182 lines
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182 lines
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6 years ago
Implementation of the XDG Recent File Storage Specification Version 0.2
import xml.dom.minidom, xml.sax.saxutils
import os, time, fcntl
from xdg.Exceptions import ParsingError
class RecentFiles:
def __init__(self):
self.RecentFiles = []
self.filename = ""
def parse(self, filename=None):
"""Parse a list of recently used files.
filename defaults to ``~/.recently-used``.
if not filename:
filename = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".recently-used")
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
except IOError:
raise ParsingError('File not found', filename)
except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
raise ParsingError('Not a valid .menu file', filename)
self.filename = filename
for child in doc.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if child.tagName == "RecentFiles":
for recent in child.childNodes:
if recent.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if recent.tagName == "RecentItem":
def __parseRecentItem(self, item):
recent = RecentFile()
for attribute in item.childNodes:
if attribute.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if attribute.tagName == "URI":
recent.URI = attribute.childNodes[0].nodeValue
elif attribute.tagName == "Mime-Type":
recent.MimeType = attribute.childNodes[0].nodeValue
elif attribute.tagName == "Timestamp":
recent.Timestamp = int(attribute.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
elif attribute.tagName == "Private":
recent.Prviate = True
elif attribute.tagName == "Groups":
for group in attribute.childNodes:
if group.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if group.tagName == "Group":
def write(self, filename=None):
"""Write the list of recently used files to disk.
If the instance is already associated with a file, filename can be
omitted to save it there again.
if not filename and not self.filename:
raise ParsingError('File not found', filename)
elif not filename:
filename = self.filename
f = open(filename, "w")
fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
f.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
for r in self.RecentFiles:
f.write(" <RecentItem>\n")
f.write(" <URI>%s</URI>\n" % xml.sax.saxutils.escape(r.URI))
f.write(" <Mime-Type>%s</Mime-Type>\n" % r.MimeType)
f.write(" <Timestamp>%s</Timestamp>\n" % r.Timestamp)
if r.Private == True:
f.write(" <Private/>\n")
if len(r.Groups) > 0:
f.write(" <Groups>\n")
for group in r.Groups:
f.write(" <Group>%s</Group>\n" % group)
f.write(" </Groups>\n")
f.write(" </RecentItem>\n")
fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def getFiles(self, mimetypes=None, groups=None, limit=0):
"""Get a list of recently used files.
The parameters can be used to filter by mime types, by group, or to
limit the number of items returned. By default, the entire list is
returned, except for items marked private.
tmp = []
i = 0
for item in self.RecentFiles:
if groups:
for group in groups:
if group in item.Groups:
i += 1
elif mimetypes:
for mimetype in mimetypes:
if mimetype == item.MimeType:
i += 1
if item.Private == False:
i += 1
if limit != 0 and i == limit:
return tmp
def addFile(self, item, mimetype, groups=None, private=False):
"""Add a recently used file.
item should be the URI of the file, typically starting with ``file:///``.
# check if entry already there
if item in self.RecentFiles:
index = self.RecentFiles.index(item)
recent = self.RecentFiles[index]
# delete if more then 500 files
if len(self.RecentFiles) == 500:
# add entry
recent = RecentFile()
recent.URI = item
recent.MimeType = mimetype
recent.Timestamp = int(time.time())
recent.Private = private
if groups:
recent.Groups = groups
def deleteFile(self, item):
"""Remove a recently used file, by URI, from the list.
if item in self.RecentFiles:
def sort(self):
class RecentFile:
def __init__(self):
self.URI = ""
self.MimeType = ""
self.Timestamp = ""
self.Private = False
self.Groups = []
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.Timestamp, other.Timestamp)
def __lt__ (self, other):
return self.Timestamp < other.Timestamp
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.URI == str(other)
def __str__(self):
return self.URI