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5 years ago
Werkzeug is the Swiss Army knife of Python web development.
It provides useful classes and functions for any WSGI application to
make the life of a Python web developer much easier. All of the provided
classes are independent from each other so you can mix it with any other
:copyright: 2007 Pallets
:license: BSD-3-Clause
from types import ModuleType
__version__ = "0.16.0"
__all__ = ["run_simple", "Client", "Request", "Response", "__version__"]
class _DeprecatedImportModule(ModuleType):
"""Wrap a module in order to raise """
def __init__(self, name, available, removed_in):
import sys
super(_DeprecatedImportModule, self).__init__(name) # noqa F821
self._real_module = sys.modules[name] # noqa F821
sys.modules[name] = self
self._removed_in = removed_in
self._origin = {item: mod for mod, items in available.items() for item in items}
mod_all = getattr(self._real_module, "__all__", dir(self._real_module))
self.__all__ = sorted(mod_all + list(self._origin))
def __getattr__(self, item):
# Don't export internal variables.
if item in {"_real_module", "_origin", "_removed_in"}:
raise AttributeError(item)
if item in self._origin:
from importlib import import_module
origin = self._origin[item]
if origin == ".":
# No warning for the "submodule as attribute" case, it's way too messy
# and unreliable to try to distinguish 'from werkzueug import
# exceptions' and 'import werkzeug; werkzeug.exceptions'.
value = import_module(origin + item, self.__name__)
from warnings import warn
# Import the module, get the attribute, and show a warning about where
# to correctly import it from.
mod = import_module(origin, self.__name__.rsplit(".")[0])
value = getattr(mod, item)
"The import '{name}.{item}' is deprecated and will be removed in"
" {removed_in}. Use 'from {name}{origin} import {item}'"
" instead.".format(
value = getattr(self._real_module, item)
# Cache the value so it won't go through this process on subsequent accesses.
setattr(self, item, value)
return value
def __dir__(self):
return sorted(dir(self._real_module) + list(self._origin))
del ModuleType
".": ["exceptions", "routing"],
"._internal": ["_easteregg"],
".datastructures": [
".debug": ["DebuggedApplication"],
".exceptions": ["abort", "Aborter"],
".formparser": ["parse_form_data"],
".http": [
".local": [
".middleware.dispatcher": ["DispatcherMiddleware"],
".middleware.shared_data": ["SharedDataMiddleware"],
".security": ["check_password_hash", "generate_password_hash"],
".test": ["create_environ", "EnvironBuilder", "run_wsgi_app"],
".testapp": ["test_app"],
".urls": [
".useragents": ["UserAgent"],
".utils": [
".wrappers.accept": ["AcceptMixin"],
".wrappers.auth": ["AuthorizationMixin", "WWWAuthenticateMixin"],
".wrappers.base_request": ["BaseRequest"],
".wrappers.base_response": ["BaseResponse"],
".wrappers.common_descriptors": [
".wrappers.etag": ["ETagRequestMixin", "ETagResponseMixin"],
".wrappers.response": ["ResponseStreamMixin"],
".wrappers.user_agent": ["UserAgentMixin"],
".wsgi": [
"Werkzeug 1.0",
from .serving import run_simple
from .test import Client
from .wrappers import Request
from .wrappers import Response