#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
""" A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files. """
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import functools
import re
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import io
LOG = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
# "." is not technically valid as a delimiter, but many editors create SRT
# files with this delimiter for whatever reason. Many editors and players
# accept it, so we do too.
RGX_TIMESTAMP_FIELD = r " [0-9]+ "
RGX_TIMESTAMP = " " . join (
" ? " ,
RGX_TIMESTAMP_PARSEABLE = r " ^ {} $ " . format (
" " . join (
RGX_TIMESTAMP_MAGNITUDE_DELIM . join ( [ " ( " + RGX_TIMESTAMP_FIELD + " ) " ] * 3 ) ,
" ? " ,
" ( " ,
" ) " ,
RGX_INDEX = r " -?[0-9]+ \ .?[0-9]* "
RGX_PROPRIETARY = r " [^ \ r \ n]* "
RGX_CONTENT = r " .*? "
RGX_POSSIBLE_CRLF = r " \ r? \ n "
MULTI_WS_REGEX = re . compile ( r " \ n \ n+ " )
SRT_REGEX = re . compile (
r " \ s*(?:( {idx} ) \ s* {eof} )?( {ts} ) *-[ -] *> *( {ts} ) ?( {proprietary} )(?: {eof} | \ Z)( {content} ) "
# Many sub editors don't add a blank line to the end, and many editors and
# players accept that. We allow it to be missing in input.
# We also allow subs that are missing a double blank newline. This often
# happens on subs which were first created as a mixed language subtitle,
# for example chs/eng, and then were stripped using naive methods (such as
# ed/sed) that don't understand newline preservation rules in SRT files.
# This means that when you are, say, only keeping chs, and the line only
# contains english, you end up with not only no content, but also all of
# the content lines are stripped instead of retaining a newline.
r " (?: {eof} | \ Z)(?: {eof} | \ Z|(?=(?: {idx} \ s* {eof} {ts} ))) "
# Some SRT blocks, while this is technically invalid, have blank lines
# inside the subtitle content. We look ahead a little to check that the
# next lines look like an index and a timestamp as a best-effort
# solution to work around these.
r " (?=(?:(?: {idx} \ s* {eof} )? {ts} | \ Z)) " . format (
idx = RGX_INDEX ,
proprietary = RGX_PROPRIETARY ,
content = RGX_CONTENT ,
) ,
re . DOTALL ,
ZERO_TIMEDELTA = timedelta ( 0 )
# Info message if truthy return -> Function taking a Subtitle, skip if True
( " No content " , lambda sub : not sub . content . strip ( ) ) ,
( " Start time < 0 seconds " , lambda sub : sub . start < ZERO_TIMEDELTA ) ,
( " Subtitle start time >= end time " , lambda sub : sub . start > = sub . end ) ,
try :
FILE_TYPES = ( file , io . IOBase ) # pytype: disable=name-error
except NameError : # `file` doesn't exist in Python 3
FILE_TYPES = ( io . IOBase , )
class Subtitle ( object ) :
r """
The metadata relating to a single subtitle . Subtitles are sorted by start
time by default . If no index was provided , index 0 will be used on writing
an SRT block .
: param index : The SRT index for this subtitle
: type index : int or None
: param start : The time that the subtitle should start being shown
: type start : : py : class : ` datetime . timedelta `
: param end : The time that the subtitle should stop being shown
: type end : : py : class : ` datetime . timedelta `
: param str proprietary : Proprietary metadata for this subtitle
: param str content : The subtitle content . Should not contain OS - specific
line separators , only \\n . This is taken care of
already if you use : py : func : ` srt . parse ` to generate
Subtitle objects .
# pylint: disable=R0913
def __init__ ( self , index , start , end , content , proprietary = " " ) :
self . index = index
self . start = start
self . end = end
self . content = content
self . proprietary = proprietary
def __hash__ ( self ) :
return hash ( frozenset ( vars ( self ) . items ( ) ) )
def __eq__ ( self , other ) :
return vars ( self ) == vars ( other )
def __lt__ ( self , other ) :
return ( self . start , self . end , self . index ) < (
other . start ,
other . end ,
other . index ,
def __repr__ ( self ) :
# Python 2/3 cross compatibility
var_items = getattr ( vars ( self ) , " iteritems " , getattr ( vars ( self ) , " items " ) )
item_list = " , " . join ( " %s = %r " % ( k , v ) for k , v in var_items ( ) )
return " %s ( %s ) " % ( type ( self ) . __name__ , item_list )
def to_srt ( self , strict = True , eol = " \n " ) :
r """
Convert the current : py : class : ` Subtitle ` to an SRT block .
: param bool strict : If disabled , will allow blank lines in the content
of the SRT block , which is a violation of the SRT
standard and may cause your media player to explode
: param str eol : The end of line string to use ( default " \\ n " )
: returns : The metadata of the current : py : class : ` Subtitle ` object as an
SRT formatted subtitle block
: rtype : str
output_content = self . content
output_proprietary = self . proprietary
if output_proprietary :
# output_proprietary is output directly next to the timestamp, so
# we need to add the space as a field delimiter.
output_proprietary = " " + output_proprietary
if strict :
output_content = make_legal_content ( output_content )
if eol is None :
eol = " \n "
elif eol != " \n " :
output_content = output_content . replace ( " \n " , eol )
template = " {idx} {eol} {start} --> {end} {prop} {eol} {content} {eol} {eol} "
return template . format (
idx = self . index or 0 ,
start = timedelta_to_srt_timestamp ( self . start ) ,
end = timedelta_to_srt_timestamp ( self . end ) ,
prop = output_proprietary ,
content = output_content ,
eol = eol ,
def make_legal_content ( content ) :
r """
Remove illegal content from a content block . Illegal content includes :
* Blank lines
* Starting or ending with a blank line
. . doctest : :
>> > make_legal_content ( ' \n foo \n \n bar \n ' )
' foo \n bar '
: param str content : The content to make legal
: returns : The legalised content
: rtype : srt
# Optimisation: Usually the content we get is legally valid. Do a quick
# check to see if we really need to do anything here. This saves time from
# generating legal_content by about 50%.
if content and content [ 0 ] != " \n " and " \n \n " not in content :
return content
legal_content = MULTI_WS_REGEX . sub ( " \n " , content . strip ( " \n " ) )
LOG . info ( " Legalised content %r to %r " , content , legal_content )
return legal_content
def timedelta_to_srt_timestamp ( timedelta_timestamp ) :
r """
Convert a : py : class : ` ~ datetime . timedelta ` to an SRT timestamp .
. . doctest : :
>> > import datetime
>> > delta = datetime . timedelta ( hours = 1 , minutes = 23 , seconds = 4 )
>> > timedelta_to_srt_timestamp ( delta )
' 01:23:04,000 '
: param datetime . timedelta timedelta_timestamp : A datetime to convert to an
SRT timestamp
: returns : The timestamp in SRT format
: rtype : str
hrs , secs_remainder = divmod ( timedelta_timestamp . seconds , SECONDS_IN_HOUR )
hrs + = timedelta_timestamp . days * HOURS_IN_DAY
mins , secs = divmod ( secs_remainder , SECONDS_IN_MINUTE )
msecs = timedelta_timestamp . microseconds / / MICROSECONDS_IN_MILLISECOND
return " %02d : %02d : %02d , %03d " % ( hrs , mins , secs , msecs )
def srt_timestamp_to_timedelta ( timestamp ) :
r """
Convert an SRT timestamp to a : py : class : ` ~ datetime . timedelta ` .
. . doctest : :
>> > srt_timestamp_to_timedelta ( ' 01:23:04,000 ' )
datetime . timedelta ( seconds = 4984 )
: param str timestamp : A timestamp in SRT format
: returns : The timestamp as a : py : class : ` ~ datetime . timedelta `
: rtype : datetime . timedelta
: raises TimestampParseError : If the timestamp is not parseable
match = TS_REGEX . match ( timestamp )
if match is None :
raise TimestampParseError ( " Unparseable timestamp: {} " . format ( timestamp ) )
hrs , mins , secs , msecs = [ int ( m ) if m else 0 for m in match . groups ( ) ]
return timedelta ( hours = hrs , minutes = mins , seconds = secs , milliseconds = msecs )
def sort_and_reindex ( subtitles , start_index = 1 , in_place = False , skip = True ) :
Reorder subtitles to be sorted by start time order , and rewrite the indexes
to be in that same order . This ensures that the SRT file will play in an
expected fashion after , for example , times were changed in some subtitles
and they may need to be resorted .
If skip = True , subtitles will also be skipped if they are considered not to
be useful . Currently , the conditions to be considered " not useful " are as
follows :
- Content is empty , or only whitespace
- The start time is negative
- The start time is equal to or later than the end time
. . doctest : :
>> > from datetime import timedelta
>> > one = timedelta ( seconds = 1 )
>> > two = timedelta ( seconds = 2 )
>> > three = timedelta ( seconds = 3 )
>> > subs = [
. . . Subtitle ( index = 999 , start = one , end = two , content = ' 1 ' ) ,
. . . Subtitle ( index = 0 , start = two , end = three , content = ' 2 ' ) ,
. . . ]
>> > list ( sort_and_reindex ( subs ) ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[ Subtitle ( . . . index = 1. . . ) , Subtitle ( . . . index = 2. . . ) ]
: param subtitles : : py : class : ` Subtitle ` objects in any order
: param int start_index : The index to start from
: param bool in_place : Whether to modify subs in - place for performance
( version < = 1.0 .0 behaviour )
: param bool skip : Whether to skip subtitles considered not useful ( see
above for rules )
: returns : The sorted subtitles
: rtype : : term : ` generator ` of : py : class : ` Subtitle ` objects
skipped_subs = 0
for sub_num , subtitle in enumerate ( sorted ( subtitles ) , start = start_index ) :
if not in_place :
subtitle = Subtitle ( * * vars ( subtitle ) )
if skip :
try :
_should_skip_sub ( subtitle )
except _ShouldSkipException as thrown_exc :
if subtitle . index is None :
LOG . info ( " Skipped subtitle with no index: %s " , thrown_exc )
else :
LOG . info (
" Skipped subtitle at index %d : %s " , subtitle . index , thrown_exc
skipped_subs + = 1
subtitle . index = sub_num - skipped_subs
yield subtitle
def _should_skip_sub ( subtitle ) :
Check if a subtitle should be skipped based on the rules in
: param subtitle : A : py : class : ` Subtitle ` to check whether to skip
: raises _ShouldSkipException : If the subtitle should be skipped
for info_msg , sub_skipper in SUBTITLE_SKIP_CONDITIONS :
if sub_skipper ( subtitle ) :
raise _ShouldSkipException ( info_msg )
def parse ( srt , ignore_errors = False ) :
r '''
Convert an SRT formatted string ( in Python 2 , a : class : ` unicode ` object ) to
a : term : ` generator ` of Subtitle objects .
This function works around bugs present in many SRT files , most notably
that it is designed to not bork when presented with a blank line as part of
a subtitle ' s content.
. . doctest : :
>> > subs = parse ( """ \
. . . 422
. . . 00 : 31 : 39 , 931 - - > 00 : 31 : 41 , 931
. . . Using mainly spoons ,
. . .
. . . 423
. . . 00 : 31 : 41 , 933 - - > 00 : 31 : 43 , 435
. . . we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild .
. . .
. . . """ )
>> > list ( subs ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[ Subtitle ( . . . index = 422. . . ) , Subtitle ( . . . index = 423. . . ) ]
: param srt : Subtitles in SRT format
: type srt : str or a file - like object
: param ignore_errors : If True , garbled SRT data will be ignored , and we ' ll
continue trying to parse the rest of the file ,
instead of raising : py : class : ` SRTParseError ` and
stopping execution .
: returns : The subtitles contained in the SRT file as : py : class : ` Subtitle `
: rtype : : term : ` generator ` of : py : class : ` Subtitle ` objects
: raises SRTParseError : If the matches are not contiguous and
` ` ignore_errors ` ` is False .
expected_start = 0
# Transparently read files -- the whole thing is needed for regex's
# finditer
if isinstance ( srt , FILE_TYPES ) :
srt = srt . read ( )
for match in SRT_REGEX . finditer ( srt ) :
actual_start = match . start ( )
_check_contiguity ( srt , expected_start , actual_start , ignore_errors )
raw_index , raw_start , raw_end , proprietary , content = match . groups ( )
# pytype sees that this is Optional[str] and thus complains that they
# can be None, but they can't realistically be None, since we're using
# finditer and all match groups are mandatory in the regex.
content = content . replace ( " \r \n " , " \n " ) # pytype: disable=attribute-error
try :
raw_index = int ( raw_index )
except ValueError :
# Index 123.4. Handled separately, since it's a rare case and we
# don't want to affect general performance.
# The pytype disable is for the same reason as content, above.
raw_index = int ( raw_index . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ] ) # pytype: disable=attribute-error
except TypeError :
# There's no index, so raw_index is already set to None. We'll
# handle this when rendering the subtitle with to_srt.
yield Subtitle (
index = raw_index ,
start = srt_timestamp_to_timedelta ( raw_start ) ,
end = srt_timestamp_to_timedelta ( raw_end ) ,
content = content ,
proprietary = proprietary ,
expected_start = match . end ( )
_check_contiguity ( srt , expected_start , len ( srt ) , ignore_errors )
def _check_contiguity ( srt , expected_start , actual_start , warn_only ) :
If ` ` warn_only ` ` is False , raise : py : class : ` SRTParseError ` with diagnostic
info if expected_start does not equal actual_start . Otherwise , log a
warning .
: param str srt : The data being matched
: param int expected_start : The expected next start , as from the last
iteration ' s match.end()
: param int actual_start : The actual start , as from this iteration ' s
match . start ( )
: raises SRTParseError : If the matches are not contiguous and ` ` warn_only ` `
is False
if expected_start != actual_start :
unmatched_content = srt [ expected_start : actual_start ]
if expected_start == 0 and (
unmatched_content . isspace ( ) or unmatched_content == " \ufeff "
) :
# #50: Leading whitespace has nowhere to be captured like in an
# intermediate subtitle
if warn_only :
LOG . warning ( " Skipped unparseable SRT data: %r " , unmatched_content )
else :
raise SRTParseError ( expected_start , actual_start , unmatched_content )
def compose (
subtitles , reindex = True , start_index = 1 , strict = True , eol = None , in_place = False
) :
r """
Convert an iterator of : py : class : ` Subtitle ` objects to a string of joined
SRT blocks .
. . doctest : :
>> > from datetime import timedelta
>> > start = timedelta ( seconds = 1 )
>> > end = timedelta ( seconds = 2 )
>> > subs = [
. . . Subtitle ( index = 1 , start = start , end = end , content = ' x ' ) ,
. . . Subtitle ( index = 2 , start = start , end = end , content = ' y ' ) ,
. . . ]
>> > compose ( subs ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
' 1 \n 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,000 \n x \n \n 2 \n 00:00:01,000 --> ... '
: param subtitles : The subtitles to convert to SRT blocks
: type subtitles : : term : ` iterator ` of : py : class : ` Subtitle ` objects
: param bool reindex : Whether to reindex subtitles based on start time
: param int start_index : If reindexing , the index to start reindexing from
: param bool strict : Whether to enable strict mode , see
: py : func : ` Subtitle . to_srt ` for more information
: param str eol : The end of line string to use ( default " \\ n " )
: returns : A single SRT formatted string , with each input
: py : class : ` Subtitle ` represented as an SRT block
: param bool in_place : Whether to reindex subs in - place for performance
( version < = 1.0 .0 behaviour )
: rtype : str
if reindex :
subtitles = sort_and_reindex (
subtitles , start_index = start_index , in_place = in_place
return " " . join ( subtitle . to_srt ( strict = strict , eol = eol ) for subtitle in subtitles )
class SRTParseError ( Exception ) :
Raised when part of an SRT block could not be parsed .
: param int expected_start : The expected contiguous start index
: param int actual_start : The actual non - contiguous start index
: param str unmatched_content : The content between the expected start index
and the actual start index
def __init__ ( self , expected_start , actual_start , unmatched_content ) :
message = (
" Expected contiguous start of match or end of input at char %d , "
" but started at char %d (unmatched content: %r ) "
% ( expected_start , actual_start , unmatched_content )
super ( SRTParseError , self ) . __init__ ( message )
self . expected_start = expected_start
self . actual_start = actual_start
self . unmatched_content = unmatched_content
class TimestampParseError ( ValueError ) :
Raised when an SRT timestamp could not be parsed .
class _ShouldSkipException ( Exception ) :
Raised when a subtitle should be skipped .