# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# All rights reserved.
# This code is licensed under the MIT License.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import re
import six
import contextlib
import os
from os . path import expanduser
from functools import reduce
try :
# Python 2.7
from urllib import unquote
from urllib import quote
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError :
# Python 3.x
from urllib . parse import unquote
from urllib . parse import quote
from urllib . parse import urlparse
# URL Indexing Table for returns via parse_url()
# The below accepts and scans for:
# - schema://
# - schema://path
# - schema://path?kwargs
VALID_URL_RE = re . compile (
r ' ^[ \ s]*((?P<schema>[^: \ s]+):[/ \\ ]+)?((?P<path>[^?]+) '
r ' ( \ ?(?P<kwargs>.+))?)?[ \ s]*$ ' ,
VALID_QUERY_RE = re . compile ( r ' ^(?P<path>.*[/ \\ ])(?P<query>[^/ \\ ]+)?$ ' )
# delimiters used to separate values when content is passed in by string.
# This is useful when turning a string into a list
STRING_DELIMITERS = r ' [ \ [ \ ] \ ;, \ s]+ '
# Pre-Escape content since we reference it so much
ESCAPED_PATH_SEPARATOR = re . escape ( ' \\ / ' )
ESCAPED_WIN_PATH_SEPARATOR = re . escape ( ' \\ ' )
ESCAPED_NUX_PATH_SEPARATOR = re . escape ( ' / ' )
TIDY_WIN_PATH_RE = re . compile (
r ' (^[ %s ] {2} |[^ %s \ s][ %s ]|[ \ s][ %s ] {2} ])([ %s ]+) ' % (
) ,
TIDY_WIN_TRIM_RE = re . compile (
r ' ^(.+[^:][^ %s ])[ \ s %s ]*$ ' % (
) ,
TIDY_NUX_PATH_RE = re . compile (
r ' ([ %s ])([ %s ]+) ' % (
) ,
TIDY_NUX_TRIM_RE = re . compile (
r ' ([^ %s ])[ \ s %s ]+$ ' % (
) ,
# The handling of custom arguments passed in the URL; we treat any
# argument (which would otherwise appear in the qsd area of our parse_url()
# function differently if they start with a + or - value
NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ADD_TOKENS = re . compile ( r ' ^( | \ +)(?P<key>.*) \ s* ' )
NOTIFY_CUSTOM_DEL_TOKENS = re . compile ( r ' ^-(?P<key>.*) \ s* ' )
# Used for attempting to acquire the schema if the URL can't be parsed.
GET_SCHEMA_RE = re . compile ( r ' \ s*(?P<schema>[a-z0-9] { 2,9})://.*$ ' , re . I )
# Regular expression based and expanded from:
# http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
GET_EMAIL_RE = re . compile (
r " (?P<fulluser>((?P<label>[^+]+) \ +)? "
r " (?P<userid>[a-z0-9$ % =_~-]+ "
r " (?: \ .[a-z0-9$ % +=_~-]+) "
r " *))@(?P<domain>(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])? \ .)+ "
r " [a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]* "
r " [a-z0-9]))? " ,
# Regular expression used to extract a phone number
GET_PHONE_NO_RE = re . compile ( r ' ^ \ +?(?P<phone>[0-9 \ s)(+-]+) \ s*$ ' )
# Regular expression used to destinguish between multiple URLs
URL_DETECTION_RE = re . compile (
r ' ([a-z0-9]+?: \ / \ /.*?)[ \ s,]*(?=$|[a-z0-9]+?: \ / \ /) ' , re . I )
# validate_regex() utilizes this mapping to track and re-use pre-complied
# regular expressions
def is_hostname ( hostname ) :
Validate hostname
if len ( hostname ) > 255 or len ( hostname ) == 0 :
return False
if hostname [ - 1 ] == " . " :
hostname = hostname [ : - 1 ]
allowed = re . compile ( r ' (?!-)[A-Z \ d_-] { 1,63}(?<!-)$ ' , re . IGNORECASE )
return all ( allowed . match ( x ) for x in hostname . split ( " . " ) )
def is_email ( address ) :
""" Determine if the specified entry is an email address
Args :
address ( str ) : The string you want to check .
Returns :
bool : Returns True if the address specified is an email address
and False if it isn ' t.
try :
return GET_EMAIL_RE . match ( address ) is not None
except TypeError :
# invalid syntax
return False
def tidy_path ( path ) :
""" take a filename and or directory and attempts to tidy it up by removing
trailing slashes and correcting any formatting issues .
For example : / / / / absolute / / path / / becomes :
/ absolute / path
# Windows
path = TIDY_WIN_PATH_RE . sub ( ' \\ 1 ' , path . strip ( ) )
# Linux
path = TIDY_NUX_PATH_RE . sub ( ' \\ 1 ' , path . strip ( ) )
# Linux Based Trim
path = TIDY_NUX_TRIM_RE . sub ( ' \\ 1 ' , path . strip ( ) )
# Windows Based Trim
path = expanduser ( TIDY_WIN_TRIM_RE . sub ( ' \\ 1 ' , path . strip ( ) ) )
return path
def parse_qsd ( qs ) :
Query String Dictionary Builder
A custom implimentation of the parse_qsl ( ) function already provided
by Python . This function is slightly more light weight and gives us
more control over parsing out arguments such as the plus / + symbol
at the head of a key / value pair .
qs should be a query string part made up as part of the URL such as
a = 1 & c = 2 & d =
a = 1 gets interpreted as { ' a ' : ' 1 ' }
a = gets interpreted as { ' a ' : ' ' }
a gets interpreted as { ' a ' : ' ' }
This function returns a result object that fits with the apprise
expected parameters ( populating the ' qsd ' portion of the dictionary
# Our return result set:
result = {
# The arguments passed in (the parsed query). This is in a dictionary
# of {'key': 'val', etc }. Keys are all made lowercase before storing
# to simplify access to them.
' qsd ' : { } ,
# Detected Entries that start with + or - are additionally stored in
# these values (un-touched). The +/- however are stripped from their
# name before they are stored here.
' qsd+ ' : { } ,
' qsd- ' : { } ,
pairs = [ s2 for s1 in qs . split ( ' & ' ) for s2 in s1 . split ( ' ; ' ) ]
for name_value in pairs :
nv = name_value . split ( ' = ' , 1 )
# Handle case of a control-name with no equal sign
if len ( nv ) != 2 :
nv . append ( ' ' )
# Apprise keys can start with a + symbol; so we need to skip over
# the very first entry
key = ' {} {} ' . format (
' ' if len ( nv [ 0 ] ) == 0 else nv [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ,
' ' if len ( nv [ 0 ] ) < = 1 else nv [ 0 ] [ 1 : ] . replace ( ' + ' , ' ' ) ,
key = unquote ( key )
key = ' ' if not key else key
val = nv [ 1 ] . replace ( ' + ' , ' ' )
val = unquote ( val )
val = ' ' if not val else val . strip ( )
# Always Query String Dictionary (qsd) for every entry we have
# content is always made lowercase for easy indexing
result [ ' qsd ' ] [ key . lower ( ) . strip ( ) ] = val
# Check for tokens that start with a addition/plus symbol (+)
k = NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ADD_TOKENS . match ( key )
if k is not None :
# Store content 'as-is'
result [ ' qsd+ ' ] [ k . group ( ' key ' ) ] = val
# Check for tokens that start with a subtraction/hyphen symbol (-)
k = NOTIFY_CUSTOM_DEL_TOKENS . match ( key )
if k is not None :
# Store content 'as-is'
result [ ' qsd- ' ] [ k . group ( ' key ' ) ] = val
return result
def parse_url ( url , default_schema = ' http ' , verify_host = True ) :
""" A function that greatly simplifies the parsing of a url
specified by the end user .
Valid syntaxes are :
< schema > : / / < user > @ < host > : < port > / < path >
< schema > : / / < user > : < passwd > @ < host > : < port > / < path >
< schema > : / / < host > : < port > / < path >
< schema > : / / < host > / < path >
< schema > : / / < host >
< host >
Argument parsing is also supported :
< schema > : / / < user > @ < host > : < port > / < path > ? key1 = val & key2 = val2
< schema > : / / < user > : < passwd > @ < host > : < port > / < path > ? key1 = val & key2 = val2
< schema > : / / < host > : < port > / < path > ? key1 = val & key2 = val2
< schema > : / / < host > / < path > ? key1 = val & key2 = val2
< schema > : / / < host > ? key1 = val & key2 = val2
The function returns a simple dictionary with all of
the parsed content within it and returns ' None ' if the
content could not be extracted .
if not isinstance ( url , six . string_types ) :
# Simple error checking
return None
# Default Results
result = {
# The username (if specified)
' user ' : None ,
# The password (if specified)
' password ' : None ,
# The port (if specified)
' port ' : None ,
# The hostname
' host ' : ' ' ,
# The full path (query + path)
' fullpath ' : None ,
# The path
' path ' : None ,
# The query
' query ' : None ,
# The schema
' schema ' : None ,
# The schema
' url ' : None ,
# The arguments passed in (the parsed query). This is in a dictionary
# of {'key': 'val', etc }. Keys are all made lowercase before storing
# to simplify access to them.
# qsd = Query String Dictionary
' qsd ' : { } ,
# Detected Entries that start with + or - are additionally stored in
# these values (un-touched). The +/- however are stripped from their
# name before they are stored here.
' qsd+ ' : { } ,
' qsd- ' : { } ,
qsdata = ' '
match = VALID_URL_RE . search ( url )
if match :
# Extract basic results (with schema present)
result [ ' schema ' ] = match . group ( ' schema ' ) . lower ( ) . strip ( ) \
if match . group ( ' schema ' ) else default_schema
host = match . group ( ' path ' ) . strip ( ) \
if match . group ( ' path ' ) else ' '
qsdata = match . group ( ' kwargs ' ) . strip ( ) \
if match . group ( ' kwargs ' ) else None
else :
# Could not extract basic content from the URL
return None
# Parse Query Arugments ?val=key&key=val
# while ensuring that all keys are lowercase
if qsdata :
result . update ( parse_qsd ( qsdata ) )
# Now do a proper extraction of data; http:// is just substitued in place
# to allow urlparse() to function as expected, we'll swap this back to the
# expected schema after.
parsed = urlparse ( ' http:// %s ' % host )
# Parse results
result [ ' host ' ] = parsed [ 1 ] . strip ( )
result [ ' fullpath ' ] = quote ( unquote ( tidy_path ( parsed [ 2 ] . strip ( ) ) ) )
try :
# Handle trailing slashes removed by tidy_path
if result [ ' fullpath ' ] [ - 1 ] not in ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) and \
url [ - 1 ] in ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) :
result [ ' fullpath ' ] + = url . strip ( ) [ - 1 ]
except IndexError :
# No problem, there simply isn't any returned results
# and therefore, no trailing slash
if not result [ ' fullpath ' ] :
# Default
result [ ' fullpath ' ] = None
else :
# Using full path, extract query from path
match = VALID_QUERY_RE . search ( result [ ' fullpath ' ] )
result [ ' path ' ] = match . group ( ' path ' )
result [ ' query ' ] = match . group ( ' query ' )
if not result [ ' query ' ] :
result [ ' query ' ] = None
try :
( result [ ' user ' ] , result [ ' host ' ] ) = \
re . split ( r ' [@]+ ' , result [ ' host ' ] ) [ : 2 ]
except ValueError :
# no problem then, host only exists
# and it's already assigned
if result [ ' user ' ] is not None :
try :
( result [ ' user ' ] , result [ ' password ' ] ) = \
re . split ( r ' [:]+ ' , result [ ' user ' ] ) [ : 2 ]
except ValueError :
# no problem then, user only exists
# and it's already assigned
try :
( result [ ' host ' ] , result [ ' port ' ] ) = \
re . split ( r ' [:]+ ' , result [ ' host ' ] ) [ : 2 ]
except ValueError :
# no problem then, user only exists
# and it's already assigned
if result [ ' port ' ] :
try :
result [ ' port ' ] = int ( result [ ' port ' ] )
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
# Invalid Port Specified
return None
if result [ ' port ' ] == 0 :
result [ ' port ' ] = None
if verify_host and not is_hostname ( result [ ' host ' ] ) :
# Nothing more we can do without a hostname
return None
# Re-assemble cleaned up version of the url
result [ ' url ' ] = ' %s :// ' % result [ ' schema ' ]
if isinstance ( result [ ' user ' ] , six . string_types ) :
result [ ' url ' ] + = result [ ' user ' ]
if isinstance ( result [ ' password ' ] , six . string_types ) :
result [ ' url ' ] + = ' : %s @ ' % result [ ' password ' ]
else :
result [ ' url ' ] + = ' @ '
result [ ' url ' ] + = result [ ' host ' ]
if result [ ' port ' ] :
result [ ' url ' ] + = ' : %d ' % result [ ' port ' ]
if result [ ' fullpath ' ] :
result [ ' url ' ] + = result [ ' fullpath ' ]
return result
def parse_bool ( arg , default = False ) :
NZBGet uses ' yes ' and ' no ' as well as other strings such as ' on ' or
' off ' etch to handle boolean operations from it ' s control interface.
This method can just simplify checks to these variables .
If the content could not be parsed , then the default is returned .
if isinstance ( arg , six . string_types ) :
# no = no - False
# of = short for off - False
# 0 = int for False
# fa = short for False - False
# f = short for False - False
# n = short for No or Never - False
# ne = short for Never - False
# di = short for Disable(d) - False
# de = short for Deny - False
if arg . lower ( ) [ 0 : 2 ] in (
' de ' , ' di ' , ' ne ' , ' f ' , ' n ' , ' no ' , ' of ' , ' 0 ' , ' fa ' ) :
return False
# ye = yes - True
# on = short for off - True
# 1 = int for True
# tr = short for True - True
# t = short for True - True
# al = short for Always (and Allow) - True
# en = short for Enable(d) - True
elif arg . lower ( ) [ 0 : 2 ] in (
' en ' , ' al ' , ' t ' , ' y ' , ' ye ' , ' on ' , ' 1 ' , ' tr ' ) :
return True
# otherwise
return default
# Handle other types
return bool ( arg )
def split_urls ( urls ) :
Takes a string containing URLs separated by comma ' s and/or spaces and
returns a list .
try :
results = URL_DETECTION_RE . findall ( urls )
except TypeError :
results = [ ]
if len ( results ) > 0 and results [ len ( results ) - 1 ] [ - 1 ] != urls [ - 1 ] :
# we always want to save the end of url URL if we can; This handles
# cases where there is actually a comma (,) at the end of a single URL
# that would have otherwise got lost when our regex passed over it.
results [ len ( results ) - 1 ] + = \
re . match ( r ' .*?([ \ s,]+)?$ ' , urls ) . group ( 1 ) . rstrip ( )
return results
def parse_list ( * args ) :
Take a string list and break it into a delimited
list of arguments . This funciton also supports
the processing of a list of delmited strings and will
always return a unique set of arguments . Duplicates are
always combined in the final results .
You can append as many items to the argument listing for
parsing .
Hence : parse_list ( ' .mkv, .iso, .avi ' ) becomes :
[ ' .mkv ' , ' .iso ' , ' .avi ' ]
Hence : parse_list ( ' .mkv, .iso, .avi ' , [ ' .avi ' , ' .mp4 ' ] ) becomes :
[ ' .mkv ' , ' .iso ' , ' .avi ' , ' .mp4 ' ]
The parsing is very forgiving and accepts spaces , slashes , commas
semicolons , and pipes as delimiters
result = [ ]
for arg in args :
if isinstance ( arg , six . string_types ) :
result + = re . split ( STRING_DELIMITERS , arg )
elif isinstance ( arg , ( set , list , tuple ) ) :
result + = parse_list ( * arg )
# filter() eliminates any empty entries
# Since Python v3 returns a filter (iterator) where-as Python v2 returned
# a list, we need to change it into a list object to remain compatible with
# both distribution types.
return sorted ( [ x for x in filter ( bool , list ( set ( result ) ) ) ] )
def is_exclusive_match ( logic , data , match_all = ' all ' ) :
The data variable should always be a set of strings that the logic can be
compared against . It should be a set . If it isn ' t already, then it will
be converted as such . These identify the tags themselves .
Our logic should be a list as well :
- top level entries are treated as an ' or '
- second level ( or more ) entries are treated as ' and '
examples :
logic = " tagA, tagB " = tagA or tagB
logic = [ ' tagA ' , ' tagB ' ] = tagA or tagB
logic = [ ( ' tagA ' , ' tagC ' ) , ' tagB ' ] = ( tagA and tagC ) or tagB
logic = [ ( ' tagB ' , ' tagC ' ) ] = tagB and tagC
if isinstance ( logic , six . string_types ) :
# Update our logic to support our delimiters
logic = set ( parse_list ( logic ) )
if not logic :
# If there is no logic to apply then we're done early; we only match
# if there is also no data to match against
return not data
if not isinstance ( logic , ( list , tuple , set ) ) :
# garbage input
return False
# Track what we match against; but by default we do not match
# against anything
matched = False
# Every entry here will be or'ed with the next
for entry in logic :
if not isinstance ( entry , ( six . string_types , list , tuple , set ) ) :
# Garbage entry in our logic found
return False
# treat these entries as though all elements found
# must exist in the notification service
entries = set ( parse_list ( entry ) )
if not entries :
# We got a bogus set of tags to parse
# If there is no logic to apply then we're done early; we only
# match if there is also no data to match against
return not data
if len ( entries . intersection ( data . union ( { match_all } ) ) ) == len ( entries ) :
# our set contains all of the entries found
# in our notification data set
matched = True
# else: keep looking
# Return True if we matched against our logic (or simply none was
# specified).
return matched
def validate_regex ( value , regex = r ' [^ \ s]+ ' , flags = re . I , strip = True , fmt = None ) :
A lot of the tokens , secrets , api keys , etc all have some regular
expression validation they support . This hashes the regex after it ' s
compiled and returns it ' s content if matched, otherwise it returns None.
This function greatly increases performance as it prevents apprise modules
from having to pre - compile all of their regular expressions .
value is the element being tested
regex is the regular expression to be compiled and tested . By default
we extract the first chunk of code while eliminating surrounding
whitespace ( if present )
flags is the regular expression flags that should be applied
format is used to alter the response format if the regular
expression matches . You identify your format using { tags } .
Effectively nesting your ID ' s between {} . Consider a regex of:
' (?P<year>[0-9] {2} )[0-9]+(?P<value>[A-Z]) '
to which you could set your format up as ' {value} - {year} ' . This
would substitute the matched groups and format a response .
if flags :
# Regex String -> Flag Lookup Map
_map = {
# Ignore Case
' i ' : re . I ,
# Multi Line
' m ' : re . M ,
# Dot Matches All
' s ' : re . S ,
# Locale Dependant
' L ' : re . L ,
# Unicode Matching
' u ' : re . U ,
# Verbose
' x ' : re . X ,
if isinstance ( flags , six . string_types ) :
# Convert a string of regular expression flags into their
# respected integer (expected) Python values and perform
# a bit-wise or on each match found:
flags = reduce (
lambda x , y : x | y ,
[ 0 ] + [ _map [ f ] for f in flags if f in _map ] )
else :
# Handles None/False/'' cases
flags = 0
# A key is used to store our compiled regular expression
key = ' {} {} ' . format ( regex , flags )
REGEX_VALIDATE_LOOKUP [ key ] = re . compile ( regex , flags )
# Perform our lookup usig our pre-compiled result
try :
result = REGEX_VALIDATE_LOOKUP [ key ] . match ( value )
if not result :
# let outer exception handle this
raise TypeError
if fmt :
# Map our format back to our response
value = fmt . format ( * * result . groupdict ( ) )
except ( TypeError , AttributeError ) :
return None
# Return our response
return value . strip ( ) if strip else value
def environ ( * remove , * * update ) :
Temporarily updates the ` ` os . environ ` ` dictionary in - place .
The ` ` os . environ ` ` dictionary is updated in - place so that the modification
is sure to work in all situations .
: param remove : Environment variable ( s ) to remove .
: param update : Dictionary of environment variables and values to
add / update .
# Create a backup of our environment for restoration purposes
env_orig = os . environ . copy ( )
try :
os . environ . update ( update )
[ os . environ . pop ( k , None ) for k in remove ]
finally :
# Restore our snapshot
os . environ = env_orig . copy ( )