import argparse
import codecs
import os
import re
import os . path as op
import io
from io import open
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
from . formats import get_file_extension , FORMAT_IDENTIFIERS
from . time import make_time
from . ssafile import SSAFile
from . common import VERSION
import logging
def positive_float ( s : str ) - > float :
x = float ( s )
if not x > 0 :
raise argparse . ArgumentTypeError ( " %r is not a positive number " % s )
return x
def character_encoding ( s : str ) - > str :
try :
codecs . lookup ( s )
return s
except LookupError :
raise argparse . ArgumentError
def time ( s : str ) - > int :
d = { }
for v , k in re . findall ( r " ( \ d* \ .? \ d*)(ms|m|s|h) " , s ) :
d [ k ] = float ( v )
return make_time ( * * d ) # type: ignore # Argument 1 has incomp. type "**Dict[Any, float]"; expected "Optional[int]"
def change_ext ( path : str , ext : str ) - > str :
base , _ = op . splitext ( path )
return base + ext
class Pysubs2CLI :
def __init__ ( self ) :
parser = self . parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( formatter_class = argparse . RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ,
prog = " pysubs2 " ,
description = dedent ( """
The pysubs2 CLI for processing subtitle files .
https : / / github . com / tkarabela / pysubs2
""" ),
epilog = dedent ( """
usage examples :
python - m pysubs2 - - to srt * . ass
python - m pysubs2 - - to srt - - clean * . ass
python - m pysubs2 - - to microdvd - - fps 23.976 * . ass
python - m pysubs2 - - shift 0.3 s * . srt
python - m pysubs2 - - shift 0.3 s < my_file . srt > retimed_file . srt
python - m pysubs2 - - shift - back 0.3 s - - output - dir retimed * . srt
python - m pysubs2 - - transform - framerate 25 23.976 * . srt """ ))
parser . add_argument ( " files " , nargs = " * " , metavar = " FILE " ,
help = " Input subtitle files. Can be in SubStation Alpha (*.ass, *.ssa), SubRip (*.srt), "
" MicroDVD (*.sub) or other supported format. When no files are specified, "
" pysubs2 will work as a pipe, reading from standard input and writing to standard output. " )
parser . add_argument ( " -v " , " --version " , action = " version " , version = " pysubs2 %s " % VERSION )
parser . add_argument ( " -f " , " --from " , choices = FORMAT_IDENTIFIERS , dest = " input_format " ,
help = " By default, subtitle format is detected from the file. This option can be used to "
" skip autodetection and force specific format. Generally, it should never be needed. " )
parser . add_argument ( " -t " , " --to " , choices = FORMAT_IDENTIFIERS , dest = " output_format " ,
help = " Convert subtitle files to given format. By default, each file is saved in its "
" original format. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --input-enc " , metavar = " ENCODING " , default = " utf-8 " , type = character_encoding ,
help = " Character encoding for input files. By default, UTF-8 is used for both "
" input and output. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --output-enc " , metavar = " ENCODING " , type = character_encoding ,
help = " Character encoding for output files. By default, it is the same as input encoding. "
" If you wish to convert between encodings, make sure --input-enc is set correctly! "
" Otherwise, your output files will probably be corrupted. It ' s a good idea to "
" back up your files or use the -o option. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --fps " , metavar = " FPS " , type = positive_float ,
help = " This argument specifies framerate for MicroDVD files. By default, framerate "
" is detected from the file. Use this when framerate specification is missing "
" or to force different framerate. " )
parser . add_argument ( " -o " , " --output-dir " , metavar = " DIR " ,
help = " Use this to save all files to given directory. By default, every file is saved to its parent directory, "
" ie. unless it ' s being saved in different subtitle format (and thus with different file extension), "
" it overwrites the original file. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --clean " , action = " store_true " ,
help = " Attempt to remove non-essential subtitles (eg. karaoke, SSA drawing tags), "
" strip styling information when saving to non-SSA formats " )
parser . add_argument ( " --verbose " , action = " store_true " ,
help = " Print misc logging " )
group = parser . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( )
group . add_argument ( " --shift " , metavar = " TIME " , type = time ,
help = " Delay all subtitles by given time amount. Time is specified like this: ' 1m30s ' , ' 0.5s ' , ... " )
group . add_argument ( " --shift-back " , metavar = " TIME " , type = time ,
help = " The opposite of --shift (subtitles will appear sooner). " )
group . add_argument ( " --transform-framerate " , nargs = 2 , metavar = ( " FPS1 " , " FPS2 " ) , type = positive_float ,
help = " Multiply all timestamps by FPS1/FPS2 ratio. " )
def __call__ ( self , argv ) :
try :
self . main ( argv )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
exit ( " \n Aborted by user. " )
def main ( self , argv ) :
args = self . parser . parse_args ( argv )
errors = 0
if args . verbose :
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . DEBUG )
if args . output_dir and not op . exists ( args . output_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( args . output_dir )
if args . output_enc is None :
args . output_enc = args . input_enc
if args . files :
for path in args . files :
if not op . exists ( path ) :
print ( " Skipping " , path , " (does not exist) " )
errors + = 1
elif not op . isfile ( path ) :
print ( " Skipping " , path , " (not a file) " )
errors + = 1
else :
with open ( path , encoding = args . input_enc ) as infile :
subs = SSAFile . from_file ( infile , args . input_format , args . fps )
self . process ( subs , args )
if args . output_format is None :
outpath = path
output_format = subs . format
else :
ext = get_file_extension ( args . output_format )
outpath = change_ext ( path , ext )
output_format = args . output_format
if args . output_dir is not None :
_ , filename = op . split ( outpath )
outpath = op . join ( args . output_dir , filename )
with open ( outpath , " w " , encoding = args . output_enc ) as outfile :
subs . to_file ( outfile , output_format , args . fps , apply_styles = not args . clean )
else :
infile = io . TextIOWrapper ( sys . stdin . buffer , args . input_enc )
outfile = io . TextIOWrapper ( sys . stdout . buffer , args . output_enc )
subs = SSAFile . from_file ( infile , args . input_format , args . fps )
self . process ( subs , args )
output_format = args . output_format or subs . format
subs . to_file ( outfile , output_format , args . fps , apply_styles = not args . clean )
return ( 0 if errors == 0 else 1 )
def process ( subs , args ) :
if args . shift is not None :
subs . shift ( ms = args . shift )
elif args . shift_back is not None :
subs . shift ( ms = - args . shift_back )
elif args . transform_framerate is not None :
in_fps , out_fps = args . transform_framerate
subs . transform_framerate ( in_fps , out_fps )
if args . clean :
subs . remove_miscellaneous_events ( )
def __main__ ( ) :
cli = Pysubs2CLI ( )
rv = cli ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] )
sys . exit ( rv )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
__main__ ( )