#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Entry point functions and classes for Rebulk
from logging import getLogger
from . builder import Builder
from . match import Matches
from . processors import ConflictSolver , PrivateRemover
from . rules import Rules
from . utils import extend_safe
log = getLogger ( __name__ ) . log
class Rebulk ( Builder ) :
r """
Regular expression , string and function based patterns are declared in a ` ` Rebulk ` ` object . It use a fluent API to
chain ` ` string ` ` , ` ` regex ` ` , and ` ` functional ` ` methods to define various patterns types .
. . code - block : : python
>> > from rebulk import Rebulk
>> > bulk = Rebulk ( ) . string ( ' brown ' ) . regex ( r ' qu \ w+ ' ) . functional ( lambda s : ( 20 , 25 ) )
When ` ` Rebulk ` ` object is fully configured , you can call ` ` matches ` ` method with an input string to retrieve all
` ` Match ` ` objects found by registered pattern .
. . code - block : : python
>> > bulk . matches ( " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " )
[ < brown : ( 10 , 15 ) > , < quick : ( 4 , 9 ) > , < jumps : ( 20 , 25 ) > ]
If multiple ` ` Match ` ` objects are found at the same position , only the longer one is kept .
. . code - block : : python
>> > bulk = Rebulk ( ) . string ( ' lakers ' ) . string ( ' la ' )
>> > bulk . matches ( " the lakers are from la " )
[ < lakers : ( 4 , 10 ) > , < la : ( 20 , 22 ) > ]
# pylint:disable=protected-access
def __init__ ( self , disabled = lambda context : False , default_rules = True ) :
Creates a new Rebulk object .
: param disabled : if True , this pattern is disabled . Can also be a function ( context ) .
: type disabled : bool | function
: param default_rules : use default rules
: type default_rules :
: return :
: rtype :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
if not callable ( disabled ) :
self . disabled = lambda context : disabled
else :
self . disabled = disabled
self . _patterns = [ ]
self . _rules = Rules ( )
if default_rules :
self . rules ( ConflictSolver , PrivateRemover )
self . _rebulks = [ ]
def pattern ( self , * pattern ) :
Add patterns objects
: param pattern :
: type pattern : rebulk . pattern . Pattern
: return : self
: rtype : Rebulk
self . _patterns . extend ( pattern )
return self
def rules ( self , * rules ) :
Add rules as a module , class or instance .
: param rules :
: type rules : list [ Rule ]
: return :
self . _rules . load ( * rules )
return self
def rebulk ( self , * rebulks ) :
Add a children rebulk object
: param rebulks :
: type rebulks : Rebulk
: return :
self . _rebulks . extend ( rebulks )
return self
def matches ( self , string , context = None ) :
Search for all matches with current configuration against input_string
: param string : string to search into
: type string : str
: param context : context to use
: type context : dict
: return : A custom list of matches
: rtype : Matches
matches = Matches ( input_string = string )
if context is None :
context = { }
self . _matches_patterns ( matches , context )
self . _execute_rules ( matches , context )
return matches
def effective_rules ( self , context = None ) :
Get effective rules for this rebulk object and its children .
: param context :
: type context :
: return :
: rtype :
rules = Rules ( )
rules . extend ( self . _rules )
for rebulk in self . _rebulks :
if not rebulk . disabled ( context ) :
extend_safe ( rules , rebulk . _rules )
return rules
def _execute_rules ( self , matches , context ) :
Execute rules for this rebulk and children .
: param matches :
: type matches :
: param context :
: type context :
: return :
: rtype :
if not self . disabled ( context ) :
rules = self . effective_rules ( context )
rules . execute_all_rules ( matches , context )
def effective_patterns ( self , context = None ) :
Get effective patterns for this rebulk object and its children .
: param context :
: type context :
: return :
: rtype :
patterns = list ( self . _patterns )
for rebulk in self . _rebulks :
if not rebulk . disabled ( context ) :
extend_safe ( patterns , rebulk . _patterns )
return patterns
def _matches_patterns ( self , matches , context ) :
Search for all matches with current paterns agains input_string
: param matches : matches list
: type matches : Matches
: param context : context to use
: type context : dict
: return :
: rtype :
if not self . disabled ( context ) :
patterns = self . effective_patterns ( context )
for pattern in patterns :
if not pattern . disabled ( context ) :
pattern_matches = pattern . matches ( matches . input_string , context )
if pattern_matches :
log ( pattern . log_level , " Pattern has %s match(es). ( %s ) " , len ( pattern_matches ) , pattern )
else :
# log(pattern.log_level, "Pattern doesn't match. (%s)" % (pattern,))
for match in pattern_matches :
if match . marker :
log ( pattern . log_level , " Marker found. ( %s ) " , match )
matches . markers . append ( match )
else :
log ( pattern . log_level , " Match found. ( %s ) " , match )
matches . append ( match )
else :
log ( pattern . log_level , " Pattern is disabled. ( %s ) " , pattern )