/*! Tablesaw - v3.1.2 - 2019-03-19
* https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw
* Copyright (c) 2019 Filament Group; Licensed MIT */
/*! Shoestring - v2.0.0 - 2017-02-14
* http://github.com/filamentgroup/shoestring/
* Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Jehl, Filament Group, Inc; Licensed MIT & GPLv2 */
(function( factory ) {
if( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [ 'shoestring' ], factory );
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function () {
var win = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this;
var doc = win.document;
* The shoestring object constructor.
* @param {string,object} prim The selector to find or element to wrap.
* @param {object} sec The context in which to match the `prim` selector.
* @returns shoestring
* @this window
function shoestring( prim, sec ){
var pType = typeof( prim ),
ret = [],
// return an empty shoestring object
if( !prim ){
return new Shoestring( ret );
// ready calls
if( prim.call ){
return shoestring.ready( prim );
// handle re-wrapping shoestring objects
if( prim.constructor === Shoestring && !sec ){
return prim;
// if string starting with <, make html
if( pType === "string" && prim.indexOf( "<" ) === 0 ){
var dfrag = doc.createElement( "div" );
dfrag.innerHTML = prim;
// TODO depends on children (circular)
return shoestring( dfrag ).children().each(function(){
dfrag.removeChild( this );
// if string, it's a selector, use qsa
if( pType === "string" ){
if( sec ){
return shoestring( sec ).find( prim );
sel = doc.querySelectorAll( prim );
return new Shoestring( sel, prim );
// array like objects or node lists
if( Object.prototype.toString.call( pType ) === '[object Array]' ||
(win.NodeList && prim instanceof win.NodeList) ){
return new Shoestring( prim, prim );
// if it's an array, use all the elements
if( prim.constructor === Array ){
return new Shoestring( prim, prim );
// otherwise assume it's an object the we want at an index
return new Shoestring( [prim], prim );
var Shoestring = function( ret, prim ) {
this.length = 0;
this.selector = prim;
shoestring.merge(this, ret);
// TODO only required for tests
Shoestring.prototype.reverse = [].reverse;
// For adding element set methods
shoestring.fn = Shoestring.prototype;
shoestring.Shoestring = Shoestring;
// For extending objects
// TODO move to separate module when we use prototypes
shoestring.extend = function( first, second ){
for( var i in second ){
if( second.hasOwnProperty( i ) ){
first[ i ] = second[ i ];
return first;
// taken directly from jQuery
shoestring.merge = function( first, second ) {
var len, j, i;
len = +second.length,
j = 0,
i = first.length;
for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
first.length = i;
return first;
// expose
win.shoestring = shoestring;
* Iterates over `shoestring` collections.
* @param {function} callback The callback to be invoked on each element and index
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.each = function( callback ){
return shoestring.each( this, callback );
shoestring.each = function( collection, callback ) {
var val;
for( var i = 0, il = collection.length; i < il; i++ ){
val = callback.call( collection[i], i, collection[i] );
if( val === false ){
return collection;
* Check for array membership.
* @param {object} needle The thing to find.
* @param {object} haystack The thing to find the needle in.
* @return {boolean}
* @this window
shoestring.inArray = function( needle, haystack ){
var isin = -1;
for( var i = 0, il = haystack.length; i < il; i++ ){
if( haystack.hasOwnProperty( i ) && haystack[ i ] === needle ){
isin = i;
return isin;
* Bind callbacks to be run when the DOM is "ready".
* @param {function} fn The callback to be run
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.ready = function( fn ){
if( ready && fn ){
fn.call( doc );
else if( fn ){
readyQueue.push( fn );
else {
return [doc];
// TODO necessary?
shoestring.fn.ready = function( fn ){
shoestring.ready( fn );
return this;
// Empty and exec the ready queue
var ready = false,
readyQueue = [],
runReady = function(){
if( !ready ){
while( readyQueue.length ){
readyQueue.shift().call( doc );
ready = true;
// If DOM is already ready at exec time, depends on the browser.
// From: https://github.com/mobify/mobifyjs/blob/526841be5509e28fc949038021799e4223479f8d/src/capture.js#L128
if (doc.attachEvent ? doc.readyState === "complete" : doc.readyState !== "loading") {
} else {
doc.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", runReady, false );
doc.addEventListener( "readystatechange", runReady, false );
win.addEventListener( "load", runReady, false );
* Checks the current set of elements against the selector, if one matches return `true`.
* @param {string} selector The selector to check.
* @return {boolean}
* @this {shoestring}
shoestring.fn.is = function( selector ){
var ret = false, self = this, parents, check;
// assume a dom element
if( typeof selector !== "string" ){
// array-like, ie shoestring objects or element arrays
if( selector.length && selector[0] ){
check = selector;
} else {
check = [selector];
return _checkElements(this, check);
parents = this.parent();
if( !parents.length ){
parents = shoestring( doc );
parents.each(function( i, e ) {
var children;
children = e.querySelectorAll( selector );
ret = _checkElements( self, children );
return ret;
function _checkElements(needles, haystack){
var ret = false;
needles.each(function() {
var j = 0;
while( j < haystack.length ){
if( this === haystack[j] ){
ret = true;
return ret;
* Get data attached to the first element or set data values on all elements in the current set.
* @param {string} name The data attribute name.
* @param {any} value The value assigned to the data attribute.
* @return {any|shoestring}
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.data = function( name, value ){
if( name !== undefined ){
if( value !== undefined ){
return this.each(function(){
if( !this.shoestringData ){
this.shoestringData = {};
this.shoestringData[ name ] = value;
else {
if( this[ 0 ] ) {
if( this[ 0 ].shoestringData ) {
return this[ 0 ].shoestringData[ name ];
else {
return this[ 0 ] ? this[ 0 ].shoestringData || {} : undefined;
* Remove data associated with `name` or all the data, for each element in the current set.
* @param {string} name The data attribute name.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.removeData = function( name ){
return this.each(function(){
if( name !== undefined && this.shoestringData ){
this.shoestringData[ name ] = undefined;
delete this.shoestringData[ name ];
} else {
this[ 0 ].shoestringData = {};
* An alias for the `shoestring` constructor.
win.$ = shoestring;
* Add a class to each DOM element in the set of elements.
* @param {string} className The name of the class to be added.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.addClass = function( className ){
var classes = className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split( " " );
return this.each(function(){
for( var i = 0, il = classes.length; i < il; i++ ){
if( this.className !== undefined &&
(this.className === "" ||
!this.className.match( new RegExp( "(^|\\s)" + classes[ i ] + "($|\\s)"))) ){
this.className += " " + classes[ i ];
* Add elements matching the selector to the current set.
* @param {string} selector The selector for the elements to add from the DOM
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.add = function( selector ){
var ret = [];
ret.push( this );
shoestring( selector ).each(function(){
ret.push( this );
return shoestring( ret );
* Insert an element or HTML string as the last child of each element in the set.
* @param {string|HTMLElement} fragment The HTML or HTMLElement to insert.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.append = function( fragment ){
if( typeof( fragment ) === "string" || fragment.nodeType !== undefined ){
fragment = shoestring( fragment );
return this.each(function( i ){
for( var j = 0, jl = fragment.length; j < jl; j++ ){
this.appendChild( i > 0 ? fragment[ j ].cloneNode( true ) : fragment[ j ] );
* Insert the current set as the last child of the elements matching the selector.
* @param {string} selector The selector after which to append the current set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.appendTo = function( selector ){
return this.each(function(){
shoestring( selector ).append( this );
* Get the value of the first element of the set or set the value of all the elements in the set.
* @param {string} name The attribute name.
* @param {string} value The new value for the attribute.
* @return {shoestring|string|undefined}
* @this {shoestring}
shoestring.fn.attr = function( name, value ){
var nameStr = typeof( name ) === "string";
if( value !== undefined || !nameStr ){
return this.each(function(){
if( nameStr ){
this.setAttribute( name, value );
} else {
for( var i in name ){
if( name.hasOwnProperty( i ) ){
this.setAttribute( i, name[ i ] );
} else {
return this[ 0 ] ? this[ 0 ].getAttribute( name ) : undefined;
* Insert an element or HTML string before each element in the current set.
* @param {string|HTMLElement} fragment The HTML or HTMLElement to insert.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.before = function( fragment ){
if( typeof( fragment ) === "string" || fragment.nodeType !== undefined ){
fragment = shoestring( fragment );
return this.each(function( i ){
for( var j = 0, jl = fragment.length; j < jl; j++ ){
this.parentNode.insertBefore( i > 0 ? fragment[ j ].cloneNode( true ) : fragment[ j ], this );
* Get the children of the current collection.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.children = function(){
var ret = [],
childs = this.children;
j = -1;
while( j++ < childs.length-1 ){
if( shoestring.inArray( childs[ j ], ret ) === -1 ){
ret.push( childs[ j ] );
return shoestring(ret);
* Find an element matching the selector in the set of the current element and its parents.
* @param {string} selector The selector used to identify the target element.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.closest = function( selector ){
var ret = [];
if( !selector ){
return shoestring( ret );
var element, $self = shoestring( element = this );
if( $self.is(selector) ){
ret.push( this );
while( element.parentElement ) {
if( shoestring(element.parentElement).is(selector) ){
ret.push( element.parentElement );
element = element.parentElement;
return shoestring( ret );
shoestring.cssExceptions = {
'float': [ 'cssFloat' ]
(function() {
var cssExceptions = shoestring.cssExceptions;
// IE8 uses marginRight instead of margin-right
function convertPropertyName( str ) {
return str.replace( /\-([A-Za-z])/g, function ( match, character ) {
return character.toUpperCase();
function _getStyle( element, property ) {
return win.getComputedStyle( element, null ).getPropertyValue( property );
var vendorPrefixes = [ '', '-webkit-', '-ms-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-khtml-' ];
* Private function for getting the computed style of an element.
* **NOTE** Please use the [css](../css.js.html) method instead.
* @method _getStyle
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element we want the style property for.
* @param {string} property The css property we want the style for.
shoestring._getStyle = function( element, property ) {
var convert, value, j, k;
if( cssExceptions[ property ] ) {
for( j = 0, k = cssExceptions[ property ].length; j < k; j++ ) {
value = _getStyle( element, cssExceptions[ property ][ j ] );
if( value ) {
return value;
for( j = 0, k = vendorPrefixes.length; j < k; j++ ) {
convert = convertPropertyName( vendorPrefixes[ j ] + property );
// VendorprefixKeyName || key-name
value = _getStyle( element, convert );
if( convert !== property ) {
value = value || _getStyle( element, property );
if( vendorPrefixes[ j ] ) {
// -vendorprefix-key-name
value = value || _getStyle( element, vendorPrefixes[ j ] + property );
if( value ) {
return value;
return undefined;
(function() {
var cssExceptions = shoestring.cssExceptions;
// IE8 uses marginRight instead of margin-right
function convertPropertyName( str ) {
return str.replace( /\-([A-Za-z])/g, function ( match, character ) {
return character.toUpperCase();
* Private function for setting the style of an element.
* **NOTE** Please use the [css](../css.js.html) method instead.
* @method _setStyle
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element we want to style.
* @param {string} property The property being used to style the element.
* @param {string} value The css value for the style property.
shoestring._setStyle = function( element, property, value ) {
var convertedProperty = convertPropertyName(property);
element.style[ property ] = value;
if( convertedProperty !== property ) {
element.style[ convertedProperty ] = value;
if( cssExceptions[ property ] ) {
for( var j = 0, k = cssExceptions[ property ].length; j<k; j++ ) {
element.style[ cssExceptions[ property ][ j ] ] = value;
* Get the compute style property of the first element or set the value of a style property
* on all elements in the set.
* @method _setStyle
* @param {string} property The property being used to style the element.
* @param {string|undefined} value The css value for the style property.
* @return {string|shoestring}
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.css = function( property, value ){
if( !this[0] ){
if( typeof property === "object" ) {
return this.each(function() {
for( var key in property ) {
if( property.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
shoestring._setStyle( this, key, property[key] );
} else {
// assignment else retrieve first
if( value !== undefined ){
return this.each(function(){
shoestring._setStyle( this, property, value );
return shoestring._getStyle( this[0], property );
* Returns the indexed element wrapped in a new `shoestring` object.
* @param {integer} index The index of the element to wrap and return.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.eq = function( index ){
if( this[index] ){
return shoestring( this[index] );
return shoestring([]);
* Filter out the current set if they do *not* match the passed selector or
* the supplied callback returns false
* @param {string,function} selector The selector or boolean return value callback used to filter the elements.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.filter = function( selector ){
var ret = [];
this.each(function( index ){
var wsel;
if( typeof selector === 'function' ) {
if( selector.call( this, index ) !== false ) {
ret.push( this );
} else {
if( !this.parentNode ){
var context = shoestring( doc.createDocumentFragment() );
context[ 0 ].appendChild( this );
wsel = shoestring( selector, context );
} else {
wsel = shoestring( selector, this.parentNode );
if( shoestring.inArray( this, wsel ) > -1 ){
ret.push( this );
return shoestring( ret );
* Find descendant elements of the current collection.
* @param {string} selector The selector used to find the children
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.find = function( selector ){
var ret = [],
finds = this.querySelectorAll( selector );
for( var i = 0, il = finds.length; i < il; i++ ){
ret = ret.concat( finds[i] );
return shoestring( ret );
* Returns the first element of the set wrapped in a new `shoestring` object.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.first = function(){
return this.eq( 0 );
* Returns the raw DOM node at the passed index.
* @param {integer} index The index of the element to wrap and return.
* @return {HTMLElement|undefined|array}
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.get = function( index ){
// return an array of elements if index is undefined
if( index === undefined ){
var elements = [];
for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ){
elements.push( this[ i ] );
return elements;
} else {
return this[ index ];
var set = function( html ){
if( typeof html === "string" || typeof html === "number" ){
return this.each(function(){
this.innerHTML = "" + html;
} else {
var h = "";
if( typeof html.length !== "undefined" ){
for( var i = 0, l = html.length; i < l; i++ ){
h += html[i].outerHTML;
} else {
h = html.outerHTML;
return this.each(function(){
this.innerHTML = h;
* Gets or sets the `innerHTML` from all the elements in the set.
* @param {string|undefined} html The html to assign
* @return {string|shoestring}
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.html = function( html ){
if( typeof html !== "undefined" ){
return set.call( this, html );
} else { // get
var pile = "";
pile += this.innerHTML;
return pile;
(function() {
function _getIndex( set, test ) {
var i, result, element;
for( i = result = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
element = set.item ? set.item(i) : set[i];
if( test(element) ){
return result;
// ignore text nodes, etc
// NOTE may need to be more permissive
if( element.nodeType === 1 ){
return -1;
* Find the index in the current set for the passed selector.
* Without a selector it returns the index of the first node within the array of its siblings.
* @param {string|undefined} selector The selector used to search for the index.
* @return {integer}
* @this {shoestring}
shoestring.fn.index = function( selector ){
var self, children;
self = this;
// no arg? check the children, otherwise check each element that matches
if( selector === undefined ){
children = ( ( this[ 0 ] && this[0].parentNode ) || doc.documentElement).childNodes;
// check if the element matches the first of the set
return _getIndex(children, function( element ) {
return self[0] === element;
} else {
// check if the element matches the first selected node from the parent
return _getIndex(self, function( element ) {
return element === (shoestring( selector, element.parentNode )[ 0 ]);
* Insert the current set before the elements matching the selector.
* @param {string} selector The selector before which to insert the current set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.insertBefore = function( selector ){
return this.each(function(){
shoestring( selector ).before( this );
* Returns the last element of the set wrapped in a new `shoestring` object.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.last = function(){
return this.eq( this.length - 1 );
* Returns a `shoestring` object with the set of siblings of each element in the original set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.next = function(){
var result = [];
// TODO need to implement map
this.each(function() {
var children, item, found;
// get the child nodes for this member of the set
children = shoestring( this.parentNode )[0].childNodes;
for( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ){
item = children.item( i );
// found the item we needed (found) which means current item value is
// the next node in the list, as long as it's viable grab it
// NOTE may need to be more permissive
if( found && item.nodeType === 1 ){
result.push( item );
// find the current item and mark it as found
if( item === this ){
found = true;
return shoestring( result );
* Removes elements from the current set.
* @param {string} selector The selector to use when removing the elements.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.not = function( selector ){
var ret = [];
var found = shoestring( selector, this.parentNode );
if( shoestring.inArray(this, found) === -1 ){
ret.push( this );
return shoestring( ret );
* Returns the set of first parents for each element in the current set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.parent = function(){
var ret = [],
// no parent node, assume top level
// jQuery parent: return the document object for <html> or the parent node if it exists
parent = (this === doc.documentElement ? doc : this.parentNode);
// if there is a parent and it's not a document fragment
if( parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ){
ret.push( parent );
return shoestring(ret);
* Add an HTML string or element before the children of each element in the current set.
* @param {string|HTMLElement} fragment The HTML string or element to add.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.prepend = function( fragment ){
if( typeof( fragment ) === "string" || fragment.nodeType !== undefined ){
fragment = shoestring( fragment );
return this.each(function( i ){
for( var j = 0, jl = fragment.length; j < jl; j++ ){
var insertEl = i > 0 ? fragment[ j ].cloneNode( true ) : fragment[ j ];
if ( this.firstChild ){
this.insertBefore( insertEl, this.firstChild );
} else {
this.appendChild( insertEl );
* Returns a `shoestring` object with the set of *one* siblingx before each element in the original set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.prev = function(){
var result = [];
// TODO need to implement map
this.each(function() {
var children, item, found;
// get the child nodes for this member of the set
children = shoestring( this.parentNode )[0].childNodes;
for( var i = children.length -1; i >= 0; i-- ){
item = children.item( i );
// found the item we needed (found) which means current item value is
// the next node in the list, as long as it's viable grab it
// NOTE may need to be more permissive
if( found && item.nodeType === 1 ){
result.push( item );
// find the current item and mark it as found
if( item === this ){
found = true;
return shoestring( result );
* Returns a `shoestring` object with the set of *all* siblings before each element in the original set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.prevAll = function(){
var result = [];
this.each(function() {
var $previous = shoestring( this ).prev();
while( $previous.length ){
result.push( $previous[0] );
$previous = $previous.prev();
return shoestring( result );
* Remove an attribute from each element in the current set.
* @param {string} name The name of the attribute.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.removeAttr = function( name ){
return this.each(function(){
this.removeAttribute( name );
* Remove a class from each DOM element in the set of elements.
* @param {string} className The name of the class to be removed.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.removeClass = function( cname ){
var classes = cname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split( " " );
return this.each(function(){
var newClassName, regex;
for( var i = 0, il = classes.length; i < il; i++ ){
if( this.className !== undefined ){
regex = new RegExp( "(^|\\s)" + classes[ i ] + "($|\\s)", "gmi" );
newClassName = this.className.replace( regex, " " );
this.className = newClassName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
* Remove the current set of elements from the DOM.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.remove = function(){
return this.each(function(){
if( this.parentNode ) {
this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
* Replace each element in the current set with that argument HTML string or HTMLElement.
* @param {string|HTMLElement} fragment The value to assign.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.replaceWith = function( fragment ){
if( typeof( fragment ) === "string" ){
fragment = shoestring( fragment );
var ret = [];
if( fragment.length > 1 ){
fragment = fragment.reverse();
this.each(function( i ){
var clone = this.cloneNode( true ),
ret.push( clone );
// If there is no parentNode, this is pointless, drop it.
if( !this.parentNode ){ return; }
if( fragment.length === 1 ){
insertEl = i > 0 ? fragment[ 0 ].cloneNode( true ) : fragment[ 0 ];
this.parentNode.replaceChild( insertEl, this );
} else {
for( var j = 0, jl = fragment.length; j < jl; j++ ){
insertEl = i > 0 ? fragment[ j ].cloneNode( true ) : fragment[ j ];
this.parentNode.insertBefore( insertEl, this.nextSibling );
this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
return shoestring( ret );
* Get all of the sibling elements for each element in the current set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.siblings = function(){
if( !this.length ) {
return shoestring( [] );
var sibs = [], el = this[ 0 ].parentNode.firstChild;
do {
if( el.nodeType === 1 && el !== this[ 0 ] ) {
sibs.push( el );
el = el.nextSibling;
} while( el );
return shoestring( sibs );
var getText = function( elem ){
var node,
ret = "",
i = 0,
nodeType = elem.nodeType;
if ( !nodeType ) {
// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
while ( (node = elem[i++]) ) {
// Do not traverse comment nodes
ret += getText( node );
} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
// Use textContent for elements
// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153)
if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
return elem.textContent;
} else {
// Traverse its children
for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
ret += getText( elem );
} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
return elem.nodeValue;
// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
return ret;
* Recursively retrieve the text content of the each element in the current set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.text = function() {
return getText( this );
* Get the value of the first element or set the value of all elements in the current set.
* @param {string} value The value to set.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.val = function( value ){
var el;
if( value !== undefined ){
return this.each(function(){
if( this.tagName === "SELECT" ){
var optionSet, option,
options = this.options,
values = [],
i = options.length,
values[0] = value;
while ( i-- ) {
option = options[ i ];
if ( (option.selected = shoestring.inArray( option.value, values ) >= 0) ) {
optionSet = true;
newIndex = i;
// force browsers to behave consistently when non-matching value is set
if ( !optionSet ) {
this.selectedIndex = -1;
} else {
this.selectedIndex = newIndex;
} else {
this.value = value;
} else {
el = this[0];
if( el.tagName === "SELECT" ){
if( el.selectedIndex < 0 ){ return ""; }
return el.options[ el.selectedIndex ].value;
} else {
return el.value;
* Private function for setting/getting the offset property for height/width.
* **NOTE** Please use the [width](width.js.html) or [height](height.js.html) methods instead.
* @param {shoestring} set The set of elements.
* @param {string} name The string "height" or "width".
* @param {float|undefined} value The value to assign.
* @return shoestring
* @this window
shoestring._dimension = function( set, name, value ){
var offsetName;
if( value === undefined ){
offsetName = name.replace(/^[a-z]/, function( letter ) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
return set[ 0 ][ "offset" + offsetName ];
} else {
// support integer values as pixels
value = typeof value === "string" ? value : value + "px";
return set.each(function(){
this.style[ name ] = value;
* Gets the width value of the first element or sets the width for the whole set.
* @param {float|undefined} value The value to assign.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.width = function( value ){
return shoestring._dimension( this, "width", value );
* Wraps the child elements in the provided HTML.
* @param {string} html The wrapping HTML.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.wrapInner = function( html ){
return this.each(function(){
var inH = this.innerHTML;
this.innerHTML = "";
shoestring( this ).append( shoestring( html ).html( inH ) );
function initEventCache( el, evt ) {
if ( !el.shoestringData ) {
el.shoestringData = {};
if ( !el.shoestringData.events ) {
el.shoestringData.events = {};
if ( !el.shoestringData.loop ) {
el.shoestringData.loop = {};
if ( !el.shoestringData.events[ evt ] ) {
el.shoestringData.events[ evt ] = [];
function addToEventCache( el, evt, eventInfo ) {
var obj = {};
obj.isCustomEvent = eventInfo.isCustomEvent;
obj.callback = eventInfo.callfunc;
obj.originalCallback = eventInfo.originalCallback;
obj.namespace = eventInfo.namespace;
el.shoestringData.events[ evt ].push( obj );
if( eventInfo.customEventLoop ) {
el.shoestringData.loop[ evt ] = eventInfo.customEventLoop;
* Bind a callback to an event for the currrent set of elements.
* @param {string} evt The event(s) to watch for.
* @param {object,function} data Data to be included with each event or the callback.
* @param {function} originalCallback Callback to be invoked when data is define.d.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.bind = function( evt, data, originalCallback ){
if( typeof data === "function" ){
originalCallback = data;
data = null;
var evts = evt.split( " " );
// NOTE the `triggeredElement` is purely for custom events from IE
function encasedCallback( e, namespace, triggeredElement ){
var result;
if( e._namespace && e._namespace !== namespace ) {
e.data = data;
e.namespace = e._namespace;
var returnTrue = function(){
return true;
e.isDefaultPrevented = function(){
return false;
var originalPreventDefault = e.preventDefault;
var preventDefaultConstructor = function(){
if( originalPreventDefault ) {
return function(){
e.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
} else {
return function(){
e.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
e.returnValue = false;
// thanks https://github.com/jonathantneal/EventListener
e.target = triggeredElement || e.target || e.srcElement;
e.preventDefault = preventDefaultConstructor();
e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || function () {
e.cancelBubble = true;
result = originalCallback.apply(this, [ e ].concat( e._args ) );
if( result === false ){
return result;
return this.each(function(){
var domEventCallback,
oEl = this;
for( var i = 0, il = evts.length; i < il; i++ ){
var split = evts[ i ].split( "." ),
evt = split[ 0 ],
namespace = split.length > 0 ? split[ 1 ] : null;
domEventCallback = function( originalEvent ) {
if( oEl.ssEventTrigger ) {
originalEvent._namespace = oEl.ssEventTrigger._namespace;
originalEvent._args = oEl.ssEventTrigger._args;
oEl.ssEventTrigger = null;
return encasedCallback.call( oEl, originalEvent, namespace );
customEventCallback = null;
customEventLoop = null;
initEventCache( this, evt );
this.addEventListener( evt, domEventCallback, false );
addToEventCache( this, evt, {
callfunc: customEventCallback || domEventCallback,
isCustomEvent: !!customEventCallback,
customEventLoop: customEventLoop,
originalCallback: originalCallback,
namespace: namespace
shoestring.fn.on = shoestring.fn.bind;
* Unbind a previous bound callback for an event.
* @param {string} event The event(s) the callback was bound to..
* @param {function} callback Callback to unbind.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.unbind = function( event, callback ){
var evts = event ? event.split( " " ) : [];
return this.each(function(){
if( !this.shoestringData || !this.shoestringData.events ) {
if( !evts.length ) {
unbindAll.call( this );
} else {
var split, evt, namespace;
for( var i = 0, il = evts.length; i < il; i++ ){
split = evts[ i ].split( "." ),
evt = split[ 0 ],
namespace = split.length > 0 ? split[ 1 ] : null;
if( evt ) {
unbind.call( this, evt, namespace, callback );
} else {
unbindAll.call( this, namespace, callback );
function unbind( evt, namespace, callback ) {
var bound = this.shoestringData.events[ evt ];
if( !(bound && bound.length) ) {
var matched = [], j, jl;
for( j = 0, jl = bound.length; j < jl; j++ ) {
if( !namespace || namespace === bound[ j ].namespace ) {
if( callback === undefined || callback === bound[ j ].originalCallback ) {
this.removeEventListener( evt, bound[ j ].callback, false );
matched.push( j );
for( j = 0, jl = matched.length; j < jl; j++ ) {
this.shoestringData.events[ evt ].splice( j, 1 );
function unbindAll( namespace, callback ) {
for( var evtKey in this.shoestringData.events ) {
unbind.call( this, evtKey, namespace, callback );
shoestring.fn.off = shoestring.fn.unbind;
* Bind a callback to an event for the currrent set of elements, unbind after one occurence.
* @param {string} event The event(s) to watch for.
* @param {function} callback Callback to invoke on the event.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.one = function( event, callback ){
var evts = event.split( " " );
return this.each(function(){
var thisevt, cbs = {}, $t = shoestring( this );
for( var i = 0, il = evts.length; i < il; i++ ){
thisevt = evts[ i ];
cbs[ thisevt ] = function( e ){
var $t = shoestring( this );
for( var j in cbs ) {
$t.unbind( j, cbs[ j ] );
return callback.apply( this, [ e ].concat( e._args ) );
$t.bind( thisevt, cbs[ thisevt ] );
* Trigger an event on the first element in the set, no bubbling, no defaults.
* @param {string} event The event(s) to trigger.
* @param {object} args Arguments to append to callback invocations.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.triggerHandler = function( event, args ){
var e = event.split( " " )[ 0 ],
el = this[ 0 ],
// See this.fireEvent( 'on' + evts[ i ], document.createEventObject() ); instead of click() etc in trigger.
if( doc.createEvent && el.shoestringData && el.shoestringData.events && el.shoestringData.events[ e ] ){
var bindings = el.shoestringData.events[ e ];
for (var i in bindings ){
if( bindings.hasOwnProperty( i ) ){
event = doc.createEvent( "Event" );
event.initEvent( e, true, true );
event._args = args;
args.unshift( event );
ret = bindings[ i ].originalCallback.apply( event.target, args );
return ret;
* Trigger an event on each of the DOM elements in the current set.
* @param {string} event The event(s) to trigger.
* @param {object} args Arguments to append to callback invocations.
* @return shoestring
* @this shoestring
shoestring.fn.trigger = function( event, args ){
var evts = event.split( " " );
return this.each(function(){
var split, evt, namespace;
for( var i = 0, il = evts.length; i < il; i++ ){
split = evts[ i ].split( "." ),
evt = split[ 0 ],
namespace = split.length > 0 ? split[ 1 ] : null;
if( evt === "click" ){
if( this.tagName === "INPUT" && this.type === "checkbox" && this.click ){
return false;
if( doc.createEvent ){
var event = doc.createEvent( "Event" );
event.initEvent( evt, true, true );
event._args = args;
event._namespace = namespace;
this.dispatchEvent( event );
return shoestring;
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(["shoestring"], function (shoestring) {
return (root.Tablesaw = factory(shoestring, root));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory(require('shoestring'), root);
} else {
root.Tablesaw = factory(shoestring, root);
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function ($, window) {
"use strict";
var document = window.document;
// Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
var domContentLoadedTriggered = /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
domContentLoadedTriggered = true;
var Tablesaw = {
i18n: {
modeStack: "Stack",
modeSwipe: "Swipe",
modeToggle: "Toggle",
modeSwitchColumnsAbbreviated: "Cols",
modeSwitchColumns: "Columns",
columnToggleButton: "Columns",
columnToggleError: "No eligible columns.",
sort: "Sort",
swipePreviousColumn: "Previous column",
swipeNextColumn: "Next column"
// cut the mustard
"head" in document && // IE9+, Firefox 4+, Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari 4.1+, Opera 11.5+, Android 2.3+
(!window.blackberry || window.WebKitPoint) && // only WebKit Blackberry (OS 6+)
$: $,
_init: function(element) {
Tablesaw.$(element || document).trigger("enhance.tablesaw");
init: function(element) {
// Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
domContentLoadedTriggered =
domContentLoadedTriggered || /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState);
if (!domContentLoadedTriggered) {
if ("addEventListener" in document) {
// Use raw DOMContentLoaded instead of shoestring (may have issues in Android 2.3, exhibited by stack table)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
} else {
$(document).on("enhance.tablesaw", function() {
// Extend i18n config, if one exists.
if (typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" && TablesawConfig.i18n) {
Tablesaw.i18n = $.extend(Tablesaw.i18n, TablesawConfig.i18n || {});
Tablesaw.i18n.modes = [
if (Tablesaw.mustard) {
(function() {
var pluginName = "tablesaw";
var classes = {
toolbar: "tablesaw-bar"
var events = {
create: "tablesawcreate",
destroy: "tablesawdestroy",
refresh: "tablesawrefresh",
resize: "tablesawresize"
var defaultMode = "stack";
var initSelector = "table";
var initFilterSelector = "[data-tablesaw],[data-tablesaw-mode],[data-tablesaw-sortable]";
var defaultConfig = {};
Tablesaw.events = events;
var Table = function(element) {
if (!element) {
throw new Error("Tablesaw requires an element.");
this.table = element;
this.$table = $(element);
// only one <thead> and <tfoot> are allowed, per the specification
this.$thead = this.$table
// multiple <tbody> are allowed, per the specification
this.$tbody = this.$table.children().filter("tbody");
this.mode = this.$table.attr("data-tablesaw-mode") || defaultMode;
this.$toolbar = null;
this.attributes = {
subrow: "data-tablesaw-subrow",
ignorerow: "data-tablesaw-ignorerow"
Table.prototype.init = function() {
if (!this.$thead.length) {
throw new Error("tablesaw: a <thead> is required, but none was found.");
if (!this.$thead.find("th").length) {
throw new Error("tablesaw: no header cells found. Are you using <th> inside of <thead>?");
// assign an id if there is none
if (!this.$table.attr("id")) {
this.$table.attr("id", pluginName + "-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000));
this.$table.data(pluginName, this);
this.$table.trigger(events.create, [this]);
Table.prototype.getConfig = function(pluginSpecificConfig) {
// shoestring extend doesn’t support arbitrary args
var configs = $.extend(defaultConfig, pluginSpecificConfig || {});
return $.extend(configs, typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" ? TablesawConfig : {});
Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderRow = function() {
return this._getHeaderRows().eq(0);
Table.prototype._getHeaderRows = function() {
return this.$thead
.filter(function() {
return !$(this).is("[data-tablesaw-ignorerow]");
Table.prototype._getRowIndex = function($row) {
return $row.prevAll().length;
Table.prototype._getHeaderRowIndeces = function() {
var self = this;
var indeces = [];
this._getHeaderRows().each(function() {
return indeces;
Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderCells = function($row) {
return ($row || this._getPrimaryHeaderRow()).find("th");
Table.prototype._$getCells = function(th) {
var self = this;
return $(th)
.filter(function() {
var $t = $(this);
var $row = $t.parent();
var hasColspan = $t.is("[colspan]");
// no subrows or ignored rows (keep cells in ignored rows that do not have a colspan)
return (
!$row.is("[" + self.attributes.subrow + "]") &&
(!$row.is("[" + self.attributes.ignorerow + "]") || !hasColspan)
Table.prototype._getVisibleColspan = function() {
var colspan = 0;
this._getPrimaryHeaderCells().each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($t.css("display") !== "none") {
colspan += parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1;
return colspan;
Table.prototype.getColspanForCell = function($cell) {
var visibleColspan = this._getVisibleColspan();
var visibleSiblingColumns = 0;
if ($cell.closest("tr").data("tablesaw-rowspanned")) {
$cell.siblings().each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
var colColspan = parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1;
if ($t.css("display") !== "none") {
visibleSiblingColumns += colColspan;
// console.log( $cell[ 0 ], visibleColspan, visibleSiblingColumns );
return visibleColspan - visibleSiblingColumns;
Table.prototype.isCellInColumn = function(header, cell) {
return $(header)
.filter(function() {
return this === cell;
Table.prototype.updateColspanCells = function(cls, header, userAction) {
var self = this;
var primaryHeaderRow = self._getPrimaryHeaderRow();
// find persistent column rowspans
this.$table.find("[rowspan][data-tablesaw-priority]").each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($t.attr("data-tablesaw-priority") !== "persist") {
var $row = $t.closest("tr");
var rowspan = parseInt($t.attr("rowspan"), 10);
if (rowspan > 1) {
$row = $row.next();
$row.data("tablesaw-rowspanned", true);
.filter(function() {
// is not in primary header row
return $(this).closest("tr")[0] !== primaryHeaderRow[0];
.each(function() {
var $cell = $(this);
if (userAction === undefined || self.isCellInColumn(header, this)) {
} else {
// if is not a user action AND the cell is not in the updating column, kill it
var colspan = self.getColspanForCell($cell);
if (cls && userAction !== undefined) {
// console.log( colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass", $cell );
$cell[colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](cls);
// cache original colspan
var maxColspan = parseInt($cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan"), 10);
if (!maxColspan) {
$cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan", $cell.attr("colspan"));
} else if (colspan > maxColspan) {
colspan = maxColspan;
// console.log( this, "setting colspan to ", colspan );
$cell.attr("colspan", colspan);
Table.prototype._findPrimaryHeadersForCell = function(cell) {
var $headerRow = this._getPrimaryHeaderRow();
var headerRowIndex = this._getRowIndex($headerRow);
var results = [];
for (var rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < this.headerMapping.length; rowNumber++) {
if (rowNumber === headerRowIndex) {
for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < this.headerMapping[rowNumber].length; colNumber++) {
if (this.headerMapping[rowNumber][colNumber] === cell) {
return results;
// used by init cells
Table.prototype.getRows = function() {
var self = this;
return this.$table.find("tr").filter(function() {
return $(this)
// used by sortable
Table.prototype.getBodyRows = function(tbody) {
return (tbody ? $(tbody) : this.$tbody).children().filter("tr");
Table.prototype.getHeaderCellIndex = function(cell) {
var lookup = this.headerMapping[0];
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < lookup.length; colIndex++) {
if (lookup[colIndex] === cell) {
return colIndex;
return -1;
Table.prototype._initCells = function() {
// re-establish original colspans
this.$table.find("[data-tablesaw-maxcolspan]").each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
$t.attr("colspan", $t.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan"));
var $rows = this.getRows();
var columnLookup = [];
$rows.each(function(rowNumber) {
columnLookup[rowNumber] = [];
$rows.each(function(rowNumber) {
var coltally = 0;
var $t = $(this);
var children = $t.children();
children.each(function() {
var colspan = parseInt(
this.getAttribute("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan") || this.getAttribute("colspan"),
var rowspan = parseInt(this.getAttribute("rowspan"), 10);
// set in a previous rowspan
while (columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally]) {
columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this;
// TODO? both colspan and rowspan
if (colspan) {
for (var k = 0; k < colspan - 1; k++) {
columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this;
if (rowspan) {
for (var j = 1; j < rowspan; j++) {
columnLookup[rowNumber + j][coltally] = this;
var headerRowIndeces = this._getHeaderRowIndeces();
for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < columnLookup[0].length; colNumber++) {
for (var headerIndex = 0, k = headerRowIndeces.length; headerIndex < k; headerIndex++) {
var headerCol = columnLookup[headerRowIndeces[headerIndex]][colNumber];
var rowNumber = headerRowIndeces[headerIndex];
var rowCell;
if (!headerCol.cells) {
headerCol.cells = [];
while (rowNumber < columnLookup.length) {
rowCell = columnLookup[rowNumber][colNumber];
if (headerCol !== rowCell) {
this.headerMapping = columnLookup;
Table.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.$table.trigger(events.refresh, [this]);
Table.prototype._getToolbarAnchor = function() {
var $parent = this.$table.parent();
if ($parent.is(".tablesaw-overflow")) {
return $parent;
return this.$table;
Table.prototype._getToolbar = function($anchor) {
if (!$anchor) {
$anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor();
return $anchor.prev().filter("." + classes.toolbar);
Table.prototype.createToolbar = function() {
// Insert the toolbar
// TODO move this into a separate component
var $anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor();
var $toolbar = this._getToolbar($anchor);
if (!$toolbar.length) {
$toolbar = $("<div>")
this.$toolbar = $toolbar;
if (this.mode) {
this.$toolbar.addClass("tablesaw-mode-" + this.mode);
Table.prototype.destroy = function() {
// Don’t remove the toolbar, just erase the classes on it.
// Some of the table features are not yet destroy-friendly.
this._getToolbar().each(function() {
this.className = this.className.replace(/\btablesaw-mode\-\w*\b/gi, "");
var tableId = this.$table.attr("id");
$(document).off("." + tableId);
$(window).off("." + tableId);
// other plugins
this.$table.trigger(events.destroy, [this]);
// Collection method.
$.fn[pluginName] = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($t.data(pluginName)) {
new Table(this);
var $doc = $(document);
$doc.on("enhance.tablesaw", function(e) {
// Cut the mustard
if (Tablesaw.mustard) {
var $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.parent().length) {
$target = $target.parent();
// Avoid a resize during scroll:
// Some Mobile devices trigger a resize during scroll (sometimes when
// doing elastic stretch at the end of the document or from the
// location bar hide)
var isScrolling = false;
var scrollTimeout;
$doc.on("scroll.tablesaw", function() {
isScrolling = true;
scrollTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
isScrolling = false;
}, 300); // must be greater than the resize timeout below
var resizeTimeout;
$(window).on("resize", function() {
if (!isScrolling) {
resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 150); // must be less than the scrolling timeout above.
Tablesaw.Table = Table;
(function() {
var classes = {
stackTable: "tablesaw-stack",
cellLabels: "tablesaw-cell-label",
cellContentLabels: "tablesaw-cell-content"
var data = {
key: "tablesaw-stack"
var attrs = {
labelless: "data-tablesaw-no-labels",
hideempty: "data-tablesaw-hide-empty"
var Stack = function(element, tablesaw) {
this.tablesaw = tablesaw;
this.$table = $(element);
this.labelless = this.$table.is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]");
this.hideempty = this.$table.is("[" + attrs.hideempty + "]");
this.$table.data(data.key, this);
Stack.prototype.init = function() {
if (this.labelless) {
var self = this;
.find("th, td")
.filter(function() {
return !$(this).closest("thead").length;
.filter(function() {
return (
!$(this).is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]") &&
.is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]") &&
(!self.hideempty || !!$(this).html())
.each(function() {
var $newHeader = $(document.createElement("b")).addClass(classes.cellLabels);
var $cell = $(this);
$(self.tablesaw._findPrimaryHeadersForCell(this)).each(function(index) {
var $header = $(this.cloneNode(true));
// TODO decouple from sortable better
// Changed from .text() in https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/commit/b9c12a8f893ec192830ec3ba2d75f062642f935b
// to preserve structural html in headers, like <a>
var $sortableButton = $header.find(".tablesaw-sortable-btn");
// TODO decouple from checkall better
var $checkall = $header.find("[data-tablesaw-checkall]");
if ($checkall.length) {
$newHeader = $([]);
if (index > 0) {
$newHeader.append(document.createTextNode(", "));
var parentNode = $sortableButton.length ? $sortableButton[0] : $header[0];
var el;
while ((el = parentNode.firstChild)) {
if ($newHeader.length && !$cell.find("." + classes.cellContentLabels).length) {
$cell.wrapInner("<span class='" + classes.cellContentLabels + "'></span>");
// Update if already exists.
var $label = $cell.find("." + classes.cellLabels);
if (!$label.length) {
$cell.prepend(document.createTextNode(" "));
} else {
// only if changed
Stack.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$table.find("." + classes.cellLabels).remove();
this.$table.find("." + classes.cellContentLabels).each(function() {
// on tablecreate, init
.on(Tablesaw.events.create, function(e, tablesaw) {
if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") {
var table = new Stack(tablesaw.table, tablesaw);
.on(Tablesaw.events.refresh, function(e, tablesaw) {
if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") {
.on(Tablesaw.events.destroy, function(e, tablesaw) {
if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") {
Tablesaw.Stack = Stack;
return Tablesaw;