# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import os . path
import threading
import websocket as ws
import ssl
import unittest
test_app . py
websocket - WebSocket client library for Python
Copyright 2022 engn33r
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : / / www . apache . org / licenses / LICENSE - 2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
# Skip test to access the internet unless TEST_WITH_INTERNET == 1
TEST_WITH_INTERNET = os . environ . get ( ' TEST_WITH_INTERNET ' , ' 0 ' ) == ' 1 '
# Skip tests relying on local websockets server unless LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT != -1
LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT = os . environ . get ( ' LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT ' , ' -1 ' )
class WebSocketAppTest ( unittest . TestCase ) :
class NotSetYet :
""" A marker class for signalling that a value hasn ' t been set yet.
def setUp ( self ) :
ws . enableTrace ( TRACEABLE )
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_open = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_close = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . get_mask_key_id = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . on_error_data = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
def tearDown ( self ) :
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_open = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_close = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . get_mask_key_id = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
WebSocketAppTest . on_error_data = WebSocketAppTest . NotSetYet ( )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_LOCAL_SERVER , " Tests using local websocket server are disabled " )
def testKeepRunning ( self ) :
""" A WebSocketApp should keep running as long as its self.keep_running
is not False ( in the boolean context ) .
def on_open ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Set the keep_running flag for later inspection and immediately
close the connection .
self . send ( " hello! " )
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_open = self . keep_running
self . keep_running = False
def on_message ( wsapp , message ) :
print ( message )
self . close ( )
def on_close ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Set the keep_running flag for the test to use.
WebSocketAppTest . keep_running_close = self . keep_running
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' ws:// ' + LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT , on_open = on_open , on_close = on_close , on_message = on_message )
app . run_forever ( )
# @unittest.skipUnless(TEST_WITH_LOCAL_SERVER, "Tests using local websocket server are disabled")
@unittest.skipUnless ( False , " Test disabled for now (requires rel) " )
def testRunForeverDispatcher ( self ) :
""" A WebSocketApp should keep running as long as its self.keep_running
is not False ( in the boolean context ) .
def on_open ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Send a message, receive, and send one more
self . send ( " hello! " )
self . recv ( )
self . send ( " goodbye! " )
def on_message ( wsapp , message ) :
print ( message )
self . close ( )
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' ws:// ' + LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT , on_open = on_open , on_message = on_message )
app . run_forever ( dispatcher = " Dispatcher " ) # doesn't work
# app.run_forever(dispatcher=rel) # would work
# rel.dispatch()
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_LOCAL_SERVER , " Tests using local websocket server are disabled " )
def testRunForeverTeardownCleanExit ( self ) :
""" The WebSocketApp.run_forever() method should return `False` when the application ends gracefully.
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' ws:// ' + LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT )
threading . Timer ( interval = 0.2 , function = app . close ) . start ( )
teardown = app . run_forever ( )
self . assertEqual ( teardown , False )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_LOCAL_SERVER , " Tests using local websocket server are disabled " )
def testRunForeverTeardownExceptionalExit ( self ) :
""" The WebSocketApp.run_forever() method should return `True` when the application ends with an exception.
It should also invoke the ` on_error ` callback before exiting .
def break_it ( ) :
# Deliberately break the WebSocketApp by closing the inner socket.
app . sock . close ( )
def on_error ( _ , err ) :
WebSocketAppTest . on_error_data = str ( err )
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' ws:// ' + LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT , on_error = on_error )
threading . Timer ( interval = 0.2 , function = break_it ) . start ( )
teardown = app . run_forever ( ping_timeout = 0.1 )
self . assertEqual ( teardown , True )
self . assertTrue ( len ( WebSocketAppTest . on_error_data ) > 0 )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testSockMaskKey ( self ) :
""" A WebSocketApp should forward the received mask_key function down
to the actual socket .
def my_mask_key_func ( ) :
return " \x00 \x00 \x00 \x00 "
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/1 ' , get_mask_key = my_mask_key_func )
# if numpy is installed, this assertion fail
# Note: We can't use 'is' for comparing the functions directly, need to use 'id'.
self . assertEqual ( id ( app . get_mask_key ) , id ( my_mask_key_func ) )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testInvalidPingIntervalPingTimeout ( self ) :
""" Test exception handling if ping_interval < ping_timeout
def on_ping ( app , msg ) :
print ( " Got a ping! " )
app . close ( )
def on_pong ( app , msg ) :
print ( " Got a pong! No need to respond " )
app . close ( )
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/1 ' , on_ping = on_ping , on_pong = on_pong )
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketException , app . run_forever , ping_interval = 1 , ping_timeout = 2 , sslopt = { " cert_reqs " : ssl . CERT_NONE } )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testPingInterval ( self ) :
""" Test WebSocketApp proper ping functionality
def on_ping ( app , msg ) :
print ( " Got a ping! " )
app . close ( )
def on_pong ( app , msg ) :
print ( " Got a pong! No need to respond " )
app . close ( )
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/1 ' , on_ping = on_ping , on_pong = on_pong )
app . run_forever ( ping_interval = 2 , ping_timeout = 1 , sslopt = { " cert_reqs " : ssl . CERT_NONE } )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testOpcodeClose ( self ) :
""" Test WebSocketApp close opcode
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://tsock.us1.twilio.com/v3/wsconnect ' )
app . run_forever ( ping_interval = 2 , ping_timeout = 1 , ping_payload = " Ping payload " )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testOpcodeBinary ( self ) :
""" Test WebSocketApp binary opcode
# The lack of wss:// in the URL below is on purpose
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://streaming.vn.teslamotors.com/streaming/ ' )
app . run_forever ( ping_interval = 2 , ping_timeout = 1 , ping_payload = " Ping payload " )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testBadPingInterval ( self ) :
""" A WebSocketApp handling of negative ping_interval
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/1 ' )
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketException , app . run_forever , ping_interval = - 5 , sslopt = { " cert_reqs " : ssl . CERT_NONE } )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testBadPingTimeout ( self ) :
""" A WebSocketApp handling of negative ping_timeout
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/1 ' )
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketException , app . run_forever , ping_timeout = - 3 , sslopt = { " cert_reqs " : ssl . CERT_NONE } )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testCloseStatusCode ( self ) :
""" Test extraction of close frame status code and close reason in WebSocketApp
def on_close ( wsapp , close_status_code , close_msg ) :
print ( " on_close reached " )
app = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://tsock.us1.twilio.com/v3/wsconnect ' , on_close = on_close )
closeframe = ws . ABNF ( opcode = ws . ABNF . OPCODE_CLOSE , data = b ' \x03 \xe8 no-init-from-client ' )
self . assertEqual ( [ 1000 , ' no-init-from-client ' ] , app . _get_close_args ( closeframe ) )
closeframe = ws . ABNF ( opcode = ws . ABNF . OPCODE_CLOSE , data = b ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( [ None , None ] , app . _get_close_args ( closeframe ) )
app2 = ws . WebSocketApp ( ' wss://tsock.us1.twilio.com/v3/wsconnect ' )
closeframe = ws . ABNF ( opcode = ws . ABNF . OPCODE_CLOSE , data = b ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( [ None , None ] , app2 . _get_close_args ( closeframe ) )
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketConnectionClosedException , app . send , data = " test if connection is closed " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )