You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
4.5 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import os
bazarr_version = 'unknown'
version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'VERSION')
if os.path.isfile(version_file):
with open(version_file, 'r') as f:
bazarr_version = f.readline()
bazarr_version = bazarr_version.rstrip('\n')
os.environ["BAZARR_VERSION"] = bazarr_version
5 years ago
5 years ago
import gc
import libs
import hashlib
4 years ago
import calendar
from get_args import args
from logger import empty_log
from config import settings, url_sonarr, url_radarr, configure_proxy_func, base_url
5 years ago
from init import *
from database import database
from notifier import update_notifier
4 years ago
from urllib.parse import unquote
from get_languages import load_language_in_db, language_from_alpha2, alpha3_from_alpha2
4 years ago
from flask import make_response, request, redirect, abort, render_template, Response, session, flash, url_for, \
5 years ago
send_file, stream_with_context
from get_series import *
from get_episodes import *
from get_movies import *
from check_update import apply_update, check_if_new_update, check_releases
4 years ago
from server import app, webserver
from functools import wraps
# Install downloaded update
if bazarr_version != '':
4 years ago
# Reset the updated once Bazarr have been restarted after an update
database.execute("UPDATE system SET updated='0'")
# Load languages in database
login_auth = settings.auth.type
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
return render_template("index.html")
5 years ago
4 years ago
def template_variable_processor():
updated = False
updated = database.execute("SELECT updated FROM system", only_one=True)['updated']
5 years ago
inject = dict()
inject["apiKey"] = settings.auth.apikey
inject["baseUrl"] = base_url
inject["canUpdate"] = not args.no_update
inject["hasUpdate"] = updated != '0'
5 years ago
template_url = base_url
if not template_url.endswith("/"):
template_url += "/"
return dict(BAZARR_SERVER_INJECT=inject, baseUrl=template_url)
5 years ago
def download_log():
return send_file(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'log', 'bazarr.log'), cache_timeout=0, as_attachment=True)
@app.route('/images/series/<path:url>', methods=['GET'])
def series_images(url):
url = url.strip("/")
apikey = settings.sonarr.apikey
baseUrl = settings.sonarr.base_url
url_image = (url_sonarr() + '/api/' + url.lstrip(baseUrl) + '?apikey=' + apikey).replace('poster-250', 'poster-500')
5 years ago
req = requests.get(url_image, stream=True, timeout=15, verify=False)
return '', 404
5 years ago
return Response(stream_with_context(req.iter_content(2048)), content_type=req.headers['content-type'])
@app.route('/images/movies/<path:url>', methods=['GET'])
def movies_images(url):
apikey = settings.radarr.apikey
baseUrl = settings.radarr.base_url
url_image = url_radarr() + '/api/' + url.lstrip(baseUrl) + '?apikey=' + apikey
4 years ago
req = requests.get(url_image, stream=True, timeout=15, verify=False)
return '', 404
5 years ago
return Response(stream_with_context(req.iter_content(2048)), content_type=req.headers['content-type'])
# @app.route('/check_update')
# @authenticate
# def check_update():
# if not args.no_update:
# check_and_apply_update()
# return '', 200
def configured():
database.execute("UPDATE system SET configured = 1")
@app.route('/test', methods=['GET'])
@app.route('/test/<protocol>/<path:url>', methods=['GET'])
def proxy(protocol, url):
4 years ago
url = protocol + '://' + unquote(url)
params = request.args
result = requests.get(url, params, allow_redirects=False, verify=False, timeout=5)
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
return dict(status=False, error=repr(e))
4 years ago
if result.status_code == 200:
version = result.json()['version']
return dict(status=True, version=version)
except Exception:
return dict(status=False, error='Error Occured. Check your settings.')
4 years ago
elif result.status_code == 401:
return dict(status=False, error='Access Denied. Check API key.')
elif 300 <= result.status_code <= 399:
return dict(status=False, error='Wrong URL Base.')
return dict(status=False, error=result.raise_for_status())
4 years ago
if __name__ == "__main__":
4 years ago