# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BSD 2-Clause License
# Apprise - Push Notification Library.
# Copyright (c) 2023, Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
import os
import re
import yaml
import time
from . . import plugins
from . . import common
from . . AppriseAsset import AppriseAsset
from . . URLBase import URLBase
from . . utils import GET_SCHEMA_RE
from . . utils import parse_list
from . . utils import parse_bool
from . . utils import parse_urls
from . . utils import cwe312_url
# Test whether token is valid or not
VALID_TOKEN = re . compile (
r ' (?P<token>[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]+) ' , re . I )
class ConfigBase ( URLBase ) :
This is the base class for all supported configuration sources
# The Default Encoding to use if not otherwise detected
encoding = ' utf-8 '
# The default expected configuration format unless otherwise
# detected by the sub-modules
default_config_format = common . ConfigFormat . TEXT
# This is only set if the user overrides the config format on the URL
# this should always initialize itself as None
config_format = None
# Don't read any more of this amount of data into memory as there is no
# reason we should be reading in more. This is more of a safe guard then
# anything else. 128KB (131072B)
max_buffer_size = 131072
# By default all configuration is not includable using the 'include'
# line found in configuration files.
allow_cross_includes = common . ContentIncludeMode . NEVER
# the config path manages the handling of relative include
config_path = os . getcwd ( )
def __init__ ( self , cache = True , recursion = 0 , insecure_includes = False ,
* * kwargs ) :
Initialize some general logging and common server arguments that will
keep things consistent when working with the configurations that
inherit this class .
By default we cache our responses so that subsiquent calls does not
cause the content to be retrieved again . For local file references
this makes no difference at all . But for remote content , this does
mean more then one call can be made to retrieve the ( same ) data . This
method can be somewhat inefficient if disabled . Only disable caching
if you understand the consequences .
You can alternatively set the cache value to an int identifying the
number of seconds the previously retrieved can exist for before it
should be considered expired .
recursion defines how deep we recursively handle entries that use the
` include ` keyword . This keyword requires us to fetch more configuration
from another source and add it to our existing compilation . If the
file we remotely retrieve also has an ` include ` reference , we will only
advance through it if recursion is set to 2 deep . If set to zero
it is off . There is no limit to how high you set this value . It would
be recommended to keep it low if you do intend to use it .
insecure_include by default are disabled . When set to True , all
Apprise Config files marked to be in STRICT mode are treated as being
in ALWAYS mode .
Take a file : / / based configuration for example , only a file : / / based
configuration can include another file : / / based one . because it is set
to STRICT mode . If an http : / / based configuration file attempted to
include a file : / / one it woul fail . However this include would be
possible if insecure_includes is set to True .
There are cases where a self hosting apprise developer may wish to load
configuration from memory ( in a string format ) that contains ' include '
entries ( even file : / / based ones ) . In these circumstances if you want
these ' include ' entries to be honored , this value must be set to True .
super ( ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
# Tracks the time the content was last retrieved on. This place a role
# for cases where we are not caching our response and are required to
# re-retrieve our settings.
self . _cached_time = None
# Tracks previously loaded content for speed
self . _cached_servers = None
# Initialize our recursion value
self . recursion = recursion
# Initialize our insecure_includes flag
self . insecure_includes = insecure_includes
if ' encoding ' in kwargs :
# Store the encoding
self . encoding = kwargs . get ( ' encoding ' )
if ' format ' in kwargs \
and isinstance ( kwargs [ ' format ' ] , str ) :
# Store the enforced config format
self . config_format = kwargs . get ( ' format ' ) . lower ( )
if self . config_format not in common . CONFIG_FORMATS :
# Simple error checking
err = ' An invalid config format ( {} ) was specified. ' . format (
self . config_format )
self . logger . warning ( err )
raise TypeError ( err )
# Set our cache flag; it can be True or a (positive) integer
try :
self . cache = cache if isinstance ( cache , bool ) else int ( cache )
if self . cache < 0 :
err = ' A negative cache value ( {} ) was specified. ' . format (
cache )
self . logger . warning ( err )
raise TypeError ( err )
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
err = ' An invalid cache value ( {} ) was specified. ' . format ( cache )
self . logger . warning ( err )
raise TypeError ( err )
def servers ( self , asset = None , * * kwargs ) :
Performs reads loaded configuration and returns all of the services
that could be parsed and loaded .
if not self . expired ( ) :
# We already have cached results to return; use them
return self . _cached_servers
# Our cached response object
self . _cached_servers = list ( )
# read() causes the child class to do whatever it takes for the
# config plugin to load the data source and return unparsed content
# None is returned if there was an error or simply no data
content = self . read ( * * kwargs )
if not isinstance ( content , str ) :
# Set the time our content was cached at
self . _cached_time = time . time ( )
# Nothing more to do; return our empty cache list
return self . _cached_servers
# Our Configuration format uses a default if one wasn't one detected
# or enfored.
config_format = \
self . default_config_format \
if self . config_format is None else self . config_format
# Dynamically load our parse_ function based on our config format
fn = getattr ( ConfigBase , ' config_parse_ {} ' . format ( config_format ) )
# Initialize our asset object
asset = asset if isinstance ( asset , AppriseAsset ) else self . asset
# Execute our config parse function which always returns a tuple
# of our servers and our configuration
servers , configs = fn ( content = content , asset = asset )
self . _cached_servers . extend ( servers )
# Configuration files were detected; recursively populate them
# If we have been configured to do so
for url in configs :
if self . recursion > 0 :
# Attempt to acquire the schema at the very least to allow
# our configuration based urls.
schema = GET_SCHEMA_RE . match ( url )
if schema is None :
# Plan B is to assume we're dealing with a file
schema = ' file '
if not os . path . isabs ( url ) :
# We're dealing with a relative path; prepend
# our current config path
url = os . path . join ( self . config_path , url )
url = ' {} :// {} ' . format ( schema , URLBase . quote ( url ) )
else :
# Ensure our schema is always in lower case
schema = schema . group ( ' schema ' ) . lower ( )
# Some basic validation
if schema not in common . CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP :
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unsupported include schema {} . ' . format ( schema ) )
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = url if not asset . secure_logging \
else cwe312_url ( url )
# Parse our url details of the server object as dictionary
# containing all of the information parsed from our URL
results = common . CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] . parse_url ( url )
if not results :
# Failed to parse the server URL
self . logger . warning (
' Unparseable include URL {} ' . format ( loggable_url ) )
# Handle cross inclusion based on allow_cross_includes rules
if ( common . CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] . allow_cross_includes ==
common . ContentIncludeMode . STRICT
and schema not in self . schemas ( )
and not self . insecure_includes ) or \
common . CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] \
. allow_cross_includes == \
common . ContentIncludeMode . NEVER :
# Prevent the loading if insecure base protocols
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Including {} :// based configuration is prohibited. '
' Ignoring URL {} ' . format ( schema , loggable_url ) )
# Prepare our Asset Object
results [ ' asset ' ] = asset
# No cache is required because we're just lumping this in
# and associating it with the cache value we've already
# declared (prior to our recursion)
results [ ' cache ' ] = False
# Recursion can never be parsed from the URL; we decrement
# it one level
results [ ' recursion ' ] = self . recursion - 1
# Insecure Includes flag can never be parsed from the URL
results [ ' insecure_includes ' ] = self . insecure_includes
try :
# Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the
# parsed URL information
cfg_plugin = \
common . CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP [ results [ ' schema ' ] ] ( * * results )
except Exception as e :
# the arguments are invalid or can not be used.
self . logger . warning (
' Could not load include URL: {} ' . format ( loggable_url ) )
self . logger . debug ( ' Loading Exception: {} ' . format ( str ( e ) ) )
# if we reach here, we can now add this servers found
# in this configuration file to our list
self . _cached_servers . extend (
cfg_plugin . servers ( asset = asset ) )
# We no longer need our configuration object
del cfg_plugin
else :
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = url if not asset . secure_logging \
else cwe312_url ( url )
self . logger . debug (
' Recursion limit reached; ignoring Include URL: %s ' ,
loggable_url )
if self . _cached_servers :
self . logger . info (
' Loaded {} entries from {} ' . format (
len ( self . _cached_servers ) ,
self . url ( privacy = asset . secure_logging ) ) )
else :
self . logger . warning (
' Failed to load Apprise configuration from {} ' . format (
self . url ( privacy = asset . secure_logging ) ) )
# Set the time our content was cached at
self . _cached_time = time . time ( )
return self . _cached_servers
def read ( self ) :
This object should be implimented by the child classes
return None
def expired ( self ) :
Simply returns True if the configuration should be considered
as expired or False if content should be retrieved .
if isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) and self . cache :
# We have enough reason to look further into our cached content
# and verify it has not expired.
if self . cache is True :
# we have not expired, return False
return False
# Verify our cache time to determine whether we will get our
# content again.
age_in_sec = time . time ( ) - self . _cached_time
if age_in_sec < = self . cache :
# We have not expired; return False
return False
# If we reach here our configuration should be considered
# missing and/or expired.
return True
def __normalize_tag_groups ( group_tags ) :
Used to normalize a tag assign map which looks like :
' group ' : set ( ' {tag1} ' , ' {group1} ' , ' {tag2} ' ) ,
' group1 ' : set ( ' {tag2} ' , ' {tag3} ' ) ,
Then normalized it ( merging groups ) ; with respect to the above , the
output would be :
' group ' : set ( ' {tag1} ' , ' {tag2} ' , ' {tag3} ),
' group1 ' : set ( ' {tag2} ' , ' {tag3} ' ) ,
# Prepare a key set list we can use
tag_groups = set ( [ str ( x ) for x in group_tags . keys ( ) ] )
def _expand ( tags , ignore = None ) :
Expands based on tag provided and returns a set
this also updates the group_tags while it goes
# Prepare ourselves a return set
results = set ( )
ignore = set ( ) if ignore is None else ignore
# track groups
groups = set ( )
for tag in tags :
if tag in ignore :
# Track our groups
groups . add ( tag )
# Store what we know is worth keping
results | = group_tags [ tag ] - tag_groups
# Get simple tag assignments
found = group_tags [ tag ] & tag_groups
if not found :
for gtag in found :
if gtag in ignore :
# Go deeper (recursion)
ignore . add ( tag )
group_tags [ gtag ] = _expand ( set ( [ gtag ] ) , ignore = ignore )
results | = group_tags [ gtag ]
# Pop ignore
ignore . remove ( tag )
return results
for tag in tag_groups :
# Get our tags
group_tags [ tag ] | = _expand ( set ( [ tag ] ) )
if not group_tags [ tag ] :
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' The group {} has no tags assigned to it ' . format ( tag ) )
del group_tags [ tag ]
def parse_url ( url , verify_host = True ) :
""" Parses the URL and returns it broken apart into a dictionary.
This is very specific and customized for Apprise .
Args :
url ( str ) : The URL you want to fully parse .
verify_host ( : obj : ` bool ` , optional ) : a flag kept with the parsed
URL which some child classes will later use to verify SSL
keys ( if SSL transactions take place ) . Unless under very
specific circumstances , it is strongly recomended that
you leave this default value set to True .
Returns :
A dictionary is returned containing the URL fully parsed if
successful , otherwise None is returned .
results = URLBase . parse_url ( url , verify_host = verify_host )
if not results :
# We're done; we failed to parse our url
return results
# Allow overriding the default config format
if ' format ' in results [ ' qsd ' ] :
results [ ' format ' ] = results [ ' qsd ' ] . get ( ' format ' )
if results [ ' format ' ] not in common . CONFIG_FORMATS :
URLBase . logger . warning (
' Unsupported format specified {} ' . format (
results [ ' format ' ] ) )
del results [ ' format ' ]
# Defines the encoding of the payload
if ' encoding ' in results [ ' qsd ' ] :
results [ ' encoding ' ] = results [ ' qsd ' ] . get ( ' encoding ' )
# Our cache value
if ' cache ' in results [ ' qsd ' ] :
# First try to get it's integer value
try :
results [ ' cache ' ] = int ( results [ ' qsd ' ] [ ' cache ' ] )
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
# No problem, it just isn't an integer; now treat it as a bool
# instead:
results [ ' cache ' ] = parse_bool ( results [ ' qsd ' ] [ ' cache ' ] )
return results
def detect_config_format ( content , * * kwargs ) :
Takes the specified content and attempts to detect the format type
The function returns the actual format type if detected , otherwise
it returns None
# Detect Format Logic:
# - A pound/hashtag (#) is alawys a comment character so we skip over
# lines matched here.
# - Detection begins on the first non-comment and non blank line
# matched.
# - If we find a string followed by a colon, we know we're dealing
# with a YAML file.
# - If we find a string that starts with a URL, or our tag
# definitions (accepting commas) followed by an equal sign we know
# we're dealing with a TEXT format.
# Define what a valid line should look like
valid_line_re = re . compile (
r ' ^ \ s*(?P<line>([;#]+(?P<comment>.*))| '
r ' (?P<text>((?P<tag>[ \ t,a-z0-9_-]+)=)?[a-z0-9]+://.*)| '
r ' ((?P<yaml>[a-z0-9]+):.*))?$ ' , re . I )
try :
# split our content up to read line by line
content = re . split ( r ' \ r* \ n ' , content )
except TypeError :
# content was not expected string type
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise configuration specified. ' )
return None
# By default set our return value to None since we don't know
# what the format is yet
config_format = None
# iterate over each line of the file to attempt to detect it
# stop the moment a the type has been determined
for line , entry in enumerate ( content , start = 1 ) :
result = valid_line_re . match ( entry )
if not result :
# Invalid syntax
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Undetectable Apprise configuration found '
' based on line {} . ' . format ( line ) )
# Take an early exit
return None
# Attempt to detect configuration
if result . group ( ' yaml ' ) :
config_format = common . ConfigFormat . YAML
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' Detected YAML configuration '
' based on line {} . ' . format ( line ) )
elif result . group ( ' text ' ) :
config_format = common . ConfigFormat . TEXT
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' Detected TEXT configuration '
' based on line {} . ' . format ( line ) )
# If we reach here, we have a comment entry
# Adjust default format to TEXT
config_format = common . ConfigFormat . TEXT
return config_format
def config_parse ( content , asset = None , config_format = None , * * kwargs ) :
Takes the specified config content and loads it based on the specified
config_format . If a format isn ' t specified, then it is auto detected.
if config_format is None :
# Detect the format
config_format = ConfigBase . detect_config_format ( content )
if not config_format :
# We couldn't detect configuration
ConfigBase . logger . error ( ' Could not detect configuration ' )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
if config_format not in common . CONFIG_FORMATS :
# Invalid configuration type specified
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' An invalid configuration format ( {} ) was specified ' . format (
config_format ) )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
# Dynamically load our parse_ function based on our config format
fn = getattr ( ConfigBase , ' config_parse_ {} ' . format ( config_format ) )
# Execute our config parse function which always returns a list
return fn ( content = content , asset = asset )
def config_parse_text ( content , asset = None ) :
Parse the specified content as though it were a simple text file only
containing a list of URLs .
Return a tuple that looks like ( servers , configs ) where :
- servers contains a list of loaded notification plugins
- configs contains a list of additional configuration files
referenced .
You may also optionally associate an asset with the notification .
The file syntax is :
# pound/hashtag allow for line comments
# One or more tags can be idenified using comma's (,) to separate
# them.
< Tag ( s ) > = < URL >
# Or you can use this format (no tags associated)
< URL >
# you can also use the keyword 'include' and identify a
# configuration location (like this file) which will be included
# as additional configuration entries when loaded.
include < ConfigURL >
# Assign tag contents to a group identifier
< Group ( s ) > = < Tag ( s ) >
# A list of loaded Notification Services
servers = list ( )
# A list of additional configuration files referenced using
# the include keyword
configs = list ( )
# Track all of the tags we want to assign later on
group_tags = { }
# Track our entries to preload
preloaded = [ ]
# Prepare our Asset Object
asset = asset if isinstance ( asset , AppriseAsset ) else AppriseAsset ( )
# Define what a valid line should look like
valid_line_re = re . compile (
r ' ^ \ s*(?P<line>([;#]+(?P<comment>.*))| '
r ' ( \ s*(?P<tags>[a-z0-9, \ t_-]+) \ s*=|=)? \ s* '
r ' ((?P<url>[a-z0-9] { 1,12}://.*)|(?P<assign>[a-z0-9, \ t_-]+))| '
r ' include \ s+(?P<config>.+))? \ s*$ ' , re . I )
try :
# split our content up to read line by line
content = re . split ( r ' \ r* \ n ' , content )
except TypeError :
# content was not expected string type
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise TEXT based configuration specified. ' )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
for line , entry in enumerate ( content , start = 1 ) :
result = valid_line_re . match ( entry )
if not result :
# Invalid syntax
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise TEXT configuration format found '
' {} on line {} . ' . format ( entry , line ) )
# Assume this is a file we shouldn't be parsing. It's owner
# can read the error printed to screen and take action
# otherwise.
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
# Retrieve our line
url , assign , config = \
result . group ( ' url ' ) , \
result . group ( ' assign ' ) , \
result . group ( ' config ' )
if not ( url or config or assign ) :
# Comment/empty line; do nothing
if config :
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = config if not asset . secure_logging \
else cwe312_url ( config )
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' Include URL: {} ' . format ( loggable_url ) )
# Store our include line
configs . append ( config . strip ( ) )
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = url if not asset . secure_logging \
else cwe312_url ( url )
if assign :
groups = set ( parse_list ( result . group ( ' tags ' ) , cast = str ) )
if not groups :
# no tags were assigned
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unparseable tag assignment - no group(s) '
' on line {} ' . format ( line ) )
# Get our tags
tags = set ( parse_list ( assign , cast = str ) )
if not tags :
# no tags were assigned
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unparseable tag assignment - no tag(s) to assign '
' on line {} ' . format ( line ) )
# Update our tag group map
for tag_group in groups :
if tag_group not in group_tags :
group_tags [ tag_group ] = set ( )
# ensure our tag group is never included in the assignment
group_tags [ tag_group ] | = tags - set ( [ tag_group ] )
# Acquire our url tokens
results = plugins . url_to_dict (
url , secure_logging = asset . secure_logging )
if results is None :
# Failed to parse the server URL
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unparseable URL {} on line {} . ' . format (
loggable_url , line ) )
# Build a list of tags to associate with the newly added
# notifications if any were set
results [ ' tag ' ] = set ( parse_list ( result . group ( ' tags ' ) , cast = str ) )
# Set our Asset Object
results [ ' asset ' ] = asset
# Store our preloaded entries
preloaded . append ( {
' results ' : results ,
' line ' : line ,
' loggable_url ' : loggable_url ,
} )
# Normalize Tag Groups
# - Expand Groups of Groups so that they don't exist
ConfigBase . __normalize_tag_groups ( group_tags )
# URL Processing
for entry in preloaded :
# Point to our results entry for easier reference below
results = entry [ ' results ' ]
# Apply our tag groups if they're defined
for group , tags in group_tags . items ( ) :
# Detect if anything assigned to this tag also maps back to a
# group. If so we want to add the group to our list
if next ( ( True for tag in results [ ' tag ' ]
if tag in tags ) , False ) :
results [ ' tag ' ] . add ( group )
try :
# Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the
# parsed URL information
plugin = common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [
results [ ' schema ' ] ] ( * * results )
# Create log entry of loaded URL
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' Loaded URL: %s ' , plugin . url (
privacy = results [ ' asset ' ] . secure_logging ) )
except Exception as e :
# the arguments are invalid or can not be used.
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Could not load URL {} on line {} . ' . format (
entry [ ' loggable_url ' ] , entry [ ' line ' ] ) )
ConfigBase . logger . debug ( ' Loading Exception: %s ' % str ( e ) )
# if we reach here, we successfully loaded our data
servers . append ( plugin )
# Return what was loaded
return ( servers , configs )
def config_parse_yaml ( content , asset = None ) :
Parse the specified content as though it were a yaml file
specifically formatted for Apprise .
Return a tuple that looks like ( servers , configs ) where :
- servers contains a list of loaded notification plugins
- configs contains a list of additional configuration files
referenced .
You may optionally associate an asset with the notification .
# A list of loaded Notification Services
servers = list ( )
# A list of additional configuration files referenced using
# the include keyword
configs = list ( )
# Group Assignments
group_tags = { }
# Track our entries to preload
preloaded = [ ]
try :
# Load our data (safely)
result = yaml . load ( content , Loader = yaml . SafeLoader )
except ( AttributeError ,
yaml . parser . ParserError ,
yaml . error . MarkedYAMLError ) as e :
# Invalid content
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise YAML data specified. ' )
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' YAML Exception: {} {} ' . format ( os . linesep , e ) )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
if not isinstance ( result , dict ) :
# Invalid content
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise YAML based configuration specified. ' )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
# YAML Version
version = result . get ( ' version ' , 1 )
if version != 1 :
# Invalid syntax
ConfigBase . logger . error (
' Invalid Apprise YAML version specified {} . ' . format ( version ) )
return ( list ( ) , list ( ) )
# global asset object
asset = asset if isinstance ( asset , AppriseAsset ) else AppriseAsset ( )
tokens = result . get ( ' asset ' , None )
if tokens and isinstance ( tokens , dict ) :
for k , v in tokens . items ( ) :
if k . startswith ( ' _ ' ) or k . endswith ( ' _ ' ) :
# Entries are considered reserved if they start or end
# with an underscore
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Ignored asset key " {} " . ' . format ( k ) )
if not ( hasattr ( asset , k ) and
isinstance ( getattr ( asset , k ) ,
( bool , str ) ) ) :
# We can't set a function or non-string set value
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Invalid asset key " {} " . ' . format ( k ) )
if v is None :
# Convert to an empty string
v = ' '
if ( isinstance ( v , ( bool , str ) )
and isinstance ( getattr ( asset , k ) , bool ) ) :
# If the object in the Asset is a boolean, then
# we want to convert the specified string to
# match that.
setattr ( asset , k , parse_bool ( v ) )
elif isinstance ( v , str ) :
# Set our asset object with the new value
setattr ( asset , k , v . strip ( ) )
else :
# we must set strings with a string
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Invalid asset value to " {} " . ' . format ( k ) )
# global tag root directive
global_tags = set ( )
tags = result . get ( ' tag ' , None )
if tags and isinstance ( tags , ( list , tuple , str ) ) :
# Store any preset tags
global_tags = set ( parse_list ( tags , cast = str ) )
# groups root directive
groups = result . get ( ' groups ' , None )
if not isinstance ( groups , ( list , tuple ) ) :
# Not a problem; we simply have no group entry
groups = list ( )
# Iterate over each group defined and store it
for no , entry in enumerate ( groups ) :
if not isinstance ( entry , dict ) :
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' No assignment for group {} , entry # {} ' . format (
entry , no + 1 ) )
for _groups , tags in entry . items ( ) :
for group in parse_list ( _groups , cast = str ) :
if isinstance ( tags , ( list , tuple ) ) :
_tags = set ( )
for e in tags :
if isinstance ( e , dict ) :
_tags | = set ( e . keys ( ) )
else :
_tags | = set ( parse_list ( e , cast = str ) )
# Final assignment
tags = _tags
else :
tags = set ( parse_list ( tags , cast = str ) )
if group not in group_tags :
group_tags [ group ] = tags
else :
group_tags [ group ] | = tags
# include root directive
includes = result . get ( ' include ' , None )
if isinstance ( includes , str ) :
# Support a single inline string or multiple ones separated by a
# comma and/or space
includes = parse_urls ( includes )
elif not isinstance ( includes , ( list , tuple ) ) :
# Not a problem; we simply have no includes
includes = list ( )
# Iterate over each config URL
for no , url in enumerate ( includes ) :
if isinstance ( url , str ) :
# Support a single inline string or multiple ones separated by
# a comma and/or space
configs . extend ( parse_urls ( url ) )
elif isinstance ( url , dict ) :
# Store the url and ignore arguments associated
configs . extend ( u for u in url . keys ( ) )
# urls root directive
urls = result . get ( ' urls ' , None )
if not isinstance ( urls , ( list , tuple ) ) :
# Not a problem; we simply have no urls
urls = list ( )
# Iterate over each URL
for no , url in enumerate ( urls ) :
# Our results object is what we use to instantiate our object if
# we can. Reset it to None on each iteration
results = list ( )
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = url if not asset . secure_logging \
else cwe312_url ( url )
if isinstance ( url , str ) :
# We're just a simple URL string...
schema = GET_SCHEMA_RE . match ( url )
if schema is None :
# Log invalid entries so that maintainer of config
# config file at least has something to take action
# with.
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Invalid URL {} , entry # {} ' . format (
loggable_url , no + 1 ) )
# We found a valid schema worthy of tracking; store it's
# details:
_results = plugins . url_to_dict (
url , secure_logging = asset . secure_logging )
if _results is None :
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unparseable URL {} , entry # {} ' . format (
loggable_url , no + 1 ) )
# add our results to our global set
results . append ( _results )
elif isinstance ( url , dict ) :
# We are a url string with additional unescaped options. In
# this case we want to iterate over all of our options so we
# can at least tell the end user what entries were ignored
# due to errors
it = iter ( url . items ( ) )
# Track the URL to-load
_url = None
# Track last acquired schema
schema = None
for key , tokens in it :
# Test our schema
_schema = GET_SCHEMA_RE . match ( key )
if _schema is None :
# Log invalid entries so that maintainer of config
# config file at least has something to take action
# with.
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Ignored entry {} found under urls, entry # {} '
. format ( key , no + 1 ) )
# Store our schema
schema = _schema . group ( ' schema ' ) . lower ( )
# Store our URL and Schema Regex
_url = key
if _url is None :
# the loop above failed to match anything
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unsupported URL, entry # {} ' . format ( no + 1 ) )
_results = plugins . url_to_dict (
_url , secure_logging = asset . secure_logging )
if _results is None :
# Setup dictionary
_results = {
# Minimum requirements
' schema ' : schema ,
if isinstance ( tokens , ( list , tuple , set ) ) :
# populate and/or override any results populated by
# parse_url()
for entries in tokens :
# Copy ourselves a template of our parsed URL as a base
# to work with
r = _results . copy ( )
# We are a url string with additional unescaped options
if isinstance ( entries , dict ) :
_url , tokens = next ( iter ( url . items ( ) ) )
# Tags you just can't over-ride
if ' schema ' in entries :
del entries [ ' schema ' ]
# support our special tokens (if they're present)
if schema in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP :
entries = ConfigBase . _special_token_handler (
schema , entries )
# Extend our dictionary with our new entries
r . update ( entries )
# add our results to our global set
results . append ( r )
elif isinstance ( tokens , dict ) :
# support our special tokens (if they're present)
if schema in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP :
tokens = ConfigBase . _special_token_handler (
schema , tokens )
# Copy ourselves a template of our parsed URL as a base to
# work with
r = _results . copy ( )
# add our result set
r . update ( tokens )
# add our results to our global set
results . append ( r )
else :
# add our results to our global set
results . append ( _results )
else :
# Unsupported
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Unsupported Apprise YAML entry # {} ' . format ( no + 1 ) )
# Track our entries
entry = 0
while len ( results ) :
# Increment our entry count
entry + = 1
# Grab our first item
_results = results . pop ( 0 )
if _results [ ' schema ' ] not in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP :
# the arguments are invalid or can not be used.
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' An invalid Apprise schema ( {} ) in YAML configuration '
' entry # {} , item # {} '
. format ( _results [ ' schema ' ] , no + 1 , entry ) )
# tag is a special keyword that is managed by Apprise object.
# The below ensures our tags are set correctly
if ' tag ' in _results :
# Tidy our list up
_results [ ' tag ' ] = set (
parse_list ( _results [ ' tag ' ] , cast = str ) ) | global_tags
else :
# Just use the global settings
_results [ ' tag ' ] = global_tags
for key in list ( _results . keys ( ) ) :
# Strip out any tokens we know that we can't accept and
# warn the user
match = VALID_TOKEN . match ( key )
if not match :
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Ignoring invalid token ( {} ) found in YAML '
' configuration entry # {} , item # {} '
. format ( key , no + 1 , entry ) )
del _results [ key ]
ConfigBase . logger . trace (
' URL # {} : {} unpacked as: {} {} '
. format ( no + 1 , url , os . linesep , os . linesep . join (
[ ' {} = " {} " ' . format ( k , a )
for k , a in _results . items ( ) ] ) ) )
# Prepare our Asset Object
_results [ ' asset ' ] = asset
# Store our preloaded entries
preloaded . append ( {
' results ' : _results ,
' entry ' : no + 1 ,
' item ' : entry ,
} )
# Normalize Tag Groups
# - Expand Groups of Groups so that they don't exist
ConfigBase . __normalize_tag_groups ( group_tags )
# URL Processing
for entry in preloaded :
# Point to our results entry for easier reference below
results = entry [ ' results ' ]
# Apply our tag groups if they're defined
for group , tags in group_tags . items ( ) :
# Detect if anything assigned to this tag also maps back to a
# group. If so we want to add the group to our list
if next ( ( True for tag in results [ ' tag ' ]
if tag in tags ) , False ) :
results [ ' tag ' ] . add ( group )
# Now we generate our plugin
try :
# Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the
# parsed URL information
plugin = common . \
NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ results [ ' schema ' ] ] ( * * results )
# Create log entry of loaded URL
ConfigBase . logger . debug (
' Loaded URL: %s ' , plugin . url (
privacy = results [ ' asset ' ] . secure_logging ) )
except Exception as e :
# the arguments are invalid or can not be used.
ConfigBase . logger . warning (
' Could not load Apprise YAML configuration '
' entry # {} , item # {} '
. format ( entry [ ' entry ' ] , entry [ ' item ' ] ) )
ConfigBase . logger . debug ( ' Loading Exception: %s ' % str ( e ) )
# if we reach here, we successfully loaded our data
servers . append ( plugin )
return ( servers , configs )
def pop ( self , index = - 1 ) :
Removes an indexed Notification Service from the stack and returns it .
By default , the last element of the list is removed .
if not isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) :
# Generate ourselves a list of content we can pull from
self . servers ( )
# Pop the element off of the stack
return self . _cached_servers . pop ( index )
def _special_token_handler ( schema , tokens ) :
This function takes a list of tokens and updates them to no longer
include any special tokens such as + , - , and :
- schema must be a valid schema of a supported plugin type
- tokens must be a dictionary containing the yaml entries parsed .
The idea here is we can post process a set of tokens provided in
a YAML file where the user provided some of the special keywords .
We effectivley look up what these keywords map to their appropriate
value they ' re expected
# Create a copy of our dictionary
tokens = tokens . copy ( )
for kw , meta in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] \
. template_kwargs . items ( ) :
# Determine our prefix:
prefix = meta . get ( ' prefix ' , ' + ' )
# Detect any matches
matches = \
{ k [ 1 : ] : str ( v ) for k , v in tokens . items ( )
if k . startswith ( prefix ) }
if not matches :
# we're done with this entry
if not isinstance ( tokens . get ( kw ) , dict ) :
# Invalid; correct it
tokens [ kw ] = dict ( )
# strip out processed tokens
tokens = { k : v for k , v in tokens . items ( )
if not k . startswith ( prefix ) }
# Update our entries
tokens [ kw ] . update ( matches )
# Now map our tokens accordingly to the class templates defined by
# each service.
# This is specifically used for YAML file parsing. It allows a user to
# define an entry such as:
# urls:
# - mailto://user:pass@domain:
# - to: user1@hotmail.com
# - to: user2@hotmail.com
# Under the hood, the NotifyEmail() class does not parse the `to`
# argument. It's contents needs to be mapped to `targets`. This is
# defined in the class via the `template_args` and template_tokens`
# section.
# This function here allows these mappings to take place within the
# YAML file as independant arguments.
class_templates = \
plugins . details ( common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] )
for key in list ( tokens . keys ( ) ) :
if key not in class_templates [ ' args ' ] :
# No need to handle non-arg entries
# get our `map_to` and/or 'alias_of' value (if it exists)
map_to = class_templates [ ' args ' ] [ key ] . get (
' alias_of ' , class_templates [ ' args ' ] [ key ] . get ( ' map_to ' , ' ' ) )
if map_to == key :
# We're already good as we are now
if map_to in class_templates [ ' tokens ' ] :
meta = class_templates [ ' tokens ' ] [ map_to ]
else :
meta = class_templates [ ' args ' ] . get (
map_to , class_templates [ ' args ' ] [ key ] )
# Perform a translation/mapping if our code reaches here
value = tokens [ key ]
del tokens [ key ]
# Detect if we're dealign with a list or not
is_list = re . search (
r ' ^list:.* ' ,
meta . get ( ' type ' ) ,
if map_to not in tokens :
tokens [ map_to ] = [ ] if is_list \
else meta . get ( ' default ' )
elif is_list and not isinstance ( tokens . get ( map_to ) , list ) :
# Convert ourselves to a list if we aren't already
tokens [ map_to ] = [ tokens [ map_to ] ]
# Type Conversion
if re . search (
r ' ^(choice:)?string ' ,
meta . get ( ' type ' ) ,
and not isinstance ( value , str ) :
# Ensure our format is as expected
value = str ( value )
# Apply any further translations if required (absolute map)
# This is the case when an arg maps to a token which further
# maps to a different function arg on the class constructor
abs_map = meta . get ( ' map_to ' , map_to )
# Set our token as how it was provided by the configuration
if isinstance ( tokens . get ( map_to ) , list ) :
tokens [ abs_map ] . append ( value )
else :
tokens [ abs_map ] = value
# Return our tokens
return tokens
def __getitem__ ( self , index ) :
Returns the indexed server entry associated with the loaded
notification servers
if not isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) :
# Generate ourselves a list of content we can pull from
self . servers ( )
return self . _cached_servers [ index ]
def __iter__ ( self ) :
Returns an iterator to our server list
if not isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) :
# Generate ourselves a list of content we can pull from
self . servers ( )
return iter ( self . _cached_servers )
def __len__ ( self ) :
Returns the total number of servers loaded
if not isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) :
# Generate ourselves a list of content we can pull from
self . servers ( )
return len ( self . _cached_servers )
def __bool__ ( self ) :
Allows the Apprise object to be wrapped in an ' if statement ' .
True is returned if our content was downloaded correctly .
if not isinstance ( self . _cached_servers , list ) :
# Generate ourselves a list of content we can pull from
self . servers ( )
return True if self . _cached_servers else False