# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import os . path
import websocket as ws
from websocket . _http import proxy_info , read_headers , _start_proxied_socket , _tunnel , _get_addrinfo_list , connect
import unittest
import ssl
import websocket
import socket
test_http . py
websocket - WebSocket client library for Python
Copyright 2022 engn33r
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : / / www . apache . org / licenses / LICENSE - 2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
try :
from python_socks . _errors import ProxyError , ProxyTimeoutError , ProxyConnectionError
except :
from websocket . _http import ProxyError , ProxyTimeoutError , ProxyConnectionError
# Skip test to access the internet unless TEST_WITH_INTERNET == 1
TEST_WITH_INTERNET = os . environ . get ( ' TEST_WITH_INTERNET ' , ' 0 ' ) == ' 1 '
TEST_WITH_PROXY = os . environ . get ( ' TEST_WITH_PROXY ' , ' 0 ' ) == ' 1 '
# Skip tests relying on local websockets server unless LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT != -1
LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT = os . environ . get ( ' LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT ' , ' -1 ' )
class SockMock :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . data = [ ]
self . sent = [ ]
def add_packet ( self , data ) :
self . data . append ( data )
def gettimeout ( self ) :
return None
def recv ( self , bufsize ) :
if self . data :
e = self . data . pop ( 0 )
if isinstance ( e , Exception ) :
raise e
if len ( e ) > bufsize :
self . data . insert ( 0 , e [ bufsize : ] )
return e [ : bufsize ]
def send ( self , data ) :
self . sent . append ( data )
return len ( data )
def close ( self ) :
class HeaderSockMock ( SockMock ) :
def __init__ ( self , fname ) :
SockMock . __init__ ( self )
path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , fname )
with open ( path , " rb " ) as f :
self . add_packet ( f . read ( ) )
class OptsList ( ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . timeout = 1
self . sockopt = [ ]
self . sslopt = { " cert_reqs " : ssl . CERT_NONE }
class HttpTest ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def testReadHeader ( self ) :
status , header , status_message = read_headers ( HeaderSockMock ( " data/header01.txt " ) )
self . assertEqual ( status , 101 )
self . assertEqual ( header [ " connection " ] , " Upgrade " )
# header02.txt is intentionally malformed
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketException , read_headers , HeaderSockMock ( " data/header02.txt " ) )
def testTunnel ( self ) :
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketProxyException , _tunnel , HeaderSockMock ( " data/header01.txt " ) , " example.com " , 80 , ( " username " , " password " ) )
self . assertRaises ( ws . WebSocketProxyException , _tunnel , HeaderSockMock ( " data/header02.txt " ) , " example.com " , 80 , ( " username " , " password " ) )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testConnect ( self ) :
# Not currently testing an actual proxy connection, so just check whether proxy errors are raised. This requires internet for a DNS lookup
if ws . _http . HAVE_PYTHON_SOCKS :
# Need this check, otherwise case where python_socks is not installed triggers
# websocket._exceptions.WebSocketException: Python Socks is needed for SOCKS proxying but is not available
self . assertRaises ( ( ProxyTimeoutError , OSError ) , _start_proxied_socket , " wss://example.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " example.com " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " socks4 " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) )
self . assertRaises ( ( ProxyTimeoutError , OSError ) , _start_proxied_socket , " wss://example.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " example.com " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " socks4a " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) )
self . assertRaises ( ( ProxyTimeoutError , OSError ) , _start_proxied_socket , " wss://example.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " example.com " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " socks5 " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) )
self . assertRaises ( ( ProxyTimeoutError , OSError ) , _start_proxied_socket , " wss://example.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " example.com " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " socks5h " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) )
self . assertRaises ( ProxyConnectionError , connect , " wss://example.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = 9999 , proxy_type = " socks4 " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) , None )
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , _get_addrinfo_list , None , 80 , True , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 9999 " , proxy_type = " http " ) )
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , _get_addrinfo_list , None , 80 , True , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 9999 " , proxy_type = " http " ) )
self . assertRaises ( socket . timeout , connect , " wss://google.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = 9999 , proxy_type = " http " , http_proxy_timeout = 1 ) , None )
self . assertEqual (
connect ( " wss://google.com " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = 8080 , proxy_type = " http " ) , True ) ,
( True , ( " google.com " , 443 , " / " ) ) )
# The following test fails on Mac OS with a gaierror, not an OverflowError
# self.assertRaises(OverflowError, connect, "wss://example.com", OptsList(), proxy_info(http_proxy_host="", http_proxy_port=99999, proxy_type="socks4", timeout=2), False)
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_PROXY , " This test requires a HTTP proxy to be running on port 8899 " )
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_LOCAL_SERVER , " Tests using local websocket server are disabled " )
def testProxyConnect ( self ) :
ws = websocket . WebSocket ( )
ws . connect ( " ws:// " + LOCAL_WS_SERVER_PORT , http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8899 " , proxy_type = " http " )
ws . send ( " Hello, Server " )
server_response = ws . recv ( )
self . assertEqual ( server_response , " Hello, Server " )
# self.assertEqual(_start_proxied_socket("wss://api.bitfinex.com/ws/2", OptsList(), proxy_info(http_proxy_host="", http_proxy_port="8899", proxy_type="http"))[1], ("api.bitfinex.com", 443, '/ws/2'))
self . assertEqual ( _get_addrinfo_list ( " api.bitfinex.com " , 443 , True , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8899 " , proxy_type = " http " ) ) ,
( socket . getaddrinfo ( " " , 8899 , 0 , socket . SOCK_STREAM , socket . SOL_TCP ) , True , None ) )
self . assertEqual ( connect ( " wss://api.bitfinex.com/ws/2 " , OptsList ( ) , proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = 8899 , proxy_type = " http " ) , None ) [ 1 ] , ( " api.bitfinex.com " , 443 , ' /ws/2 ' ) )
# TODO: Test SOCKS4 and SOCK5 proxies with unit tests
@unittest.skipUnless ( TEST_WITH_INTERNET , " Internet-requiring tests are disabled " )
def testSSLopt ( self ) :
ssloptions = {
" check_hostname " : False ,
" server_hostname " : " ServerName " ,
" ssl_version " : ssl . PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT ,
" ciphers " : " TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: \
TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : ECDHE - ECDSA - AES256 - GCM - SHA384 : \
ECDHE - RSA - AES256 - GCM - SHA384 : DHE - RSA - AES256 - GCM - SHA384 : \
DHE - RSA - CHACHA20 - POLY1305 : ECDHE - ECDSA - AES128 - GCM - SHA256 : \
ECDHE - RSA - AES128 - GCM - SHA256 : DHE - RSA - AES128 - GCM - SHA256 : \
ECDHE - ECDSA - AES256 - SHA384 : ECDHE - RSA - AES256 - SHA384 : \
DHE - RSA - AES256 - SHA256 : ECDHE - ECDSA - AES128 - SHA256 : \
ECDHE - RSA - AES128 - SHA256 : DHE - RSA - AES128 - SHA256 : \
ECDHE - ECDSA - AES256 - SHA : ECDHE - RSA - AES256 - SHA " ,
" ecdh_curve " : " prime256v1 "
ws_ssl1 = websocket . WebSocket ( sslopt = ssloptions )
ws_ssl1 . connect ( " wss://api.bitfinex.com/ws/2 " )
ws_ssl1 . send ( " Hello " )
ws_ssl1 . close ( )
ws_ssl2 = websocket . WebSocket ( sslopt = { " check_hostname " : True } )
ws_ssl2 . connect ( " wss://api.bitfinex.com/ws/2 " )
ws_ssl2 . close
def testProxyInfo ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " ) . proxy_protocol , " http " )
self . assertRaises ( ProxyError , proxy_info , http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " badval " )
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " example.com " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " ) . proxy_host , " example.com " )
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " ) . proxy_port , " 8080 " )
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " ) . auth , None )
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " , http_proxy_auth = ( " my_username123 " , " my_pass321 " ) ) . auth [ 0 ] , " my_username123 " )
self . assertEqual ( proxy_info ( http_proxy_host = " " , http_proxy_port = " 8080 " , proxy_type = " http " , http_proxy_auth = ( " my_username123 " , " my_pass321 " ) ) . auth [ 1 ] , " my_pass321 " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )