# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
import logging
import os
from guessit import guessit
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
#: Video extensions
VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ( ' .3g2 ' , ' .3gp ' , ' .3gp2 ' , ' .3gpp ' , ' .60d ' , ' .ajp ' , ' .asf ' , ' .asx ' , ' .avchd ' , ' .avi ' , ' .bik ' ,
' .bix ' , ' .box ' , ' .cam ' , ' .dat ' , ' .divx ' , ' .dmf ' , ' .dv ' , ' .dvr-ms ' , ' .evo ' , ' .flc ' , ' .fli ' ,
' .flic ' , ' .flv ' , ' .flx ' , ' .gvi ' , ' .gvp ' , ' .h264 ' , ' .m1v ' , ' .m2p ' , ' .m2ts ' , ' .m2v ' , ' .m4e ' ,
' .m4v ' , ' .mjp ' , ' .mjpeg ' , ' .mjpg ' , ' .mkv ' , ' .moov ' , ' .mov ' , ' .movhd ' , ' .movie ' , ' .movx ' , ' .mp4 ' ,
' .mpe ' , ' .mpeg ' , ' .mpg ' , ' .mpv ' , ' .mpv2 ' , ' .mxf ' , ' .nsv ' , ' .nut ' , ' .ogg ' , ' .ogm ' , ' .ogv ' , ' .omf ' ,
' .ps ' , ' .qt ' , ' .ram ' , ' .rm ' , ' .rmvb ' , ' .swf ' , ' .ts ' , ' .vfw ' , ' .vid ' , ' .video ' , ' .viv ' , ' .vivo ' ,
' .vob ' , ' .vro ' , ' .webm ' , ' .wm ' , ' .wmv ' , ' .wmx ' , ' .wrap ' , ' .wvx ' , ' .wx ' , ' .x264 ' , ' .xvid ' )
class Video ( object ) :
""" Base class for videos.
Represent a video , existing or not .
: param str name : name or path of the video .
: param str format : format of the video ( HDTV , WEB - DL , BluRay , . . . ) .
: param str release_group : release group of the video .
: param str resolution : resolution of the video stream ( 480 p , 720 p , 1080 p or 1080 i ) .
: param str video_codec : codec of the video stream .
: param str audio_codec : codec of the main audio stream .
: param str imdb_id : IMDb id of the video .
: param dict hashes : hashes of the video file by provider names .
: param int size : size of the video file in bytes .
: param set subtitle_languages : existing subtitle languages .
def __init__ ( self , name , format = None , release_group = None , resolution = None , video_codec = None , audio_codec = None ,
imdb_id = None , hashes = None , size = None , subtitle_languages = None ) :
#: Name or path of the video
self . name = name
#: Format of the video (HDTV, WEB-DL, BluRay, ...)
self . format = format
#: Release group of the video
self . release_group = release_group
#: Resolution of the video stream (480p, 720p, 1080p or 1080i)
self . resolution = resolution
#: Codec of the video stream
self . video_codec = video_codec
#: Codec of the main audio stream
self . audio_codec = audio_codec
#: IMDb id of the video
self . imdb_id = imdb_id
#: Hashes of the video file by provider names
self . hashes = hashes or { }
#: Size of the video file in bytes
self . size = size
#: Existing subtitle languages
self . subtitle_languages = subtitle_languages or set ( )
def exists ( self ) :
""" Test whether the video exists """
return os . path . exists ( self . name )
def age ( self ) :
""" Age of the video """
if self . exists :
return datetime . utcnow ( ) - datetime . utcfromtimestamp ( os . path . getmtime ( self . name ) )
return timedelta ( )
def fromguess ( cls , name , guess ) :
""" Create an :class:`Episode` or a :class:`Movie` with the given `name` based on the `guess`.
: param str name : name of the video .
: param dict guess : guessed data .
: raise : : class : ` ValueError ` if the ` type ` of the ` guess ` is invalid
if guess [ ' type ' ] == ' episode ' :
return Episode . fromguess ( name , guess )
if guess [ ' type ' ] == ' movie ' :
return Movie . fromguess ( name , guess )
raise ValueError ( ' The guess must be an episode or a movie guess ' )
def fromname ( cls , name ) :
""" Shortcut for :meth:`fromguess` with a `guess` guessed from the `name`.
: param str name : name of the video .
return cls . fromguess ( name , guessit ( name ) )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ' < %s [ %r ]> ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . name )
def __hash__ ( self ) :
return hash ( self . name )
class Episode ( Video ) :
""" Episode :class:`Video`.
: param str series : series of the episode .
: param int season : season number of the episode .
: param int episode : episode number of the episode .
: param str title : title of the episode .
: param int year : year of the series .
: param bool original_series : whether the series is the first with this name .
: param int tvdb_id : TVDB id of the episode .
: param list alternative_series : alternative names of the series
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the : class : ` Video ` constructor .
def __init__ ( self , name , series , season , episode , title = None , year = None , original_series = True , tvdb_id = None ,
series_tvdb_id = None , series_imdb_id = None , alternative_series = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Episode , self ) . __init__ ( name , * * kwargs )
#: Series of the episode
self . series = series
#: Season number of the episode
self . season = season
#: Episode number of the episode
self . episode = episode
#: Title of the episode
self . title = title
#: Year of series
self . year = year
#: The series is the first with this name
self . original_series = original_series
#: TVDB id of the episode
self . tvdb_id = tvdb_id
#: TVDB id of the series
self . series_tvdb_id = series_tvdb_id
#: IMDb id of the series
self . series_imdb_id = series_imdb_id
#: Alternative names of the series
self . alternative_series = alternative_series or [ ]
def fromguess ( cls , name , guess ) :
if guess [ ' type ' ] != ' episode ' :
raise ValueError ( ' The guess must be an episode guess ' )
if ' title ' not in guess or ' episode ' not in guess :
raise ValueError ( ' Insufficient data to process the guess ' )
# Currently we only have single-ep support (guessit returns a multi-ep as a list with int values)
# Most providers only support single-ep, so make sure it contains only 1 episode
# In case of multi-ep, take the lowest episode (subtitles will normally be available on lowest episode number)
episode_guess = guess . get ( ' episode ' )
episode = min ( episode_guess ) if episode_guess and isinstance ( episode_guess , list ) else episode_guess
return cls ( name , guess [ ' title ' ] , guess . get ( ' season ' , 1 ) , episode , title = guess . get ( ' episode_title ' ) ,
year = guess . get ( ' year ' ) , format = guess . get ( ' format ' ) , original_series = ' year ' not in guess ,
release_group = guess . get ( ' release_group ' ) , resolution = guess . get ( ' screen_size ' ) ,
video_codec = guess . get ( ' video_codec ' ) , audio_codec = guess . get ( ' audio_codec ' ) )
def fromname ( cls , name ) :
return cls . fromguess ( name , guessit ( name , { ' type ' : ' episode ' } ) )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . year is None :
return ' < %s [ %r , %d x %d ]> ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . series , self . season , self . episode )
return ' < %s [ %r , %d , %d x %d ]> ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . series , self . year , self . season , self . episode )
class Movie ( Video ) :
""" Movie :class:`Video`.
: param str title : title of the movie .
: param int year : year of the movie .
: param list alternative_titles : alternative titles of the movie
: param \* \* kwargs : additional parameters for the : class : ` Video ` constructor .
def __init__ ( self , name , title , year = None , alternative_titles = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Movie , self ) . __init__ ( name , * * kwargs )
#: Title of the movie
self . title = title
#: Year of the movie
self . year = year
#: Alternative titles of the movie
self . alternative_titles = alternative_titles or [ ]
def fromguess ( cls , name , guess ) :
if guess [ ' type ' ] != ' movie ' :
raise ValueError ( ' The guess must be a movie guess ' )
if ' title ' not in guess :
raise ValueError ( ' Insufficient data to process the guess ' )
alternative_titles = [ ]
if ' alternative_title ' in guess :
alternative_titles . append ( u " %s %s " % ( guess [ ' title ' ] , guess [ ' alternative_title ' ] ) )
return cls ( name , guess [ ' title ' ] , format = guess . get ( ' format ' ) , release_group = guess . get ( ' release_group ' ) ,
resolution = guess . get ( ' screen_size ' ) , video_codec = guess . get ( ' video_codec ' ) ,
audio_codec = guess . get ( ' audio_codec ' ) , year = guess . get ( ' year ' ) , alternative_titles = alternative_titles )
def fromname ( cls , name ) :
return cls . fromguess ( name , guessit ( name , { ' type ' : ' movie ' } ) )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . year is None :
return ' < %s [ %r ]> ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . title )
return ' < %s [ %r , %d ]> ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . title , self . year )