#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Episode title
from collections import defaultdict
from rebulk import Rebulk, Rule, AppendMatch, RemoveMatch, RenameMatch, POST_PROCESS
from ..common import seps, title_seps
from ..common.formatters import cleanup
from ..properties.title import TitleFromPosition, TitleBaseRule
from ..properties.type import TypeProcessor
def episode_title():
Builder for rebulk object.
:return: Created Rebulk object
:rtype: Rebulk
previous_names = ('episode', 'episode_details', 'episode_count',
'season', 'season_count', 'date', 'title', 'year')
rebulk = Rebulk().rules(RemoveConflictsWithEpisodeTitle(previous_names),
return rebulk
class RemoveConflictsWithEpisodeTitle(Rule):
Remove conflicting matches that might lead to wrong episode_title parsing.
priority = 64
consequence = RemoveMatch
def __init__(self, previous_names):
super(RemoveConflictsWithEpisodeTitle, self).__init__()
self.previous_names = previous_names
self.next_names = ('streaming_service', 'screen_size', 'format',
'video_codec', 'audio_codec', 'other', 'container')
self.affected_if_holes_after = ('part', )
self.affected_names = ('part', 'year')
def when(self, matches, context):
to_remove = []
for filepart in matches.markers.named('path'):
for match in matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end,
predicate=lambda m: m.name in self.affected_names):
before = matches.previous(match, index=0,
predicate=lambda m, fp=filepart: not m.private and m.start >= fp.start)
if not before or before.name not in self.previous_names:
after = matches.next(match, index=0,
predicate=lambda m, fp=filepart: not m.private and m.end <= fp.end)
if not after or after.name not in self.next_names:
group = matches.markers.at_match(match, predicate=lambda m: m.name == 'group', index=0)
def has_value_in_same_group(current_match, current_group=group):
"""Return true if current match has value and belongs to the current group."""
return current_match.value.strip(seps) and (
current_group == matches.markers.at_match(current_match,
predicate=lambda mm: mm.name == 'group', index=0)
holes_before = matches.holes(before.end, match.start, predicate=has_value_in_same_group)
holes_after = matches.holes(match.end, after.start, predicate=has_value_in_same_group)
if not holes_before and not holes_after:
if match.name in self.affected_if_holes_after and not holes_after:
if match.parent:
return to_remove
class TitleToEpisodeTitle(Rule):
If multiple different title are found, convert the one following episode number to episode_title.
dependency = TitleFromPosition
def when(self, matches, context):
titles = matches.named('title')
title_groups = defaultdict(list)
for title in titles:
if len(title_groups) < 2:
episode_titles = []
for title in titles:
if matches.previous(title, lambda match: match.name == 'episode'):
if episode_titles:
return episode_titles
def then(self, matches, when_response, context):
for title in when_response:
title.name = 'episode_title'
class EpisodeTitleFromPosition(TitleBaseRule):
Add episode title match in existing matches
Must run after TitleFromPosition rule.
dependency = TitleToEpisodeTitle
def __init__(self, previous_names):
super(EpisodeTitleFromPosition, self).__init__('episode_title', ['title'])
self.previous_names = previous_names
def hole_filter(self, hole, matches):
episode = matches.previous(hole,
lambda previous: any(name in previous.names
for name in self.previous_names),
crc32 = matches.named('crc32')
return episode or crc32
def filepart_filter(self, filepart, matches):
# Filepart where title was found.
if matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end, lambda match: match.name == 'title'):
return True
return False
def should_remove(self, match, matches, filepart, hole, context):
if match.name == 'episode_details':
return False
return super(EpisodeTitleFromPosition, self).should_remove(match, matches, filepart, hole, context)
def when(self, matches, context):
if matches.named('episode_title'):
return super(EpisodeTitleFromPosition, self).when(matches, context)
class AlternativeTitleReplace(Rule):
If alternateTitle was found and title is next to episode, season or date, replace it with episode_title.
dependency = EpisodeTitleFromPosition
consequence = RenameMatch
def __init__(self, previous_names):
super(AlternativeTitleReplace, self).__init__()
self.previous_names = previous_names
def when(self, matches, context):
if matches.named('episode_title'):
alternative_title = matches.range(predicate=lambda match: match.name == 'alternative_title', index=0)
if alternative_title:
main_title = matches.chain_before(alternative_title.start, seps=seps,
predicate=lambda match: 'title' in match.tags, index=0)
if main_title:
episode = matches.previous(main_title,
lambda previous: any(name in previous.names
for name in self.previous_names),
crc32 = matches.named('crc32')
if episode or crc32:
return alternative_title
def then(self, matches, when_response, context):
when_response.name = 'episode_title'
class RenameEpisodeTitleWhenMovieType(Rule):
Rename episode_title by alternative_title when type is movie.
priority = POST_PROCESS
dependency = TypeProcessor
consequence = RenameMatch
def when(self, matches, context):
if matches.named('episode_title', lambda m: 'alternative-replaced' not in m.tags) \
and not matches.named('type', lambda m: m.value == 'episode'):
return matches.named('episode_title')
def then(self, matches, when_response, context):
for match in when_response:
match.name = 'alternative_title'
class Filepart3EpisodeTitle(Rule):
If we have at least 3 filepart structured like this:
Serie name/SO1/E01-episode_title.mkv
If CCCC contains episode and BBB contains seasonNumber
Then title is to be found in AAAA.
consequence = AppendMatch('title')
def when(self, matches, context):
fileparts = matches.markers.named('path')
if len(fileparts) < 3:
filename = fileparts[-1]
directory = fileparts[-2]
subdirectory = fileparts[-3]
episode_number = matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: match.name == 'episode', 0)
if episode_number:
season = matches.range(directory.start, directory.end, lambda match: match.name == 'season', 0)
if season:
hole = matches.holes(subdirectory.start, subdirectory.end,
formatter=cleanup, seps=title_seps, predicate=lambda match: match.value,
if hole:
return hole
class Filepart2EpisodeTitle(Rule):
If we have at least 2 filepart structured like this:
Serie name SO1/E01-episode_title.mkv
If BBBB contains episode and AAA contains a hole followed by seasonNumber
then title is to be found in AAAA.
Serie name/SO1E01-episode_title.mkv
If BBBB contains season and episode and AAA contains a hole
then title is to be found in AAAA.
consequence = AppendMatch('title')
def when(self, matches, context):
fileparts = matches.markers.named('path')
if len(fileparts) < 2:
filename = fileparts[-1]
directory = fileparts[-2]
episode_number = matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: match.name == 'episode', 0)
if episode_number:
season = (matches.range(directory.start, directory.end, lambda match: match.name == 'season', 0) or
matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: match.name == 'season', 0))
if season:
hole = matches.holes(directory.start, directory.end, formatter=cleanup, seps=title_seps,
predicate=lambda match: match.value, index=0)
if hole:
return hole