# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from babelfish import language_converters
from guessit import guessit
from requests import Session
from subliminal import Movie, Episode, ProviderError, __short_version__
from subliminal.exceptions import AuthenticationError, ConfigurationError, DownloadLimitExceeded, ProviderError
from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle, guess_matches
from subliminal.subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider
from subzero.language import Language
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
language_converters.register('assrt = subliminal_patch.converters.assrt:AssrtConverter')
server_url = 'https://api.assrt.net/v1'
supported_languages = list(language_converters['assrt'].to_assrt.keys())
def language_contains(subset, superset):
if subset.alpha3 != superset.alpha3:
return False
if superset.country != None and subset.country != superset.country:
return False
if superset.script != None and subset.script != superset.script:
return False
return True
def search_language_in_list(lang, langlist):
for l in langlist:
if language_contains(lang, l):
return l
return None
class AssrtSubtitle(Subtitle):
"""Assrt Sbutitle."""
provider_name = 'assrt'
guessit_options = {
'allowed_languages': [ l[0] for l in supported_languages ],
'allowed_countries': [ l[1] for l in supported_languages if len(l) > 1 ],
'enforce_list': True
def __init__(self, language, subtitle_id, video_name, session, token):
super(AssrtSubtitle, self).__init__(language)
self.session = session
self.token = token
self.subtitle_id = subtitle_id
self.video_name = video_name
self.url = None
self._detail = None
def _get_detail(self):
if self._detail:
return self._detail
params = {'token': self.token, 'id': self.id}
logger.info('Get subtitle detail: GET /sub/detail %r', params)
r = self.session.get(server_url + '/sub/detail', params=params, timeout=10)
result = r.json()
sub = result['sub']['subs'][0]
files = sub['filelist']
# first pass: guessit
for f in files:
guess = guessit(f['f'], self.guessit_options)
langs = set()
if 'language' in guess:
if 'subtitle_language' in guess:
if self.language in langs:
self._defail = f
return f
# second pass: keyword matching
codes = language_converters['assrt'].codes
for f in files:
langs = set([ Language.fromassrt(k) for k in codes if k in f['f'] ])
if self.language in langs:
self._defail = f
return f
# fallback: pick up first file if nothing matches
return files[0]
def id(self):
return self.subtitle_id
def download_link(self):
detail = self._get_detail()
return detail['url']
def get_matches(self, video):
matches = guess_matches(video, guessit(self.video_name))
return matches
class AssrtProvider(Provider):
"""Assrt Provider."""
languages = {Language(*l) for l in supported_languages}
def __init__(self, token=None):
if not token:
raise ConfigurationError('Token must be specified')
self.token = token
def initialize(self):
self.session = Session()
self.session.headers = {'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2")}
def terminate(self):
def query(self, languages, video):
# query the server
keywords = []
if isinstance(video, Movie):
if video.title:
if video.year:
elif isinstance(video, Episode):
if video.series:
if video.season and video.episode:
keywords.append('S%02dE%02d' % (video.season, video.episode))
elif video.episode:
keywords.append('E%02d' % video.episode)
query = ' '.join(keywords)
params = {'token': self.token, 'q': query, 'is_file': 1}
logger.debug('Searching subtitles: GET /sub/search %r', params)
res = self.session.get(server_url + '/sub/search', params=params, timeout=10)
result = res.json()
if result['status'] != 0:
logger.error('status error: %r', result['status'])
return []
# parse the subtitles
pattern = re.compile(r'lang(?P<code>\w+)')
subtitles = []
for sub in result['sub']['subs']:
if 'lang' not in sub:
for key in sub['lang']['langlist'].keys():
match = pattern.match(key)
language = Language.fromassrt(match.group('code'))
output_language = search_language_in_list(language, languages)
if output_language:
subtitles.append(AssrtSubtitle(output_language, sub['id'], sub['videoname'], self.session, self.token))
return subtitles
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
return self.query(languages, video)
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
r = self.session.get(subtitle.download_link, timeout=10)
subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(r.content)