#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-self-use, pointless-statement, missing-docstring, invalid-name
import logging
import os
# io.open supports encoding= in python 2.7
from io import open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import babelfish
import six # pylint:disable=wrong-import-order
import yaml # pylint:disable=wrong-import-order
from rebulk . remodule import re
from rebulk . utils import is_iterable
from . . import guessit
from . . options import parse_options
from . . yamlutils import OrderedDictYAMLLoader
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
__location__ = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ) )
class EntryResult ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , string , negates = False ) :
self . string = string
self . negates = negates
self . valid = [ ]
self . missing = [ ]
self . different = [ ]
self . extra = [ ]
self . others = [ ]
def ok ( self ) :
if self . negates :
return self . missing or self . different
return not self . missing and not self . different and not self . extra and not self . others
def warning ( self ) :
if self . negates :
return False
return not self . missing and not self . different and self . extra
def error ( self ) :
if self . negates :
return not self . missing and not self . different and not self . others
return self . missing or self . different or self . others
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . ok :
return self . string + ' : OK! '
if self . warning :
return ' %s %s : WARNING! (valid= %i , extra= %i ) ' % ( ' - ' if self . negates else ' ' , self . string , len ( self . valid ) ,
len ( self . extra ) )
if self . error :
return ' %s %s : ERROR! (valid= %i , missing= %i , different= %i , extra= %i , others= %i ) ' % \
( ' - ' if self . negates else ' ' , self . string , len ( self . valid ) , len ( self . missing ) , len ( self . different ) ,
len ( self . extra ) , len ( self . others ) )
return ' %s %s : UNKOWN! (valid= %i , missing= %i , different= %i , extra= %i , others= %i ) ' % \
( ' - ' if self . negates else ' ' , self . string , len ( self . valid ) , len ( self . missing ) , len ( self . different ) ,
len ( self . extra ) , len ( self . others ) )
def details ( self ) :
ret = [ ]
if self . valid :
ret . append ( ' valid= ' + str ( len ( self . valid ) ) )
for valid in self . valid :
ret . append ( ' ' * 4 + str ( valid ) )
if self . missing :
ret . append ( ' missing= ' + str ( len ( self . missing ) ) )
for missing in self . missing :
ret . append ( ' ' * 4 + str ( missing ) )
if self . different :
ret . append ( ' different= ' + str ( len ( self . different ) ) )
for different in self . different :
ret . append ( ' ' * 4 + str ( different ) )
if self . extra :
ret . append ( ' extra= ' + str ( len ( self . extra ) ) )
for extra in self . extra :
ret . append ( ' ' * 4 + str ( extra ) )
if self . others :
ret . append ( ' others= ' + str ( len ( self . others ) ) )
for other in self . others :
ret . append ( ' ' * 4 + str ( other ) )
return ret
class Results ( list ) :
def assert_ok ( self ) :
errors = [ entry for entry in self if entry . error ]
assert not errors
def files_and_ids ( predicate = None ) :
files = [ ]
ids = [ ]
for ( dirpath , _ , filenames ) in os . walk ( __location__ ) :
if os . path . split ( dirpath ) [ - 1 ] == ' config ' :
if dirpath == __location__ :
dirpath_rel = ' '
else :
dirpath_rel = os . path . relpath ( dirpath , __location__ )
for filename in filenames :
name , ext = os . path . splitext ( filename )
filepath = os . path . join ( dirpath_rel , filename )
if ext == ' .yml ' and ( not predicate or predicate ( filepath ) ) :
files . append ( filepath )
ids . append ( os . path . join ( dirpath_rel , name ) )
return files , ids
class TestYml ( object ) :
Run tests from yaml files .
Multiple input strings having same expected results can be chained .
Use $ marker to check inputs that should not match results .
options_re = re . compile ( r ' ^([ +-]+)(.*) ' )
def _get_unique_id ( self , collection , base_id ) :
ret = base_id
i = 2
while ret in collection :
suffix = " - " + str ( i )
ret = base_id + suffix
i + = 1
return ret
def pytest_generate_tests ( self , metafunc ) :
if ' yml_test_case ' in metafunc . fixturenames :
entries = [ ]
entry_ids = [ ]
entry_set = set ( )
for filename , _ in zip ( * files_and_ids ( ) ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( __location__ , filename ) , ' r ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as infile :
data = yaml . load ( infile , OrderedDictYAMLLoader )
last_expected = None
for string , expected in reversed ( list ( data . items ( ) ) ) :
if expected is None :
data [ string ] = last_expected
else :
last_expected = expected
default = None
try :
default = data [ ' __default__ ' ]
del data [ ' __default__ ' ]
except KeyError :
for string , expected in data . items ( ) :
TestYml . set_default ( expected , default )
string = TestYml . fix_encoding ( string , expected )
entries . append ( ( filename , string , expected ) )
unique_id = self . _get_unique_id ( entry_set , ' [ ' + filename + ' ] ' + str ( string ) )
entry_set . add ( unique_id )
entry_ids . append ( unique_id )
metafunc . parametrize ( ' yml_test_case ' , entries , ids = entry_ids )
def set_default ( expected , default ) :
if default :
for k , v in default . items ( ) :
if k not in expected :
expected [ k ] = v
def fix_encoding ( cls , string , expected ) :
if six . PY2 :
if isinstance ( string , six . text_type ) :
string = string . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
converts = [ ]
for k , v in expected . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( v , six . text_type ) :
v = v . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
converts . append ( ( k , v ) )
for k , v in converts :
expected [ k ] = v
if not isinstance ( string , str ) :
string = str ( string )
return string
def test_entry ( self , yml_test_case ) :
filename , string , expected = yml_test_case
result = self . check_data ( filename , string , expected )
assert not result . error
def check_data ( self , filename , string , expected ) :
entry = self . check ( string , expected )
if entry . ok :
logger . debug ( ' [ %s ] %s ' , filename , entry )
elif entry . warning :
logger . warning ( ' [ %s ] %s ' , filename , entry )
elif entry . error :
logger . error ( ' [ %s ] %s ' , filename , entry )
for line in entry . details :
logger . error ( ' [ %s ] %s ' , filename , ' ' * 4 + line )
return entry
def check ( self , string , expected ) :
negates , global_ , string = self . parse_token_options ( string )
options = expected . get ( ' options ' )
if options is None :
options = { }
if not isinstance ( options , dict ) :
options = parse_options ( options )
try :
result = guessit ( string , options )
except Exception as exc :
logger . error ( ' [ %s ] Exception: %s ' , string , exc )
raise exc
entry = EntryResult ( string , negates )
if global_ :
self . check_global ( string , result , entry )
self . check_expected ( result , expected , entry )
return entry
def parse_token_options ( self , string ) :
matches = self . options_re . search ( string )
negates = False
global_ = False
if matches :
string = matches . group ( 2 )
for opt in matches . group ( 1 ) :
if ' - ' in opt :
negates = True
if ' + ' in opt :
global_ = True
return negates , global_ , string
def check_global ( self , string , result , entry ) :
global_span = [ ]
for result_matches in result . matches . values ( ) :
for result_match in result_matches :
if not global_span :
global_span = list ( result_match . span )
else :
if global_span [ 0 ] > result_match . span [ 0 ] :
global_span [ 0 ] = result_match . span [ 0 ]
if global_span [ 1 ] < result_match . span [ 1 ] :
global_span [ 1 ] = result_match . span [ 1 ]
if global_span and global_span [ 1 ] - global_span [ 0 ] < len ( string ) :
entry . others . append ( " Match is not global " )
def is_same ( self , value , expected ) :
values = set ( value ) if is_iterable ( value ) else set ( ( value , ) )
expecteds = set ( expected ) if is_iterable ( expected ) else set ( ( expected , ) )
if len ( values ) != len ( expecteds ) :
return False
if isinstance ( next ( iter ( values ) ) , babelfish . Language ) :
# pylint: disable=no-member
expecteds = { babelfish . Language . fromguessit ( expected ) for expected in expecteds }
elif isinstance ( next ( iter ( values ) ) , babelfish . Country ) :
# pylint: disable=no-member
expecteds = { babelfish . Country . fromguessit ( expected ) for expected in expecteds }
return values == expecteds
def check_expected ( self , result , expected , entry ) :
if expected :
for expected_key , expected_value in expected . items ( ) :
if expected_key and expected_key != ' options ' and expected_value is not None :
negates_key , _ , result_key = self . parse_token_options ( expected_key )
if result_key in result . keys ( ) :
if not self . is_same ( result [ result_key ] , expected_value ) :
if negates_key :
entry . valid . append ( ( expected_key , expected_value ) )
else :
entry . different . append ( ( expected_key , expected_value , result [ result_key ] ) )
else :
if negates_key :
entry . different . append ( ( expected_key , expected_value , result [ result_key ] ) )
else :
entry . valid . append ( ( expected_key , expected_value ) )
elif not negates_key :
entry . missing . append ( ( expected_key , expected_value ) )
for result_key , result_value in result . items ( ) :
if result_key not in expected . keys ( ) :
entry . extra . append ( ( result_key , result_value ) )