# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
import os
import os . path
import socket
import time
from waitress import trigger
from waitress . adjustments import Adjustments
from waitress . channel import HTTPChannel
from waitress . compat import IPPROTO_IPV6 , IPV6_V6ONLY
from waitress . task import ThreadedTaskDispatcher
from waitress . utilities import cleanup_unix_socket
from . import wasyncore
from . proxy_headers import proxy_headers_middleware
def create_server (
application ,
map = None ,
_start = True , # test shim
_sock = None , # test shim
_dispatcher = None , # test shim
* * kw # adjustments
) :
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
server = create_server ( app )
server . run ( )
if application is None :
raise ValueError (
' The " app " passed to ``create_server`` was ``None``. You forgot '
" to return a WSGI app within your application. "
adj = Adjustments ( * * kw )
if map is None : # pragma: nocover
map = { }
dispatcher = _dispatcher
if dispatcher is None :
dispatcher = ThreadedTaskDispatcher ( )
dispatcher . set_thread_count ( adj . threads )
if adj . unix_socket and hasattr ( socket , " AF_UNIX " ) :
sockinfo = ( socket . AF_UNIX , socket . SOCK_STREAM , None , None )
return UnixWSGIServer (
application ,
map ,
_start ,
_sock ,
dispatcher = dispatcher ,
adj = adj ,
sockinfo = sockinfo ,
effective_listen = [ ]
last_serv = None
if not adj . sockets :
for sockinfo in adj . listen :
# When TcpWSGIServer is called, it registers itself in the map. This
# side-effect is all we need it for, so we don't store a reference to
# or return it to the user.
last_serv = TcpWSGIServer (
application ,
map ,
_start ,
_sock ,
dispatcher = dispatcher ,
adj = adj ,
sockinfo = sockinfo ,
effective_listen . append (
( last_serv . effective_host , last_serv . effective_port )
for sock in adj . sockets :
sockinfo = ( sock . family , sock . type , sock . proto , sock . getsockname ( ) )
if sock . family == socket . AF_INET or sock . family == socket . AF_INET6 :
last_serv = TcpWSGIServer (
application ,
map ,
_start ,
sock ,
dispatcher = dispatcher ,
adj = adj ,
bind_socket = False ,
sockinfo = sockinfo ,
effective_listen . append (
( last_serv . effective_host , last_serv . effective_port )
elif hasattr ( socket , " AF_UNIX " ) and sock . family == socket . AF_UNIX :
last_serv = UnixWSGIServer (
application ,
map ,
_start ,
sock ,
dispatcher = dispatcher ,
adj = adj ,
bind_socket = False ,
sockinfo = sockinfo ,
effective_listen . append (
( last_serv . effective_host , last_serv . effective_port )
# We are running a single server, so we can just return the last server,
# saves us from having to create one more object
if len ( effective_listen ) == 1 :
# In this case we have no need to use a MultiSocketServer
return last_serv
log_info = last_serv . log_info
# Return a class that has a utility function to print out the sockets it's
# listening on, and has a .run() function. All of the TcpWSGIServers
# registered themselves in the map above.
return MultiSocketServer ( map , adj , effective_listen , dispatcher , log_info )
# This class is only ever used if we have multiple listen sockets. It allows
# the serve() API to call .run() which starts the wasyncore loop, and catches
# SystemExit/KeyboardInterrupt so that it can attempt to cleanly shut down.
class MultiSocketServer :
asyncore = wasyncore # test shim
def __init__ (
self ,
map = None ,
adj = None ,
effective_listen = None ,
dispatcher = None ,
log_info = None ,
) :
self . adj = adj
self . map = map
self . effective_listen = effective_listen
self . task_dispatcher = dispatcher
self . log_info = log_info
def print_listen ( self , format_str ) : # pragma: nocover
for l in self . effective_listen :
l = list ( l )
if " : " in l [ 0 ] :
l [ 0 ] = f " [ { l [ 0 ] } ] "
self . log_info ( format_str . format ( * l ) )
def run ( self ) :
try :
self . asyncore . loop (
timeout = self . adj . asyncore_loop_timeout ,
map = self . map ,
use_poll = self . adj . asyncore_use_poll ,
except ( SystemExit , KeyboardInterrupt ) :
self . close ( )
def close ( self ) :
self . task_dispatcher . shutdown ( )
wasyncore . close_all ( self . map )
class BaseWSGIServer ( wasyncore . dispatcher ) :
channel_class = HTTPChannel
next_channel_cleanup = 0
socketmod = socket # test shim
asyncore = wasyncore # test shim
in_connection_overflow = False
def __init__ (
self ,
application ,
map = None ,
_start = True , # test shim
_sock = None , # test shim
dispatcher = None , # dispatcher
adj = None , # adjustments
sockinfo = None , # opaque object
bind_socket = True ,
* * kw
) :
if adj is None :
adj = Adjustments ( * * kw )
if adj . trusted_proxy or adj . clear_untrusted_proxy_headers :
# wrap the application to deal with proxy headers
# we wrap it here because webtest subclasses the TcpWSGIServer
# directly and thus doesn't run any code that's in create_server
application = proxy_headers_middleware (
application ,
trusted_proxy = adj . trusted_proxy ,
trusted_proxy_count = adj . trusted_proxy_count ,
trusted_proxy_headers = adj . trusted_proxy_headers ,
clear_untrusted = adj . clear_untrusted_proxy_headers ,
log_untrusted = adj . log_untrusted_proxy_headers ,
logger = self . logger ,
if map is None :
# use a nonglobal socket map by default to hopefully prevent
# conflicts with apps and libs that use the wasyncore global socket
# map ala https://github.com/Pylons/waitress/issues/63
map = { }
if sockinfo is None :
sockinfo = adj . listen [ 0 ]
self . sockinfo = sockinfo
self . family = sockinfo [ 0 ]
self . socktype = sockinfo [ 1 ]
self . application = application
self . adj = adj
self . trigger = trigger . trigger ( map )
if dispatcher is None :
dispatcher = ThreadedTaskDispatcher ( )
dispatcher . set_thread_count ( self . adj . threads )
self . task_dispatcher = dispatcher
self . asyncore . dispatcher . __init__ ( self , _sock , map = map )
if _sock is None :
self . create_socket ( self . family , self . socktype )
if self . family == socket . AF_INET6 : # pragma: nocover
self . socket . setsockopt ( IPPROTO_IPV6 , IPV6_V6ONLY , 1 )
self . set_reuse_addr ( )
if bind_socket :
self . bind_server_socket ( )
self . effective_host , self . effective_port = self . getsockname ( )
self . server_name = adj . server_name
self . active_channels = { }
if _start :
self . accept_connections ( )
def bind_server_socket ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def getsockname ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def accept_connections ( self ) :
self . accepting = True
self . socket . listen ( self . adj . backlog ) # Get around asyncore NT limit
def add_task ( self , task ) :
self . task_dispatcher . add_task ( task )
def readable ( self ) :
now = time . time ( )
if now > = self . next_channel_cleanup :
self . next_channel_cleanup = now + self . adj . cleanup_interval
self . maintenance ( now )
if self . accepting :
if (
not self . in_connection_overflow
and len ( self . _map ) > = self . adj . connection_limit
) :
self . in_connection_overflow = True
self . logger . warning (
" total open connections reached the connection limit, "
" no longer accepting new connections "
elif (
self . in_connection_overflow
and len ( self . _map ) < self . adj . connection_limit
) :
self . in_connection_overflow = False
self . logger . info (
" total open connections dropped below the connection limit, "
" listening again "
return not self . in_connection_overflow
return False
def writable ( self ) :
return False
def handle_read ( self ) :
def handle_connect ( self ) :
def handle_accept ( self ) :
try :
v = self . accept ( )
if v is None :
conn , addr = v
self . set_socket_options ( conn )
except OSError :
# Linux: On rare occasions we get a bogus socket back from
# accept. socketmodule.c:makesockaddr complains that the
# address family is unknown. We don't want the whole server
# to shut down because of this.
# macOS: On occasions when the remote has already closed the socket
# before we got around to accepting it, when we try to set the
# socket options it will fail. So instead just we log the error and
# continue
if self . adj . log_socket_errors :
self . logger . warning ( " server accept() threw an exception " , exc_info = True )
addr = self . fix_addr ( addr )
self . channel_class ( self , conn , addr , self . adj , map = self . _map )
def run ( self ) :
try :
self . asyncore . loop (
timeout = self . adj . asyncore_loop_timeout ,
map = self . _map ,
use_poll = self . adj . asyncore_use_poll ,
except ( SystemExit , KeyboardInterrupt ) :
self . task_dispatcher . shutdown ( )
def pull_trigger ( self ) :
self . trigger . pull_trigger ( )
def set_socket_options ( self , conn ) :
def fix_addr ( self , addr ) :
return addr
def maintenance ( self , now ) :
Closes channels that have not had any activity in a while .
The timeout is configured through adj . channel_timeout ( seconds ) .
cutoff = now - self . adj . channel_timeout
for channel in self . active_channels . values ( ) :
if ( not channel . requests ) and channel . last_activity < cutoff :
channel . will_close = True
def print_listen ( self , format_str ) : # pragma: no cover
self . log_info ( format_str . format ( self . effective_host , self . effective_port ) )
def close ( self ) :
self . trigger . close ( )
return wasyncore . dispatcher . close ( self )
class TcpWSGIServer ( BaseWSGIServer ) :
def bind_server_socket ( self ) :
( _ , _ , _ , sockaddr ) = self . sockinfo
self . bind ( sockaddr )
def getsockname ( self ) :
# Return the IP address, port as numeric
return self . socketmod . getnameinfo (
self . socket . getsockname ( ) ,
self . socketmod . NI_NUMERICHOST | self . socketmod . NI_NUMERICSERV ,
def set_socket_options ( self , conn ) :
for level , optname , value in self . adj . socket_options :
conn . setsockopt ( level , optname , value )
if hasattr ( socket , " AF_UNIX " ) :
class UnixWSGIServer ( BaseWSGIServer ) :
def __init__ (
self ,
application ,
map = None ,
_start = True , # test shim
_sock = None , # test shim
dispatcher = None , # dispatcher
adj = None , # adjustments
sockinfo = None , # opaque object
* * kw
) :
if sockinfo is None :
sockinfo = ( socket . AF_UNIX , socket . SOCK_STREAM , None , None )
super ( ) . __init__ (
application ,
map = map ,
_start = _start ,
_sock = _sock ,
dispatcher = dispatcher ,
adj = adj ,
sockinfo = sockinfo ,
* * kw ,
def bind_server_socket ( self ) :
cleanup_unix_socket ( self . adj . unix_socket )
self . bind ( self . adj . unix_socket )
if os . path . exists ( self . adj . unix_socket ) :
os . chmod ( self . adj . unix_socket , self . adj . unix_socket_perms )
def getsockname ( self ) :
return ( " unix " , self . socket . getsockname ( ) )
def fix_addr ( self , addr ) :
return ( " localhost " , None )
# Compatibility alias.
WSGIServer = TcpWSGIServer