from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import (
Iterator ,
Iterable ,
List ,
Optional ,
Union ,
overload ,
TypeVar ,
from . console import (
Console ,
ConsoleOptions ,
JustifyMethod ,
OverflowMethod ,
RenderResult ,
RenderableType ,
from . text import Text
from . cells import cell_len
from . measure import Measurement
T = TypeVar ( " T " )
class Renderables :
""" A list subclass which renders its contents to the console. """
def __init__ (
self , renderables : Optional [ Iterable [ " RenderableType " ] ] = None
) - > None :
self . _renderables : List [ " RenderableType " ] = (
list ( renderables ) if renderables is not None else [ ]
def __rich_console__ (
self , console : " Console " , options : " ConsoleOptions "
) - > " RenderResult " :
""" Console render method to insert line-breaks. """
yield from self . _renderables
def __rich_measure__ (
self , console : " Console " , options : " ConsoleOptions "
) - > " Measurement " :
dimensions = [
Measurement . get ( console , options , renderable )
for renderable in self . _renderables
if not dimensions :
return Measurement ( 1 , 1 )
_min = max ( dimension . minimum for dimension in dimensions )
_max = max ( dimension . maximum for dimension in dimensions )
return Measurement ( _min , _max )
def append ( self , renderable : " RenderableType " ) - > None :
self . _renderables . append ( renderable )
def __iter__ ( self ) - > Iterable [ " RenderableType " ] :
return iter ( self . _renderables )
class Lines :
""" A list subclass which can render to the console. """
def __init__ ( self , lines : Iterable [ " Text " ] = ( ) ) - > None :
self . _lines : List [ " Text " ] = list ( lines )
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
return f " Lines( { self . _lines !r} ) "
def __iter__ ( self ) - > Iterator [ " Text " ] :
return iter ( self . _lines )
def __getitem__ ( self , index : int ) - > " Text " :
. . .
def __getitem__ ( self , index : slice ) - > List [ " Text " ] :
. . .
def __getitem__ ( self , index : Union [ slice , int ] ) - > Union [ " Text " , List [ " Text " ] ] :
return self . _lines [ index ]
def __setitem__ ( self , index : int , value : " Text " ) - > " Lines " :
self . _lines [ index ] = value
return self
def __len__ ( self ) - > int :
return self . _lines . __len__ ( )
def __rich_console__ (
self , console : " Console " , options : " ConsoleOptions "
) - > " RenderResult " :
""" Console render method to insert line-breaks. """
yield from self . _lines
def append ( self , line : " Text " ) - > None :
self . _lines . append ( line )
def extend ( self , lines : Iterable [ " Text " ] ) - > None :
self . _lines . extend ( lines )
def pop ( self , index : int = - 1 ) - > " Text " :
return self . _lines . pop ( index )
def justify (
self ,
console : " Console " ,
width : int ,
justify : " JustifyMethod " = " left " ,
overflow : " OverflowMethod " = " fold " ,
) - > None :
""" Justify and overflow text to a given width.
Args :
console ( Console ) : Console instance .
width ( int ) : Number of characters per line .
justify ( str , optional ) : Default justify method for text : " left " , " center " , " full " or " right " . Defaults to " left " .
overflow ( str , optional ) : Default overflow for text : " crop " , " fold " , or " ellipsis " . Defaults to " fold " .
from . text import Text
if justify == " left " :
for line in self . _lines :
line . truncate ( width , overflow = overflow , pad = True )
elif justify == " center " :
for line in self . _lines :
line . rstrip ( )
line . truncate ( width , overflow = overflow )
line . pad_left ( ( width - cell_len ( line . plain ) ) / / 2 )
line . pad_right ( width - cell_len ( line . plain ) )
elif justify == " right " :
for line in self . _lines :
line . rstrip ( )
line . truncate ( width , overflow = overflow )
line . pad_left ( width - cell_len ( line . plain ) )
elif justify == " full " :
for line_index , line in enumerate ( self . _lines ) :
if line_index == len ( self . _lines ) - 1 :
words = line . split ( " " )
words_size = sum ( cell_len ( word . plain ) for word in words )
num_spaces = len ( words ) - 1
spaces = [ 1 for _ in range ( num_spaces ) ]
index = 0
if spaces :
while words_size + num_spaces < width :
spaces [ len ( spaces ) - index - 1 ] + = 1
num_spaces + = 1
index = ( index + 1 ) % len ( spaces )
tokens : List [ Text ] = [ ]
for index , ( word , next_word ) in enumerate (
zip_longest ( words , words [ 1 : ] )
) :
tokens . append ( word )
if index < len ( spaces ) :
style = word . get_style_at_offset ( console , - 1 )
next_style = next_word . get_style_at_offset ( console , 0 )
space_style = style if style == next_style else line . style
tokens . append ( Text ( " " * spaces [ index ] , style = space_style ) )
self [ line_index ] = Text ( " " ) . join ( tokens )