import os
import pytz
import re
import warnings
from tzlocal import utils
_cache_tz = None
def _tz_from_env ( tzenv ) :
if tzenv [ 0 ] == ' : ' :
tzenv = tzenv [ 1 : ]
# TZ specifies a file
if os . path . isabs ( tzenv ) and os . path . exists ( tzenv ) :
with open ( tzenv , ' rb ' ) as tzfile :
return pytz . tzfile . build_tzinfo ( ' local ' , tzfile )
# TZ specifies a zoneinfo zone.
try :
tz = pytz . timezone ( tzenv )
# That worked, so we return this:
return tz
except pytz . UnknownTimeZoneError :
raise pytz . UnknownTimeZoneError (
" tzlocal() does not support non-zoneinfo timezones like %s . \n "
" Please use a timezone in the form of Continent/City " )
def _try_tz_from_env ( ) :
tzenv = os . environ . get ( ' TZ ' )
if tzenv :
try :
return _tz_from_env ( tzenv )
except pytz . UnknownTimeZoneError :
def _get_localzone ( _root = ' / ' ) :
""" Tries to find the local timezone configuration.
This method prefers finding the timezone name and passing that to pytz ,
over passing in the localtime file , as in the later case the zoneinfo
name is unknown .
The parameter _root makes the function look for files like / etc / localtime
beneath the _root directory . This is primarily used by the tests .
In normal usage you call the function without parameters . """
tzenv = _try_tz_from_env ( )
if tzenv :
return tzenv
# Are we under Termux on Android?
if os . path . exists ( ' /system/bin/getprop ' ) :
import subprocess
androidtz = subprocess . check_output ( [ ' getprop ' , ' persist.sys.timezone ' ] ) . strip ( ) . decode ( )
return pytz . timezone ( androidtz )
# Now look for distribution specific configuration files
# that contain the timezone name.
for configfile in ( ' etc/timezone ' , ' var/db/zoneinfo ' ) :
tzpath = os . path . join ( _root , configfile )
try :
with open ( tzpath , ' rb ' ) as tzfile :
data = tzfile . read ( )
# Issue #3 was that /etc/timezone was a zoneinfo file.
# That's a misconfiguration, but we need to handle it gracefully:
if data [ : 5 ] == b ' TZif2 ' :
etctz = data . strip ( ) . decode ( )
if not etctz :
# Empty file, skip
for etctz in data . decode ( ) . splitlines ( ) :
# Get rid of host definitions and comments:
if ' ' in etctz :
etctz , dummy = etctz . split ( ' ' , 1 )
if ' # ' in etctz :
etctz , dummy = etctz . split ( ' # ' , 1 )
if not etctz :
tz = pytz . timezone ( etctz . replace ( ' ' , ' _ ' ) )
if _root == ' / ' :
# We are using a file in etc to name the timezone.
# Verify that the timezone specified there is actually used:
utils . assert_tz_offset ( tz )
return tz
except IOError :
# File doesn't exist or is a directory
# CentOS has a ZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock,
# OpenSUSE has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock and
# Gentoo has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/conf.d/clock
# We look through these files for a timezone:
zone_re = re . compile ( r ' \ s*ZONE \ s*= \ s* \ " ' )
timezone_re = re . compile ( r ' \ s*TIMEZONE \ s*= \ s* \ " ' )
end_re = re . compile ( ' \" ' )
for filename in ( ' etc/sysconfig/clock ' , ' etc/conf.d/clock ' ) :
tzpath = os . path . join ( _root , filename )
try :
with open ( tzpath , ' rt ' ) as tzfile :
data = tzfile . readlines ( )
for line in data :
# Look for the ZONE= setting.
match = zone_re . match ( line )
if match is None :
# No ZONE= setting. Look for the TIMEZONE= setting.
match = timezone_re . match ( line )
if match is not None :
# Some setting existed
line = line [ match . end ( ) : ]
etctz = line [ : end_re . search ( line ) . start ( ) ]
# We found a timezone
tz = pytz . timezone ( etctz . replace ( ' ' , ' _ ' ) )
if _root == ' / ' :
# We are using a file in etc to name the timezone.
# Verify that the timezone specified there is actually used:
utils . assert_tz_offset ( tz )
return tz
except IOError :
# File doesn't exist or is a directory
# systemd distributions use symlinks that include the zone name,
# see manpage of localtime(5) and timedatectl(1)
tzpath = os . path . join ( _root , ' etc/localtime ' )
if os . path . exists ( tzpath ) and os . path . islink ( tzpath ) :
tzpath = os . path . realpath ( tzpath )
start = tzpath . find ( " / " ) + 1
while start != 0 :
tzpath = tzpath [ start : ]
try :
return pytz . timezone ( tzpath )
except pytz . UnknownTimeZoneError :
start = tzpath . find ( " / " ) + 1
# No explicit setting existed. Use localtime
for filename in ( ' etc/localtime ' , ' usr/local/etc/localtime ' ) :
tzpath = os . path . join ( _root , filename )
if not os . path . exists ( tzpath ) :
with open ( tzpath , ' rb ' ) as tzfile :
return pytz . tzfile . build_tzinfo ( ' local ' , tzfile )
warnings . warn ( ' Can not find any timezone configuration, defaulting to UTC. ' )
return pytz . utc
def get_localzone ( ) :
""" Get the computers configured local timezone, if any. """
global _cache_tz
if _cache_tz is None :
_cache_tz = _get_localzone ( )
return _cache_tz
def reload_localzone ( ) :
""" Reload the cached localzone. You need to call this if the timezone has changed. """
global _cache_tz
_cache_tz = _get_localzone ( )
return _cache_tz