from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from . . exceptions import LocationParseError
from . . packages import six , rfc3986
from . . packages . rfc3986 . exceptions import RFC3986Exception , ValidationError
from . . packages . rfc3986 . validators import Validator
from . . packages . rfc3986 import abnf_regexp , normalizers , compat , misc
url_attrs = [ ' scheme ' , ' auth ' , ' host ' , ' port ' , ' path ' , ' query ' , ' fragment ' ]
# We only want to normalize urls with an HTTP(S) scheme.
# urllib3 infers URLs without a scheme (None) to be http.
NORMALIZABLE_SCHEMES = ( ' http ' , ' https ' , None )
# Regex for detecting URLs with schemes. RFC 3986 Section 3.1
SCHEME_REGEX = re . compile ( r " ^(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+ \ -]*:|/) " )
PATH_CHARS = abnf_regexp . UNRESERVED_CHARS_SET | abnf_regexp . SUB_DELIMITERS_SET | { ' : ' , ' @ ' , ' / ' }
class Url ( namedtuple ( ' Url ' , url_attrs ) ) :
Data structure for representing an HTTP URL . Used as a return value for
: func : ` parse_url ` . Both the scheme and host are normalized as they are
both case - insensitive according to RFC 3986.
__slots__ = ( )
def __new__ ( cls , scheme = None , auth = None , host = None , port = None , path = None ,
query = None , fragment = None ) :
if path and not path . startswith ( ' / ' ) :
path = ' / ' + path
if scheme is not None :
scheme = scheme . lower ( )
return super ( Url , cls ) . __new__ ( cls , scheme , auth , host , port , path ,
query , fragment )
def hostname ( self ) :
""" For backwards-compatibility with urlparse. We ' re nice like that. """
return self . host
def request_uri ( self ) :
""" Absolute path including the query string. """
uri = self . path or ' / '
if self . query is not None :
uri + = ' ? ' + self . query
return uri
def netloc ( self ) :
""" Network location including host and port """
if self . port :
return ' %s : %d ' % ( self . host , self . port )
return self . host
def url ( self ) :
Convert self into a url
This function should more or less round - trip with : func : ` . parse_url ` . The
returned url may not be exactly the same as the url inputted to
: func : ` . parse_url ` , but it should be equivalent by the RFC ( e . g . , urls
with a blank port will have : removed ) .
Example : : :
>> > U = parse_url ( ' ' )
>> > U . url
' '
>> > Url ( ' http ' , ' username:password ' , ' ' , 80 ,
. . . ' /path ' , ' query ' , ' fragment ' ) . url
' '
scheme , auth , host , port , path , query , fragment = self
url = u ' '
# We use "is not None" we want things to happen with empty strings (or 0 port)
if scheme is not None :
url + = scheme + u ' :// '
if auth is not None :
url + = auth + u ' @ '
if host is not None :
url + = host
if port is not None :
url + = u ' : ' + str ( port )
if path is not None :
url + = path
if query is not None :
url + = u ' ? ' + query
if fragment is not None :
url + = u ' # ' + fragment
return url
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . url
def split_first ( s , delims ) :
. . deprecated : : 1.25
Given a string and an iterable of delimiters , split on the first found
delimiter . Return two split parts and the matched delimiter .
If not found , then the first part is the full input string .
Example : :
>> > split_first ( ' foo/bar?baz ' , ' ?/= ' )
( ' foo ' , ' bar?baz ' , ' / ' )
>> > split_first ( ' foo/bar?baz ' , ' 123 ' )
( ' foo/bar?baz ' , ' ' , None )
Scales linearly with number of delims . Not ideal for large number of delims .
min_idx = None
min_delim = None
for d in delims :
idx = s . find ( d )
if idx < 0 :
if min_idx is None or idx < min_idx :
min_idx = idx
min_delim = d
if min_idx is None or min_idx < 0 :
return s , ' ' , None
return s [ : min_idx ] , s [ min_idx + 1 : ] , min_delim
def _encode_invalid_chars ( component , allowed_chars , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) :
""" Percent-encodes a URI component without reapplying
onto an already percent - encoded component . Based on
rfc3986 . normalizers . encode_component ( )
if component is None :
return component
# Try to see if the component we're encoding is already percent-encoded
# so we can skip all '%' characters but still encode all others.
percent_encodings = len ( normalizers . PERCENT_MATCHER . findall (
compat . to_str ( component , encoding ) ) )
uri_bytes = component . encode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' surrogatepass ' )
is_percent_encoded = percent_encodings == uri_bytes . count ( b ' % ' )
encoded_component = bytearray ( )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( uri_bytes ) ) :
# Will return a single character bytestring on both Python 2 & 3
byte = uri_bytes [ i : i + 1 ]
byte_ord = ord ( byte )
if ( ( is_percent_encoded and byte == b ' % ' )
or ( byte_ord < 128 and byte . decode ( ) in allowed_chars ) ) :
encoded_component . extend ( byte )
encoded_component . extend ( ' % {0:02x} ' . format ( byte_ord ) . encode ( ) . upper ( ) )
return encoded_component . decode ( encoding )
def parse_url ( url ) :
Given a url , return a parsed : class : ` . Url ` namedtuple . Best - effort is
performed to parse incomplete urls . Fields not provided will be None .
This parser is RFC 3986 compliant .
: param str url : URL to parse into a : class : ` . Url ` namedtuple .
Partly backwards - compatible with : mod : ` urlparse ` .
Example : :
>> > parse_url ( ' ' )
Url ( scheme = ' http ' , host = ' ' , port = None , path = ' /mail/ ' , . . . )
>> > parse_url ( ' ' )
Url ( scheme = None , host = ' ' , port = 80 , path = None , . . . )
>> > parse_url ( ' /foo?bar ' )
Url ( scheme = None , host = None , port = None , path = ' /foo ' , query = ' bar ' , . . . )
if not url :
# Empty
return Url ( )
is_string = not isinstance ( url , six . binary_type )
# RFC 3986 doesn't like URLs that have a host but don't start
# with a scheme and we support URLs like that so we need to
# detect that problem and add an empty scheme indication.
# We don't get hurt on path-only URLs here as it's stripped
# off and given an empty scheme anyways.
if not SCHEME_REGEX . search ( url ) :
url = " // " + url
def idna_encode ( name ) :
if name and any ( [ ord ( x ) > 128 for x in name ] ) :
try :
import idna
except ImportError :
raise LocationParseError ( " Unable to parse URL without the ' idna ' module " )
try :
return idna . encode ( name . lower ( ) , strict = True , std3_rules = True )
except idna . IDNAError :
raise LocationParseError ( u " Name ' %s ' is not a valid IDNA label " % name )
return name
try :
split_iri = misc . IRI_MATCHER . match ( compat . to_str ( url ) ) . groupdict ( )
iri_ref = rfc3986 . IRIReference (
split_iri [ ' scheme ' ] , split_iri [ ' authority ' ] ,
_encode_invalid_chars ( split_iri [ ' path ' ] , PATH_CHARS ) ,
_encode_invalid_chars ( split_iri [ ' query ' ] , QUERY_CHARS ) ,
_encode_invalid_chars ( split_iri [ ' fragment ' ] , FRAGMENT_CHARS )
has_authority = iri_ref . authority is not None
uri_ref = iri_ref . encode ( idna_encoder = idna_encode )
except ( ValueError , RFC3986Exception ) :
return six . raise_from ( LocationParseError ( url ) , None )
# rfc3986 strips the authority if it's invalid
if has_authority and uri_ref . authority is None :
raise LocationParseError ( url )
# Only normalize schemes we understand to not break http+unix
# or other schemes that don't follow RFC 3986.
if uri_ref . scheme is None or uri_ref . scheme . lower ( ) in NORMALIZABLE_SCHEMES :
uri_ref = uri_ref . normalize ( )
# Validate all URIReference components and ensure that all
# components that were set before are still set after
# normalization has completed.
validator = Validator ( )
try :
validator . check_validity_of (
* validator . COMPONENT_NAMES
) . validate ( uri_ref )
except ValidationError :
return six . raise_from ( LocationParseError ( url ) , None )
# For the sake of backwards compatibility we put empty
# string values for path if there are any defined values
# beyond the path in the URL.
# TODO: Remove this when we break backwards compatibility.
path = uri_ref . path
if not path :
if ( uri_ref . query is not None
or uri_ref . fragment is not None ) :
path = " "
else :
path = None
# Ensure that each part of the URL is a `str` for
# backwards compatibility.
def to_input_type ( x ) :
if x is None :
return None
elif not is_string and not isinstance ( x , six . binary_type ) :
return x . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
return x
return Url (
scheme = to_input_type ( uri_ref . scheme ) ,
auth = to_input_type ( uri_ref . userinfo ) ,
host = to_input_type ( uri_ref . host ) ,
port = int ( uri_ref . port ) if uri_ref . port is not None else None ,
path = to_input_type ( path ) ,
query = to_input_type ( uri_ref . query ) ,
fragment = to_input_type ( uri_ref . fragment )
def get_host ( url ) :
Deprecated . Use : func : ` parse_url ` instead .
p = parse_url ( url )
return p . scheme or ' http ' , p . hostname , p . port