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This module contains links to audio files that can be used for test purposes .
. . autosummary : :
: toctree : generated /
import os
__all__ = [
" one_to_six_arabic_16000_mono_bc_noise " ,
" was_der_mensch_saet_mono_44100_lead_trail_silence " ,
_current_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
one_to_six_arabic_16000_mono_bc_noise = " {cd} {sep} data {sep} 1to6arabic_ \
16000 _mono_bc_noise . wav " .format(
cd = _current_dir , sep = os . path . sep
""" A wave file that contains a pronunciation of Arabic numbers from 1 to 6 """
was_der_mensch_saet_mono_44100_lead_trail_silence = " {cd} {sep} data {sep} was_ \
der_mensch_saet_das_wird_er_vielfach_ernten_44100Hz_mono_lead_trail_ \
silence . wav " .format(
cd = _current_dir , sep = os . path . sep
""" A wave file that contains a sentence with a long leading and trailing silence """