# mako/exceptions.py
# Copyright 2006-2024 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of Mako and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
""" exception classes """
import sys
import traceback
from mako import compat
from mako import util
class MakoException ( Exception ) :
class RuntimeException ( MakoException ) :
def _format_filepos ( lineno , pos , filename ) :
if filename is None :
return " at line: %d char: %d " % ( lineno , pos )
else :
return " in file ' %s ' at line: %d char: %d " % ( filename , lineno , pos )
class CompileException ( MakoException ) :
def __init__ ( self , message , source , lineno , pos , filename ) :
MakoException . __init__ (
self , message + _format_filepos ( lineno , pos , filename )
self . lineno = lineno
self . pos = pos
self . filename = filename
self . source = source
class SyntaxException ( MakoException ) :
def __init__ ( self , message , source , lineno , pos , filename ) :
MakoException . __init__ (
self , message + _format_filepos ( lineno , pos , filename )
self . lineno = lineno
self . pos = pos
self . filename = filename
self . source = source
class UnsupportedError ( MakoException ) :
""" raised when a retired feature is used. """
class NameConflictError ( MakoException ) :
""" raised when a reserved word is used inappropriately """
class TemplateLookupException ( MakoException ) :
class TopLevelLookupException ( TemplateLookupException ) :
class RichTraceback :
""" Pull the current exception from the ``sys`` traceback and extracts
Mako - specific template information .
See the usage examples in : ref : ` handling_exceptions ` .
def __init__ ( self , error = None , traceback = None ) :
self . source , self . lineno = " " , 0
if error is None or traceback is None :
t , value , tback = sys . exc_info ( )
if error is None :
error = value or t
if traceback is None :
traceback = tback
self . error = error
self . records = self . _init ( traceback )
if isinstance ( self . error , ( CompileException , SyntaxException ) ) :
self . source = self . error . source
self . lineno = self . error . lineno
self . _has_source = True
self . _init_message ( )
def errorname ( self ) :
return compat . exception_name ( self . error )
def _init_message ( self ) :
""" Find a unicode representation of self.error """
try :
self . message = str ( self . error )
except UnicodeError :
try :
self . message = str ( self . error )
except UnicodeEncodeError :
# Fallback to args as neither unicode nor
# str(Exception(u'\xe6')) work in Python < 2.6
self . message = self . error . args [ 0 ]
if not isinstance ( self . message , str ) :
self . message = str ( self . message , " ascii " , " replace " )
def _get_reformatted_records ( self , records ) :
for rec in records :
if rec [ 6 ] is not None :
yield ( rec [ 4 ] , rec [ 5 ] , rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 6 ] )
else :
yield tuple ( rec [ 0 : 4 ] )
def traceback ( self ) :
""" Return a list of 4-tuple traceback records (i.e. normal python
format ) with template - corresponding lines remapped to the originating
template .
return list ( self . _get_reformatted_records ( self . records ) )
def reverse_records ( self ) :
return reversed ( self . records )
def reverse_traceback ( self ) :
""" Return the same data as traceback, except in reverse order. """
return list ( self . _get_reformatted_records ( self . reverse_records ) )
def _init ( self , trcback ) :
""" format a traceback from sys.exc_info() into 7-item tuples,
containing the regular four traceback tuple items , plus the original
template filename , the line number adjusted relative to the template
source , and code line from that line number of the template . """
import mako . template
mods = { }
rawrecords = traceback . extract_tb ( trcback )
new_trcback = [ ]
for filename , lineno , function , line in rawrecords :
if not line :
line = " "
try :
( line_map , template_lines , template_filename ) = mods [ filename ]
except KeyError :
try :
info = mako . template . _get_module_info ( filename )
module_source = info . code
template_source = info . source
template_filename = (
info . template_filename or info . template_uri or filename
except KeyError :
# A normal .py file (not a Template)
new_trcback . append (
filename ,
lineno ,
function ,
line ,
None ,
None ,
None ,
None ,
template_ln = 1
mtm = mako . template . ModuleInfo
source_map = mtm . get_module_source_metadata (
module_source , full_line_map = True
line_map = source_map [ " full_line_map " ]
template_lines = [
line_ for line_ in template_source . split ( " \n " )
mods [ filename ] = ( line_map , template_lines , template_filename )
template_ln = line_map [ lineno - 1 ]
if template_ln < = len ( template_lines ) :
template_line = template_lines [ template_ln - 1 ]
else :
template_line = None
new_trcback . append (
filename ,
lineno ,
function ,
line ,
template_filename ,
template_ln ,
template_line ,
template_source ,
if not self . source :
for l in range ( len ( new_trcback ) - 1 , 0 , - 1 ) :
if new_trcback [ l ] [ 5 ] :
self . source = new_trcback [ l ] [ 7 ]
self . lineno = new_trcback [ l ] [ 5 ]
else :
if new_trcback :
try :
# A normal .py file (not a Template)
with open ( new_trcback [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , " rb " ) as fp :
encoding = util . parse_encoding ( fp )
if not encoding :
encoding = " utf-8 "
fp . seek ( 0 )
self . source = fp . read ( )
if encoding :
self . source = self . source . decode ( encoding )
except IOError :
self . source = " "
self . lineno = new_trcback [ - 1 ] [ 1 ]
return new_trcback
def text_error_template ( lookup = None ) :
""" Provides a template that renders a stack trace in a similar format to
the Python interpreter , substituting source template filenames , line
numbers and code for that of the originating source template , as
applicable .
import mako . template
return mako . template . Template (
r """
< % page args = " error=None, traceback=None " / >
< % !
from mako . exceptions import RichTraceback
% > \
< %
tback = RichTraceback ( error = error , traceback = traceback )
% > \
Traceback ( most recent call last ) :
% for ( filename , lineno , function , line ) in tback . traceback :
File " $ {filename} " , line $ { lineno } , in $ { function or ' ? ' }
$ { line | trim }
% endfor
$ { tback . errorname } : $ { tback . message }
def _install_pygments ( ) :
global syntax_highlight , pygments_html_formatter
from mako . ext . pygmentplugin import syntax_highlight # noqa
from mako . ext . pygmentplugin import pygments_html_formatter # noqa
def _install_fallback ( ) :
global syntax_highlight , pygments_html_formatter
from mako . filters import html_escape
pygments_html_formatter = None
def syntax_highlight ( filename = " " , language = None ) :
return html_escape
def _install_highlighting ( ) :
try :
_install_pygments ( )
except ImportError :
_install_fallback ( )
_install_highlighting ( )
def html_error_template ( ) :
""" Provides a template that renders a stack trace in an HTML format,
providing an excerpt of code as well as substituting source template
filenames , line numbers and code for that of the originating source
template , as applicable .
The template ' s default ``encoding_errors`` value is
` ` ' htmlentityreplace ' ` ` . The template has two options . With the
` ` full ` ` option disabled , only a section of an HTML document is
returned . With the ` ` css ` ` option disabled , the default stylesheet
won ' t be included.
import mako . template
return mako . template . Template (
r """
< % !
from mako . exceptions import RichTraceback , syntax_highlight , \
% >
< % page args = " full=True, css=True, error=None, traceback=None " / >
% if full :
< html >
< head >
< title > Mako Runtime Error < / title >
% endif
% if css :
< style >
body { font - family : verdana ; margin : 10 px 30 px 10 px 30 px ; }
. stacktrace { margin : 5 px 5 px 5 px 5 px ; }
. highlight { padding : 0 px 10 px 0 px 10 px ; background - color : #9F9FDF; }
. nonhighlight { padding : 0 px ; background - color : #DFDFDF; }
. sample { padding : 10 px ; margin : 10 px 10 px 10 px 10 px ;
font - family : monospace ; }
. sampleline { padding : 0 px 10 px 0 px 10 px ; }
. sourceline { margin : 5 px 5 px 10 px 5 px ; font - family : monospace ; }
. location { font - size : 80 % ; }
. highlight { white - space : pre ; }
. sampleline { white - space : pre ; }
% if pygments_html_formatter :
$ { pygments_html_formatter . get_style_defs ( ) }
. linenos { min - width : 2.5 em ; text - align : right ; }
pre { margin : 0 ; }
. syntax - highlighted { padding : 0 10 px ; }
. syntax - highlightedtable { border - spacing : 1 px ; }
. nonhighlight { border - top : 1 px solid #DFDFDF;
border - bottom : 1 px solid #DFDFDF; }
. stacktrace . nonhighlight { margin : 5 px 15 px 10 px ; }
. sourceline { margin : 0 0 ; font - family : monospace ; }
. code { background - color : #F8F8F8; width: 100%; }
. error . code { background - color : #FFBDBD; }
. error . syntax - highlighted { background - color : #FFBDBD; }
% endif
< / style >
% endif
% if full :
< / head >
< body >
% endif
< h2 > Error ! < / h2 >
< %
tback = RichTraceback ( error = error , traceback = traceback )
src = tback . source
line = tback . lineno
if src :
lines = src . split ( ' \n ' )
else :
lines = None
% >
< h3 > $ { tback . errorname } : $ { tback . message | h } < / h3 >
% if lines :
< div class = " sample " >
< div class = " nonhighlight " >
% for index in range ( max ( 0 , line - 4 ) , min ( len ( lines ) , line + 5 ) ) :
< %
if pygments_html_formatter :
pygments_html_formatter . linenostart = index + 1
% >
% if index + 1 == line :
< %
if pygments_html_formatter :
old_cssclass = pygments_html_formatter . cssclass
pygments_html_formatter . cssclass = ' error ' + old_cssclass
% >
$ { lines [ index ] | syntax_highlight ( language = ' mako ' ) }
< %
if pygments_html_formatter :
pygments_html_formatter . cssclass = old_cssclass
% >
% else :
$ { lines [ index ] | syntax_highlight ( language = ' mako ' ) }
% endif
% endfor
< / div >
< / div >
% endif
< div class = " stacktrace " >
% for ( filename , lineno , function , line ) in tback . reverse_traceback :
< div class = " location " > $ { filename } , line $ { lineno } : < / div >
< div class = " nonhighlight " >
< %
if pygments_html_formatter :
pygments_html_formatter . linenostart = lineno
% >
< div class = " sourceline " > $ { line | syntax_highlight ( filename ) } < / div >
< / div >
% endfor
< / div >
% if full :
< / body >
< / html >
% endif
""" ,
output_encoding = sys . getdefaultencoding ( ) ,
encoding_errors = " htmlentityreplace " ,