This is a python implementation of wcwidth ( ) and wcswidth ( ) .
https : / / github . com / jquast / wcwidth
from Markus Kuhn ' s C code, retrieved from:
http : / / www . cl . cam . ac . uk / ~ mgk25 / ucs / wcwidth . c
This is an implementation of wcwidth ( ) and wcswidth ( ) ( defined in
IEEE Std 1002.1 - 2001 ) for Unicode .
http : / / www . opengroup . org / onlinepubs / 007904975 / functions / wcwidth . html
http : / / www . opengroup . org / onlinepubs / 007904975 / functions / wcswidth . html
In fixed - width output devices , Latin characters all occupy a single
" cell " position of equal width , whereas ideographic CJK characters
occupy two such cells . Interoperability between terminal - line
applications and ( teletype - style ) character terminals using the
UTF - 8 encoding requires agreement on which character should advance
the cursor by how many cell positions . No established formal
standards exist at present on which Unicode character shall occupy
how many cell positions on character terminals . These routines are
a first attempt of defining such behavior based on simple rules
applied to data provided by the Unicode Consortium .
For some graphical characters , the Unicode standard explicitly
defines a character - cell width via the definition of the East Asian
FullWidth ( F ) , Wide ( W ) , Half - width ( H ) , and Narrow ( Na ) classes .
In all these cases , there is no ambiguity about which width a
terminal shall use . For characters in the East Asian Ambiguous ( A )
class , the width choice depends purely on a preference of backward
compatibility with either historic CJK or Western practice .
Choosing single - width for these characters is easy to justify as
the appropriate long - term solution , as the CJK practice of
displaying these characters as double - width comes from historic
implementation simplicity ( 8 - bit encoded characters were displayed
single - width and 16 - bit ones double - width , even for Greek ,
Cyrillic , etc . ) and not any typographic considerations .
Much less clear is the choice of width for the Not East Asian
( Neutral ) class . Existing practice does not dictate a width for any
of these characters . It would nevertheless make sense
typographically to allocate two character cells to characters such
as for instance EM SPACE or VOLUME INTEGRAL , which cannot be
represented adequately with a single - width glyph . The following
routines at present merely assign a single - cell width to all
neutral characters , in the interest of simplicity . This is not
entirely satisfactory and should be reconsidered before
establishing a formal standard in this area . At the moment , the
decision which Not East Asian ( Neutral ) characters should be
represented by double - width glyphs cannot yet be answered by
applying a simple rule from the Unicode database content . Setting
up a proper standard for the behavior of UTF - 8 character terminals
will require a careful analysis not only of each Unicode character ,
but also of each presentation form , something the author of these
routines has avoided to do so far .
http : / / www . unicode . org / unicode / reports / tr11 /
Latest version : http : / / www . cl . cam . ac . uk / ~ mgk25 / ucs / wcwidth . c
from __future__ import division
# std imports
import os
import sys
import warnings
# local
from . table_wide import WIDE_EASTASIAN
from . table_zero import ZERO_WIDTH
from . unicode_versions import list_versions
try :
from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError :
# lru_cache was added in Python 3.2
from backports . functools_lru_cache import lru_cache
# global cache
_PY3 = ( sys . version_info [ 0 ] > = 3 )
# NOTE: created by hand, there isn't anything identifiable other than
# general Cf category code to identify these, and some characters in Cf
# category code are of non-zero width.
# Also includes some Cc, Mn, Zl, and Zp characters
ZERO_WIDTH_CF = set ( [
0 , # Null (Cc)
0x034F , # Combining grapheme joiner (Mn)
0x200B , # Zero width space
0x200C , # Zero width non-joiner
0x200D , # Zero width joiner
0x200E , # Left-to-right mark
0x200F , # Right-to-left mark
0x2028 , # Line separator (Zl)
0x2029 , # Paragraph separator (Zp)
0x202A , # Left-to-right embedding
0x202B , # Right-to-left embedding
0x202C , # Pop directional formatting
0x202D , # Left-to-right override
0x202E , # Right-to-left override
0x2060 , # Word joiner
0x2061 , # Function application
0x2062 , # Invisible times
0x2063 , # Invisible separator
] )
def _bisearch ( ucs , table ) :
Auxiliary function for binary search in interval table .
: arg int ucs : Ordinal value of unicode character .
: arg list table : List of starting and ending ranges of ordinal values ,
in form of ` ` [ ( start , end ) , . . . ] ` ` .
: rtype : int
: returns : 1 if ordinal value ucs is found within lookup table , else 0.
lbound = 0
ubound = len ( table ) - 1
if ucs < table [ 0 ] [ 0 ] or ucs > table [ ubound ] [ 1 ] :
return 0
while ubound > = lbound :
mid = ( lbound + ubound ) / / 2
if ucs > table [ mid ] [ 1 ] :
lbound = mid + 1
elif ucs < table [ mid ] [ 0 ] :
ubound = mid - 1
else :
return 1
return 0
@lru_cache ( maxsize = 1000 )
def wcwidth ( wc , unicode_version = ' auto ' ) :
r """
Given one Unicode character , return its printable length on a terminal .
: param str wc : A single Unicode character .
: param str unicode_version : A Unicode version number , such as
` ` ' 6.0.0 ' ` ` , the list of available version levels may be
listed by pairing function : func : ` list_versions ` .
Any version string may be specified without error - - the nearest
matching version is selected . When ` ` latest ` ` ( default ) , the
highest Unicode version level is used .
: return : The width , in cells , necessary to display the character of
Unicode string character , ` ` wc ` ` . Returns 0 if the ` ` wc ` ` argument has
no printable effect on a terminal ( such as NUL ' \0 ' ) , - 1 if ` ` wc ` ` is
not printable , or has an indeterminate effect on the terminal , such as
a control character . Otherwise , the number of column positions the
character occupies on a graphic terminal ( 1 or 2 ) is returned .
: rtype : int
The following have a column width of - 1 :
- C0 control characters ( U + 001 through U + 01 F ) .
- C1 control characters and DEL ( U + 07 F through U + 0 A0 ) .
The following have a column width of 0 :
- Non - spacing and enclosing combining characters ( general
category code Mn or Me in the Unicode database ) .
- NULL ( ` ` U + 0000 ` ` ) .
- COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER ( ` ` U + 034 F ` ` ) .
- ZERO WIDTH SPACE ( ` ` U + 200 B ` ` ) * through *
RIGHT - TO - LEFT MARK ( ` ` U + 200 F ` ` ) .
- LINE SEPARATOR ( ` ` U + 2028 ` ` ) * and *
PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR ( ` ` U + 2029 ` ` ) .
- LEFT - TO - RIGHT EMBEDDING ( ` ` U + 202 A ` ` ) * through *
RIGHT - TO - LEFT OVERRIDE ( ` ` U + 202 E ` ` ) .
- WORD JOINER ( ` ` U + 2060 ` ` ) * through *
INVISIBLE SEPARATOR ( ` ` U + 2063 ` ` ) .
The following have a column width of 1 :
- SOFT HYPHEN ( ` ` U + 00 AD ` ` ) .
- All remaining characters , including all printable ISO 8859 - 1
and WGL4 characters , Unicode control characters , etc .
The following have a column width of 2 :
- Spacing characters in the East Asian Wide ( W ) or East Asian
Full - width ( F ) category as defined in Unicode Technical
Report #11 have a column width of 2.
- Some kinds of Emoji or symbols .
# NOTE: created by hand, there isn't anything identifiable other than
# general Cf category code to identify these, and some characters in Cf
# category code are of non-zero width.
ucs = ord ( wc )
if ucs in ZERO_WIDTH_CF :
return 0
# C0/C1 control characters
if ucs < 32 or 0x07F < = ucs < 0x0A0 :
return - 1
_unicode_version = _wcmatch_version ( unicode_version )
# combining characters with zero width
if _bisearch ( ucs , ZERO_WIDTH [ _unicode_version ] ) :
return 0
return 1 + _bisearch ( ucs , WIDE_EASTASIAN [ _unicode_version ] )
def wcswidth ( pwcs , n = None , unicode_version = ' auto ' ) :
Given a unicode string , return its printable length on a terminal .
: param str pwcs : Measure width of given unicode string .
: param int n : When ` ` n ` ` is None ( default ) , return the length of the
entire string , otherwise width the first ` ` n ` ` characters specified .
: param str unicode_version : An explicit definition of the unicode version
level to use for determination , may be ` ` auto ` ` ( default ) , which uses
the Environment Variable , ` ` UNICODE_VERSION ` ` if defined , or the latest
available unicode version , otherwise .
: rtype : int
: returns : The width , in cells , necessary to display the first ` ` n ` `
characters of the unicode string ` ` pwcs ` ` . Returns ` ` - 1 ` ` if
a non - printable character is encountered .
# pylint: disable=C0103
# Invalid argument name "n"
end = len ( pwcs ) if n is None else n
idx = slice ( 0 , end )
width = 0
for char in pwcs [ idx ] :
wcw = wcwidth ( char , unicode_version )
if wcw < 0 :
return - 1
width + = wcw
return width
@lru_cache ( maxsize = 128 )
def _wcversion_value ( ver_string ) :
Integer - mapped value of given dotted version string .
: param str ver_string : Unicode version string , of form ` ` n . n . n ` ` .
: rtype : tuple ( int )
: returns : tuple of digit tuples , ` ` tuple ( int , [ . . . ] ) ` ` .
retval = tuple ( map ( int , ( ver_string . split ( ' . ' ) ) ) )
return retval
@lru_cache ( maxsize = 8 )
def _wcmatch_version ( given_version ) :
Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level .
If an exact match is not determined , the nearest lowest version level is
returned after a warning is emitted . For example , given supported levels
` ` 4.1 .0 ` ` and ` ` 5.0 .0 ` ` , and a version string of ` ` 4.9 .9 ` ` , then ` ` 4.1 .0 ` `
is selected and returned :
>> > _wcmatch_version ( ' 4.9.9 ' )
' 4.1.0 '
>> > _wcmatch_version ( ' 8.0 ' )
' 8.0.0 '
>> > _wcmatch_version ( ' 1 ' )
' 4.1.0 '
: param str given_version : given version for compare , may be ` ` auto ` `
( default ) , to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable ,
` ` UNICODE_VERSION ` ` . If the environment variable is not set , then the
latest is used .
: rtype : str
: returns : unicode string , or non - unicode ` ` str ` ` type for python 2
when given ` ` version ` ` is also type ` ` str ` ` .
# Design note: the choice to return the same type that is given certainly
# complicates it for python 2 str-type, but allows us to define an api that
# to use 'string-type', for unicode version level definitions, so all of our
# example code works with all versions of python. That, along with the
# string-to-numeric and comparisons of earliest, latest, matching, or
# nearest, greatly complicates this function.
_return_str = not _PY3 and isinstance ( given_version , str )
if _return_str :
unicode_versions = [ ucs . encode ( ) for ucs in list_versions ( ) ]
else :
unicode_versions = list_versions ( )
latest_version = unicode_versions [ - 1 ]
if given_version in ( u ' auto ' , ' auto ' ) :
given_version = os . environ . get (
' latest ' if not _return_str else latest_version . encode ( ) )
if given_version in ( u ' latest ' , ' latest ' ) :
# default match, when given as 'latest', use the most latest unicode
# version specification level supported.
return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version . encode ( )
if given_version in unicode_versions :
# exact match, downstream has specified an explicit matching version
# matching any value of list_versions().
return given_version if not _return_str else given_version . encode ( )
# The user's version is not supported by ours. We return the newest unicode
# version level that we support below their given value.
try :
cmp_given = _wcversion_value ( given_version )
except ValueError :
# submitted value raises ValueError in int(), warn and use latest.
warnings . warn ( " UNICODE_VERSION value, {given_version!r} , is invalid. "
" Value should be in form of `integer[.]+ ' , the latest "
" supported unicode version {latest_version!r} has been "
" inferred. " . format ( given_version = given_version ,
latest_version = latest_version ) )
return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version . encode ( )
# given version is less than any available version, return earliest
# version.
earliest_version = unicode_versions [ 0 ]
cmp_earliest_version = _wcversion_value ( earliest_version )
if cmp_given < = cmp_earliest_version :
# this probably isn't what you wanted, the oldest wcwidth.c you will
# find in the wild is likely version 5 or 6, which we both support,
# but it's better than not saying anything at all.
warnings . warn ( " UNICODE_VERSION value, {given_version!r} , is lower "
" than any available unicode version. Returning lowest "
" version level, {earliest_version!r} " . format (
given_version = given_version ,
earliest_version = earliest_version ) )
return earliest_version if not _return_str else earliest_version . encode ( )
# create list of versions which are less than our equal to given version,
# and return the tail value, which is the highest level we may support,
# or the latest value we support, when completely unmatched or higher
# than any supported version.
# function will never complete, always returns.
for idx , unicode_version in enumerate ( unicode_versions ) :
# look ahead to next value
try :
cmp_next_version = _wcversion_value ( unicode_versions [ idx + 1 ] )
except IndexError :
# at end of list, return latest version
return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version . encode ( )
# Maybe our given version has less parts, as in tuple(8, 0), than the
# next compare version tuple(8, 0, 0). Test for an exact match by
# comparison of only the leading dotted piece(s): (8, 0) == (8, 0).
if cmp_given == cmp_next_version [ : len ( cmp_given ) ] :
return unicode_versions [ idx + 1 ]
# Or, if any next value is greater than our given support level
# version, return the current value in index. Even though it must
# be less than the given value, its our closest possible match. That
# is, 4.1 is returned for given 4.9.9, where 4.1 and 5.0 are available.
if cmp_next_version > cmp_given :
return unicode_version
assert False , ( " Code path unreachable " , given_version , unicode_versions )