You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.7 KiB

import { LoadingIndicator } from "@/components";
import ErrorBoundary from "@/components/ErrorBoundary";
import { useNotification } from "@/modules/redux/hooks";
import { useReduxStore } from "@/modules/redux/hooks/base";
import SocketIO from "@/modules/socketio";
import LaunchError from "@/pages/LaunchError";
import Sidebar from "@/Sidebar";
import { Environment } from "@/utilities";
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from "react";
import { Row } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Navigate, Outlet } from "react-router-dom";
import { useEffectOnceWhen } from "rooks";
import Header from "./Header";
const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
const { status } = useReduxStore((s) =>;
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const notify = useNotification("has-update", 10 * 1000);
// Has any update?
useEffectOnceWhen(() => {
if (Environment.hasUpdate) {
type: "info",
message: "A new version of Bazarr is ready, restart is required",
// TODO: Restart action
}, status === "initialized");
if (status === "unauthenticated") {
return <Navigate to="/login"></Navigate>;
} else if (status === "uninitialized") {
return (
<span>Please wait</span>
} else if (status === "error") {
return <LaunchError>Cannot Initialize Bazarr</LaunchError>;
return (
<Row noGutters className="header-container">
<Row noGutters className="flex-nowrap">
export default App;