import time
import logging
log = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class NeedRegenerationException ( Exception ) :
""" An exception that when raised in the ' with ' block,
forces the ' has_value ' flag to False and incurs a
regeneration of the value .
NOT_REGENERATED = object ( )
class Lock ( object ) :
""" Dogpile lock class.
Provides an interface around an arbitrary mutex
that allows one thread / process to be elected as
the creator of a new value , while other threads / processes
continue to return the previous version
of that value .
: param mutex : A mutex object that provides ` ` acquire ( ) ` `
and ` ` release ( ) ` ` methods .
: param creator : Callable which returns a tuple of the form
( new_value , creation_time ) . " new_value " should be a newly
generated value representing completed state . " creation_time "
should be a floating point time value which is relative
to Python ' s ``time.time()`` call, representing the time
at which the value was created . This time value should
be associated with the created value .
: param value_and_created_fn : Callable which returns
a tuple of the form ( existing_value , creation_time ) . This
basically should return what the last local call to the ` ` creator ( ) ` `
callable has returned , i . e . the value and the creation time ,
which would be assumed here to be from a cache . If the
value is not available , the : class : ` . NeedRegenerationException `
exception should be thrown .
: param expiretime : Expiration time in seconds . Set to
` ` None ` ` for never expires . This timestamp is compared
to the creation_time result and ` ` time . time ( ) ` ` to determine if
the value returned by value_and_created_fn is " expired " .
: param async_creator : A callable . If specified , this callable will be
passed the mutex as an argument and is responsible for releasing the mutex
after it finishes some asynchronous value creation . The intent is for
this to be used to defer invocation of the creator callable until some
later time .
def __init__ (
self ,
mutex ,
creator ,
value_and_created_fn ,
expiretime ,
async_creator = None ,
) :
self . mutex = mutex
self . creator = creator
self . value_and_created_fn = value_and_created_fn
self . expiretime = expiretime
self . async_creator = async_creator
def _is_expired ( self , createdtime ) :
""" Return true if the expiration time is reached, or no
value is available . """
return not self . _has_value ( createdtime ) or \
self . expiretime is not None and
time . time ( ) - createdtime > self . expiretime
def _has_value ( self , createdtime ) :
""" Return true if the creation function has proceeded
at least once . """
return createdtime > 0
def _enter ( self ) :
value_fn = self . value_and_created_fn
try :
value = value_fn ( )
value , createdtime = value
except NeedRegenerationException :
log . debug ( " NeedRegenerationException " )
createdtime = - 1
generated = self . _enter_create ( createdtime )
if generated is not NOT_REGENERATED :
generated , createdtime = generated
return generated
elif value is NOT_REGENERATED :
try :
value , createdtime = value_fn ( )
return value
except NeedRegenerationException :
raise Exception ( " Generation function should "
" have just been called by a concurrent "
" thread. " )
else :
return value
def _enter_create ( self , createdtime ) :
if not self . _is_expired ( createdtime ) :
async = False
if self . _has_value ( createdtime ) :
if not self . mutex . acquire ( False ) :
log . debug ( " creation function in progress "
" elsewhere, returning " )
else :
log . debug ( " no value, waiting for create lock " )
self . mutex . acquire ( )
try :
log . debug ( " value creation lock %r acquired " % self . mutex )
# see if someone created the value already
try :
value , createdtime = self . value_and_created_fn ( )
except NeedRegenerationException :
else :
if not self . _is_expired ( createdtime ) :
log . debug ( " value already present " )
return value , createdtime
elif self . async_creator :
log . debug ( " Passing creation lock to async runner " )
self . async_creator ( self . mutex )
async = True
return value , createdtime
log . debug ( " Calling creation function " )
created = self . creator ( )
return created
finally :
if not async :
self . mutex . release ( )
log . debug ( " Released creation lock " )
def __enter__ ( self ) :
return self . _enter ( )
def __exit__ ( self , type , value , traceback ) :