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6 years ago
Makes some function names and behavior consistent between Python 2 and
Python 3, and also between narrow and wide builds.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import unicodedata
if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
unichr = chr
xrange = range
PYTHON2 = False
unichr = unichr
xrange = xrange
PYTHON2 = True
PYTHON34_OR_LATER = (sys.hexversion >= 0x03040000)
def _narrow_unichr_workaround(codepoint):
A replacement for unichr() on narrow builds of Python. This will get
us the narrow representation of an astral character, which will be
a string of length two, containing two UTF-16 surrogates.
escaped = b'\\U%08x' % codepoint
return escaped.decode('unicode-escape')
if sys.maxunicode < 0x10000:
unichr = _narrow_unichr_workaround
def bytes_to_ints(bytestring):
No matter what version of Python this is, make a sequence of integers from
a bytestring. On Python 3, this is easy, because a 'bytes' object _is_ a
sequence of integers.
return [ord(b) for b in bytestring]
return bytestring
def is_printable(char):
str.isprintable() is new in Python 3. It's useful in `explain_unicode`, so
let's make a crude approximation in Python 2.
return not unicodedata.category(char).startswith('C')
return char.isprintable()