#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
other property
from rebulk import Rebulk, Rule, RemoveMatch, RenameMatch, POST_PROCESS, AppendMatch
from rebulk.match import Match
from rebulk.remodule import re
from ..common import dash
from ..common import seps
from ..common.pattern import is_disabled
from ..common.validators import seps_after, seps_before, seps_surround, and_
from ...config import load_config_patterns
from ...reutils import build_or_pattern
from ...rules.common.formatters import raw_cleanup
def other(config): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,too-many-statements
Builder for rebulk object.
:param config: rule configuration
:type config: dict
:return: Created Rebulk object
:rtype: Rebulk
rebulk = Rebulk(disabled=lambda context: is_disabled(context, 'other'))
rebulk = rebulk.regex_defaults(flags=re.IGNORECASE, abbreviations=[dash]).string_defaults(ignore_case=True)
rebulk.defaults(name="other", validator=seps_surround)
load_config_patterns(rebulk, config.get('other'))
rebulk.rules(RenameAnotherToOther, ValidateHasNeighbor, ValidateHasNeighborAfter, ValidateHasNeighborBefore,
ValidateScreenerRule, ValidateMuxRule, ValidateHardcodedSubs, ValidateStreamingServiceNeighbor,
ValidateAtEnd, ValidateReal, ProperCountRule)
return rebulk
def complete_words(rebulk: Rebulk, season_words, complete_article_words):
Custom pattern to find complete seasons from words.
season_words_pattern = build_or_pattern(season_words)
complete_article_words_pattern = build_or_pattern(complete_article_words)
def validate_complete(match):
Make sure season word is are defined.
:param match:
:type match:
children = match.children
if not children.named('completeWordsBefore') and not children.named('completeWordsAfter'):
return False
return True
rebulk.regex('(?P<completeArticle>' + complete_article_words_pattern + '-)?' +
'(?P<completeWordsBefore>' + season_words_pattern + '-)?' +
'Complete' + '(?P<completeWordsAfter>-' + season_words_pattern + ')?',
private_names=['completeArticle', 'completeWordsBefore', 'completeWordsAfter'],
value={'other': 'Complete'},
validator={'__parent__': and_(seps_surround, validate_complete)})
class ProperCountRule(Rule):
Add proper_count property
priority = POST_PROCESS
consequence = AppendMatch
properties = {'proper_count': [None]}
def when(self, matches, context): # pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements
propers = matches.named('other', lambda match: match.value == 'Proper')
if propers:
raws = {} # Count distinct raw values
for proper in propers:
raws[raw_cleanup(proper.raw)] = proper
value = 0
start = None
end = None
proper_count_matches = []
for proper in raws.values():
if not start or start > proper.start:
start = proper.start
if not end or end < proper.end:
end = proper.end
if proper.children.named('proper_count', 0):
value += int(proper.children.named('proper_count', 0).value)
elif 'real' in proper.tags:
value += 2
value += 1
proper_count_match = Match(name='proper_count', start=start, end=end, input_string=matches.input_string)
proper_count_match.value = value
return proper_count_matches
class RenameAnotherToOther(Rule):
Rename `another` properties to `other`
priority = 32
consequence = RenameMatch('other')
def when(self, matches, context):
return matches.named('another')
class ValidateHasNeighbor(Rule):
Validate tag has-neighbor
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for to_check in matches.range(predicate=lambda match: 'has-neighbor' in match.tags):
previous_match = matches.previous(to_check, index=0)
previous_group = matches.markers.previous(to_check, lambda marker: marker.name == 'group', 0)
if previous_group and (not previous_match or previous_group.end > previous_match.end):
previous_match = previous_group
if previous_match and not matches.input_string[previous_match.end:to_check.start].strip(seps):
next_match = matches.next(to_check, index=0)
next_group = matches.markers.next(to_check, lambda marker: marker.name == 'group', 0)
if next_group and (not next_match or next_group.start < next_match.start):
next_match = next_group
if next_match and not matches.input_string[to_check.end:next_match.start].strip(seps):
return ret
class ValidateHasNeighborBefore(Rule):
Validate tag has-neighbor-before that previous match exists.
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for to_check in matches.range(predicate=lambda match: 'has-neighbor-before' in match.tags):
next_match = matches.next(to_check, index=0)
next_group = matches.markers.next(to_check, lambda marker: marker.name == 'group', 0)
if next_group and (not next_match or next_group.start < next_match.start):
next_match = next_group
if next_match and not matches.input_string[to_check.end:next_match.start].strip(seps):
return ret
class ValidateHasNeighborAfter(Rule):
Validate tag has-neighbor-after that next match exists.
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for to_check in matches.range(predicate=lambda match: 'has-neighbor-after' in match.tags):
previous_match = matches.previous(to_check, index=0)
previous_group = matches.markers.previous(to_check, lambda marker: marker.name == 'group', 0)
if previous_group and (not previous_match or previous_group.end > previous_match.end):
previous_match = previous_group
if previous_match and not matches.input_string[previous_match.end:to_check.start].strip(seps):
return ret
class ValidateScreenerRule(Rule):
Validate tag other.validate.screener
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for screener in matches.named('other', lambda match: 'other.validate.screener' in match.tags):
source_match = matches.previous(screener, lambda match: match.initiator.name == 'source', 0)
if not source_match or matches.input_string[source_match.end:screener.start].strip(seps):
return ret
class ValidateMuxRule(Rule):
Validate tag other.validate.mux
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for mux in matches.named('other', lambda match: 'other.validate.mux' in match.tags):
source_match = matches.previous(mux, lambda match: match.initiator.name == 'source', 0)
if not source_match:
return ret
class ValidateHardcodedSubs(Rule):
"""Validate HC matches."""
priority = 32
consequence = RemoveMatch
def when(self, matches, context):
to_remove = []
for hc_match in matches.named('other', predicate=lambda match: match.value == 'Hardcoded Subtitles'):
next_match = matches.next(hc_match, predicate=lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language', index=0)
if next_match and not matches.holes(hc_match.end, next_match.start,
predicate=lambda match: match.value.strip(seps)):
previous_match = matches.previous(hc_match,
predicate=lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language', index=0)
if previous_match and not matches.holes(previous_match.end, hc_match.start,
predicate=lambda match: match.value.strip(seps)):
return to_remove
class ValidateStreamingServiceNeighbor(Rule):
"""Validate streaming service's neighbors."""
priority = 32
consequence = RemoveMatch
def when(self, matches, context):
to_remove = []
for match in matches.named('other',
predicate=lambda m: (m.initiator.name != 'source'
and ('streaming_service.prefix' in m.tags
or 'streaming_service.suffix' in m.tags))):
match = match.initiator
if not seps_after(match):
if 'streaming_service.prefix' in match.tags:
next_match = matches.next(match, lambda m: m.name == 'streaming_service', 0)
if next_match and not matches.holes(match.end, next_match.start,
predicate=lambda m: m.value.strip(seps)):
if match.children:
elif not seps_before(match):
if 'streaming_service.suffix' in match.tags:
previous_match = matches.previous(match, lambda m: m.name == 'streaming_service', 0)
if previous_match and not matches.holes(previous_match.end, match.start,
predicate=lambda m: m.value.strip(seps)):
if match.children:
return to_remove
class ValidateAtEnd(Rule):
"""Validate other which should occur at the end of a filepart."""
priority = 32
consequence = RemoveMatch
def when(self, matches, context):
to_remove = []
for filepart in matches.markers.named('path'):
for match in matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end,
predicate=lambda m: m.name == 'other' and 'at-end' in m.tags):
if (matches.holes(match.end, filepart.end, predicate=lambda m: m.value.strip(seps)) or
matches.range(match.end, filepart.end, predicate=lambda m: m.name not in (
'other', 'container'))):
return to_remove
class ValidateReal(Rule):
Validate Real
consequence = RemoveMatch
priority = 64
def when(self, matches, context):
ret = []
for filepart in matches.markers.named('path'):
for match in matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end, lambda m: m.name == 'other' and 'real' in m.tags):
if not matches.range(filepart.start, match.start):
return ret