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351 lines
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1 year ago
import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import AbstractSet, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from .config import BaseConfig, Extra
from .fields import ModelField
from .main import BaseModel
from .types import JsonWrapper
from .typing import StrPath, display_as_type, get_origin, is_union
from .utils import deep_update, lenient_issubclass, path_type, sequence_like
env_file_sentinel = str(object())
SettingsSourceCallable = Callable[['BaseSettings'], Dict[str, Any]]
DotenvType = Union[StrPath, List[StrPath], Tuple[StrPath, ...]]
class SettingsError(ValueError):
class BaseSettings(BaseModel):
Base class for settings, allowing values to be overridden by environment variables.
This is useful in production for secrets you do not wish to save in code, it plays nicely with docker(-compose),
Heroku and any 12 factor app design.
def __init__(
_env_file: Optional[DotenvType] = env_file_sentinel,
_env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None,
_env_nested_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
_secrets_dir: Optional[StrPath] = None,
**values: Any,
) -> None:
# Uses something other than `self` the first arg to allow "self" as a settable attribute
def _build_values(
init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
_env_file: Optional[DotenvType] = None,
_env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None,
_env_nested_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
_secrets_dir: Optional[StrPath] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Configure built-in sources
init_settings = InitSettingsSource(init_kwargs=init_kwargs)
env_settings = EnvSettingsSource(
env_file=(_env_file if _env_file != env_file_sentinel else self.__config__.env_file),
_env_file_encoding if _env_file_encoding is not None else self.__config__.env_file_encoding
_env_nested_delimiter if _env_nested_delimiter is not None else self.__config__.env_nested_delimiter
file_secret_settings = SecretsSettingsSource(secrets_dir=_secrets_dir or self.__config__.secrets_dir)
# Provide a hook to set built-in sources priority and add / remove sources
sources = self.__config__.customise_sources(
init_settings=init_settings, env_settings=env_settings, file_secret_settings=file_secret_settings
if sources:
return deep_update(*reversed([source(self) for source in sources]))
# no one should mean to do this, but I think returning an empty dict is marginally preferable
# to an informative error and much better than a confusing error
return {}
class Config(BaseConfig):
env_prefix: str = ''
env_file: Optional[DotenvType] = None
env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None
env_nested_delimiter: Optional[str] = None
secrets_dir: Optional[StrPath] = None
validate_all: bool = True
extra: Extra = Extra.forbid
arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True
case_sensitive: bool = False
def prepare_field(cls, field: ModelField) -> None:
env_names: Union[List[str], AbstractSet[str]]
field_info_from_config = cls.get_field_info(
env = field_info_from_config.get('env') or field.field_info.extra.get('env')
if env is None:
if field.has_alias:
'aliases are no longer used by BaseSettings to define which environment variables to read. '
'Instead use the "env" field setting. '
env_names = {cls.env_prefix +}
elif isinstance(env, str):
env_names = {env}
elif isinstance(env, (set, frozenset)):
env_names = env
elif sequence_like(env):
env_names = list(env)
raise TypeError(f'invalid field env: {env!r} ({display_as_type(env)}); should be string, list or set')
if not cls.case_sensitive:
env_names = env_names.__class__(n.lower() for n in env_names)
field.field_info.extra['env_names'] = env_names
def customise_sources(
init_settings: SettingsSourceCallable,
env_settings: SettingsSourceCallable,
file_secret_settings: SettingsSourceCallable,
) -> Tuple[SettingsSourceCallable, ...]:
return init_settings, env_settings, file_secret_settings
def parse_env_var(cls, field_name: str, raw_val: str) -> Any:
return cls.json_loads(raw_val)
# populated by the metaclass using the Config class defined above, annotated here to help IDEs only
__config__: ClassVar[Type[Config]]
class InitSettingsSource:
__slots__ = ('init_kwargs',)
def __init__(self, init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
self.init_kwargs = init_kwargs
def __call__(self, settings: BaseSettings) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.init_kwargs
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'InitSettingsSource(init_kwargs={self.init_kwargs!r})'
class EnvSettingsSource:
__slots__ = ('env_file', 'env_file_encoding', 'env_nested_delimiter', 'env_prefix_len')
def __init__(
env_file: Optional[DotenvType],
env_file_encoding: Optional[str],
env_nested_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
env_prefix_len: int = 0,
self.env_file: Optional[DotenvType] = env_file
self.env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = env_file_encoding
self.env_nested_delimiter: Optional[str] = env_nested_delimiter
self.env_prefix_len: int = env_prefix_len
def __call__(self, settings: BaseSettings) -> Dict[str, Any]: # noqa C901
Build environment variables suitable for passing to the Model.
d: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if settings.__config__.case_sensitive:
env_vars: Mapping[str, Optional[str]] = os.environ
env_vars = {k.lower(): v for k, v in os.environ.items()}
dotenv_vars = self._read_env_files(settings.__config__.case_sensitive)
if dotenv_vars:
env_vars = {**dotenv_vars, **env_vars}
for field in settings.__fields__.values():
env_val: Optional[str] = None
for env_name in field.field_info.extra['env_names']:
env_val = env_vars.get(env_name)
if env_val is not None:
is_complex, allow_parse_failure = self.field_is_complex(field)
if is_complex:
if env_val is None:
# field is complex but no value found so far, try explode_env_vars
env_val_built = self.explode_env_vars(field, env_vars)
if env_val_built:
d[field.alias] = env_val_built
# field is complex and there's a value, decode that as JSON, then add explode_env_vars
env_val = settings.__config__.parse_env_var(, env_val)
except ValueError as e:
if not allow_parse_failure:
raise SettingsError(f'error parsing env var "{env_name}"') from e
if isinstance(env_val, dict):
d[field.alias] = deep_update(env_val, self.explode_env_vars(field, env_vars))
d[field.alias] = env_val
elif env_val is not None:
# simplest case, field is not complex, we only need to add the value if it was found
d[field.alias] = env_val
return d
def _read_env_files(self, case_sensitive: bool) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
env_files = self.env_file
if env_files is None:
return {}
if isinstance(env_files, (str, os.PathLike)):
env_files = [env_files]
dotenv_vars = {}
for env_file in env_files:
env_path = Path(env_file).expanduser()
if env_path.is_file():
read_env_file(env_path, encoding=self.env_file_encoding, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)
return dotenv_vars
def field_is_complex(self, field: ModelField) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
Find out if a field is complex, and if so whether JSON errors should be ignored
if lenient_issubclass(field.annotation, JsonWrapper):
return False, False
if field.is_complex():
allow_parse_failure = False
elif is_union(get_origin(field.type_)) and field.sub_fields and any(f.is_complex() for f in field.sub_fields):
allow_parse_failure = True
return False, False
return True, allow_parse_failure
def explode_env_vars(self, field: ModelField, env_vars: Mapping[str, Optional[str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Process env_vars and extract the values of keys containing env_nested_delimiter into nested dictionaries.
This is applied to a single field, hence filtering by env_var prefix.
prefixes = [f'{env_name}{self.env_nested_delimiter}' for env_name in field.field_info.extra['env_names']]
result: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for env_name, env_val in env_vars.items():
if not any(env_name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes):
# we remove the prefix before splitting in case the prefix has characters in common with the delimiter
env_name_without_prefix = env_name[self.env_prefix_len :]
_, *keys, last_key = env_name_without_prefix.split(self.env_nested_delimiter)
env_var = result
for key in keys:
env_var = env_var.setdefault(key, {})
env_var[last_key] = env_val
return result
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f'EnvSettingsSource(env_file={self.env_file!r}, env_file_encoding={self.env_file_encoding!r}, '
class SecretsSettingsSource:
__slots__ = ('secrets_dir',)
def __init__(self, secrets_dir: Optional[StrPath]):
self.secrets_dir: Optional[StrPath] = secrets_dir
def __call__(self, settings: BaseSettings) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Build fields from "secrets" files.
secrets: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
if self.secrets_dir is None:
return secrets
secrets_path = Path(self.secrets_dir).expanduser()
if not secrets_path.exists():
warnings.warn(f'directory "{secrets_path}" does not exist')
return secrets
if not secrets_path.is_dir():
raise SettingsError(f'secrets_dir must reference a directory, not a {path_type(secrets_path)}')
for field in settings.__fields__.values():
for env_name in field.field_info.extra['env_names']:
path = find_case_path(secrets_path, env_name, settings.__config__.case_sensitive)
if not path:
# path does not exist, we currently don't return a warning for this
if path.is_file():
secret_value = path.read_text().strip()
if field.is_complex():
secret_value = settings.__config__.parse_env_var(, secret_value)
except ValueError as e:
raise SettingsError(f'error parsing env var "{env_name}"') from e
secrets[field.alias] = secret_value
f'attempted to load secret file "{path}" but found a {path_type(path)} instead.',
return secrets
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'SecretsSettingsSource(secrets_dir={self.secrets_dir!r})'
def read_env_file(
file_path: StrPath, *, encoding: str = None, case_sensitive: bool = False
) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
from dotenv import dotenv_values
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError('python-dotenv is not installed, run `pip install pydantic[dotenv]`') from e
file_vars: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = dotenv_values(file_path, encoding=encoding or 'utf8')
if not case_sensitive:
return {k.lower(): v for k, v in file_vars.items()}
return file_vars
def find_case_path(dir_path: Path, file_name: str, case_sensitive: bool) -> Optional[Path]:
Find a file within path's directory matching filename, optionally ignoring case.
for f in dir_path.iterdir():
if == file_name:
return f
elif not case_sensitive and == file_name.lower():
return f
return None