# mako/lookup.py
# Copyright 2006-2024 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of Mako and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
import os
import posixpath
import re
import stat
import threading
from mako import exceptions
from mako import util
from mako . template import Template
class TemplateCollection :
""" Represent a collection of :class:`.Template` objects,
identifiable via URI .
A : class : ` . TemplateCollection ` is linked to the usage of
all template tags that address other templates , such
as ` ` < % include > ` ` , ` ` < % namespace > ` ` , and ` ` < % inherit > ` ` .
The ` ` file ` ` attribute of each of those tags refers
to a string URI that is passed to that : class : ` . Template `
object ' s :class:`.TemplateCollection` for resolution.
: class : ` . TemplateCollection ` is an abstract class ,
with the usual default implementation being : class : ` . TemplateLookup ` .
def has_template ( self , uri ) :
""" Return ``True`` if this :class:`.TemplateLookup` is
capable of returning a : class : ` . Template ` object for the
given ` ` uri ` ` .
: param uri : String URI of the template to be resolved .
try :
self . get_template ( uri )
return True
except exceptions . TemplateLookupException :
return False
def get_template ( self , uri , relativeto = None ) :
""" Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given
` ` uri ` ` .
The default implementation raises
: class : ` . NotImplementedError ` . Implementations should
raise : class : ` . TemplateLookupException ` if the given ` ` uri ` `
cannot be resolved .
: param uri : String URI of the template to be resolved .
: param relativeto : if present , the given ` ` uri ` ` is assumed to
be relative to this URI .
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def filename_to_uri ( self , uri , filename ) :
""" Convert the given ``filename`` to a URI relative to
this : class : ` . TemplateCollection ` . """
return uri
def adjust_uri ( self , uri , filename ) :
""" Adjust the given ``uri`` based on the calling ``filename``.
When this method is called from the runtime , the
` ` filename ` ` parameter is taken directly to the ` ` filename ` `
attribute of the calling template . Therefore a custom
: class : ` . TemplateCollection ` subclass can place any string
identifier desired in the ` ` filename ` ` parameter of the
: class : ` . Template ` objects it constructs and have them come back
here .
return uri
class TemplateLookup ( TemplateCollection ) :
""" Represent a collection of templates that locates template source files
from the local filesystem .
The primary argument is the ` ` directories ` ` argument , the list of
directories to search :
. . sourcecode : : python
lookup = TemplateLookup ( [ " /path/to/templates " ] )
some_template = lookup . get_template ( " /index.html " )
The : class : ` . TemplateLookup ` can also be given : class : ` . Template ` objects
programatically using : meth : ` . put_string ` or : meth : ` . put_template ` :
. . sourcecode : : python
lookup = TemplateLookup ( )
lookup . put_string ( " base.html " , '''
< html > < body > $ { self . next ( ) } < / body > < / html >
''' )
lookup . put_string ( " hello.html " , '''
< % include file = ' base.html ' / >
Hello , world !
''' )
: param directories : A list of directory names which will be
searched for a particular template URI . The URI is appended
to each directory and the filesystem checked .
: param collection_size : Approximate size of the collection used
to store templates . If left at its default of ` ` - 1 ` ` , the size
is unbounded , and a plain Python dictionary is used to
relate URI strings to : class : ` . Template ` instances .
Otherwise , a least - recently - used cache object is used which
will maintain the size of the collection approximately to
the number given .
: param filesystem_checks : When at its default value of ` ` True ` ` ,
each call to : meth : ` . TemplateLookup . get_template ( ) ` will
compare the filesystem last modified time to the time in
which an existing : class : ` . Template ` object was created .
This allows the : class : ` . TemplateLookup ` to regenerate a
new : class : ` . Template ` whenever the original source has
been updated . Set this to ` ` False ` ` for a very minor
performance increase .
: param modulename_callable : A callable which , when present ,
is passed the path of the source file as well as the
requested URI , and then returns the full path of the
generated Python module file . This is used to inject
alternate schemes for Python module location . If left at
its default of ` ` None ` ` , the built in system of generation
based on ` ` module_directory ` ` plus ` ` uri ` ` is used .
All other keyword parameters available for
: class : ` . Template ` are mirrored here . When new
: class : ` . Template ` objects are created , the keywords
established with this : class : ` . TemplateLookup ` are passed on
to each new : class : ` . Template ` .
def __init__ (
self ,
directories = None ,
module_directory = None ,
filesystem_checks = True ,
collection_size = - 1 ,
format_exceptions = False ,
error_handler = None ,
output_encoding = None ,
encoding_errors = " strict " ,
cache_args = None ,
cache_impl = " beaker " ,
cache_enabled = True ,
cache_type = None ,
cache_dir = None ,
cache_url = None ,
modulename_callable = None ,
module_writer = None ,
default_filters = None ,
buffer_filters = ( ) ,
strict_undefined = False ,
imports = None ,
future_imports = None ,
enable_loop = True ,
input_encoding = None ,
preprocessor = None ,
lexer_cls = None ,
include_error_handler = None ,
) :
self . directories = [
posixpath . normpath ( d ) for d in util . to_list ( directories , ( ) )
self . module_directory = module_directory
self . modulename_callable = modulename_callable
self . filesystem_checks = filesystem_checks
self . collection_size = collection_size
if cache_args is None :
cache_args = { }
# transfer deprecated cache_* args
if cache_dir :
cache_args . setdefault ( " dir " , cache_dir )
if cache_url :
cache_args . setdefault ( " url " , cache_url )
if cache_type :
cache_args . setdefault ( " type " , cache_type )
self . template_args = {
" format_exceptions " : format_exceptions ,
" error_handler " : error_handler ,
" include_error_handler " : include_error_handler ,
" output_encoding " : output_encoding ,
" cache_impl " : cache_impl ,
" encoding_errors " : encoding_errors ,
" input_encoding " : input_encoding ,
" module_directory " : module_directory ,
" module_writer " : module_writer ,
" cache_args " : cache_args ,
" cache_enabled " : cache_enabled ,
" default_filters " : default_filters ,
" buffer_filters " : buffer_filters ,
" strict_undefined " : strict_undefined ,
" imports " : imports ,
" future_imports " : future_imports ,
" enable_loop " : enable_loop ,
" preprocessor " : preprocessor ,
" lexer_cls " : lexer_cls ,
if collection_size == - 1 :
self . _collection = { }
self . _uri_cache = { }
else :
self . _collection = util . LRUCache ( collection_size )
self . _uri_cache = util . LRUCache ( collection_size )
self . _mutex = threading . Lock ( )
def get_template ( self , uri ) :
""" Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given
` ` uri ` ` .
. . note : : The ` ` relativeto ` ` argument is not supported here at
the moment .
try :
if self . filesystem_checks :
return self . _check ( uri , self . _collection [ uri ] )
else :
return self . _collection [ uri ]
except KeyError as e :
u = re . sub ( r " ^ \ /+ " , " " , uri )
for dir_ in self . directories :
# make sure the path seperators are posix - os.altsep is empty
# on POSIX and cannot be used.
dir_ = dir_ . replace ( os . path . sep , posixpath . sep )
srcfile = posixpath . normpath ( posixpath . join ( dir_ , u ) )
if os . path . isfile ( srcfile ) :
return self . _load ( srcfile , uri )
else :
raise exceptions . TopLevelLookupException (
" Can ' t locate template for uri %r " % uri
) from e
def adjust_uri ( self , uri , relativeto ) :
""" Adjust the given ``uri`` based on the given relative URI. """
key = ( uri , relativeto )
if key in self . _uri_cache :
return self . _uri_cache [ key ]
if uri [ 0 ] == " / " :
v = self . _uri_cache [ key ] = uri
elif relativeto is not None :
v = self . _uri_cache [ key ] = posixpath . join (
posixpath . dirname ( relativeto ) , uri
else :
v = self . _uri_cache [ key ] = " / " + uri
return v
def filename_to_uri ( self , filename ) :
""" Convert the given ``filename`` to a URI relative to
this : class : ` . TemplateCollection ` . """
try :
return self . _uri_cache [ filename ]
except KeyError :
value = self . _relativeize ( filename )
self . _uri_cache [ filename ] = value
return value
def _relativeize ( self , filename ) :
""" Return the portion of a filename that is ' relative '
to the directories in this lookup .
filename = posixpath . normpath ( filename )
for dir_ in self . directories :
if filename [ 0 : len ( dir_ ) ] == dir_ :
return filename [ len ( dir_ ) : ]
else :
return None
def _load ( self , filename , uri ) :
self . _mutex . acquire ( )
try :
try :
# try returning from collection one
# more time in case concurrent thread already loaded
return self . _collection [ uri ]
except KeyError :
try :
if self . modulename_callable is not None :
module_filename = self . modulename_callable ( filename , uri )
else :
module_filename = None
self . _collection [ uri ] = template = Template (
uri = uri ,
filename = posixpath . normpath ( filename ) ,
lookup = self ,
module_filename = module_filename ,
* * self . template_args ,
return template
except :
# if compilation fails etc, ensure
# template is removed from collection,
# re-raise
self . _collection . pop ( uri , None )
finally :
self . _mutex . release ( )
def _check ( self , uri , template ) :
if template . filename is None :
return template
try :
template_stat = os . stat ( template . filename )
if template . module . _modified_time > = template_stat [ stat . ST_MTIME ] :
return template
self . _collection . pop ( uri , None )
return self . _load ( template . filename , uri )
except OSError as e :
self . _collection . pop ( uri , None )
raise exceptions . TemplateLookupException (
" Can ' t locate template for uri %r " % uri
) from e
def put_string ( self , uri , text ) :
""" Place a new :class:`.Template` object into this
: class : ` . TemplateLookup ` , based on the given string of
` ` text ` ` .
self . _collection [ uri ] = Template (
text , lookup = self , uri = uri , * * self . template_args
def put_template ( self , uri , template ) :
""" Place a new :class:`.Template` object into this
: class : ` . TemplateLookup ` , based on the given
: class : ` . Template ` object .
self . _collection [ uri ] = template