pygments . lexers . webmisc
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lexers for misc . web stuff .
: copyright : Copyright 2006 - 2022 by the Pygments team , see AUTHORS .
: license : BSD , see LICENSE for details .
import re
from pygments . lexer import RegexLexer , ExtendedRegexLexer , include , bygroups , \
default , using
from pygments . token import Text , Comment , Operator , Keyword , Name , String , \
Number , Punctuation , Literal , Whitespace
from pygments . lexers . css import _indentation , _starts_block
from pygments . lexers . html import HtmlLexer
from pygments . lexers . javascript import JavascriptLexer
from pygments . lexers . ruby import RubyLexer
__all__ = [ ' DuelLexer ' , ' SlimLexer ' , ' XQueryLexer ' , ' QmlLexer ' , ' CirruLexer ' ]
class DuelLexer ( RegexLexer ) :
Lexer for Duel Views Engine ( formerly JBST ) markup with JavaScript code blocks .
. . versionadded : : 1.4
name = ' Duel '
url = ' http://duelengine.org/ '
aliases = [ ' duel ' , ' jbst ' , ' jsonml+bst ' ]
filenames = [ ' *.duel ' , ' *.jbst ' ]
mimetypes = [ ' text/x-duel ' , ' text/x-jbst ' ]
flags = re . DOTALL
tokens = {
' root ' : [
( r ' (< % [@=#!:]?)(.*?)( % >) ' ,
bygroups ( Name . Tag , using ( JavascriptLexer ) , Name . Tag ) ) ,
( r ' (< % \ $)(.*?)(:)(.*?)( % >) ' ,
bygroups ( Name . Tag , Name . Function , Punctuation , String , Name . Tag ) ) ,
( r ' (< % --)(.*?)(-- % >) ' ,
bygroups ( Name . Tag , Comment . Multiline , Name . Tag ) ) ,
( r ' (<script.*?>)(.*?)(</script>) ' ,
bygroups ( using ( HtmlLexer ) ,
using ( JavascriptLexer ) , using ( HtmlLexer ) ) ) ,
( r ' (.+?)(?=<) ' , using ( HtmlLexer ) ) ,
( r ' .+ ' , using ( HtmlLexer ) ) ,
] ,
class XQueryLexer ( ExtendedRegexLexer ) :
An XQuery lexer , parsing a stream and outputting the tokens needed to
highlight xquery code .
. . versionadded : : 1.4
name = ' XQuery '
url = ' https://www.w3.org/XML/Query/ '
aliases = [ ' xquery ' , ' xqy ' , ' xq ' , ' xql ' , ' xqm ' ]
filenames = [ ' *.xqy ' , ' *.xquery ' , ' *.xq ' , ' *.xql ' , ' *.xqm ' ]
mimetypes = [ ' text/xquery ' , ' application/xquery ' ]
xquery_parse_state = [ ]
# ncnamestartchar = (
# r"[A-Z]|_|[a-z]|[\u00C0-\u00D6]|[\u00D8-\u00F6]|[\u00F8-\u02FF]|"
# r"[\u0370-\u037D]|[\u037F-\u1FFF]|[\u200C-\u200D]|[\u2070-\u218F]|"
# r"[\u2C00-\u2FEF]|[\u3001-\uD7FF]|[\uF900-\uFDCF]|[\uFDF0-\uFFFD]|"
# r"[\u10000-\uEFFFF]"
# )
ncnamestartchar = r " (?:[A-Z]|_|[a-z]) "
# ncnamechar = ncnamestartchar + (r"|-|\.|[0-9]|\u00B7|[\u0300-\u036F]|"
# r"[\u203F-\u2040]")
ncnamechar = r " (?: " + ncnamestartchar + r " |-| \ .|[0-9]) "
ncname = " (?: %s + %s *) " % ( ncnamestartchar , ncnamechar )
pitarget_namestartchar = r " (?:[A-KN-WYZ]|_|:|[a-kn-wyz]) "
pitarget_namechar = r " (?: " + pitarget_namestartchar + r " |-| \ .|[0-9]) "
pitarget = " %s + %s * " % ( pitarget_namestartchar , pitarget_namechar )
prefixedname = " %s : %s " % ( ncname , ncname )
unprefixedname = ncname
qname = " (?: %s | %s ) " % ( prefixedname , unprefixedname )
entityref = r ' (?:&(?:lt|gt|amp|quot|apos|nbsp);) '
charref = r ' (?:&#[0-9]+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;) '
stringdouble = r ' (?: " (?: ' + entityref + r ' | ' + charref + r ' | " " |[^& " ])* " ) '
stringsingle = r " (?: ' (?: " + entityref + r " | " + charref + r " | ' ' |[^& ' ])* ' ) "
# elementcontentchar = (r'\t|\r|\n|[\u0020-\u0025]|[\u0028-\u003b]|'
# r'[\u003d-\u007a]|\u007c|[\u007e-\u007F]')
elementcontentchar = r ' [A-Za-z]| \ s| \ d|[! " #$ % ()*+, \ -./:;=?@ \ [ \\ \ ]^_ \' `|~] '
# quotattrcontentchar = (r'\t|\r|\n|[\u0020-\u0021]|[\u0023-\u0025]|'
# r'[\u0027-\u003b]|[\u003d-\u007a]|\u007c|[\u007e-\u007F]')
quotattrcontentchar = r ' [A-Za-z]| \ s| \ d|[!#$ % ()*+, \ -./:;=?@ \ [ \\ \ ]^_ \' `|~] '
# aposattrcontentchar = (r'\t|\r|\n|[\u0020-\u0025]|[\u0028-\u003b]|'
# r'[\u003d-\u007a]|\u007c|[\u007e-\u007F]')
aposattrcontentchar = r ' [A-Za-z]| \ s| \ d|[! " #$ % ()*+, \ -./:;=?@ \ [ \\ \ ]^_`|~] '
# CHAR elements - fix the above elementcontentchar, quotattrcontentchar,
# aposattrcontentchar
# x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
flags = re . DOTALL | re . MULTILINE
def punctuation_root_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 1 )
# transition to root always - don't pop off stack
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def operator_root_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Operator , match . group ( 1 )
# transition to root always - don't pop off stack
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def popstate_tag_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Tag , match . group ( 1 )
if lexer . xquery_parse_state :
ctx . stack . append ( lexer . xquery_parse_state . pop ( ) )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def popstate_xmlcomment_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( lexer . xquery_parse_state . pop ( ) )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def popstate_kindtest_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 1 )
next_state = lexer . xquery_parse_state . pop ( )
if next_state == ' occurrenceindicator ' :
if re . match ( " [?*+]+ " , match . group ( 2 ) ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 2 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
else :
ctx . stack . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( 1 )
else :
ctx . stack . append ( next_state )
ctx . pos = match . end ( 1 )
def popstate_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 1 )
# if we have run out of our state stack, pop whatever is on the pygments
# state stack
if len ( lexer . xquery_parse_state ) == 0 :
ctx . stack . pop ( )
if not ctx . stack :
# make sure we have at least the root state on invalid inputs
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
elif len ( ctx . stack ) > 1 :
ctx . stack . append ( lexer . xquery_parse_state . pop ( ) )
else :
# i don't know if i'll need this, but in case, default back to root
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_element_content_starttag_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Tag , match . group ( 1 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' element_content ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' start_tag ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_cdata_section_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' cdata_section ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ctx . state . pop )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_starttag_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Tag , match . group ( 1 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ctx . state . pop )
ctx . stack . append ( ' start_tag ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_order_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_map_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_root_validate ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_root_validate_withmode ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 3 )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_processing_instruction_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' processing_instruction ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_element_content_processing_instruction_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' processing_instruction ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' element_content ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_element_content_cdata_section_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' cdata_section ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' element_content ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_cdata_section_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' cdata_section ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_element_content_xmlcomment_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' xml_comment ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' element_content ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_xmlcomment_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , String . Doc , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' xml_comment ' )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_kindtest_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' kindtest ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' kindtest ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_kindtestforpi_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' kindtestforpi ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_kindtest_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' kindtest ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_occurrenceindicator_kindtest_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Tag , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' occurrenceindicator ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' kindtest ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_starttag_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Tag , match . group ( 1 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . stack . append ( ' start_tag ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_root_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 1 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_root_construct_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_root_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 1 )
cur_state = ctx . stack . pop ( )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( cur_state )
ctx . stack = [ ' root ' ]
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_attribute_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Name . Attribute , match . group ( 1 )
ctx . stack . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
def pushstate_operator_callback ( lexer , match , ctx ) :
yield match . start ( ) , Keyword , match . group ( 1 )
yield match . start ( ) , Text , match . group ( 2 )
yield match . start ( ) , Punctuation , match . group ( 3 )
lexer . xquery_parse_state . append ( ' operator ' )
ctx . pos = match . end ( )
tokens = {
' comment ' : [
# xquery comments
( r ' [^:()]+ ' , Comment ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' #push ' ) ,
( r ' : \ ) ' , Comment , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' [:()] ' , Comment ) ,
] ,
' whitespace ' : [
( r ' \ s+ ' , Whitespace ) ,
] ,
' operator ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ }) ' , popstate_callback ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ { ) ' , pushstate_root_callback ) ,
( r ' then|else|external|at|div|except ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' order by ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' group by ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' is|mod|order \ s+by|stable \ s+order \ s+by ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' and|or ' , Operator . Word , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (eq|ge|gt|le|lt|ne|idiv|intersect|in)(?= \ b) ' ,
Operator . Word , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' return|satisfies|to|union|where|count|preserve \ s+strip ' ,
Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (>=|>>|>|<=|<<|<|-| \ *|!=| \ +| \ | \ || \ ||:=|=|!) ' ,
operator_root_callback ) ,
( r ' (::|:|;| \ [|//|/|,) ' ,
punctuation_root_callback ) ,
( r ' (castable|cast)( \ s+)(as) \ b ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' singletype ' ) ,
( r ' (instance)( \ s+)(of) \ b ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (treat)( \ s+)(as) \ b ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (case)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Double ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (case)( \ s+)( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Single ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (case|as) \ b ' , Keyword , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ ))( \ s*)(as) ' ,
bygroups ( Punctuation , Text , Keyword ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' \ $ ' , Name . Variable , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (for|let|previous|next)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (for)( \ s+)(tumbling|sliding)( \ s+)(window)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword , Text , Keyword , Text , Name . Variable ) ,
' varname ' ) ,
# (r'\)|\?|\]', Punctuation, '#push'),
( r ' \ )| \ ?| \ ] ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' (empty)( \ s+)(greatest|least) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' ascending|descending|default ' , Keyword , ' #push ' ) ,
( r ' (allowing)( \ s+)(empty) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' external ' , Keyword ) ,
( r ' (start|when|end) ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (only)( \ s+)(end) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' collation ' , Keyword , ' uritooperator ' ) ,
# eXist specific XQUF
( r ' (into|following|preceding|with) ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
# support for current context on rhs of Simple Map Operator
( r ' \ . ' , Operator ) ,
# finally catch all string literals and stay in operator state
( stringdouble , String . Double ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single ) ,
( r ' (catch)( \ s*) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text ) , ' root ' ) ,
] ,
' uritooperator ' : [
( stringdouble , String . Double , ' #pop ' ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' namespacedecl ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' (at)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Double ) ) ,
( r " (at)( \ s+)( " + stringsingle + ' ) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Single ) ) ,
( stringdouble , String . Double ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single ) ,
( r ' , ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' = ' , Operator ) ,
( r ' ; ' , Punctuation , ' root ' ) ,
( ncname , Name . Namespace ) ,
] ,
' namespacekeyword ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( stringdouble , String . Double , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' inherit|no-inherit ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' namespace ' , Keyword , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (default)( \ s+)(element) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' preserve|no-preserve ' , Keyword ) ,
( r ' , ' , Punctuation ) ,
] ,
' annotationname ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( qname , Name . Decorator ) ,
( r ' ( \ ()( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' , bygroups ( Punctuation , String . Double ) ) ,
( r ' ( \ ()( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' , bygroups ( Punctuation , String . Single ) ) ,
( r ' ( \ ,)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Punctuation , Text , String . Double ) ) ,
( r ' ( \ ,)( \ s+)( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Punctuation , Text , String . Single ) ) ,
( r ' \ ) ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' ( \ s+)( \ % ) ' , bygroups ( Text , Name . Decorator ) , ' annotationname ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ s+)(variable)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ s+)(function)( \ s+) ' ,
bygroups ( Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text ) , ' root ' )
] ,
' varname ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' ( ' + qname + r ' )( \ ()? ' , bygroups ( Name , Punctuation ) , ' operator ' ) ,
] ,
' singletype ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( ncname + r ' (: \ *) ' , Name . Variable , ' operator ' ) ,
( qname , Name . Variable , ' operator ' ) ,
] ,
' itemtype ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' \ $ ' , Name . Variable , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (void)( \ s*)( \ ()( \ s*)( \ )) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation , Text , Punctuation ) , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (element|attribute|schema-element|schema-attribute|comment|text| '
r ' node|binary|document-node|empty-sequence)( \ s*)( \ () ' ,
pushstate_occurrenceindicator_kindtest_callback ) ,
# Marklogic specific type?
( r ' (processing-instruction)( \ s*)( \ () ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation ) ,
( ' occurrenceindicator ' , ' kindtestforpi ' ) ) ,
( r ' (item)( \ s*)( \ ()( \ s*)( \ ))(?=[*+?]) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation , Text , Punctuation ) ,
' occurrenceindicator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ ( \ #)( \ s*) ' , bygroups ( Punctuation , Text ) , ' pragma ' ) ,
( r ' ; ' , Punctuation , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' then|else ' , Keyword , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' (at)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Double ) , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (at)( \ s+)( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Single ) , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' except|intersect|in|is|return|satisfies|to|union|where|count ' ,
Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' and|div|eq|ge|gt|le|lt|ne|idiv|mod|or ' , Operator . Word , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' :=|=|,|>=|>>|>| \ [| \ (|<=|<<|<|-|!=| \ | \ || \ | ' , Operator , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' external|at ' , Keyword , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (stable)( \ s+)(order)( \ s+)(by) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (castable|cast)( \ s+)(as) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) , ' singletype ' ) ,
( r ' (treat)( \ s+)(as) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' (instance)( \ s+)(of) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' (case)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Double ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (case)( \ s+)( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , String . Single ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' case|as ' , Keyword , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ ))( \ s*)(as) ' , bygroups ( Operator , Text , Keyword ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( ncname + r ' : \ * ' , Keyword . Type , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (function|map|array)( \ () ' , bygroups ( Keyword . Type , Punctuation ) ) ,
( qname , Keyword . Type , ' occurrenceindicator ' ) ,
] ,
' kindtest ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' \ { ' , Punctuation , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ ))([*+?]?) ' , popstate_kindtest_callback ) ,
( r ' \ * ' , Name , ' closekindtest ' ) ,
( qname , Name , ' closekindtest ' ) ,
( r ' (element|schema-element)( \ s*)( \ () ' , pushstate_kindtest_callback ) ,
] ,
' kindtestforpi ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' \ ) ' , Punctuation , ' #pop ' ) ,
( ncname , Name . Variable ) ,
( stringdouble , String . Double ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single ) ,
] ,
' closekindtest ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ )) ' , popstate_callback ) ,
( r ' , ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' ( \ { ) ' , pushstate_operator_root_callback ) ,
( r ' \ ? ' , Punctuation ) ,
] ,
' xml_comment ' : [
( r ' (-->) ' , popstate_xmlcomment_callback ) ,
( r ' [^-] { 1,2} ' , Literal ) ,
( r ' \ t| \ r| \ n|[ \ u0020- \ uD7FF]|[ \ uE000- \ uFFFD]|[ \ U00010000- \ U0010FFFF] ' ,
Literal ) ,
] ,
' processing_instruction ' : [
( r ' \ s+ ' , Text , ' processing_instruction_content ' ) ,
( r ' \ ?> ' , String . Doc , ' #pop ' ) ,
( pitarget , Name ) ,
] ,
' processing_instruction_content ' : [
( r ' \ ?> ' , String . Doc , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' \ t| \ r| \ n|[ \ u0020- \ uD7FF]|[ \ uE000- \ uFFFD]|[ \ U00010000- \ U0010FFFF] ' ,
Literal ) ,
] ,
' cdata_section ' : [
( r ' ]]> ' , String . Doc , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' \ t| \ r| \ n|[ \ u0020- \ uD7FF]|[ \ uE000- \ uFFFD]|[ \ U00010000- \ U0010FFFF] ' ,
Literal ) ,
] ,
' start_tag ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' (/>) ' , popstate_tag_callback ) ,
( r ' > ' , Name . Tag , ' element_content ' ) ,
( r ' " ' , Punctuation , ' quot_attribute_content ' ) ,
( r " ' " , Punctuation , ' apos_attribute_content ' ) ,
( r ' = ' , Operator ) ,
( qname , Name . Tag ) ,
] ,
' quot_attribute_content ' : [
( r ' " ' , Punctuation , ' start_tag ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ { ) ' , pushstate_root_callback ) ,
( r ' " " ' , Name . Attribute ) ,
( quotattrcontentchar , Name . Attribute ) ,
( entityref , Name . Attribute ) ,
( charref , Name . Attribute ) ,
( r ' \ { \ { | \ } \ } ' , Name . Attribute ) ,
] ,
' apos_attribute_content ' : [
( r " ' " , Punctuation , ' start_tag ' ) ,
( r ' \ { ' , Punctuation , ' root ' ) ,
( r " ' ' " , Name . Attribute ) ,
( aposattrcontentchar , Name . Attribute ) ,
( entityref , Name . Attribute ) ,
( charref , Name . Attribute ) ,
( r ' \ { \ { | \ } \ } ' , Name . Attribute ) ,
] ,
' element_content ' : [
( r ' </ ' , Name . Tag , ' end_tag ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ { ) ' , pushstate_root_callback ) ,
( r ' (<!--) ' , pushstate_element_content_xmlcomment_callback ) ,
( r ' (< \ ?) ' , pushstate_element_content_processing_instruction_callback ) ,
( r ' (<! \ [CDATA \ [) ' , pushstate_element_content_cdata_section_callback ) ,
( r ' (<) ' , pushstate_element_content_starttag_callback ) ,
( elementcontentchar , Literal ) ,
( entityref , Literal ) ,
( charref , Literal ) ,
( r ' \ { \ { | \ } \ } ' , Literal ) ,
] ,
' end_tag ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' (>) ' , popstate_tag_callback ) ,
( qname , Name . Tag ) ,
] ,
' xmlspace_decl ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' preserve|strip ' , Keyword , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' declareordering ' : [
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' ordered|unordered ' , Keyword , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' xqueryversion ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( stringdouble , String . Double ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single ) ,
( r ' encoding ' , Keyword ) ,
( r ' ; ' , Punctuation , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' pragma ' : [
( qname , Name . Variable , ' pragmacontents ' ) ,
] ,
' pragmacontents ' : [
( r ' # \ ) ' , Punctuation , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' \ t| \ r| \ n|[ \ u0020- \ uD7FF]|[ \ uE000- \ uFFFD]|[ \ U00010000- \ U0010FFFF] ' ,
Literal ) ,
( r ' ( \ s+) ' , Text ) ,
] ,
' occurrenceindicator ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
( r ' \ *| \ ?| \ + ' , Operator , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' := ' , Operator , ' root ' ) ,
default ( ' operator ' ) ,
] ,
' option ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( qname , Name . Variable , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' qname_braren ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ { ) ' , pushstate_operator_root_callback ) ,
( r ' ( \ () ' , Punctuation , ' root ' ) ,
] ,
' element_qname ' : [
( qname , Name . Variable , ' root ' ) ,
] ,
' attribute_qname ' : [
( qname , Name . Variable , ' root ' ) ,
] ,
' root ' : [
include ( ' whitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ (: ' , Comment , ' comment ' ) ,
# handle operator state
# order on numbers matters - handle most complex first
( r ' \ d+( \ . \ d*)?[eE][+-]? \ d+ ' , Number . Float , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ . \ d+)[eE][+-]? \ d+ ' , Number . Float , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ . \ d+| \ d+ \ . \ d*) ' , Number . Float , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ d+) ' , Number . Integer , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ . \ .| \ .| \ )) ' , Punctuation , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(construction) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(default)( \ s+)(order) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(context)( \ s+)(item) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' operator ' ) ,
( ncname + r ' : \ * ' , Name , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' \ *: ' + ncname , Name . Tag , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' \ * ' , Name . Tag , ' operator ' ) ,
( stringdouble , String . Double , ' operator ' ) ,
( stringsingle , String . Single , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ }| \ ]) ' , popstate_callback ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(default)( \ s+)(collation) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) ) ,
( r ' (module|declare)( \ s+)(namespace) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(base-uri) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(default)( \ s+)(element|function) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) ,
' namespacekeyword ' ) ,
( r ' (import)( \ s+)(schema|module) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Pseudo , Text , Keyword . Pseudo ) , ' namespacekeyword ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(copy-namespaces) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' namespacekeyword ' ) ,
( r ' (for|let|some|every)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (for)( \ s+)(tumbling|sliding)( \ s+)(window)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword , Text , Keyword , Text , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' \ $ ' , Name . Variable , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(variable)( \ s+)( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration , Text , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)( \ % ) ' , bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Name . Decorator ) , ' annotationname ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ ))( \ s+)(as) ' , bygroups ( Operator , Text , Keyword ) , ' itemtype ' ) ,
( r ' (element|attribute|schema-element|schema-attribute|comment| '
r ' text|node|document-node|empty-sequence)( \ s+)( \ () ' ,
pushstate_operator_kindtest_callback ) ,
( r ' (processing-instruction)( \ s+)( \ () ' ,
pushstate_operator_kindtestforpi_callback ) ,
( r ' (<!--) ' , pushstate_operator_xmlcomment_callback ) ,
( r ' (< \ ?) ' , pushstate_operator_processing_instruction_callback ) ,
( r ' (<! \ [CDATA \ [) ' , pushstate_operator_cdata_section_callback ) ,
# (r'</', Name.Tag, 'end_tag'),
( r ' (<) ' , pushstate_operator_starttag_callback ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(boundary-space) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' xmlspace_decl ' ) ,
( r ' (validate)( \ s+)(lax|strict) ' ,
pushstate_operator_root_validate_withmode ) ,
( r ' (validate)( \ s*)( \ { ) ' , pushstate_operator_root_validate ) ,
( r ' (typeswitch)( \ s*)( \ () ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation ) ) ,
( r ' (switch)( \ s*)( \ () ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation ) ) ,
( r ' (element|attribute|namespace)( \ s*)( \ { ) ' ,
pushstate_operator_root_construct_callback ) ,
( r ' (document|text|processing-instruction|comment)( \ s*)( \ { ) ' ,
pushstate_operator_root_construct_callback ) ,
( r ' (attribute)( \ s+)(?= ' + qname + r ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text ) , ' attribute_qname ' ) ,
( r ' (element)( \ s+)(?= ' + qname + r ' ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text ) , ' element_qname ' ) ,
( r ' (processing-instruction|namespace)( \ s+)( ' + ncname + r ' )( \ s*)( \ { ) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Name . Variable , Text , Punctuation ) ,
' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (declare|define)( \ s+)(function) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) ) ,
( r ' ( \ { | \ [) ' , pushstate_operator_root_callback ) ,
( r ' (unordered|ordered)( \ s*)( \ { ) ' ,
pushstate_operator_order_callback ) ,
( r ' (map|array)( \ s*)( \ { ) ' ,
pushstate_operator_map_callback ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(ordering) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) , ' declareordering ' ) ,
( r ' (xquery)( \ s+)(version) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword . Pseudo , Text , Keyword . Pseudo ) , ' xqueryversion ' ) ,
( r ' ( \ (#)( \ s*) ' , bygroups ( Punctuation , Text ) , ' pragma ' ) ,
# sometimes return can occur in root state
( r ' return ' , Keyword ) ,
( r ' (declare)( \ s+)(option) ' , bygroups ( Keyword . Declaration , Text , Keyword . Declaration ) ,
' option ' ) ,
# URI LITERALS - single and double quoted
( r ' (at)( \ s+)( ' + stringdouble + ' ) ' , String . Double , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (at)( \ s+)( ' + stringsingle + ' ) ' , String . Single , ' namespacedecl ' ) ,
( r ' (ancestor-or-self|ancestor|attribute|child|descendant-or-self)(::) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Punctuation ) ) ,
( r ' (descendant|following-sibling|following|parent|preceding-sibling '
r ' |preceding|self)(::) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Punctuation ) ) ,
( r ' (if)( \ s*)( \ () ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation ) ) ,
( r ' then|else ' , Keyword ) ,
# eXist specific XQUF
( r ' (update)( \ s*)(insert|delete|replace|value|rename) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Keyword ) ) ,
( r ' (into|following|preceding|with) ' , Keyword ) ,
# Marklogic specific
( r ' (try)( \ s*) ' , bygroups ( Keyword , Text ) , ' root ' ) ,
( r ' (catch)( \ s*)( \ ()( \ $) ' ,
bygroups ( Keyword , Text , Punctuation , Name . Variable ) , ' varname ' ) ,
( r ' (@ ' + qname + ' ) ' , Name . Attribute , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (@ ' + ncname + ' ) ' , Name . Attribute , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' @ \ *: ' + ncname , Name . Attribute , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' @ \ * ' , Name . Attribute , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' (@) ' , Name . Attribute , ' operator ' ) ,
( r ' //|/| \ +|-|;|,| \ (| \ ) ' , Punctuation ) ,
( qname + r ' (?= \ s* \ { ) ' , Name . Tag , ' qname_braren ' ) ,
( qname + r ' (?= \ s* \ ([^:]) ' , Name . Function , ' qname_braren ' ) ,
( r ' ( ' + qname + ' )(#)([0-9]+) ' , bygroups ( Name . Function , Keyword . Type , Number . Integer ) ) ,
( qname , Name . Tag , ' operator ' ) ,
class QmlLexer ( RegexLexer ) :
For QML files .
. . versionadded : : 1.6
# QML is based on javascript, so much of this is taken from the
# JavascriptLexer above.
name = ' QML '
url = ' https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qmlapplications.html '
aliases = [ ' qml ' , ' qbs ' ]
filenames = [ ' *.qml ' , ' *.qbs ' ]
mimetypes = [ ' application/x-qml ' , ' application/x-qt.qbs+qml ' ]
# pasted from JavascriptLexer, with some additions
flags = re . DOTALL | re . MULTILINE
tokens = {
' commentsandwhitespace ' : [
( r ' \ s+ ' , Text ) ,
( r ' <!-- ' , Comment ) ,
( r ' //.*? \ n ' , Comment . Single ) ,
( r ' / \ *.*? \ */ ' , Comment . Multiline )
] ,
' slashstartsregex ' : [
include ( ' commentsandwhitespace ' ) ,
( r ' /( \\ .|[^[/ \\ \ n]| \ [( \\ .|[^ \ ] \\ \ n])*])+/ '
r ' ([gim]+ \ b| \ B) ' , String . Regex , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' (?=/) ' , Text , ( ' #pop ' , ' badregex ' ) ) ,
default ( ' #pop ' )
] ,
' badregex ' : [
( r ' \ n ' , Text , ' #pop ' )
] ,
' root ' : [
( r ' ^(?= \ s|/|<!--) ' , Text , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
include ( ' commentsandwhitespace ' ) ,
( r ' \ + \ +|--|~|&&| \ ?|:| \ | \ || \\ (?= \ n)| '
r ' (<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+* % &|^/])=? ' , Operator , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
( r ' [ { ( \ [;,] ' , Punctuation , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
( r ' [}) \ ].] ' , Punctuation ) ,
# QML insertions
( r ' \ bid \ s*: \ s*[A-Za-z][ \ w.]* ' , Keyword . Declaration ,
' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
( r ' \ b[A-Za-z][ \ w.]* \ s*: ' , Keyword , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
# the rest from JavascriptLexer
( r ' (for|in|while|do|break|return|continue|switch|case|default|if|else| '
r ' throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void| '
r ' this) \ b ' , Keyword , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
( r ' (var|let|with|function) \ b ' , Keyword . Declaration , ' slashstartsregex ' ) ,
( r ' (abstract|boolean|byte|char|class|const|debugger|double|enum|export| '
r ' extends|final|float|goto|implements|import|int|interface|long|native| '
r ' package|private|protected|public|short|static|super|synchronized|throws| '
r ' transient|volatile) \ b ' , Keyword . Reserved ) ,
( r ' (true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|undefined) \ b ' , Keyword . Constant ) ,
( r ' (Array|Boolean|Date|Error|Function|Math|netscape| '
r ' Number|Object|Packages|RegExp|String|sun|decodeURI| '
r ' decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent| '
r ' Error|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|document|this| '
r ' window) \ b ' , Name . Builtin ) ,
( r ' [$a-zA-Z_] \ w* ' , Name . Other ) ,
( r ' [0-9][0-9]* \ .[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]? ' , Number . Float ) ,
( r ' 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ ' , Number . Hex ) ,
( r ' [0-9]+ ' , Number . Integer ) ,
( r ' " ( \\ \\ | \\ [^ \\ ]|[^ " \\ ])* " ' , String . Double ) ,
( r " ' ( \\ \\ | \\ [^ \\ ]|[^ ' \\ ])* ' " , String . Single ) ,
class CirruLexer ( RegexLexer ) :
r """
* using ` ` ( ) ` ` for expressions , but restricted in a same line
* using ` ` " " ` ` for strings , with ` ` \` ` for escaping chars
* using ` ` $ ` ` as folding operator
* using ` ` , ` ` as unfolding operator
* using indentations for nested blocks
. . versionadded : : 2.0
name = ' Cirru '
url = ' http://cirru.org/ '
aliases = [ ' cirru ' ]
filenames = [ ' *.cirru ' ]
mimetypes = [ ' text/x-cirru ' ]
flags = re . MULTILINE
tokens = {
' string ' : [
( r ' [^ " \\ \ n]+ ' , String ) ,
( r ' \\ ' , String . Escape , ' escape ' ) ,
( r ' " ' , String , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' escape ' : [
( r ' . ' , String . Escape , ' #pop ' ) ,
] ,
' function ' : [
( r ' \ , ' , Operator , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' [^ \ s " ()]+ ' , Name . Function , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' \ ) ' , Operator , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' (?= \ n) ' , Text , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' \ ( ' , Operator , ' #push ' ) ,
( r ' " ' , String , ( ' #pop ' , ' string ' ) ) ,
( r ' [ ]+ ' , Text . Whitespace ) ,
] ,
' line ' : [
( r ' (?<! \ w) \ $(?! \ w) ' , Operator , ' function ' ) ,
( r ' \ ( ' , Operator , ' function ' ) ,
( r ' \ ) ' , Operator ) ,
( r ' \ n ' , Text , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' " ' , String , ' string ' ) ,
( r ' [ ]+ ' , Text . Whitespace ) ,
( r ' [+-]?[ \ d.]+ \ b ' , Number ) ,
( r ' [^ \ s " ()]+ ' , Name . Variable )
] ,
' root ' : [
( r ' ^ \ n+ ' , Text . Whitespace ) ,
default ( ( ' line ' , ' function ' ) ) ,
class SlimLexer ( ExtendedRegexLexer ) :
For Slim markup .
. . versionadded : : 2.0
name = ' Slim '
aliases = [ ' slim ' ]
filenames = [ ' *.slim ' ]
mimetypes = [ ' text/x-slim ' ]
flags = re . IGNORECASE
_dot = r ' (?: \ | \ n(?=.* \ |)|.) '
tokens = {
' root ' : [
( r ' [ \ t]* \ n ' , Text ) ,
( r ' [ \ t]* ' , _indentation ) ,
] ,
' css ' : [
( r ' \ .[ \ w:-]+ ' , Name . Class , ' tag ' ) ,
( r ' \ #[ \ w:-]+ ' , Name . Function , ' tag ' ) ,
] ,
' eval-or-plain ' : [
( r ' ([ \ t]*==?)(.* \ n) ' ,
bygroups ( Punctuation , using ( RubyLexer ) ) ,
' root ' ) ,
( r ' [ \ t]+[ \ w:-]+(?==) ' , Name . Attribute , ' html-attributes ' ) ,
default ( ' plain ' ) ,
] ,
' content ' : [
include ( ' css ' ) ,
( r ' [ \ w:-]+:[ \ t]* \ n ' , Text , ' plain ' ) ,
( r ' (-)(.* \ n) ' ,
bygroups ( Punctuation , using ( RubyLexer ) ) ,
' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' \ | ' + _dot + r ' * \ n ' , _starts_block ( Text , ' plain ' ) , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' / ' + _dot + r ' * \ n ' , _starts_block ( Comment . Preproc , ' slim-comment-block ' ) , ' #pop ' ) ,
( r ' [ \ w:-]+ ' , Name . Tag , ' tag ' ) ,
include ( ' eval-or-plain ' ) ,
] ,
' tag ' : [
include ( ' css ' ) ,
( r ' [<>] { 1,2}(?=[ \ t=]) ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' [ \ t]+ \ n ' , Punctuation , ' #pop:2 ' ) ,
include ( ' eval-or-plain ' ) ,
] ,
' plain ' : [
( r ' ([^# \ n]|#[^ { \ n]|( \\ \\ )* \\ # \ { )+ ' , Text ) ,
( r ' (# \ { )(.*?)( \ }) ' ,
bygroups ( String . Interpol , using ( RubyLexer ) , String . Interpol ) ) ,
( r ' \ n ' , Text , ' root ' ) ,
] ,
' html-attributes ' : [
( r ' = ' , Punctuation ) ,
( r ' " [^ " ]+ " ' , using ( RubyLexer ) , ' tag ' ) ,
( r ' \' [^ \' ]+ \' ' , using ( RubyLexer ) , ' tag ' ) ,
( r ' \ w+ ' , Text , ' tag ' ) ,
] ,
' slim-comment-block ' : [
( _dot + ' + ' , Comment . Preproc ) ,
( r ' \ n ' , Text , ' root ' ) ,
] ,