You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1100 lines
34 KiB
1100 lines
34 KiB
2 years ago
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import OrderedDict
from io import StringIO
import re
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union
from mako.pygen import PythonPrinter
from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
from sqlalchemy import sql
from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import conv
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name
from .. import util
from ..operations import ops
from ..util import sqla_compat
from typing import Literal
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import ColumnElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import TextClause
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Constraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import FetchedValue
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import ForeignKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import PrimaryKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import ARRAY
from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeEngine
from alembic.autogenerate.api import AutogenContext
from alembic.config import Config
from alembic.operations.ops import MigrationScript
from alembic.operations.ops import ModifyTableOps
from alembic.util.sqla_compat import Computed
from alembic.util.sqla_compat import Identity
def _render_gen_name(
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
name: sqla_compat._ConstraintName,
) -> Optional[Union[quoted_name, str, _f_name]]:
if isinstance(name, conv):
return _f_name(_alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context), name)
return sqla_compat.constraint_name_or_none(name)
def _indent(text: str) -> str:
text = re.compile(r"^", re.M).sub(" ", text).strip()
text = re.compile(r" +$", re.M).sub("", text)
return text
def _render_python_into_templatevars(
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
migration_script: MigrationScript,
template_args: Dict[str, Union[str, Config]],
) -> None:
imports = autogen_context.imports
for upgrade_ops, downgrade_ops in zip(
migration_script.upgrade_ops_list, migration_script.downgrade_ops_list
template_args[upgrade_ops.upgrade_token] = _indent(
_render_cmd_body(upgrade_ops, autogen_context)
template_args[downgrade_ops.downgrade_token] = _indent(
_render_cmd_body(downgrade_ops, autogen_context)
template_args["imports"] = "\n".join(sorted(imports))
default_renderers = renderers = util.Dispatcher()
def _render_cmd_body(
op_container: ops.OpContainer,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
) -> str:
buf = StringIO()
printer = PythonPrinter(buf)
"# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###"
has_lines = False
for op in op_container.ops:
lines = render_op(autogen_context, op)
has_lines = has_lines or bool(lines)
for line in lines:
if not has_lines:
printer.writeline("# ### end Alembic commands ###")
return buf.getvalue()
def render_op(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.MigrateOperation
) -> List[str]:
renderer = renderers.dispatch(op)
lines = util.to_list(renderer(autogen_context, op))
return lines
def render_op_text(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.MigrateOperation
) -> str:
return "\n".join(render_op(autogen_context, op))
def _render_modify_table(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ModifyTableOps
) -> List[str]:
opts = autogen_context.opts
render_as_batch = opts.get("render_as_batch", False)
if op.ops:
lines = []
if render_as_batch:
with autogen_context._within_batch():
"with op.batch_alter_table(%r, schema=%r) as batch_op:"
% (op.table_name, op.schema)
for t_op in op.ops:
t_lines = render_op(autogen_context, t_op)
for t_op in op.ops:
t_lines = render_op(autogen_context, t_op)
return lines
return []
def _render_create_table_comment(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.CreateTableCommentOp
) -> str:
templ = (
return templ.format(
comment="%r" % op.comment if op.comment is not None else None,
existing="%r" % op.existing_comment
if op.existing_comment is not None
else None,
schema="'%s'" % op.schema if op.schema is not None else None,
indent=" ",
def _render_drop_table_comment(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.DropTableCommentOp
) -> str:
templ = (
return templ.format(
existing="%r" % op.existing_comment
if op.existing_comment is not None
else None,
schema="'%s'" % op.schema if op.schema is not None else None,
indent=" ",
def _add_table(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.CreateTableOp) -> str:
table = op.to_table()
args = [
for col in [
_render_column(col, autogen_context) for col in table.columns
if col
] + sorted(
for rcons in [
cons, autogen_context, op._namespace_metadata
for cons in table.constraints
if rcons is not None
if len(args) > MAX_PYTHON_ARGS:
args_str = "*[" + ",\n".join(args) + "]"
args_str = ",\n".join(args)
text = "%(prefix)screate_table(%(tablename)r,\n%(args)s" % {
"tablename": _ident(op.table_name),
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"args": args_str,
if op.schema:
text += ",\nschema=%r" % _ident(op.schema)
comment = table.comment
if comment:
text += ",\ncomment=%r" % _ident(comment)
for k in sorted(
text += ",\n%s=%r" % (k.replace(" ", "_"),[k])
if table._prefixes:
prefixes = ", ".join("'%s'" % p for p in table._prefixes)
text += ",\nprefixes=[%s]" % prefixes
text += "\n)"
return text
def _drop_table(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.DropTableOp) -> str:
text = "%(prefix)sdrop_table(%(tname)r" % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"tname": _ident(op.table_name),
if op.schema:
text += ", schema=%r" % _ident(op.schema)
text += ")"
return text
def _add_index(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.CreateIndexOp) -> str:
index = op.to_index()
has_batch = autogen_context._has_batch
if has_batch:
tmpl = (
"%(prefix)screate_index(%(name)r, [%(columns)s], "
tmpl = (
"%(prefix)screate_index(%(name)r, %(table)r, [%(columns)s], "
assert index.table is not None
text = tmpl % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"name": _render_gen_name(autogen_context,,
"table": _ident(,
"columns": ", ".join(
_get_index_rendered_expressions(index, autogen_context)
"unique": index.unique or False,
"schema": (", schema=%r" % _ident(index.table.schema))
if index.table.schema
else "",
"kwargs": (
", "
+ ", ".join(
% (key, _render_potential_expr(val, autogen_context))
for key, val in index.kwargs.items()
if len(index.kwargs)
else "",
return text
def _drop_index(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.DropIndexOp) -> str:
index = op.to_index()
has_batch = autogen_context._has_batch
if has_batch:
tmpl = "%(prefix)sdrop_index(%(name)r%(kwargs)s)"
tmpl = (
"%(prefix)sdrop_index(%(name)r, "
text = tmpl % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"name": _render_gen_name(autogen_context, op.index_name),
"table_name": _ident(op.table_name),
"schema": ((", schema=%r" % _ident(op.schema)) if op.schema else ""),
"kwargs": (
", "
+ ", ".join(
% (key, _render_potential_expr(val, autogen_context))
for key, val in index.kwargs.items()
if len(index.kwargs)
else "",
return text
def _add_unique_constraint(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.CreateUniqueConstraintOp
) -> List[str]:
return [_uq_constraint(op.to_constraint(), autogen_context, True)]
def _add_fk_constraint(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.CreateForeignKeyOp
) -> str:
args = [repr(_render_gen_name(autogen_context, op.constraint_name))]
if not autogen_context._has_batch:
repr([_ident(col) for col in op.local_cols]),
repr([_ident(col) for col in op.remote_cols]),
kwargs = [
if not autogen_context._has_batch:
kwargs.insert(0, "source_schema")
for k in kwargs:
if k in
value =[k]
if value is not None:
args.append("%s=%r" % (k, value))
return "%(prefix)screate_foreign_key(%(args)s)" % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"args": ", ".join(args),
def _add_pk_constraint(constraint, autogen_context):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _add_check_constraint(constraint, autogen_context):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _drop_constraint(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.DropConstraintOp
) -> str:
if autogen_context._has_batch:
template = "%(prefix)sdrop_constraint" "(%(name)r, type_=%(type)r)"
template = (
"(%(name)r, '%(table_name)s'%(schema)s, type_=%(type)r)"
text = template % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"name": _render_gen_name(autogen_context, op.constraint_name),
"table_name": _ident(op.table_name),
"type": op.constraint_type,
"schema": (", schema=%r" % _ident(op.schema)) if op.schema else "",
return text
def _add_column(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.AddColumnOp) -> str:
schema, tname, column = op.schema, op.table_name, op.column
if autogen_context._has_batch:
template = "%(prefix)sadd_column(%(column)s)"
template = "%(prefix)sadd_column(%(tname)r, %(column)s"
if schema:
template += ", schema=%(schema)r"
template += ")"
text = template % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"tname": tname,
"column": _render_column(column, autogen_context),
"schema": schema,
return text
def _drop_column(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.DropColumnOp) -> str:
schema, tname, column_name = op.schema, op.table_name, op.column_name
if autogen_context._has_batch:
template = "%(prefix)sdrop_column(%(cname)r)"
template = "%(prefix)sdrop_column(%(tname)r, %(cname)r"
if schema:
template += ", schema=%(schema)r"
template += ")"
text = template % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"tname": _ident(tname),
"cname": _ident(column_name),
"schema": _ident(schema),
return text
def _alter_column(
autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.AlterColumnOp
) -> str:
tname = op.table_name
cname = op.column_name
server_default = op.modify_server_default
type_ = op.modify_type
nullable = op.modify_nullable
comment = op.modify_comment
autoincrement ="autoincrement", None)
existing_type = op.existing_type
existing_nullable = op.existing_nullable
existing_comment = op.existing_comment
existing_server_default = op.existing_server_default
schema = op.schema
indent = " " * 11
if autogen_context._has_batch:
template = "%(prefix)salter_column(%(cname)r"
template = "%(prefix)salter_column(%(tname)r, %(cname)r"
text = template % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"tname": tname,
"cname": cname,
if existing_type is not None:
text += ",\n%sexisting_type=%s" % (
_repr_type(existing_type, autogen_context),
if server_default is not False:
rendered = _render_server_default(server_default, autogen_context)
text += ",\n%sserver_default=%s" % (indent, rendered)
if type_ is not None:
text += ",\n%stype_=%s" % (indent, _repr_type(type_, autogen_context))
if nullable is not None:
text += ",\n%snullable=%r" % (indent, nullable)
if comment is not False:
text += ",\n%scomment=%r" % (indent, comment)
if existing_comment is not None:
text += ",\n%sexisting_comment=%r" % (indent, existing_comment)
if nullable is None and existing_nullable is not None:
text += ",\n%sexisting_nullable=%r" % (indent, existing_nullable)
if autoincrement is not None:
text += ",\n%sautoincrement=%r" % (indent, autoincrement)
if server_default is False and existing_server_default:
rendered = _render_server_default(
existing_server_default, autogen_context
text += ",\n%sexisting_server_default=%s" % (indent, rendered)
if schema and not autogen_context._has_batch:
text += ",\n%sschema=%r" % (indent, schema)
text += ")"
return text
class _f_name:
def __init__(self, prefix: str, name: conv) -> None:
self.prefix = prefix
| = name
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "%sf(%r)" % (self.prefix, _ident(
def _ident(name: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]]) -> Optional[str]:
"""produce a __repr__() object for a string identifier that may
use quoted_name() in SQLAlchemy 0.9 and greater.
The issue worked around here is that quoted_name() doesn't have
very good repr() behavior by itself when unicode is involved.
if name is None:
return name
elif isinstance(name, quoted_name):
return str(name)
elif isinstance(name, str):
return name
def _render_potential_expr(
value: Any,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
wrap_in_text: bool = True,
is_server_default: bool = False,
) -> str:
if isinstance(value, sql.ClauseElement):
if wrap_in_text:
template = "%(prefix)stext(%(sql)r)"
template = "%(sql)r"
return template % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"sql": autogen_context.migration_context.impl.render_ddl_sql_expr(
value, is_server_default=is_server_default
return repr(value)
def _get_index_rendered_expressions(
idx: Index, autogen_context: AutogenContext
) -> List[str]:
return [
repr(_ident(getattr(exp, "name", None)))
if isinstance(exp, sa_schema.Column)
else _render_potential_expr(exp, autogen_context)
for exp in idx.expressions
def _uq_constraint(
constraint: UniqueConstraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
alter: bool,
) -> str:
opts: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = []
has_batch = autogen_context._has_batch
if constraint.deferrable:
opts.append(("deferrable", str(constraint.deferrable)))
if constraint.initially:
opts.append(("initially", str(constraint.initially)))
if not has_batch and alter and constraint.table.schema:
opts.append(("schema", _ident(constraint.table.schema)))
if not alter and
("name", _render_gen_name(autogen_context,
if alter:
args = [repr(_render_gen_name(autogen_context,]
if not has_batch:
args += [repr(_ident(]
args.append(repr([_ident( for col in constraint.columns]))
args.extend(["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in opts])
return "%(prefix)screate_unique_constraint(%(args)s)" % {
"prefix": _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"args": ", ".join(args),
args = [repr(_ident( for col in constraint.columns]
args.extend(["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in opts])
return "%(prefix)sUniqueConstraint(%(args)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"args": ", ".join(args),
def _user_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context, target):
prefix = autogen_context.opts["user_module_prefix"]
if prefix is None:
return "%s." % target.__module__
return prefix
def _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context: AutogenContext) -> str:
return autogen_context.opts["sqlalchemy_module_prefix"] or ""
def _alembic_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context: AutogenContext) -> str:
if autogen_context._has_batch:
return "batch_op."
return autogen_context.opts["alembic_module_prefix"] or ""
def _user_defined_render(
type_: str, object_: Any, autogen_context: AutogenContext
) -> Union[str, Literal[False]]:
if "render_item" in autogen_context.opts:
render = autogen_context.opts["render_item"]
if render:
rendered = render(type_, object_, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
return False
def _render_column(column: Column, autogen_context: AutogenContext) -> str:
rendered = _user_defined_render("column", column, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
args: List[str] = []
opts: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = []
if column.server_default:
rendered = _render_server_default( # type:ignore[assignment]
column.server_default, autogen_context
if rendered:
if _should_render_server_default_positionally(
opts.append(("server_default", rendered))
if (
column.autoincrement is not None
and column.autoincrement != sqla_compat.AUTOINCREMENT_DEFAULT
opts.append(("autoincrement", column.autoincrement))
if column.nullable is not None:
opts.append(("nullable", column.nullable))
if column.system:
opts.append(("system", column.system))
comment = column.comment
if comment:
opts.append(("comment", "%r" % comment))
# TODO: for non-ascii colname, assign a "key"
return "%(prefix)sColumn(%(name)r, %(type)s, %(args)s%(kwargs)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"name": _ident(,
"type": _repr_type(column.type, autogen_context),
"args": ", ".join([str(arg) for arg in args]) + ", " if args else "",
"kwargs": (
", ".join(
["%s=%s" % (kwname, val) for kwname, val in opts]
+ [
% (key, _render_potential_expr(val, autogen_context))
for key, val in sqla_compat._column_kwargs(column).items()
def _should_render_server_default_positionally(server_default: Any) -> bool:
return sqla_compat._server_default_is_computed(
) or sqla_compat._server_default_is_identity(server_default)
def _render_server_default(
default: Optional[Union[FetchedValue, str, TextClause, ColumnElement]],
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
repr_: bool = True,
) -> Optional[str]:
rendered = _user_defined_render("server_default", default, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
if sqla_compat._server_default_is_computed(default):
return _render_computed(cast("Computed", default), autogen_context)
elif sqla_compat._server_default_is_identity(default):
return _render_identity(cast("Identity", default), autogen_context)
elif isinstance(default, sa_schema.DefaultClause):
if isinstance(default.arg, str):
default = default.arg
return _render_potential_expr(
default.arg, autogen_context, is_server_default=True
if isinstance(default, str) and repr_:
default = repr(re.sub(r"^'|'$", "", default))
return cast(str, default)
def _render_computed(
computed: Computed, autogen_context: AutogenContext
) -> str:
text = _render_potential_expr(
computed.sqltext, autogen_context, wrap_in_text=False
kwargs = {}
if computed.persisted is not None:
kwargs["persisted"] = computed.persisted
return "%(prefix)sComputed(%(text)s, %(kwargs)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"text": text,
"kwargs": (", ".join("%s=%s" % pair for pair in kwargs.items())),
def _render_identity(
identity: Identity, autogen_context: AutogenContext
) -> str:
# always=None means something different than always=False
kwargs = OrderedDict(always=identity.always)
if identity.on_null is not None:
kwargs["on_null"] = identity.on_null
return "%(prefix)sIdentity(%(kwargs)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"kwargs": (", ".join("%s=%s" % pair for pair in kwargs.items())),
def _get_identity_options(identity_options: Identity) -> OrderedDict:
kwargs = OrderedDict()
for attr in sqla_compat._identity_options_attrs:
value = getattr(identity_options, attr, None)
if value is not None:
kwargs[attr] = value
return kwargs
def _repr_type(
type_: TypeEngine,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
_skip_variants: bool = False,
) -> str:
rendered = _user_defined_render("type", type_, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
if hasattr(autogen_context.migration_context, "impl"):
impl_rt = autogen_context.migration_context.impl.render_type(
type_, autogen_context
impl_rt = None
mod = type(type_).__module__
imports = autogen_context.imports
if mod.startswith("sqlalchemy.dialects"):
match = re.match(r"sqlalchemy\.dialects\.(\w+)", mod)
assert match is not None
dname =
if imports is not None:
imports.add("from sqlalchemy.dialects import %s" % dname)
if impl_rt:
return impl_rt
return "%s.%r" % (dname, type_)
elif impl_rt:
return impl_rt
elif not _skip_variants and sqla_compat._type_has_variants(type_):
return _render_Variant_type(type_, autogen_context)
elif mod.startswith("sqlalchemy."):
if "_render_%s_type" % type_.__visit_name__ in globals():
fn = globals()["_render_%s_type" % type_.__visit_name__]
return fn(type_, autogen_context)
prefix = _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context)
return "%s%r" % (prefix, type_)
prefix = _user_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context, type_)
return "%s%r" % (prefix, type_)
def _render_ARRAY_type(type_: ARRAY, autogen_context: AutogenContext) -> str:
return cast(
type_, autogen_context, "item_type", r"(.+?\()"
def _render_Variant_type(
type_: TypeEngine, autogen_context: AutogenContext
) -> str:
base_type, variant_mapping = sqla_compat._get_variant_mapping(type_)
base = _repr_type(base_type, autogen_context, _skip_variants=True)
assert base is not None and base is not False
for dialect in sorted(variant_mapping):
typ = variant_mapping[dialect]
base += ".with_variant(%s, %r)" % (
_repr_type(typ, autogen_context, _skip_variants=True),
return base
def _render_type_w_subtype(
type_: TypeEngine,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
attrname: str,
regexp: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]]:
outer_repr = repr(type_)
inner_type = getattr(type_, attrname, None)
if inner_type is None:
return False
inner_repr = repr(inner_type)
inner_repr = re.sub(r"([\(\)])", r"\\\1", inner_repr)
sub_type = _repr_type(getattr(type_, attrname), autogen_context)
outer_type = re.sub(regexp + inner_repr, r"\1%s" % sub_type, outer_repr)
if prefix:
return "%s%s" % (prefix, outer_type)
mod = type(type_).__module__
if mod.startswith("sqlalchemy.dialects"):
match = re.match(r"sqlalchemy\.dialects\.(\w+)", mod)
assert match is not None
dname =
return "%s.%s" % (dname, outer_type)
elif mod.startswith("sqlalchemy"):
prefix = _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context)
return "%s%s" % (prefix, outer_type)
return None
_constraint_renderers = util.Dispatcher()
def _render_constraint(
constraint: Constraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
namespace_metadata: Optional[MetaData],
) -> Optional[str]:
renderer = _constraint_renderers.dispatch(constraint)
except ValueError:
util.warn("No renderer is established for object %r" % constraint)
return "[Unknown Python object %r]" % constraint
return renderer(constraint, autogen_context, namespace_metadata)
def _render_primary_key(
constraint: PrimaryKeyConstraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
namespace_metadata: Optional[MetaData],
) -> Optional[str]:
rendered = _user_defined_render("primary_key", constraint, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
if not constraint.columns:
return None
opts = []
("name", repr(_render_gen_name(autogen_context,
return "%(prefix)sPrimaryKeyConstraint(%(args)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"args": ", ".join(
[repr( for c in constraint.columns]
+ ["%s=%s" % (kwname, val) for kwname, val in opts]
def _fk_colspec(
fk: ForeignKey,
metadata_schema: Optional[str],
namespace_metadata: MetaData,
) -> str:
"""Implement a 'safe' version of ForeignKey._get_colspec() that
won't fail if the remote table can't be resolved.
colspec = fk._get_colspec() # type:ignore[attr-defined]
tokens = colspec.split(".")
tname, colname = tokens[-2:]
if metadata_schema is not None and len(tokens) == 2:
table_fullname = "%s.%s" % (metadata_schema, tname)
table_fullname = ".".join(tokens[0:-1])
if (
not fk.link_to_name
and fk.parent is not None
and fk.parent.table is not None
# try to resolve the remote table in order to adjust for column.key.
# the FK constraint needs to be rendered in terms of the column
# name.
if table_fullname in namespace_metadata.tables:
col = namespace_metadata.tables[table_fullname].c.get(colname)
if col is not None:
colname = _ident( # type: ignore[assignment]
colspec = "%s.%s" % (table_fullname, colname)
return colspec
def _populate_render_fk_opts(
constraint: ForeignKeyConstraint, opts: List[Tuple[str, str]]
) -> None:
if constraint.onupdate:
opts.append(("onupdate", repr(constraint.onupdate)))
if constraint.ondelete:
opts.append(("ondelete", repr(constraint.ondelete)))
if constraint.initially:
opts.append(("initially", repr(constraint.initially)))
if constraint.deferrable:
opts.append(("deferrable", repr(constraint.deferrable)))
if constraint.use_alter:
opts.append(("use_alter", repr(constraint.use_alter)))
def _render_foreign_key(
constraint: ForeignKeyConstraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
namespace_metadata: MetaData,
) -> Optional[str]:
rendered = _user_defined_render("foreign_key", constraint, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
opts = []
("name", repr(_render_gen_name(autogen_context,
_populate_render_fk_opts(constraint, opts)
apply_metadata_schema = namespace_metadata.schema
return (
"%(prefix)sForeignKeyConstraint([%(cols)s], "
"[%(refcols)s], %(args)s)"
% {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"cols": ", ".join(
"%r" % _ident(cast("Column", f.parent).name)
for f in constraint.elements
"refcols": ", ".join(
repr(_fk_colspec(f, apply_metadata_schema, namespace_metadata))
for f in constraint.elements
"args": ", ".join(
["%s=%s" % (kwname, val) for kwname, val in opts]
def _render_unique_constraint(
constraint: UniqueConstraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
namespace_metadata: Optional[MetaData],
) -> str:
rendered = _user_defined_render("unique", constraint, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
return _uq_constraint(constraint, autogen_context, False)
def _render_check_constraint(
constraint: CheckConstraint,
autogen_context: AutogenContext,
namespace_metadata: Optional[MetaData],
) -> Optional[str]:
rendered = _user_defined_render("check", constraint, autogen_context)
if rendered is not False:
return rendered
# detect the constraint being part of
# a parent type which is probably in the Table already.
# ideally SQLAlchemy would give us more of a first class
# way to detect this.
if (
constraint._create_rule # type:ignore[attr-defined]
and hasattr(
constraint._create_rule, "target" # type:ignore[attr-defined]
and isinstance(
|, # type:ignore[attr-defined]
return None
opts = []
("name", repr(_render_gen_name(autogen_context,
return "%(prefix)sCheckConstraint(%(sqltext)s%(opts)s)" % {
"prefix": _sqlalchemy_autogenerate_prefix(autogen_context),
"opts": ", " + (", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in opts))
if opts
else "",
"sqltext": _render_potential_expr(
constraint.sqltext, autogen_context, wrap_in_text=False
def _execute_sql(autogen_context: AutogenContext, op: ops.ExecuteSQLOp) -> str:
if not isinstance(op.sqltext, str):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Autogenerate rendering of SQL Expression language constructs "
"not supported here; please use a plain SQL string"
return "op.execute(%r)" % op.sqltext
renderers = default_renderers.branch()