if not no_proxy :
if ' * ' in no_proxy :
return True
if hostname in no_proxy :
return True
if _is_ip_address ( hostname ) :
return any ( [ _is_address_in_network ( hostname , subnet ) for subnet in no_proxy if _is_subnet_address ( subnet ) ] )
for domain in [ domain for domain in no_proxy if domain . startswith ( ' . ' ) ] :
if hostname . endswith ( domain ) :
return True
return False
def get_proxy_info (
hostname , is_secure , proxy_host = None , proxy_port = 0 , proxy_auth = None ,
no_proxy = None , proxy_type = ' http ' ) :
Try to retrieve proxy host and port from environment
if not provided in options .
Result is ( proxy_host , proxy_port , proxy_auth ) .
proxy_auth is tuple of username and password
of proxy authentication information .
- - - - - - - - - -
hostname : str
Websocket server name .
is_secure : bool
Is the connection secure ? ( wss ) looks for " https_proxy " in env
before falling back to " http_proxy "
proxy_host : str
http proxy host name .
http_proxy_port : str or int
http proxy port .
http_no_proxy : list
Whitelisted host names that don ' t use the proxy.
http_proxy_auth : tuple
HTTP proxy auth information . Tuple of username and password . Default is None .
proxy_type : str
Specify the proxy protocol ( http , socks4 , socks4a , socks5 , socks5h ) . Default is " http " .
Use socks4a or socks5h if you want to send DNS requests through the proxy .
if _is_no_proxy_host ( hostname , no_proxy ) :
return None , 0 , None
if proxy_host :
port = proxy_port
auth = proxy_auth
return proxy_host , port , auth
env_keys = [ " http_proxy " ]
if is_secure :
env_keys . insert ( 0 , " https_proxy " )
for key in env_keys :
value = os . environ . get ( key , os . environ . get ( key . upper ( ) , " " ) ) . replace ( " " , " " )
if value :
proxy = urlparse ( value )
auth = ( unquote ( proxy . username ) , unquote ( proxy . password ) ) if proxy . username else None
return proxy . hostname , proxy . port , auth
return None , 0 , None