from __future__ import print_function , unicode_literals , division
from collections import MutableSequence , OrderedDict
import io
from io import open
from itertools import starmap , chain
import os . path
import logging
from . formats import autodetect_format , get_format_class , get_format_identifier
from . substation import is_valid_field_content
from . ssaevent import SSAEvent
from . ssastyle import SSAStyle
from . time import make_time , ms_to_str
from . common import PY3
class SSAFile ( MutableSequence ) :
Subtitle file in SubStation Alpha format .
This class has a list - like interface which exposes : attr : ` SSAFile . events ` ,
list of subtitles in the file : :
subs = SSAFile . load ( " " )
for line in subs :
print ( line . text )
subs . insert ( 0 , SSAEvent ( start = 0 , end = make_time ( s = 2.5 ) , text = " New first subtitle " ) )
del subs [ 0 ]
DEFAULT_INFO = OrderedDict ( [
( " WrapStyle " , " 0 " ) ,
( " ScaledBorderAndShadow " , " yes " ) ,
( " Collisions " , " Normal " ) ] )
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . events = [ ] #: List of :class:`SSAEvent` instances, ie. individual subtitles.
self . styles = OrderedDict ( [ ( " Default " , SSAStyle . DEFAULT_STYLE . copy ( ) ) ] ) #: Dict of :class:`SSAStyle` instances.
self . info = self . DEFAULT_INFO . copy ( ) #: Dict with script metadata, ie. ``[Script Info]``.
self . aegisub_project = OrderedDict ( ) #: Dict with Aegisub project, ie. ``[Aegisub Project Garbage]``.
self . fps = None #: Framerate used when reading the file, if applicable.
self . format = None #: Format of source subtitle file, if applicable, eg. ``"srt"``.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# I/O methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def load ( cls , path , encoding = " utf-8 " , format_ = None , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Load subtitle file from given path .
Arguments :
path ( str ) : Path to subtitle file .
encoding ( str ) : Character encoding of input file .
Defaults to UTF - 8 , you may need to change this .
format_ ( str ) : Optional , forces use of specific parser
( eg . ` " srt " ` , ` " ass " ` ) . Otherwise , format is detected
automatically from file contents . This argument should
be rarely needed .
fps ( float ) : Framerate for frame - based formats ( MicroDVD ) ,
for other formats this argument is ignored . Framerate might
be detected from the file , in which case you don ' t need
to specify it here ( when given , this argument overrides
autodetection ) .
keep_unknown_html_tags ( bool ) : This affects SubRip only ( SRT ) ,
for other formats this argument is ignored .
By default , HTML tags are converted to equivalent SubStation tags
( eg . ` ` < i > ` ` to ` ` { \\i1 } ` ` and any remaining tags are removed
to keep the text clean . Set this parameter to ` ` True ` `
if you want to pass through these tags ( eg . ` ` < sub > ` ` ) .
This is useful if your output format is SRT and your player
supports these tags .
Returns :
Raises :
pysubs2 . exceptions . UnknownFPSError
pysubs2 . exceptions . UnknownFormatIdentifierError
pysubs2 . exceptions . FormatAutodetectionError
Note :
pysubs2 may autodetect subtitle format and / or framerate . These
values are set as : attr : ` SSAFile . format ` and : attr : ` SSAFile . fps `
attributes .
Example :
>> > subs1 = pysubs2 . load ( " " )
>> > subs2 = pysubs2 . load ( " microdvd-subtitles.sub " , fps = 23.976 )
>> > subs3 = pysubs2 . load ( " " , keep_unknown_html_tags = True )
with open ( path , encoding = encoding ) as fp :
return cls . from_file ( fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
def from_string ( cls , string , format_ = None , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Load subtitle file from string .
See : meth : ` SSAFile . load ( ) ` for full description .
Arguments :
string ( str ) : Subtitle file in a string . Note that the string
must be Unicode ( in Python 2 ) .
Returns :
Example :
>> > text = '''
. . . 1
. . . 00 : 00 : 00 , 000 - - > 00 : 00 : 05 , 000
. . . An example SubRip file .
. . . '''
>> > subs = SSAFile . from_string ( text )
fp = io . StringIO ( string )
return cls . from_file ( fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
def from_file ( cls , fp , format_ = None , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Read subtitle file from file object .
See : meth : ` SSAFile . load ( ) ` for full description .
Note :
This is a low - level method . Usually , one of : meth : ` SSAFile . load ( ) `
or : meth : ` SSAFile . from_string ( ) ` is preferable .
Arguments :
fp ( file object ) : A file object , ie . : class : ` io . TextIOBase ` instance .
Note that the file must be opened in text mode ( as opposed to binary ) .
Returns :
if format_ is None :
# Autodetect subtitle format, then read again using correct parser.
# The file might be a pipe and we need to read it twice,
# so just buffer everything.
text = fp . read ( )
fragment = text [ : 10000 ]
format_ = autodetect_format ( fragment )
fp = io . StringIO ( text )
impl = get_format_class ( format_ )
subs = cls ( ) # an empty subtitle file
subs . format = format_
subs . fps = fps
impl . from_file ( subs , fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
return subs
def save ( self , path , encoding = " utf-8 " , format_ = None , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Save subtitle file to given path .
Arguments :
path ( str ) : Path to subtitle file .
encoding ( str ) : Character encoding of output file .
Defaults to UTF - 8 , which should be fine for most purposes .
format_ ( str ) : Optional , specifies desired subtitle format
( eg . ` " srt " ` , ` " ass " ` ) . Otherwise , format is detected
automatically from file extension . Thus , this argument
is rarely needed .
fps ( float ) : Framerate for frame - based formats ( MicroDVD ) ,
for other formats this argument is ignored . When omitted ,
: attr : ` SSAFile . fps ` value is used ( ie . the framerate used
for loading the file , if any ) . When the : class : ` SSAFile `
wasn ' t loaded from MicroDVD, or if you wish save it with
different framerate , use this argument . See also
: meth : ` SSAFile . transform_framerate ( ) ` for fixing bad
frame - based to time - based conversions .
kwargs : Extra options for the writer .
Raises :
pysubs2 . exceptions . UnknownFPSError
pysubs2 . exceptions . UnknownFormatIdentifierError
pysubs2 . exceptions . UnknownFileExtensionError
if format_ is None :
ext = os . path . splitext ( path ) [ 1 ] . lower ( )
format_ = get_format_identifier ( ext )
with open ( path , " w " , encoding = encoding ) as fp :
self . to_file ( fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
def to_string ( self , format_ , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Get subtitle file as a string .
See : meth : ` SSAFile . save ( ) ` for full description .
Returns :
fp = io . StringIO ( )
self . to_file ( fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
return fp . getvalue ( )
def to_file ( self , fp , format_ , fps = None , * * kwargs ) :
Write subtitle file to file object .
See : meth : ` SSAFile . save ( ) ` for full description .
Note :
This is a low - level method . Usually , one of : meth : ` SSAFile . save ( ) `
or : meth : ` SSAFile . to_string ( ) ` is preferable .
Arguments :
fp ( file object ) : A file object , ie . : class : ` io . TextIOBase ` instance .
Note that the file must be opened in text mode ( as opposed to binary ) .
impl = get_format_class ( format_ )
impl . to_file ( self , fp , format_ , fps = fps , * * kwargs )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Retiming subtitles
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def shift ( self , h = 0 , m = 0 , s = 0 , ms = 0 , frames = None , fps = None ) :
Shift all subtitles by constant time amount .
Shift may be time - based ( the default ) or frame - based . In the latter
case , specify both frames and fps . h , m , s , ms will be ignored .
Arguments :
h , m , s , ms : Integer or float values , may be positive or negative .
frames ( int ) : When specified , must be an integer number of frames .
May be positive or negative . fps must be also specified .
fps ( float ) : When specified , must be a positive number .
Raises :
ValueError : Invalid fps or missing number of frames .
delta = make_time ( h = h , m = m , s = s , ms = ms , frames = frames , fps = fps )
for line in self :
line . start + = delta
line . end + = delta
def transform_framerate ( self , in_fps , out_fps ) :
Rescale all timestamps by ratio of in_fps / out_fps .
Can be used to fix files converted from frame - based to time - based
with wrongly assumed framerate .
Arguments :
in_fps ( float )
out_fps ( float )
Raises :
ValueError : Non - positive framerate given .
if in_fps < = 0 or out_fps < = 0 :
raise ValueError ( " Framerates must be positive, cannot transform %f -> %f " % ( in_fps , out_fps ) )
ratio = in_fps / out_fps
for line in self :
line . start = int ( round ( line . start * ratio ) )
line . end = int ( round ( line . end * ratio ) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Working with styles
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def rename_style ( self , old_name , new_name ) :
Rename a style , including references to it .
Arguments :
old_name ( str ) : Style to be renamed .
new_name ( str ) : New name for the style ( must be unused ) .
Raises :
KeyError : No style named old_name .
ValueError : new_name is not a legal name ( cannot use commas )
or new_name is taken .
if old_name not in self . styles :
raise KeyError ( " Style %r not found " % old_name )
if new_name in self . styles :
raise ValueError ( " There is already a style called %r " % new_name )
if not is_valid_field_content ( new_name ) :
raise ValueError ( " %r is not a valid name " % new_name )
self . styles [ new_name ] = self . styles [ old_name ]
del self . styles [ old_name ]
for line in self :
# XXX also handle \r override tag
if line . style == old_name :
line . style = new_name
def import_styles ( self , subs , overwrite = True ) :
Merge in styles from other SSAFile .
Arguments :
subs ( SSAFile ) : Subtitle file imported from .
overwrite ( bool ) : On name conflict , use style from the other file
( default : True ) .
if not isinstance ( subs , SSAFile ) :
raise TypeError ( " Must supply an SSAFile. " )
for name , style in subs . styles . items ( ) :
if name not in self . styles or overwrite :
self . styles [ name ] = style
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def equals ( self , other ) :
Equality of two SSAFiles .
Compares : attr : ` SSAFile . info ` , : attr : ` SSAFile . styles ` and : attr : ` SSAFile . events ` .
Order of entries in OrderedDicts does not matter . " ScriptType " key in info is
considered an implementation detail and thus ignored .
Useful mostly in unit tests . Differences are logged at DEBUG level .
if isinstance ( other , SSAFile ) :
for key in set ( chain ( self . info . keys ( ) , other . info . keys ( ) ) ) - { " ScriptType " } :
sv , ov = self . info . get ( key ) , other . info . get ( key )
if sv is None :
logging . debug ( " %r missing in " , key )
return False
elif ov is None :
logging . debug ( " %r missing in " , key )
return False
elif sv != ov :
logging . debug ( " info %r differs (self= %r , other= %r ) " , key , sv , ov )
return False
for key in set ( chain ( self . styles . keys ( ) , other . styles . keys ( ) ) ) :
sv , ov = self . styles . get ( key ) , other . styles . get ( key )
if sv is None :
logging . debug ( " %r missing in self.styles " , key )
return False
elif ov is None :
logging . debug ( " %r missing in other.styles " , key )
return False
elif sv != ov :
for k in sv . FIELDS :
if getattr ( sv , k ) != getattr ( ov , k ) : logging . debug ( " difference in field %r " , k )
logging . debug ( " style %r differs (self= %r , other= %r ) " , key , sv . as_dict ( ) , ov . as_dict ( ) )
return False
if len ( self ) != len ( other ) :
logging . debug ( " different # of subtitles (self= %d , other= %d ) " , len ( self ) , len ( other ) )
return False
for i , ( se , oe ) in enumerate ( zip ( self . events , other . events ) ) :
if not se . equals ( oe ) :
for k in se . FIELDS :
if getattr ( se , k ) != getattr ( oe , k ) : logging . debug ( " difference in field %r " , k )
logging . debug ( " event %d differs (self= %r , other= %r ) " , i , se . as_dict ( ) , oe . as_dict ( ) )
return False
return True
else :
raise TypeError ( " Cannot compare to non-SSAFile object " )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . events :
max_time = max ( ev . end for ev in self )
s = " <SSAFile with %d events and %d styles, last timestamp %s > " % \
( len ( self ) , len ( self . styles ) , ms_to_str ( max_time ) )
else :
s = " <SSAFile with 0 events and %d styles> " % len ( self . styles )
if not PY3 : s = s . encode ( " utf-8 " )
return s
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MutableSequence implementation + sort()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sort ( self ) :
""" Sort subtitles time-wise, in-place. """
self . events . sort ( )
def __getitem__ ( self , item ) :
return self . events [ item ]
def __setitem__ ( self , key , value ) :
if isinstance ( value , SSAEvent ) :
self . events [ key ] = value
else :
raise TypeError ( " must contain only SSAEvent objects " )
def __delitem__ ( self , key ) :
del self . events [ key ]
def __len__ ( self ) :
return len ( self . events )
def insert ( self , index , value ) :
if isinstance ( value , SSAEvent ) :
self . events . insert ( index , value )
else :
raise TypeError ( " must contain only SSAEvent objects " )