# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from subzero . language import Language
from subliminal . providers import ParserBeautifulSoup
from subliminal . cache import SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME , region , EPISODE_EXPIRATION_TIME
from subliminal . providers . tvsubtitles import TVsubtitlesProvider as _TVsubtitlesProvider , \
TVsubtitlesSubtitle as _TVsubtitlesSubtitle , link_re , episode_id_re
from subliminal . utils import sanitize
from subliminal . video import Episode
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class TVsubtitlesSubtitle ( _TVsubtitlesSubtitle ) :
def __init__ ( self , language , page_link , subtitle_id , series , season , episode , year , rip , release ) :
super ( TVsubtitlesSubtitle , self ) . __init__ ( language , page_link , subtitle_id , series , season , episode ,
year , rip , release )
self . release_info = u " %s , %s " % ( rip , release )
class TVsubtitlesProvider ( _TVsubtitlesProvider ) :
languages = { Language ( ' por ' , ' BR ' ) } | { Language ( l ) for l in [
' ara ' , ' bul ' , ' ces ' , ' dan ' , ' deu ' , ' ell ' , ' eng ' , ' fin ' , ' fra ' , ' hun ' , ' ita ' , ' jpn ' , ' kor ' , ' nld ' , ' pol ' , ' por ' ,
' ron ' , ' rus ' , ' spa ' , ' swe ' , ' tur ' , ' ukr ' , ' zho '
] }
video_types = ( Episode , )
subtitle_class = TVsubtitlesSubtitle
@region.cache_on_arguments ( expiration_time = SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME )
def search_show_id ( self , series , year = None ) :
""" Search the show id from the `series` and `year`.
: param string series : series of the episode .
: param year : year of the series , if any .
: type year : int or None
: return : the show id , if any .
: rtype : int or None
# make the search
logger . info ( ' Searching show id for %r ' , series )
r = self . session . post ( self . server_url + ' search.php ' , data = { ' q ' : series } , timeout = 10 )
r . raise_for_status ( )
# get the series out of the suggestions
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r . content , [ ' lxml ' , ' html.parser ' ] )
show_id = None
for suggestion in soup . select ( ' div.left li div a[href^= " /tvshow- " ] ' ) :
match = link_re . match ( suggestion . text )
if not match :
logger . error ( ' Failed to match %s ' , suggestion . text )
if sanitize ( match . group ( ' series ' ) ) . lower ( ) == series . lower ( ) :
if year is not None and int ( match . group ( ' first_year ' ) ) != year :
logger . debug ( ' Year does not match ' )
show_id = int ( suggestion [ ' href ' ] [ 8 : - 5 ] )
logger . debug ( ' Found show id %d ' , show_id )
soup . decompose ( )
soup = None
return show_id
@region.cache_on_arguments ( expiration_time = EPISODE_EXPIRATION_TIME )
def get_episode_ids ( self , show_id , season ) :
""" Get episode ids from the show id and the season.
: param int show_id : show id .
: param int season : season of the episode .
: return : episode ids per episode number .
: rtype : dict
# get the page of the season of the show
logger . info ( ' Getting the page of show id %d , season %d ' , show_id , season )
r = self . session . get ( self . server_url + ' tvshow- %d - %d .html ' % ( show_id , season ) , timeout = 10 )
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r . content , [ ' lxml ' , ' html.parser ' ] )
# loop over episode rows
episode_ids = { }
for row in soup . select ( ' table#table5 tr ' ) :
# skip rows that do not have a link to the episode page
if not row ( ' a ' , href = episode_id_re ) :
# extract data from the cells
cells = row ( ' td ' )
episode = int ( cells [ 0 ] . text . split ( ' x ' ) [ 1 ] )
episode_id = int ( cells [ 1 ] . a [ ' href ' ] [ 8 : - 5 ] )
episode_ids [ episode ] = episode_id
if episode_ids :
logger . debug ( ' Found episode ids %r ' , episode_ids )
else :
logger . warning ( ' No episode ids found ' )
soup . decompose ( )
soup = None
return episode_ids
def query ( self , show_id , series , season , episode , year = None ) :
# get the episode ids
episode_ids = self . get_episode_ids ( show_id , season )
# Provider doesn't store multi episode information
episode = min ( episode ) if episode and isinstance ( episode , list ) else episode
if episode not in episode_ids :
logger . error ( ' Episode %d not found ' , episode )
return [ ]
# get the episode page
logger . info ( ' Getting the page for episode %d ' , episode_ids [ episode ] )
r = self . session . get ( self . server_url + ' episode- %d .html ' % episode_ids [ episode ] , timeout = 10 )
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r . content , [ ' lxml ' , ' html.parser ' ] )
# loop over subtitles rows
subtitles = [ ]
for row in soup . select ( ' .subtitlen ' ) :
# read the item
language = Language . fromtvsubtitles ( row . h5 . img [ ' src ' ] [ 13 : - 4 ] )
subtitle_id = int ( row . parent [ ' href ' ] [ 10 : - 5 ] )
page_link = self . server_url + ' subtitle- %d .html ' % subtitle_id
rip = row . find ( ' p ' , title = ' rip ' ) . text . strip ( ) or None
release = row . find ( ' h5 ' ) . text . strip ( ) or None
subtitle = self . subtitle_class ( language , page_link , subtitle_id , series , season , episode , year , rip ,
release )
logger . info ( ' Found subtitle %s ' , subtitle )
subtitles . append ( subtitle )
soup . decompose ( )
soup = None
return subtitles