from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import suppress
from uuid import UUID
import datetime
import ipaddress
import re
import typing
import warnings
from jsonschema . exceptions import FormatError
_FormatCheckCallable = typing . Callable [ [ object ] , bool ]
_F = typing . TypeVar ( " _F " , bound = _FormatCheckCallable )
_RaisesType = typing . Union [
typing . Type [ Exception ] , typing . Tuple [ typing . Type [ Exception ] , . . . ] ,
class FormatChecker :
A ` ` format ` ` property checker .
JSON Schema does not mandate that the ` ` format ` ` property actually do any
validation . If validation is desired however , instances of this class can
be hooked into validators to enable format validation .
` FormatChecker ` objects always return ` ` True ` ` when asked about
formats that they do not know how to validate .
To add a check for a custom format use the ` FormatChecker . checks `
decorator .
Arguments :
formats :
The known formats to validate . This argument can be used to
limit which formats will be used during validation .
checkers : dict [
str ,
tuple [ _FormatCheckCallable , _RaisesType ] ,
] = { }
def __init__ ( self , formats : typing . Iterable [ str ] = None ) :
if formats is None :
formats = self . checkers . keys ( )
self . checkers = { k : self . checkers [ k ] for k in formats }
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return " <FormatChecker checkers= {} > " . format ( sorted ( self . checkers ) )
def checks (
self , format : str , raises : _RaisesType = ( ) ,
) - > typing . Callable [ [ _F ] , _F ] :
Register a decorated function as validating a new format .
Arguments :
format :
The format that the decorated function will check .
raises :
The exception ( s ) raised by the decorated function when an
invalid instance is found .
The exception object will be accessible as the
` jsonschema . exceptions . ValidationError . cause ` attribute of the
resulting validation error .
def _checks ( func : _F ) - > _F :
self . checkers [ format ] = ( func , raises )
return func
return _checks
def cls_checks (
cls , format : str , raises : _RaisesType = ( ) ,
) - > typing . Callable [ [ _F ] , _F ] :
warnings . warn (
" FormatChecker.cls_checks is deprecated. Call "
" FormatChecker.checks on a specific FormatChecker instance "
" instead. "
) ,
DeprecationWarning ,
stacklevel = 2 ,
return cls . _cls_checks ( format = format , raises = raises )
def _cls_checks (
cls , format : str , raises : _RaisesType = ( ) ,
) - > typing . Callable [ [ _F ] , _F ] :
def _checks ( func : _F ) - > _F :
cls . checkers [ format ] = ( func , raises )
return func
return _checks
def check ( self , instance : object , format : str ) - > None :
Check whether the instance conforms to the given format .
Arguments :
instance ( * any primitive type * , i . e . str , number , bool ) :
The instance to check
format :
The format that instance should conform to
Raises :
FormatError :
if the instance does not conform to ` ` format ` `
if format not in self . checkers :
func , raises = self . checkers [ format ]
result , cause = None , None
try :
result = func ( instance )
except raises as e :
cause = e
if not result :
raise FormatError ( f " { instance !r} is not a { format !r} " , cause = cause )
def conforms ( self , instance : object , format : str ) - > bool :
Check whether the instance conforms to the given format .
Arguments :
instance ( * any primitive type * , i . e . str , number , bool ) :
The instance to check
format :
The format that instance should conform to
Returns :
bool : whether it conformed
try :
self . check ( instance , format )
except FormatError :
return False
else :
return True
draft3_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
draft4_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
draft6_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
draft7_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
draft201909_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
draft202012_format_checker = FormatChecker ( )
_draft_checkers : dict [ str , FormatChecker ] = dict (
draft3 = draft3_format_checker ,
draft4 = draft4_format_checker ,
draft6 = draft6_format_checker ,
draft7 = draft7_format_checker ,
draft201909 = draft201909_format_checker ,
draft202012 = draft202012_format_checker ,
def _checks_drafts (
name = None ,
draft3 = None ,
draft4 = None ,
draft6 = None ,
draft7 = None ,
draft201909 = None ,
draft202012 = None ,
raises = ( ) ,
) - > typing . Callable [ [ _F ] , _F ] :
draft3 = draft3 or name
draft4 = draft4 or name
draft6 = draft6 or name
draft7 = draft7 or name
draft201909 = draft201909 or name
draft202012 = draft202012 or name
def wrap ( func : _F ) - > _F :
if draft3 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft3 " ] . checks ( draft3 , raises ) ( func )
if draft4 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft4 " ] . checks ( draft4 , raises ) ( func )
if draft6 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft6 " ] . checks ( draft6 , raises ) ( func )
if draft7 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft7 " ] . checks ( draft7 , raises ) ( func )
if draft201909 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft201909 " ] . checks ( draft201909 , raises ) (
func ,
if draft202012 :
func = _draft_checkers [ " draft202012 " ] . checks ( draft202012 , raises ) (
func ,
# Oy. This is bad global state, but relied upon for now, until
# deprecation. See #519 and test_format_checkers_come_with_defaults
FormatChecker . _cls_checks (
draft202012 or draft201909 or draft7 or draft6 or draft4 or draft3 ,
raises ,
) ( func )
return func
return wrap
@_checks_drafts ( name = " idn-email " )
@_checks_drafts ( name = " email " )
def is_email ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return " @ " in instance
@_checks_drafts (
draft3 = " ip-address " ,
draft4 = " ipv4 " ,
draft6 = " ipv4 " ,
draft7 = " ipv4 " ,
draft201909 = " ipv4 " ,
draft202012 = " ipv4 " ,
raises = ipaddress . AddressValueError ,
def is_ipv4 ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( ipaddress . IPv4Address ( instance ) )
@_checks_drafts ( name = " ipv6 " , raises = ipaddress . AddressValueError )
def is_ipv6 ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
address = ipaddress . IPv6Address ( instance )
return not getattr ( address , " scope_id " , " " )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
from fqdn import FQDN
@_checks_drafts (
draft3 = " host-name " ,
draft4 = " hostname " ,
draft6 = " hostname " ,
draft7 = " hostname " ,
draft201909 = " hostname " ,
draft202012 = " hostname " ,
def is_host_name ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return FQDN ( instance ) . is_valid
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
# The built-in `idna` codec only implements RFC 3890, so we go elsewhere.
import idna
@_checks_drafts (
draft7 = " idn-hostname " ,
draft201909 = " idn-hostname " ,
draft202012 = " idn-hostname " ,
raises = ( idna . IDNAError , UnicodeError ) ,
def is_idn_host_name ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
idna . encode ( instance )
return True
try :
import rfc3987
except ImportError :
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
from rfc3986_validator import validate_rfc3986
@_checks_drafts ( name = " uri " )
def is_uri ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return validate_rfc3986 ( instance , rule = " URI " )
@_checks_drafts (
draft6 = " uri-reference " ,
draft7 = " uri-reference " ,
draft201909 = " uri-reference " ,
draft202012 = " uri-reference " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_uri_reference ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return validate_rfc3986 ( instance , rule = " URI_reference " )
else :
@_checks_drafts (
draft7 = " iri " ,
draft201909 = " iri " ,
draft202012 = " iri " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_iri ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return rfc3987 . parse ( instance , rule = " IRI " )
@_checks_drafts (
draft7 = " iri-reference " ,
draft201909 = " iri-reference " ,
draft202012 = " iri-reference " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_iri_reference ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return rfc3987 . parse ( instance , rule = " IRI_reference " )
@_checks_drafts ( name = " uri " , raises = ValueError )
def is_uri ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return rfc3987 . parse ( instance , rule = " URI " )
@_checks_drafts (
draft6 = " uri-reference " ,
draft7 = " uri-reference " ,
draft201909 = " uri-reference " ,
draft202012 = " uri-reference " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_uri_reference ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return rfc3987 . parse ( instance , rule = " URI_reference " )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
from rfc3339_validator import validate_rfc3339
@_checks_drafts ( name = " date-time " )
def is_datetime ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return validate_rfc3339 ( instance . upper ( ) )
@_checks_drafts (
draft7 = " time " ,
draft201909 = " time " ,
draft202012 = " time " ,
def is_time ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return is_datetime ( " 1970-01-01T " + instance )
@_checks_drafts ( name = " regex " , raises = re . error )
def is_regex ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( re . compile ( instance ) )
@_checks_drafts (
draft3 = " date " ,
draft7 = " date " ,
draft201909 = " date " ,
draft202012 = " date " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_date ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( instance . isascii ( ) and datetime . date . fromisoformat ( instance ) )
@_checks_drafts ( draft3 = " time " , raises = ValueError )
def is_draft3_time ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( datetime . datetime . strptime ( instance , " % H: % M: % S " ) )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
from webcolors import CSS21_NAMES_TO_HEX
import webcolors
def is_css_color_code ( instance : object ) - > bool :
return webcolors . normalize_hex ( instance )
@_checks_drafts ( draft3 = " color " , raises = ( ValueError , TypeError ) )
def is_css21_color ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if (
not isinstance ( instance , str )
or instance . lower ( ) in CSS21_NAMES_TO_HEX
) :
return True
return is_css_color_code ( instance )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
import jsonpointer
@_checks_drafts (
draft6 = " json-pointer " ,
draft7 = " json-pointer " ,
draft201909 = " json-pointer " ,
draft202012 = " json-pointer " ,
raises = jsonpointer . JsonPointerException ,
def is_json_pointer ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( jsonpointer . JsonPointer ( instance ) )
# TODO: I don't want to maintain this, so it
# needs to go either into jsonpointer (pending
# or
# into a new external library.
@_checks_drafts (
draft7 = " relative-json-pointer " ,
draft201909 = " relative-json-pointer " ,
draft202012 = " relative-json-pointer " ,
raises = jsonpointer . JsonPointerException ,
def is_relative_json_pointer ( instance : object ) - > bool :
# Definition taken from:
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
non_negative_integer , rest = [ ] , " "
for i , character in enumerate ( instance ) :
if character . isdigit ( ) :
# digits with a leading "0" are not allowed
if i > 0 and int ( instance [ i - 1 ] ) == 0 :
return False
non_negative_integer . append ( character )
if not non_negative_integer :
return False
rest = instance [ i : ]
return ( rest == " # " ) or bool ( jsonpointer . JsonPointer ( rest ) )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
import uri_template
@_checks_drafts (
draft6 = " uri-template " ,
draft7 = " uri-template " ,
draft201909 = " uri-template " ,
draft202012 = " uri-template " ,
def is_uri_template ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return uri_template . validate ( instance )
with suppress ( ImportError ) :
import isoduration
@_checks_drafts (
draft201909 = " duration " ,
draft202012 = " duration " ,
raises = isoduration . DurationParsingException ,
def is_duration ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
return bool ( isoduration . parse_duration ( instance ) )
@_checks_drafts (
draft201909 = " uuid " ,
draft202012 = " uuid " ,
raises = ValueError ,
def is_uuid ( instance : object ) - > bool :
if not isinstance ( instance , str ) :
return True
UUID ( instance )
return all ( instance [ position ] == " - " for position in ( 8 , 13 , 18 , 23 ) )