# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides an interface to the native time zone data on Windows ,
including : py : class : ` datetime . tzinfo ` implementations .
Attempting to import this module on a non - Windows platform will raise an
: py : obj : ` ImportError ` .
# This code was originally contributed by Jeffrey Harris.
import datetime
import struct
from six . moves import winreg
from six import text_type
try :
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
except ValueError :
# ValueError is raised on non-Windows systems for some horrible reason.
raise ImportError ( " Running tzwin on non-Windows system " )
from . _common import tzrangebase
__all__ = [ " tzwin " , " tzwinlocal " , " tzres " ]
ONEWEEK = datetime . timedelta ( 7 )
TZKEYNAMENT = r " SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Time Zones "
TZKEYNAME9X = r " SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Time Zones "
TZLOCALKEYNAME = r " SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ TimeZoneInformation "
def _settzkeyname ( ) :
handle = winreg . ConnectRegistry ( None , winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE )
try :
winreg . OpenKey ( handle , TZKEYNAMENT ) . Close ( )
except WindowsError :
handle . Close ( )
TZKEYNAME = _settzkeyname ( )
class tzres ( object ) :
Class for accessing ` ` tzres . dll ` ` , which contains timezone name related
resources .
. . versionadded : : 2.5 .0
p_wchar = ctypes . POINTER ( wintypes . WCHAR ) # Pointer to a wide char
def __init__ ( self , tzres_loc = ' tzres.dll ' ) :
# Load the user32 DLL so we can load strings from tzres
user32 = ctypes . WinDLL ( ' user32 ' )
# Specify the LoadStringW function
user32 . LoadStringW . argtypes = ( wintypes . HINSTANCE ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
ctypes . c_int )
self . LoadStringW = user32 . LoadStringW
self . _tzres = ctypes . WinDLL ( tzres_loc )
self . tzres_loc = tzres_loc
def load_name ( self , offset ) :
Load a timezone name from a DLL offset ( integer ) .
>> > from dateutil . tzwin import tzres
>> > tzr = tzres ( )
>> > print ( tzr . load_name ( 112 ) )
' Eastern Standard Time '
: param offset :
A positive integer value referring to a string from the tzres dll .
. . note : :
Offsets found in the registry are generally of the form
` ` @tzres.dll , - 114 ` ` . The offset in this case is 114 , not - 114.
resource = self . p_wchar ( )
lpBuffer = ctypes . cast ( ctypes . byref ( resource ) , wintypes . LPWSTR )
nchar = self . LoadStringW ( self . _tzres . _handle , offset , lpBuffer , 0 )
return resource [ : nchar ]
def name_from_string ( self , tzname_str ) :
Parse strings as returned from the Windows registry into the time zone
name as defined in the registry .
>> > from dateutil . tzwin import tzres
>> > tzr = tzres ( )
>> > print ( tzr . name_from_string ( ' @tzres.dll,-251 ' ) )
' Dateline Daylight Time '
>> > print ( tzr . name_from_string ( ' Eastern Standard Time ' ) )
' Eastern Standard Time '
: param tzname_str :
A timezone name string as returned from a Windows registry key .
: return :
Returns the localized timezone string from tzres . dll if the string
is of the form ` @tzres.dll , - offset ` , else returns the input string .
if not tzname_str . startswith ( ' @ ' ) :
return tzname_str
name_splt = tzname_str . split ( ' ,- ' )
try :
offset = int ( name_splt [ 1 ] )
except :
raise ValueError ( " Malformed timezone string. " )
return self . load_name ( offset )
class tzwinbase ( tzrangebase ) :
""" tzinfo class based on win32 ' s timezones available in the registry. """
def __init__ ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( ' tzwinbase is an abstract base class ' )
def __eq__ ( self , other ) :
# Compare on all relevant dimensions, including name.
if not isinstance ( other , tzwinbase ) :
return NotImplemented
return ( self . _std_offset == other . _std_offset and
self . _dst_offset == other . _dst_offset and
self . _stddayofweek == other . _stddayofweek and
self . _dstdayofweek == other . _dstdayofweek and
self . _stdweeknumber == other . _stdweeknumber and
self . _dstweeknumber == other . _dstweeknumber and
self . _stdhour == other . _stdhour and
self . _dsthour == other . _dsthour and
self . _stdminute == other . _stdminute and
self . _dstminute == other . _dstminute and
self . _std_abbr == other . _std_abbr and
self . _dst_abbr == other . _dst_abbr )
def list ( ) :
""" Return a list of all time zones known to the system. """
with winreg . ConnectRegistry ( None , winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) as handle :
with winreg . OpenKey ( handle , TZKEYNAME ) as tzkey :
result = [ winreg . EnumKey ( tzkey , i )
for i in range ( winreg . QueryInfoKey ( tzkey ) [ 0 ] ) ]
return result
def display ( self ) :
Return the display name of the time zone .
return self . _display
def transitions ( self , year ) :
For a given year , get the DST on and off transition times , expressed
always on the standard time side . For zones with no transitions , this
function returns ` ` None ` ` .
: param year :
The year whose transitions you would like to query .
: return :
Returns a : class : ` tuple ` of : class : ` datetime . datetime ` objects ,
` ` ( dston , dstoff ) ` ` for zones with an annual DST transition , or
` ` None ` ` for fixed offset zones .
if not self . hasdst :
return None
dston = picknthweekday ( year , self . _dstmonth , self . _dstdayofweek ,
self . _dsthour , self . _dstminute ,
self . _dstweeknumber )
dstoff = picknthweekday ( year , self . _stdmonth , self . _stddayofweek ,
self . _stdhour , self . _stdminute ,
self . _stdweeknumber )
# Ambiguous dates default to the STD side
dstoff - = self . _dst_base_offset
return dston , dstoff
def _get_hasdst ( self ) :
return self . _dstmonth != 0
def _dst_base_offset ( self ) :
return self . _dst_base_offset_
class tzwin ( tzwinbase ) :
Time zone object created from the zone info in the Windows registry
These are similar to : py : class : ` dateutil . tz . tzrange ` objects in that
the time zone data is provided in the format of a single offset rule
for either 0 or 2 time zone transitions per year .
: param : name
The name of a Windows time zone key , e . g . " Eastern Standard Time " .
The full list of keys can be retrieved with : func : ` tzwin . list ` .
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
self . _name = name
with winreg . ConnectRegistry ( None , winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) as handle :
tzkeyname = text_type ( " {kn} \\ {name} " ) . format ( kn = TZKEYNAME , name = name )
with winreg . OpenKey ( handle , tzkeyname ) as tzkey :
keydict = valuestodict ( tzkey )
self . _std_abbr = keydict [ " Std " ]
self . _dst_abbr = keydict [ " Dlt " ]
self . _display = keydict [ " Display " ]
# See http://ww_winreg.jsiinc.com/SUBA/tip0300/rh0398.htm
tup = struct . unpack ( " =3l16h " , keydict [ " TZI " ] )
stdoffset = - tup [ 0 ] - tup [ 1 ] # Bias + StandardBias * -1
dstoffset = stdoffset - tup [ 2 ] # + DaylightBias * -1
self . _std_offset = datetime . timedelta ( minutes = stdoffset )
self . _dst_offset = datetime . timedelta ( minutes = dstoffset )
# for the meaning see the win32 TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure docs
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms725481(v=vs.85).aspx
( self . _stdmonth ,
self . _stddayofweek , # Sunday = 0
self . _stdweeknumber , # Last = 5
self . _stdhour ,
self . _stdminute ) = tup [ 4 : 9 ]
( self . _dstmonth ,
self . _dstdayofweek , # Sunday = 0
self . _dstweeknumber , # Last = 5
self . _dsthour ,
self . _dstminute ) = tup [ 12 : 17 ]
self . _dst_base_offset_ = self . _dst_offset - self . _std_offset
self . hasdst = self . _get_hasdst ( )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return " tzwin( %s ) " % repr ( self . _name )
def __reduce__ ( self ) :
return ( self . __class__ , ( self . _name , ) )
class tzwinlocal ( tzwinbase ) :
Class representing the local time zone information in the Windows registry
While : class : ` dateutil . tz . tzlocal ` makes system calls ( via the : mod : ` time `
module ) to retrieve time zone information , ` ` tzwinlocal ` ` retrieves the
rules directly from the Windows registry and creates an object like
: class : ` dateutil . tz . tzwin ` .
Because Windows does not have an equivalent of : func : ` time . tzset ` , on
Windows , : class : ` dateutil . tz . tzlocal ` instances will always reflect the
time zone settings * at the time that the process was started * , meaning
changes to the machine ' s time zone settings during the run of a program
on Windows will * * not * * be reflected by : class : ` dateutil . tz . tzlocal ` .
Because ` ` tzwinlocal ` ` reads the registry directly , it is unaffected by
this issue .
def __init__ ( self ) :
with winreg . ConnectRegistry ( None , winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) as handle :
with winreg . OpenKey ( handle , TZLOCALKEYNAME ) as tzlocalkey :
keydict = valuestodict ( tzlocalkey )
self . _std_abbr = keydict [ " StandardName " ]
self . _dst_abbr = keydict [ " DaylightName " ]
try :
tzkeyname = text_type ( ' {kn} \\ {sn} ' ) . format ( kn = TZKEYNAME ,
sn = self . _std_abbr )
with winreg . OpenKey ( handle , tzkeyname ) as tzkey :
_keydict = valuestodict ( tzkey )
self . _display = _keydict [ " Display " ]
except OSError :
self . _display = None
stdoffset = - keydict [ " Bias " ] - keydict [ " StandardBias " ]
dstoffset = stdoffset - keydict [ " DaylightBias " ]
self . _std_offset = datetime . timedelta ( minutes = stdoffset )
self . _dst_offset = datetime . timedelta ( minutes = dstoffset )
# For reasons unclear, in this particular key, the day of week has been
# moved to the END of the SYSTEMTIME structure.
tup = struct . unpack ( " =8h " , keydict [ " StandardStart " ] )
( self . _stdmonth ,
self . _stdweeknumber , # Last = 5
self . _stdhour ,
self . _stdminute ) = tup [ 1 : 5 ]
self . _stddayofweek = tup [ 7 ]
tup = struct . unpack ( " =8h " , keydict [ " DaylightStart " ] )
( self . _dstmonth ,
self . _dstweeknumber , # Last = 5
self . _dsthour ,
self . _dstminute ) = tup [ 1 : 5 ]
self . _dstdayofweek = tup [ 7 ]
self . _dst_base_offset_ = self . _dst_offset - self . _std_offset
self . hasdst = self . _get_hasdst ( )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return " tzwinlocal() "
def __str__ ( self ) :
# str will return the standard name, not the daylight name.
return " tzwinlocal( %s ) " % repr ( self . _std_abbr )
def __reduce__ ( self ) :
return ( self . __class__ , ( ) )
def picknthweekday ( year , month , dayofweek , hour , minute , whichweek ) :
""" dayofweek == 0 means Sunday, whichweek 5 means last instance """
first = datetime . datetime ( year , month , 1 , hour , minute )
# This will work if dayofweek is ISO weekday (1-7) or Microsoft-style (0-6),
# Because 7 % 7 = 0
weekdayone = first . replace ( day = ( ( dayofweek - first . isoweekday ( ) ) % 7 ) + 1 )
wd = weekdayone + ( ( whichweek - 1 ) * ONEWEEK )
if ( wd . month != month ) :
wd - = ONEWEEK
return wd
def valuestodict ( key ) :
""" Convert a registry key ' s values to a dictionary. """
dout = { }
size = winreg . QueryInfoKey ( key ) [ 1 ]
tz_res = None
for i in range ( size ) :
key_name , value , dtype = winreg . EnumValue ( key , i )
if dtype == winreg . REG_DWORD or dtype == winreg . REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN :
# If it's a DWORD (32-bit integer), it's stored as unsigned - convert
# that to a proper signed integer
if value & ( 1 << 31 ) :
value = value - ( 1 << 32 )
elif dtype == winreg . REG_SZ :
# If it's a reference to the tzres DLL, load the actual string
if value . startswith ( ' @tzres ' ) :
tz_res = tz_res or tzres ( )
value = tz_res . name_from_string ( value )
value = value . rstrip ( ' \x00 ' ) # Remove trailing nulls
dout [ key_name ] = value
return dout