You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
6.7 KiB

from get_argv import config_dir
8 years ago
import os
import sqlite3
import requests
import logging
8 years ago
from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
from list_subtitles import list_missing_subtitles
8 years ago
def update_series():
from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
serie_default_enabled = get_general_settings()[15]
serie_default_language = get_general_settings()[16]
serie_default_hi = get_general_settings()[17]
# Open database connection
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = db.cursor()
if apikey_sonarr == None:
# Get shows data from Sonarr
url_sonarr_api_series = url_sonarr + "/api/series?apikey=" + apikey_sonarr
r = requests.get(url_sonarr_api_series, timeout=15)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
logging.exception("Error trying to get series from Sonarr. Http error.")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
logging.exception("Error trying to get series from Sonarr. Connection Error.")
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
logging.exception("Error trying to get series from Sonarr. Timeout Error.")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
logging.exception("Error trying to get series from Sonarr.")
# Get current shows in DB
current_shows_db = c.execute('SELECT tvdbId FROM table_shows').fetchall()
current_shows_db_list = [x[0] for x in current_shows_db]
current_shows_sonarr = []
for show in r.json():
overview = unicode(show['overview'])
overview = ""
poster_big = show['images'][2]['url'].split('?')[0]
poster = os.path.splitext(poster_big)[0] + '-250' + os.path.splitext(poster_big)[1]
poster = ""
fanart = show['images'][0]['url'].split('?')[0]
fanart = ""
# Add shows in Sonarr to current shows list
# Update or insert shows list in database table
if serie_default_enabled == 'True':
c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_shows(title, path, tvdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, sonarrSeriesId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sortTitle) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (show["title"], show["path"], show["tvdbId"], serie_default_language, serie_default_hi, show["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(show['qualityProfileId']), show['sortTitle']))
c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_shows(title, path, tvdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, sonarrSeriesId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sortTitle) VALUES (?,?,?,(SELECT languages FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?),(SELECT `hearing_impaired` FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (show["title"], show["path"], show["tvdbId"], show["tvdbId"], show["tvdbId"], show["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(show['qualityProfileId']), show['sortTitle']))
c.execute('''UPDATE table_shows SET title = ?, path = ?, tvdbId = ?, sonarrSeriesId = ?, overview = ?, poster = ?, fanart = ?, `audio_language` = ? , sortTitle = ? WHERE tvdbid = ?''', (show["title"],show["path"],show["tvdbId"],show["id"],overview,poster,fanart,profile_id_to_language((show['qualityProfileId'] if sonarr_version == 2 else show['languageProfileId'])),show['sortTitle'],show["tvdbId"]))
# Delete shows not in Sonarr anymore
deleted_items = []
for item in current_shows_db_list:
if item not in current_shows_sonarr:
c.executemany('DELETE FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?',deleted_items)
# Commit changes to database table
# Close database connection
def get_profile_list():
from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
# url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1]
apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
# Get profiles data from Sonarr
error = False
url_sonarr_api_series = url_sonarr + "/api/profile?apikey=" + apikey_sonarr
profiles_json = requests.get(url_sonarr_api_series, timeout=15)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr. Connection Error.")
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr. Timeout Error.")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr.")
url_sonarr_api_series_v3 = url_sonarr + "/api/v3/languageprofile?apikey=" + apikey_sonarr
profiles_json_v3 = requests.get(url_sonarr_api_series_v3, timeout=15)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr. Connection Error.")
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr. Timeout Error.")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
error = True
logging.exception("Error trying to get profiles from Sonarr.")
global profiles_list
profiles_list = []
if error is False:
# Parsing data returned from Sonarr
global sonarr_version
if type(profiles_json_v3.json()) != list:
sonarr_version = 2
for profile in profiles_json.json():
profiles_list.append([profile['id'], profile['language'].capitalize()])
sonarr_version = 3
for profile in profiles_json_v3.json():
profiles_list.append([profile['id'], profile['name'].capitalize()])
def profile_id_to_language(id):
for profile in profiles_list:
if id == profile[0]:
return profile[1]