#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
crc and uuid properties
from rebulk . remodule import re
from rebulk import Rebulk
from . . common . validators import seps_surround
def crc ( ) :
Builder for rebulk object .
: return : Created Rebulk object
: rtype : Rebulk
rebulk = Rebulk ( ) . regex_defaults ( flags = re . IGNORECASE )
rebulk . defaults ( validator = seps_surround )
rebulk . regex ( ' (?:[a-fA-F]|[0-9]) {8} ' , name = ' crc32 ' ,
conflict_solver = lambda match , other : match
if other . name in [ ' episode ' , ' season ' ]
else ' __default__ ' )
rebulk . functional ( guess_idnumber , name = ' uuid ' ,
conflict_solver = lambda match , other : match
if other . name in [ ' episode ' , ' season ' ]
else ' __default__ ' )
return rebulk
_DIGIT = 0
_OTHER = 2
_idnum = re . compile ( r ' (?P<uuid>[a-zA-Z0-9-] { 20,}) ' ) # 1.0, (0, 0))
def guess_idnumber ( string ) :
Guess id number function
: param string :
: type string :
: return :
: rtype :
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
ret = [ ]
matches = list ( _idnum . finditer ( string ) )
for match in matches :
result = match . groupdict ( )
switch_count = 0
switch_letter_count = 0
letter_count = 0
last_letter = None
last = _LETTER
for c in result [ ' uuid ' ] :
if c in ' 0123456789 ' :
ci = _DIGIT
elif c in ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ' :
ci = _LETTER
if c != last_letter :
switch_letter_count + = 1
last_letter = c
letter_count + = 1
else :
ci = _OTHER
if ci != last :
switch_count + = 1
last = ci
# only return the result as probable if we alternate often between
# char type (more likely for hash values than for common words)
switch_ratio = float ( switch_count ) / len ( result [ ' uuid ' ] )
letters_ratio = ( float ( switch_letter_count ) / letter_count ) if letter_count > 0 else 1
if switch_ratio > 0.4 and letters_ratio > 0.4 :
ret . append ( match . span ( ) )
return ret