# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import sys
from bs4 . element import (
CharsetMetaAttributeValue ,
ContentMetaAttributeValue ,
HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution ,
__all__ = [
' HTMLTreeBuilder ' ,
' SAXTreeBuilder ' ,
' TreeBuilder ' ,
' TreeBuilderRegistry ' ,
# Some useful features for a TreeBuilder to have.
FAST = ' fast '
PERMISSIVE = ' permissive '
STRICT = ' strict '
XML = ' xml '
HTML = ' html '
HTML_5 = ' html5 '
class TreeBuilderRegistry ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . builders_for_feature = defaultdict ( list )
self . builders = [ ]
def register ( self , treebuilder_class ) :
""" Register a treebuilder based on its advertised features. """
for feature in treebuilder_class . features :
self . builders_for_feature [ feature ] . insert ( 0 , treebuilder_class )
self . builders . insert ( 0 , treebuilder_class )
def lookup ( self , * features ) :
if len ( self . builders ) == 0 :
# There are no builders at all.
return None
if len ( features ) == 0 :
# They didn't ask for any features. Give them the most
# recently registered builder.
return self . builders [ 0 ]
# Go down the list of features in order, and eliminate any builders
# that don't match every feature.
features = list ( features )
features . reverse ( )
candidates = None
candidate_set = None
while len ( features ) > 0 :
feature = features . pop ( )
we_have_the_feature = self . builders_for_feature . get ( feature , [ ] )
if len ( we_have_the_feature ) > 0 :
if candidates is None :
candidates = we_have_the_feature
candidate_set = set ( candidates )
else :
# Eliminate any candidates that don't have this feature.
candidate_set = candidate_set . intersection (
set ( we_have_the_feature ) )
# The only valid candidates are the ones in candidate_set.
# Go through the original list of candidates and pick the first one
# that's in candidate_set.
if candidate_set is None :
return None
for candidate in candidates :
if candidate in candidate_set :
return candidate
return None
# The BeautifulSoup class will take feature lists from developers and use them
# to look up builders in this registry.
builder_registry = TreeBuilderRegistry ( )
class TreeBuilder ( object ) :
""" Turn a document into a Beautiful Soup object tree. """
NAME = " [Unknown tree builder] "
features = [ ]
is_xml = False
picklable = False
preserve_whitespace_tags = set ( )
empty_element_tags = None # A tag will be considered an empty-element
# tag when and only when it has no contents.
# A value for these tag/attribute combinations is a space- or
# comma-separated list of CDATA, rather than a single CDATA.
cdata_list_attributes = { }
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . soup = None
def reset ( self ) :
def can_be_empty_element ( self , tag_name ) :
""" Might a tag with this name be an empty-element tag?
The final markup may or may not actually present this tag as
self - closing .
For instance : an HTMLBuilder does not consider a < p > tag to be
an empty - element tag ( it ' s not in
HTMLBuilder . empty_element_tags ) . This means an empty < p > tag
will be presented as " <p></p> " , not " <p /> " .
The default implementation has no opinion about which tags are
empty - element tags , so a tag will be presented as an
empty - element tag if and only if it has no contents .
" <foo></foo> " will become " <foo /> " , and " <foo>bar</foo> " will
be left alone .
if self . empty_element_tags is None :
return True
return tag_name in self . empty_element_tags
def feed ( self , markup ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def prepare_markup ( self , markup , user_specified_encoding = None ,
document_declared_encoding = None ) :
return markup , None , None , False
def test_fragment_to_document ( self , fragment ) :
""" Wrap an HTML fragment to make it look like a document.
Different parsers do this differently . For instance , lxml
introduces an empty < head > tag , and html5lib
doesn ' t. Abstracting this away lets us write simple tests
which run HTML fragments through the parser and compare the
results against other HTML fragments .
This method should not be used outside of tests .
return fragment
def set_up_substitutions ( self , tag ) :
return False
def _replace_cdata_list_attribute_values ( self , tag_name , attrs ) :
""" Replaces class= " foo bar " with class=[ " foo " , " bar " ]
Modifies its input in place .
if not attrs :
return attrs
if self . cdata_list_attributes :
universal = self . cdata_list_attributes . get ( ' * ' , [ ] )
tag_specific = self . cdata_list_attributes . get (
tag_name . lower ( ) , None )
for attr in attrs . keys ( ) :
if attr in universal or ( tag_specific and attr in tag_specific ) :
# We have a "class"-type attribute whose string
# value is a whitespace-separated list of
# values. Split it into a list.
value = attrs [ attr ]
if isinstance ( value , basestring ) :
values = whitespace_re . split ( value )
else :
# html5lib sometimes calls setAttributes twice
# for the same tag when rearranging the parse
# tree. On the second call the attribute value
# here is already a list. If this happens,
# leave the value alone rather than trying to
# split it again.
values = value
attrs [ attr ] = values
return attrs
class SAXTreeBuilder ( TreeBuilder ) :
""" A Beautiful Soup treebuilder that listens for SAX events. """
def feed ( self , markup ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def close ( self ) :
def startElement ( self , name , attrs ) :
attrs = dict ( ( key [ 1 ] , value ) for key , value in list ( attrs . items ( ) ) )
#print "Start %s, %r" % (name, attrs)
self . soup . handle_starttag ( name , attrs )
def endElement ( self , name ) :
#print "End %s" % name
self . soup . handle_endtag ( name )
def startElementNS ( self , nsTuple , nodeName , attrs ) :
# Throw away (ns, nodeName) for now.
self . startElement ( nodeName , attrs )
def endElementNS ( self , nsTuple , nodeName ) :
# Throw away (ns, nodeName) for now.
self . endElement ( nodeName )
#handler.endElementNS((ns, node.nodeName), node.nodeName)
def startPrefixMapping ( self , prefix , nodeValue ) :
# Ignore the prefix for now.
def endPrefixMapping ( self , prefix ) :
# Ignore the prefix for now.
# handler.endPrefixMapping(prefix)
def characters ( self , content ) :
self . soup . handle_data ( content )
def startDocument ( self ) :
def endDocument ( self ) :
class HTMLTreeBuilder ( TreeBuilder ) :
""" This TreeBuilder knows facts about HTML.
Such as which tags are empty - element tags .
preserve_whitespace_tags = HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution . preserve_whitespace_tags
empty_element_tags = set ( [
# These are from HTML5.
' area ' , ' base ' , ' br ' , ' col ' , ' embed ' , ' hr ' , ' img ' , ' input ' , ' keygen ' , ' link ' , ' menuitem ' , ' meta ' , ' param ' , ' source ' , ' track ' , ' wbr ' ,
# These are from HTML4, removed in HTML5.
' spacer ' , ' frame '
] )
# The HTML standard defines these attributes as containing a
# space-separated list of values, not a single value. That is,
# class="foo bar" means that the 'class' attribute has two values,
# 'foo' and 'bar', not the single value 'foo bar'. When we
# encounter one of these attributes, we will parse its value into
# a list of values if possible. Upon output, the list will be
# converted back into a string.
cdata_list_attributes = {
" * " : [ ' class ' , ' accesskey ' , ' dropzone ' ] ,
" a " : [ ' rel ' , ' rev ' ] ,
" link " : [ ' rel ' , ' rev ' ] ,
" td " : [ " headers " ] ,
" th " : [ " headers " ] ,
" td " : [ " headers " ] ,
" form " : [ " accept-charset " ] ,
" object " : [ " archive " ] ,
# These are HTML5 specific, as are *.accesskey and *.dropzone above.
" area " : [ " rel " ] ,
" icon " : [ " sizes " ] ,
" iframe " : [ " sandbox " ] ,
" output " : [ " for " ] ,
def set_up_substitutions ( self , tag ) :
# We are only interested in <meta> tags
if tag . name != ' meta ' :
return False
http_equiv = tag . get ( ' http-equiv ' )
content = tag . get ( ' content ' )
charset = tag . get ( ' charset ' )
# We are interested in <meta> tags that say what encoding the
# document was originally in. This means HTML 5-style <meta>
# tags that provide the "charset" attribute. It also means
# HTML 4-style <meta> tags that provide the "content"
# attribute and have "http-equiv" set to "content-type".
# In both cases we will replace the value of the appropriate
# attribute with a standin object that can take on any
# encoding.
meta_encoding = None
if charset is not None :
# HTML 5 style:
# <meta charset="utf8">
meta_encoding = charset
tag [ ' charset ' ] = CharsetMetaAttributeValue ( charset )
elif ( content is not None and http_equiv is not None
and http_equiv . lower ( ) == ' content-type ' ) :
# HTML 4 style:
# <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf8">
tag [ ' content ' ] = ContentMetaAttributeValue ( content )
return ( meta_encoding is not None )
def register_treebuilders_from ( module ) :
""" Copy TreeBuilders from the given module into this module. """
# I'm fairly sure this is not the best way to do this.
this_module = sys . modules [ ' bs4.builder ' ]
for name in module . __all__ :
obj = getattr ( module , name )
if issubclass ( obj , TreeBuilder ) :
setattr ( this_module , name , obj )
this_module . __all__ . append ( name )
# Register the builder while we're at it.
this_module . builder_registry . register ( obj )
class ParserRejectedMarkup ( Exception ) :
# Builders are registered in reverse order of priority, so that custom
# builder registrations will take precedence. In general, we want lxml
# to take precedence over html5lib, because it's faster. And we only
# want to use HTMLParser as a last result.
from . import _htmlparser
register_treebuilders_from ( _htmlparser )
try :
from . import _html5lib
register_treebuilders_from ( _html5lib )
except ImportError :
# They don't have html5lib installed.
try :
from . import _lxml
register_treebuilders_from ( _lxml )
except ImportError :
# They don't have lxml installed.