import os
import typing
from logging import NullHandler , getLogger
import knowit . config
from knowit . core import Property , Rule
from knowit . properties import Quantity
from knowit . units import units
logger = getLogger ( __name__ )
logger . addHandler ( NullHandler ( ) )
size_property = Quantity ( ' size ' , unit = units . byte , description = ' media size ' )
PropertyMap = typing . Mapping [ str , Property ]
PropertyConfig = typing . Mapping [ str , PropertyMap ]
RuleMap = typing . Mapping [ str , Rule ]
RuleConfig = typing . Mapping [ str , RuleMap ]
class Provider :
""" Base class for all providers. """
min_fps = 10
max_fps = 200
def __init__ (
self ,
config : knowit . config . Config ,
mapping : PropertyConfig ,
rules : typing . Optional [ RuleConfig ] = None ,
) :
""" Init method. """
self . config = config
self . mapping = mapping
self . rules = rules or { }
def accepts ( self , target ) :
""" Whether or not the video is supported by this provider. """
raise NotImplementedError
def describe ( self , target , context ) :
""" Read video metadata information. """
raise NotImplementedError
def _describe_tracks ( self , video_path , general_track , video_tracks , audio_tracks , subtitle_tracks , context ) :
logger . debug ( ' Handling general track ' )
props = self . _describe_track ( general_track , ' general ' , context )
if ' path ' not in props :
props [ ' path ' ] = video_path
if ' container ' not in props :
props [ ' container ' ] = os . path . splitext ( video_path ) [ 1 ] [ 1 : ]
if ' size ' not in props and os . path . isfile ( video_path ) :
props [ ' size ' ] = size_property . handle ( os . path . getsize ( video_path ) , context )
for track_type , tracks , in ( ( ' video ' , video_tracks ) ,
( ' audio ' , audio_tracks ) ,
( ' subtitle ' , subtitle_tracks ) ) :
results = [ ]
for track in tracks or [ ] :
logger . debug ( ' Handling %s track ' , track_type )
t = self . _validate_track ( track_type , self . _describe_track ( track , track_type , context ) )
if t :
results . append ( t )
if results :
props [ track_type ] = results
return props
def _validate_track ( cls , track_type , track ) :
if track_type != ' video ' or ' frame_rate ' not in track :
return track
frame_rate = track [ ' frame_rate ' ]
try :
frame_rate = frame_rate . magnitude
except AttributeError :
if cls . min_fps < frame_rate < cls . max_fps :
return track
def _describe_track ( self , track , track_type , context ) :
""" Describe track to a dict.
: param track :
: param track_type :
: rtype : dict
props = { }
pv_props = { }
for name , prop in self . mapping [ track_type ] . items ( ) :
if not prop :
# placeholder to be populated by rules. It keeps the order
props [ name ] = None
value = prop . extract_value ( track , context )
if value is not None :
if not prop . private :
which = props
else :
which = pv_props
which [ name ] = value
for name , rule in self . rules . get ( track_type , { } ) . items ( ) :
if props . get ( name ) is not None and not rule . override :
logger . debug ( ' Skipping rule %s since property is already present: %r ' , name , props [ name ] )
value = rule . execute ( props , pv_props , context )
if value is not None :
props [ name ] = value
elif name in props and not rule . override :
del props [ name ]
return props
def version ( self ) :
""" Return provider version information. """
raise NotImplementedError
class ProviderError ( Exception ) :
""" Base class for provider exceptions. """
class MalformedFileError ( ProviderError ) :
""" Malformed File error. """
class UnsupportedFileFormatError ( ProviderError ) :
""" Unsupported File Format error. """