from __future__ import absolute_import
import email . utils
import mimetypes
import re
from . packages import six
def guess_content_type ( filename , default = ' application/octet-stream ' ) :
Guess the " Content-Type " of a file .
: param filename :
The filename to guess the " Content-Type " of using : mod : ` mimetypes ` .
: param default :
If no " Content-Type " can be guessed , default to ` default ` .
if filename :
return mimetypes . guess_type ( filename ) [ 0 ] or default
return default
def format_header_param_rfc2231 ( name , value ) :
Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter using the
strategy defined in RFC 2231.
Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain
non - ASCII values , like file names . This follows RFC 2388 Section 4.4 .
: param name :
The name of the parameter , a string expected to be ASCII only .
: param value :
The value of the parameter , provided as ` ` bytes ` ` or ` str ` ` .
: ret :
An RFC - 2231 - formatted unicode string .
if isinstance ( value , six . binary_type ) :
value = value . decode ( " utf-8 " )
if not any ( ch in value for ch in ' " \\ \r \n ' ) :
result = u ' %s = " %s " ' % ( name , value )
try :
result . encode ( ' ascii ' )
except ( UnicodeEncodeError , UnicodeDecodeError ) :
else :
return result
if not six . PY3 : # Python 2:
value = value . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
# encode_rfc2231 accepts an encoded string and returns an ascii-encoded
# string in Python 2 but accepts and returns unicode strings in Python 3
value = email . utils . encode_rfc2231 ( value , ' utf-8 ' )
value = ' %s *= %s ' % ( name , value )
if not six . PY3 : # Python 2:
value = value . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
return value
u " \u0022 " : u " % 22 " ,
# Replace "\" with "\\".
u " \u005C " : u " \u005C \u005C " ,
u " \u005C " : u " \u005C \u005C " ,
# All control characters from 0x00 to 0x1F *except* 0x1B.
_HTML5_REPLACEMENTS . update ( {
six . unichr ( cc ) : u " % {:02X} " . format ( cc )
for cc
in range ( 0x00 , 0x1F + 1 )
if cc not in ( 0x1B , )
} )
def _replace_multiple ( value , needles_and_replacements ) :
def replacer ( match ) :
return needles_and_replacements [ match . group ( 0 ) ]
pattern = re . compile (
r " | " . join ( [
re . escape ( needle ) for needle in needles_and_replacements . keys ( )
] )
result = pattern . sub ( replacer , value )
return result
def format_header_param_html5 ( name , value ) :
Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter using the
HTML5 strategy .
Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain
non - ASCII values , like file names . This follows the ` HTML5 Working Draft
Section 4.10 .22 .7 ` _ and matches the behavior of curl and modern browsers .
. . _HTML5 Working Draft Section 4.10 .22 .7 :
https : / / w3c . github . io / html / sec - forms . html #multipart-form-data
: param name :
The name of the parameter , a string expected to be ASCII only .
: param value :
The value of the parameter , provided as ` ` bytes ` ` or ` str ` ` .
: ret :
A unicode string , stripped of troublesome characters .
if isinstance ( value , six . binary_type ) :
value = value . decode ( " utf-8 " )
value = _replace_multiple ( value , _HTML5_REPLACEMENTS )
return u ' %s = " %s " ' % ( name , value )
# For backwards-compatibility.
format_header_param = format_header_param_html5
class RequestField ( object ) :
A data container for request body parameters .
: param name :
The name of this request field . Must be unicode .
: param data :
The data / value body .
: param filename :
An optional filename of the request field . Must be unicode .
: param headers :
An optional dict - like object of headers to initially use for the field .
: param header_formatter :
An optional callable that is used to encode and format the headers . By
default , this is : func : ` format_header_param_html5 ` .
def __init__ (
self ,
name ,
data ,
filename = None ,
headers = None ,
header_formatter = format_header_param_html5 ) :
self . _name = name
self . _filename = filename
self . data = data
self . headers = { }
if headers :
self . headers = dict ( headers )
self . header_formatter = header_formatter
def from_tuples (
cls ,
fieldname ,
value ,
header_formatter = format_header_param_html5 ) :
A : class : ` ~ urllib3 . fields . RequestField ` factory from old - style tuple parameters .
Supports constructing : class : ` ~ urllib3 . fields . RequestField ` from
parameter of key / value strings AND key / filetuple . A filetuple is a
( filename , data , MIME type ) tuple where the MIME type is optional .
For example : :
' foo ' : ' bar ' ,
' fakefile ' : ( ' foofile.txt ' , ' contents of foofile ' ) ,
' realfile ' : ( ' barfile.txt ' , open ( ' realfile ' ) . read ( ) ) ,
' typedfile ' : ( ' bazfile.bin ' , open ( ' bazfile ' ) . read ( ) , ' image/jpeg ' ) ,
' nonamefile ' : ' contents of nonamefile field ' ,
Field names and filenames must be unicode .
if isinstance ( value , tuple ) :
if len ( value ) == 3 :
filename , data , content_type = value
else :
filename , data = value
content_type = guess_content_type ( filename )
else :
filename = None
content_type = None
data = value
request_param = cls (
fieldname , data , filename = filename , header_formatter = header_formatter )
request_param . make_multipart ( content_type = content_type )
return request_param
def _render_part ( self , name , value ) :
Overridable helper function to format a single header parameter . By
default , this calls ` ` self . header_formatter ` ` .
: param name :
The name of the parameter , a string expected to be ASCII only .
: param value :
The value of the parameter , provided as a unicode string .
return self . header_formatter ( name , value )
def _render_parts ( self , header_parts ) :
Helper function to format and quote a single header .
Useful for single headers that are composed of multiple items . E . g . ,
' Content-Disposition ' fields .
: param header_parts :
A sequence of ( k , v ) tuples or a : class : ` dict ` of ( k , v ) to format
as ` k1 = " v1 " ; k2 = " v2 " ; . . . ` .
parts = [ ]
iterable = header_parts
if isinstance ( header_parts , dict ) :
iterable = header_parts . items ( )
for name , value in iterable :
if value is not None :
parts . append ( self . _render_part ( name , value ) )
return u ' ; ' . join ( parts )
def render_headers ( self ) :
Renders the headers for this request field .
lines = [ ]
sort_keys = [ ' Content-Disposition ' , ' Content-Type ' , ' Content-Location ' ]
for sort_key in sort_keys :
if self . headers . get ( sort_key , False ) :
lines . append ( u ' %s : %s ' % ( sort_key , self . headers [ sort_key ] ) )
for header_name , header_value in self . headers . items ( ) :
if header_name not in sort_keys :
if header_value :
lines . append ( u ' %s : %s ' % ( header_name , header_value ) )
lines . append ( u ' \r \n ' )
return u ' \r \n ' . join ( lines )
def make_multipart ( self , content_disposition = None , content_type = None ,
content_location = None ) :
Makes this request field into a multipart request field .
This method overrides " Content-Disposition " , " Content-Type " and
" Content-Location " headers to the request parameter .
: param content_type :
The ' Content-Type ' of the request body .
: param content_location :
The ' Content-Location ' of the request body .
self . headers [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] = content_disposition or u ' form-data '
self . headers [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] + = u ' ; ' . join ( [
u ' ' , self . _render_parts (
( ( u ' name ' , self . _name ) , ( u ' filename ' , self . _filename ) )
] )
self . headers [ ' Content-Type ' ] = content_type
self . headers [ ' Content-Location ' ] = content_location