from abc import ABC , abstractmethod
from typing import List , Union
from . text import Text
def _combine_regex ( * regexes : str ) - > str :
""" Combine a number of regexes in to a single regex.
Returns :
str : New regex with all regexes ORed together .
return " | " . join ( regexes )
class Highlighter ( ABC ) :
""" Abstract base class for highlighters. """
def __call__ ( self , text : Union [ str , Text ] ) - > Text :
""" Highlight a str or Text instance.
Args :
text ( Union [ str , ~ Text ] ) : Text to highlight .
Raises :
TypeError : If not called with text or str .
Returns :
Text : A test instance with highlighting applied .
if isinstance ( text , str ) :
highlight_text = Text ( text )
elif isinstance ( text , Text ) :
highlight_text = text . copy ( )
else :
raise TypeError ( f " str or Text instance required, not { text !r} " )
self . highlight ( highlight_text )
return highlight_text
def highlight ( self , text : Text ) - > None :
""" Apply highlighting in place to text.
Args :
text ( ~ Text ) : A text object highlight .
class NullHighlighter ( Highlighter ) :
""" A highlighter object that doesn ' t highlight.
May be used to disable highlighting entirely .
def highlight ( self , text : Text ) - > None :
""" Nothing to do """
class RegexHighlighter ( Highlighter ) :
""" Applies highlighting from a list of regular expressions. """
highlights : List [ str ] = [ ]
base_style : str = " "
def highlight ( self , text : Text ) - > None :
""" Highlight :class:`rich.text.Text` using regular expressions.
Args :
text ( ~ Text ) : Text to highlighted .
highlight_regex = text . highlight_regex
for re_highlight in self . highlights :
highlight_regex ( re_highlight , style_prefix = self . base_style )
class ReprHighlighter ( RegexHighlighter ) :
""" Highlights the text typically produced from ``__repr__`` methods. """
base_style = " repr. "
highlights = [
r " (?P<tag_start> \ <)(?P<tag_name>[ \ w \ - \ . \ :]*)(?P<tag_contents>[ \ w \ W]*?)(?P<tag_end> \ >) " ,
r " (?P<attrib_name>[ \ w_] { 1,50})=(?P<attrib_value> \" ?[ \ w_]+ \" ?)? " ,
r " (?P<brace>[ \ { \ [ \ ( \ ) \ ] \ }]) " ,
_combine_regex (
r " (?P<ipv4>[0-9] { 1,3} \ .[0-9] { 1,3} \ .[0-9] { 1,3} \ .[0-9] { 1,3}) " ,
r " (?P<ipv6>([A-Fa-f0-9] { 1,4}::?) { 1,7}[A-Fa-f0-9] { 1,4}) " ,
r " (?P<eui64>(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}-) {7} [0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}|(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}:) {7} [0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}|(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] {4} \ .) {3} [0-9A-Fa-f] {4} ) " ,
r " (?P<eui48>(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}-) {5} [0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}|(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}:) {5} [0-9A-Fa-f] { 1,2}|(?:[0-9A-Fa-f] {4} \ .) {2} [0-9A-Fa-f] {4} ) " ,
r " (?P<call>[ \ w \ .]*?) \ ( " ,
r " \ b(?P<bool_true>True) \ b| \ b(?P<bool_false>False) \ b| \ b(?P<none>None) \ b " ,
r " (?P<ellipsis> \ . \ . \ .) " ,
r " (?P<number>(?<! \ w) \ -?[0-9]+ \ .?[0-9]*(e[ \ - \ +]? \ d+?)? \ b|0x[0-9a-fA-F]*) " ,
r " (?P<path> \ B( \ /[ \ w \ . \ - \ _ \ +]+)* \ /)(?P<filename>[ \ w \ . \ - \ _ \ +]*)? " ,
r " (?<![ \\ \ w])(?P<str>b? \ ' \ ' \ ' .*?(?<! \\ ) \ ' \ ' \ ' |b? \ ' .*?(?<! \\ ) \ ' |b? \" \" \" .*?(?<! \\ ) \" \" \" |b? \" .*?(?<! \\ ) \" ) " ,
r " (?P<uuid>[a-fA-F0-9] {8} \ -[a-fA-F0-9] {4} \ -[a-fA-F0-9] {4} \ -[a-fA-F0-9] {4} \ -[a-fA-F0-9] {12} ) " ,
r " (?P<url>(file|https|http|ws|wss): \ / \ /[0-9a-zA-Z \ $ \ - \ _ \ + \ !` \ ( \ ) \ , \ . \ ? \ / \ ; \ : \ & \ = \ % \ #]*) " ,
) ,
class JSONHighlighter ( RegexHighlighter ) :
""" Highlights JSON """
base_style = " json. "
highlights = [
_combine_regex (
r " (?P<brace>[ \ { \ [ \ ( \ ) \ ] \ }]) " ,
r " \ b(?P<bool_true>true) \ b| \ b(?P<bool_false>false) \ b| \ b(?P<null>null) \ b " ,
r " (?P<number>(?<! \ w) \ -?[0-9]+ \ .?[0-9]*(e[ \ - \ +]? \ d+?)? \ b|0x[0-9a-fA-F]*) " ,
r " (?<![ \\ \ w])(?P<str>b? \" .*?(?<! \\ ) \" ) " ,
) ,
r " (?<![ \\ \ w])(?P<key>b? \" .*?(?<! \\ ) \" ) \ : " ,
if __name__ == " __main__ " : # pragma: no cover
from . console import Console
console = Console ( )
console . print ( " [bold green]hello world![/bold green] " )
console . print ( " ' [bold green]hello world![/bold green] ' " )
console . print ( " /foo " )
console . print ( " /foo/ " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar " )
console . print ( " foo/bar/baz " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz?foo=bar+egg&egg=baz " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz/ " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz/egg " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz/ " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz/ word " )
console . print ( " /foo/bar/baz/ word " )
console . print ( " foo /foo/bar/baz/ word " )
console . print ( " foo /foo/bar/ba._++z/ word " )
console . print ( " " )
console . print ( 1234567.34 )
console . print ( 1 / 2 )
console . print ( - 1 / 123123123123 )
console . print (
" bar 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 foo "