# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
requests_toolbelt . auth . handler
== == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
This holds all of the implementation details of the Authentication Handler .
from requests . auth import AuthBase , HTTPBasicAuth
from requests . compat import urlparse , urlunparse
class AuthHandler ( AuthBase ) :
The ` ` AuthHandler ` ` object takes a dictionary of domains paired with
authentication strategies and will use this to determine which credentials
to use when making a request . For example , you could do the following :
. . code - block : : python
from requests import HTTPDigestAuth
from requests_toolbelt . auth . handler import AuthHandler
import requests
auth = AuthHandler ( {
' https://api.github.com ' : ( ' sigmavirus24 ' , ' fakepassword ' ) ,
' https://example.com ' : HTTPDigestAuth ( ' username ' , ' password ' )
} )
r = requests . get ( ' https://api.github.com/user ' , auth = auth )
# => <Response [200]>
r = requests . get ( ' https://example.com/some/path ' , auth = auth )
# => <Response [200]>
s = requests . Session ( )
s . auth = auth
r = s . get ( ' https://api.github.com/user ' )
# => <Response [200]>
. . warning : :
: class : ` requests . auth . HTTPDigestAuth ` is not yet thread - safe . If you
use : class : ` AuthHandler ` across multiple threads you should
instantiate a new AuthHandler for each thread with a new
HTTPDigestAuth instance for each thread .
def __init__ ( self , strategies ) :
self . strategies = dict ( strategies )
self . _make_uniform ( )
def __call__ ( self , request ) :
auth = self . get_strategy_for ( request . url )
return auth ( request )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ' <AuthHandler( {!r} )> ' . format ( self . strategies )
def _make_uniform ( self ) :
existing_strategies = list ( self . strategies . items ( ) )
self . strategies = { }
for ( k , v ) in existing_strategies :
self . add_strategy ( k , v )
def _key_from_url ( url ) :
parsed = urlparse ( url )
return urlunparse ( ( parsed . scheme . lower ( ) ,
parsed . netloc . lower ( ) ,
' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ) )
def add_strategy ( self , domain , strategy ) :
""" Add a new domain and authentication strategy.
: param str domain : The domain you wish to match against . For example :
` ` ' https://api.github.com ' ` `
: param str strategy : The authentication strategy you wish to use for
that domain . For example : ` ` ( ' username ' , ' password ' ) ` ` or
` ` requests . HTTPDigestAuth ( ' username ' , ' password ' ) ` `
. . code - block : : python
a = AuthHandler ( { } )
a . add_strategy ( ' https://api.github.com ' , ( ' username ' , ' password ' ) )
# Turn tuples into Basic Authentication objects
if isinstance ( strategy , tuple ) :
strategy = HTTPBasicAuth ( * strategy )
key = self . _key_from_url ( domain )
self . strategies [ key ] = strategy
def get_strategy_for ( self , url ) :
""" Retrieve the authentication strategy for a specified URL.
: param str url : The full URL you will be making a request against . For
example , ` ` ' https://api.github.com/user ' ` `
: returns : Callable that adds authentication to a request .
. . code - block : : python
import requests
a = AuthHandler ( { ' example.com ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) } )
strategy = a . get_strategy_for ( ' http://example.com/example ' )
assert isinstance ( strategy , requests . auth . HTTPBasicAuth )
key = self . _key_from_url ( url )
return self . strategies . get ( key , NullAuthStrategy ( ) )
def remove_strategy ( self , domain ) :
""" Remove the domain and strategy from the collection of strategies.
: param str domain : The domain you wish remove . For example ,
` ` ' https://api.github.com ' ` ` .
. . code - block : : python
a = AuthHandler ( { ' example.com ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) } )
a . remove_strategy ( ' example.com ' )
assert a . strategies == { }
key = self . _key_from_url ( domain )
if key in self . strategies :
del self . strategies [ key ]
class NullAuthStrategy ( AuthBase ) :
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ' <NullAuthStrategy> '
def __call__ ( self , r ) :
return r