You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
7.4 KiB

6 years ago
# coding=utf-8
6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import
6 years ago
from __future__ import unicode_literals
6 years ago
import re
from subzero.language import Language
from subzero.modification.mods import SubtitleTextModification, empty_line_post_processors, SubtitleModification
from subzero.modification.processors import FuncProcessor
from subzero.modification.processors.re_processor import NReProcessor
from subzero.modification import registry
ENGLISH = Language("eng")
class CommonFixes(SubtitleTextModification):
identifier = "common"
description = "Basic common fixes"
exclusive = True
order = 40
long_description = "Fix common and whitespace/punctuation issues in subtitles"
processors = [
# normalize hyphens
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)([‑‐﹘﹣])'), u"-", name="CM_hyphens"),
6 years ago
# -- = em dash
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(\w|\b|\s|^)(-\s?-{1,2})'), r"\1—", name="CM_multidash"),
6 years ago
# line = _/-/\s
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(^\W*[-_.:>~]+\W*$)'), "", name="<CM_non_word_only"),
# remove >>
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)^\s?>>\s*'), "", name="CM_leading_crocodiles"),
6 years ago
# line = : text
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(^\W*:\s*(?=\w+))'), "", name="CM_empty_colon_start"),
# fix music symbols
6 years ago
lambda x: u"" if else u"",
6 years ago
# '' = "
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)([\'’ʼ❜‘‛][\'’ʼ❜‘‛]+)'), u'"', name="CM_double_apostrophe"),
6 years ago
# double quotes instead of single quotes inside words
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)([A-zÀ-ž])"([A-zÀ-ž])'), r"\1'\2", name="CM_double_as_single"),
6 years ago
# normalize quotes
6 years ago
6 years ago
lambda match: '"' + (" " if" ") else ""),
# normalize single quotes
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)([\'’ʼ❜‘‛])'), u"'", name="CM_normalize_squotes"),
6 years ago
# remove leading ...
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)^\.\.\.[\s]*'), "", name="CM_leading_ellipsis"),
# remove "downloaded from" tags
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?ui).+downloaded\s+from.+'), "", name="CM_crap"),
# no space after ellipsis
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)\.\.\.(?![\s.,!?\'"])(?!$)'), "... ", name="CM_ellipsis_no_space"),
# no space before spaced ellipsis
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(?<=[^\s])(?<!\s)\. \. \.'), " . . .", name="CM_ellipsis_no_space2"),
# multiple spaces
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)[\s]{2,}'), " ", name="CM_multiple_spaces"),
# more than 3 dots
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)\.{3,}'), "...", name="CM_dots"),
# no space after starting dash
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)^-(?![\s-])'), "- ", name="CM_dash_space"),
# remove starting spaced dots (not matching ellipses)
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)^(?!\s?(\.\s\.\s\.)|(\s?\.{3}))(?=\.+\s+)[\s.]*'), "",
# space missing before doublequote
# ReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(?<!^)(?<![\s(\["])("[^"]+")'), r' \1', name="CM_space_before_dblquote"),
# space missing after doublequote
# ReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)("[^"\s][^"]+")([^\s.,!?)\]]+)'), r"\1 \2", name="CM_space_after_dblquote"),
# space before ending doublequote?
# replace uppercase I with lowercase L in words
6 years ago
lambda match: r'%s%s' % (, "l" * len(,
6 years ago
# fix spaces in numbers (allows for punctuation: ,.:' (comma/dot only fixed if after space, those may be
# countdowns otherwise); don't break up ellipses
lambda match:" ", "") if" ") == 1 else,
# uppercase after dot
6 years ago
lambda match: r'%s%s' % (,, name="CM_uppercase_after_dot"),
6 years ago
# remove double interpunction
6 years ago
6 years ago
lambda match: + (" " if" ") else ""),
# remove spaces before punctuation; don't break spaced ellipses
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(?:(?<=^)|(?<=\w)) +([!?.,](?![!?.,]| \.))'), r"\1", name="CM_punctuation_space"),
# add space after punctuation
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)([!?.,:])([A-zÀ-ž]{2,})'), r"\1 \2", name="CM_punctuation_space2"),
# fix lowercase I in english
NReProcessor(re.compile(r'(?u)(\b)i(\b)'), r"\1I\2", name="CM_EN_lowercase_i",
supported=lambda p: p.language == ENGLISH),
post_processors = empty_line_post_processors
class RemoveTags(SubtitleModification):
identifier = "remove_tags"
description = "Remove all style tags"
exclusive = True
modifies_whole_file = True
long_description = "Removes all possible style tags from the subtitle, such as font, bold, color etc."
def modify(self, content, debug=False, parent=None, **kwargs):
for entry in parent.f:
# this actually plaintexts the entry and by re-assigning it to plaintext, it replaces \n with \N again
entry.plaintext = entry.plaintext
class ReverseRTL(SubtitleModification):
identifier = "reverse_rtl"
description = "Reverse punctuation in RTL languages"
exclusive = True
order = 50
languages = [Language(l) for l in ('heb', 'ara', 'fas')]
long_description = "Some playback devices don't properly handle right-to-left markers for punctuation. " \
"Physically swap punctuation. Applicable to languages: hebrew, arabic, farsi, persian"
processors = [
# new? (?u)(^([\s.!?]*)(.+?)(\s*)(-?\s*)$); \5\4\3\2
6 years ago
#NReProcessor(re.compile(r"(?u)((?=(?<=\b|^)|(?<=\s))([.!?-]+)([^.!?-]+)(?=\b|$|\s))"), r"\3\2",
6 years ago
# name="CM_RTL_reverse")
6 years ago
NReProcessor(re.compile(r"(?u)(^([\s.!?:,'-]*)(.+?)(\s*)(-?\s*)$)"), r"\5\4\3\2",
6 years ago
6 years ago
split_upper_re = re.compile(r"(\s*[.!?♪\-]\s*)")
6 years ago
class FixUppercase(SubtitleModification):
identifier = "fix_uppercase"
description = "Fixes all-uppercase subtitles"
modifies_whole_file = True
exclusive = True
order = 41
only_uppercase = True
apply_last = True
long_description = "Some subtitles are in all-uppercase letters. This at least makes them readable."
def capitalize(self, c):
return u"".join([s.capitalize() for s in split_upper_re.split(c)])
def modify(self, content, debug=False, parent=None, **kwargs):
for entry in parent.f:
entry.plaintext = self.capitalize(entry.plaintext)