< ! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " en " >
< head >
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " / >
< meta name = " mobile-web-app-capable " content = " yes " / >
< meta name = " apple-mobile-web-app-capable " content = " yes " / >
< link href = " {{ base_url}}static/noty/noty.css " rel = " stylesheet " >
< script src = " {{ base_url}}static/noty/noty.min.js " type = " text/javascript " > < / script >
< style >
#divmenu {
padding - top : 1 em ;
. menu_segment {
padding : 0 em ! important ;
border : none ! important ;
margin : 0 em ! important ;
background : none ! important ;
#icon_menu {
background : transparent ! important ;
border : solid ;
border - width : 1 px ;
border - color : white ;
. prompt {
background - color : #333333 !important;
color : white ! important ;
border - radius : 3 px ! important ;
. searchicon {
color : white ! important ;
. ui . progress . bar > . progress {
right : auto ;
left : .5 em ;
color : black ! important ;
. ui . disabled . progress . notification_progress {
opacity : unset ! important ;
div . disabled { pointer - events : none ; }
button . disabled { pointer - events : none ; }
@media only screen and ( max - width : 1024 px ) {
. logo {
width : 36 px ;
height : auto ;
< / style >
< / head >
< body >
% from get_args import args
% from get_providers import update_throttled_provider
% update_throttled_provider ( )
% import ast
% import datetime
% import os
% from database import database
% import operator
% from config import settings
% from functools import reduce
% if settings . sonarr . getboolean ( ' only_monitored ' ) :
% monitored_only_query_string_sonarr = ' AND monitored = " True " '
% else :
% monitored_only_query_string_sonarr = " "
% end
% if settings . radarr . getboolean ( ' only_monitored ' ) :
% monitored_only_query_string_radarr = ' AND monitored = " True " '
% else :
% monitored_only_query_string_radarr = " "
% end
% wanted_series = database . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != ' [] ' " + monitored_only_query_string_sonarr , only_one = True ) [ ' count ' ]
% wanted_movies = database . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != ' [] ' " + monitored_only_query_string_radarr , only_one = True ) [ ' count ' ]
% from get_providers import list_throttled_providers
% throttled_providers_count = len ( eval ( str ( settings . general . throtteled_providers ) ) )
< div id = " divmenu " class = " ui container " >
< div class = " ui grid " >
< div class = " three wide column " >
< div class = " ui compact segment menu_segment " >
< a href = " {{ base_url}} " > < img class = " logo " src = " {{ base_url}}static/logo128.png " > < / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = " ten wide right aligned compact column " >
< div id = " button_menu " class = " ui center aligned segment menu_segment " hidden = " hidden " >
< div class = " ui inverted compact borderless labeled icon massive menu menu_segment " >
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_sonarr ' ) :
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}series " >
< i class = " play icon " > < / i >
< / a >
% end
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_radarr ' ) :
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}movies " >
< i class = " film icon " > < / i >
< / a >
% end
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}history " >
< i class = " wait icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}wanted " >
< i class = " warning sign icon " >
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_sonarr ' ) and wanted_series > 0 :
< div class = " floating ui tiny yellow label " style = " left:90 % !important;top:0.5em !important; " >
{ { wanted_series } }
< / div >
% end
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_radarr ' ) and wanted_movies > 0 :
< div class = " floating ui tiny green label " style = " left:90 % !important;top:3em !important; " >
{ { wanted_movies } }
< / div >
% end
< / i >
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}settings " >
< i class = " settings icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}system " >
< i class = " laptop icon " >
% if throttled_providers_count :
< div class = " floating ui tiny yellow label " style = " left:90 % !important;top:0.5em !important; " >
{ { throttled_providers_count } }
< / div >
% end
< / i >
< / a >
< a id = " donate " class = " item " href = " https://beerpay.io/morpheus65535/bazarr " >
< i class = " red heart icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = " ui center aligned segment menu_segment " >
< div class = " ui grid " >
< div id = " search_column " class = " centered column " >
< div class = " ui fluid search " >
< div class = " ui left icon fluid input " >
< input class = " prompt " type = " text " placeholder = " Search in your library " >
< i class = " searchicon search icon " > < / i >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = " three wide right aligned column " >
< div id = " dropdown_menu " class = " ui segment menu_segment " hidden = " hidden " >
< div id = " icon_menu " class = " ui compact tiny icon menu " >
< div id = " dropdown_menu_button " class = " ui floating right dropdown item " >
< i class = " inverted bars icon " > < / i >
< div class = " ui menu " >
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_sonarr ' ) :
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}series " >
< i class = " play icon " > < / i >
< / a >
% end
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_radarr ' ) :
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}movies " >
< i class = " film icon " > < / i >
< / a >
% end
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}history " >
< i class = " wait icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}wanted " >
< i class = " warning sign icon " > < / i >
< span style = " margin-right: 1em; " > Wanted < / span >
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_sonarr ' ) and wanted_series > 0 :
< div class = " ui tiny yellow label " >
{ { wanted_series } }
< / div >
% end
% if settings . general . getboolean ( ' use_radarr ' ) and wanted_movies > 0 :
< div class = " ui tiny green label " >
{ { wanted_movies } }
< / div >
% end
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}settings " >
< i class = " settings icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< a class = " item " href = " {{ base_url}}system " >
< i class = " laptop icon " >
% if throttled_providers_count :
< div class = " floating ui tiny yellow label " style = " left:90 % !important;top:0.5em !important; " >
{ { throttled_providers_count } }
< / div >
% end
< / i >
< / a >
< a id = " donate " class = " item " href = " https://beerpay.io/morpheus65535/bazarr " >
< i class = " red heart icon " > < / i >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
% restart_required = database . execute ( " SELECT configured, updated FROM system " )
% for item in restart_required :
% restart_required = item
% break
% end
% if restart_required [ ' updated ' ] == ' 1 ' and restart_required [ ' configured ' ] == ' 1 ' :
< div class = ' ui center aligned grid ' > < div class = ' fifteen wide column ' > < div class = " ui red message " > Bazarr Needs To Be Restarted To Apply The Last Update & Changes To General Settings . Click < a href = # id="restart_link">Here</a> To Restart.</div></div></div>
% elif restart_required [ ' updated ' ] == ' 1 ' :
< div class = ' ui center aligned grid ' > < div class = ' fifteen wide column ' > < div class = " ui red message " > Bazarr Needs To Be Restarted To Apply Changes To The Last Update . Click < a href = # id="restart_link">Here</a> To Restart.</div></div></div>
% elif restart_required [ ' configured ' ] == ' 1 ' :
< div class = ' ui center aligned grid ' > < div class = ' fifteen wide column ' > < div class = " ui red message " > Bazarr Needs To Be Restarted To Apply Changes To General Settings . Click < a href = # id="restart_link">Here</a> To Restart.</div></div></div>
% end
% from six import PY2
% import datetime
% if PY2 :
< div class = ' ui left aligned grid ' >
< div class = ' fluid column ' >
< div class = " ui red icon message " >
< i class = " python icon " > < / i >
< div class = " content " >
< div class = " header " > Python deprecation warning < / div >
Bazarr is now compatible with Python 3.6 and newer . You must upgrade Python as we don ' t support Python 2.x anymore.
< div class = " ui bulleted list " >
% if os . name == ' posix ' :
< div class = " item " > If you are running under Docker , don ' t worry, we ' ll take care of this for you . Just pull the new image . < / div >
% end
% if os . name == ' nt ' :
< div class = " item " > If you have installed using the Windows Installer , just download the new installer that will upgrade your current installation ( make sure to not change installation directory ) . < / div >
% end
< div class = " item " > If you are running from source , it ' s up to you to install Python 3 (don ' t forget requirements . txt ) and use it to run Bazarr . < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
% end
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >
< script >
$ ( ' .ui.dropdown ' ) . dropdown ( ) ;
$ ( ' .ui.search ' )
. search ( {
apiSettings : {
url : ' {{ base_url}}search_json/ {query} ' ,
onResponse : function ( results ) {
const response = {
results : [ ]
} ;
$ . each ( results . items , function ( index , item ) {
response . results . push ( {
title : item . name ,
url : item . url
} ) ;
} ) ;
return response ;
} ,
minCharacters : 2
} )
if ( window . location . href . indexOf ( " episodes " ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ' ) ;
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' border-color ' , ' #000000 ' ) ;
$ ( ' #divmenu ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ' ) ;
$ ( ' #divmenu ' ) . css ( ' box-shadow ' , ' 0 0 5px 5px #000000 ' ) ;
else if ( window . location . href . indexOf ( " movie/ " ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) ' ) ;
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' border-color ' , ' #000000 ' ) ;
$ ( ' #divmenu ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ' ) ;
$ ( ' #divmenu ' ) . css ( ' box-shadow ' , ' 0 0 5px 5px #000000 ' ) ;
else {
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' #272727 ' ) ;
$ ( ' .menu_segment ' ) . css ( ' border-color ' , ' #272727 ' ) ;
$ ( ' #divmenu ' ) . css ( ' background ' , ' #272727 ' ) ;
$ ( ' #restart_link ' ) . on ( ' click ' , function ( ) {
$ ( ' #loader_text ' ) . text ( " Bazarr is restarting. Please Wait... " ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
url : " {{ base_url}}restart " ,
async : true ,
error : ( function ( ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) { setInterval ( ping , 2000 ) ; } , 8000 ) ;
} )
} )
} ) ;
% from config import settings
% from get_args import args
% ip = settings . general . ip
% port = args . port if args . port else settings . general . port
% base_url = settings . general . base_url
if ( " {{ ip}} " == = " " ) {
public_ip = window . location . hostname ;
} else {
public_ip = " {{ ip}} " ;
protocol = window . location . protocol ;
if ( window . location . port == = ' {{ current_port}} ' ) {
public_port = ' {{ port}} ' ;
} else {
public_port = window . location . port ;
function ping ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
url : protocol + ' // ' + public_ip + ' : ' + public_port + ' {{ base_url}} ' ,
success : function ( result ) {
window . location . href = protocol + ' // ' + public_ip + ' : ' + public_port + ' {{ base_url}} ' ;
} ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( ' resize ' , function ( ) {
if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) < 1024 ) {
$ ( ' #button_menu ' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( ' #dropdown_menu ' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( ' #search_column ' ) . removeClass ( ' ten wide ' ) ;
} else {
$ ( ' #dropdown_menu ' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( ' #button_menu ' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( ' #search_column ' ) . addClass ( ' ten wide ' ) ;
} ) . resize ( ) ;
< / script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var url_notifications = location . protocol + " // " + window . location . host + " {{ base_url}}notifications " ;
var notificationTimeout ;
var timeout ;
var killer ;
var item = { } ;
var length = { } ;
function doNotificationsAjax ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
url : url_notifications ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data != = " " ) {
data = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
var msg = data [ 0 ] ;
var type = data [ 1 ] ;
var duration = data [ 2 ] ;
var button = data [ 3 ] ;
var queue = data [ 4 ] ;
var item = data [ 5 ] ;
var length = data [ 6 ] ;
if ( length == = 0 ) {
var message = msg ;
} else {
var message = msg + ' <p><div class= " ui disabled progress notification_progress " data-value= ' + item + ' data-total= ' + length + ' style= " margin-bottom: -0.25em " ><div class= " bar " ><div class= " progress " ></div></div></div> '
if ( duration == = ' temporary ' ) {
timeout = 3000 ;
killer = queue ;
} else if ( duration == = ' long ' ) {
timeout = 15000 ;
killer = queue ;
} else {
timeout = false ;
killer = false ;
if ( button == = ' refresh ' ) {
button = [ Noty . button ( ' Refresh ' , ' ui tiny primary button ' , function ( ) { window . location . reload ( ) } ) ] ;
} else if ( button == = ' restart ' ) {
/ / to be completed
button = [ Noty . button ( ' Restart ' , ' ui tiny primary button ' , function ( ) { alert ( ' Restart Not Implemented Yet! ' ) } ) ] ;
} else {
button = [ ] ;
new Noty ( {
text : message ,
progressBar : false ,
animation : {
open : null ,
close : null
} ,
type : type ,
layout : ' bottomRight ' ,
theme : ' semanticui ' ,
queue : queue ,
timeout : timeout ,
killer : killer ,
buttons : button ,
force : false
} ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( ' .notification_progress ' ) . progress ( {
duration : 0 ,
autoSuccess : false ,
label : ' ratio ' ,
text : {
ratio : ' {value} / {total} '
} ) ;
notificationTimeout = setTimeout ( doNotificationsAjax , 100 ) ;
} else {
notificationTimeout = setTimeout ( doNotificationsAjax , 5000 ) ;
} ,
error : function ( ) {
notificationTimeout = setTimeout ( doNotificationsAjax , 5000 ) ;
} ) ;
notificationTimeout = setTimeout ( doNotificationsAjax , 1000 ) ;
$ ( window ) . bind ( ' beforeunload ' , function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( notificationTimeout ) ;
} ) ;
< / script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var url_tasks = location . protocol + " // " + window . location . host + " {{ base_url}}running_tasks " ;
var tasksTimeout ;
function doTasksAjax ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
url : url_tasks ,
dataType : ' json ' ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( ' #tasks > tbody > tr ' ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( $ . inArray ( $ ( this ) . attr ( ' id ' ) , data [ ' tasks ' ] ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( this ) . find ( ' td:last ' ) . find ( ' div:first ' ) . addClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( ' td:last ' ) . find ( ' div:first ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . addClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
} else {
$ ( this ) . find ( ' td:last ' ) . find ( ' div:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( ' td:last ' ) . find ( ' div:first ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( $ . inArray ( ' wanted_search_missing_subtitles ' , data [ ' tasks ' ] ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles ' ) . addClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles_movies ' ) . addClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . addClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles_movies ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . addClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
} else {
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles ' ) . removeClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles_movies ' ) . removeClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
$ ( ' #wanted_search_missing_subtitles_movies ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
% if ' no ' in locals ( ) :
if ( $ . inArray ( ' search_missing_subtitles_ {{ no}} ' , data [ ' tasks ' ] ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles ' ) . addClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . addClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
} else {
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles ' ) . removeClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
if ( $ . inArray ( ' search_missing_subtitles_movie_ {{ no}} ' , data [ ' tasks ' ] ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles_movie ' ) . addClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles_movie ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . addClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
} else {
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles_movie ' ) . removeClass ( ' disabled ' ) ;
$ ( ' #search_missing_subtitles_movie ' ) . find ( ' i:first ' ) . removeClass ( ' loading ' ) ;
% end
} ,
complete : function ( data ) {
/ / Schedule the next
tasksTimeout = setTimeout ( doTasksAjax , 5000 ) ;
} ) ;
tasksTimeout = setTimeout ( doTasksAjax , 500 ) ;
$ ( window ) . bind ( ' beforeunload ' , function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( tasksTimeout ) ;
} ) ;
< / script >