from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import linecache
import os
import re
import sys
import sysconfig
import traceback
import typing as t
from markupsafe import escape
from . . utils import cached_property
from . console import Console
HEADER = """ \
< ! doctype html >
< html lang = en >
< head >
< title > % ( title ) s / / Werkzeug Debugger < / title >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " ?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=style.css " >
< link rel = " shortcut icon "
href = " ?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=console.png " >
< script src = " ?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=debugger.js " > < / script >
< script >
var CONSOLE_MODE = % ( console ) s ,
EVALEX = % ( evalex ) s ,
EVALEX_TRUSTED = % ( evalex_trusted ) s ,
SECRET = " %(secret)s " ;
< / script >
< / head >
< body style = " background-color: #fff " >
< div class = " debugger " >
FOOTER = """ \
< div class = " footer " >
Brought to you by < strong class = " arthur " > DON ' T PANIC</strong>, your
friendly Werkzeug powered traceback interpreter .
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = " pin-prompt " >
< div class = " inner " >
< h3 > Console Locked < / h3 >
< p >
The console is locked and needs to be unlocked by entering the PIN .
You can find the PIN printed out on the standard output of your
shell that runs the server .
< form >
< p > PIN :
< input type = text name = pin size = 14 >
< input type = submit name = btn value = " Confirm Pin " >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >
+ """ \
< h1 > % ( exception_type ) s < / h1 >
< div class = " detail " >
< p class = " errormsg " > % ( exception ) s < / p >
< / div >
< h2 class = " traceback " > Traceback < em > ( most recent call last ) < / em > < / h2 >
% ( summary ) s
< div class = " plain " >
< p >
This is the Copy / Paste friendly version of the traceback .
< / p >
< textarea cols = " 50 " rows = " 10 " name = " code " readonly > % ( plaintext ) s < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = " explanation " >
The debugger caught an exception in your WSGI application . You can now
look at the traceback which led to the error . < span class = " nojavascript " >
If you enable JavaScript you can also use additional features such as code
execution ( if the evalex feature is enabled ) , automatic pasting of the
exceptions and much more . < / span >
< / div >
+ """
< ! - -
% ( plaintext_cs ) s
- - >
+ """ \
< h1 > Interactive Console < / h1 >
< div class = " explanation " >
In this console you can execute Python expressions in the context of the
application . The initial namespace was created by the debugger automatically .
< / div >
< div class = " console " > < div class = " inner " > The Console requires JavaScript . < / div > < / div >
< div class = " %(classes)s " >
% ( title ) s
< ul > % ( frames ) s < / ul >
% ( description ) s
< / div >
FRAME_HTML = """ \
< div class = " frame " id = " frame- %(id)d " >
< h4 > File < cite class = " filename " > " %(filename)s " < / cite > ,
line < em class = " line " > % ( lineno ) s < / em > ,
in < code class = " function " > % ( function_name ) s < / code > < / h4 >
< div class = " source %(library)s " > % ( lines ) s < / div >
< / div >
def _process_traceback (
exc : BaseException ,
te : traceback . TracebackException | None = None ,
* ,
skip : int = 0 ,
hide : bool = True ,
) - > traceback . TracebackException :
if te is None :
te = traceback . TracebackException . from_exception ( exc , lookup_lines = False )
# Get the frames the same way StackSummary.extract did, in order
# to match each frame with the FrameSummary to augment.
frame_gen = traceback . walk_tb ( exc . __traceback__ )
limit = getattr ( sys , " tracebacklimit " , None )
if limit is not None :
if limit < 0 :
limit = 0
frame_gen = itertools . islice ( frame_gen , limit )
if skip :
frame_gen = itertools . islice ( frame_gen , skip , None )
del te . stack [ : skip ]
new_stack : list [ DebugFrameSummary ] = [ ]
hidden = False
# Match each frame with the FrameSummary that was generated.
# Hide frames using Paste's __traceback_hide__ rules. Replace
# all visible FrameSummary with DebugFrameSummary.
for ( f , _ ) , fs in zip ( frame_gen , te . stack ) :
if hide :
hide_value = f . f_locals . get ( " __traceback_hide__ " , False )
if hide_value in { " before " , " before_and_this " } :
new_stack = [ ]
hidden = False
if hide_value == " before_and_this " :
elif hide_value in { " reset " , " reset_and_this " } :
hidden = False
if hide_value == " reset_and_this " :
elif hide_value in { " after " , " after_and_this " } :
hidden = True
if hide_value == " after_and_this " :
elif hide_value or hidden :
frame_args : dict [ str , t . Any ] = {
" filename " : fs . filename ,
" lineno " : fs . lineno ,
" name " : fs . name ,
" locals " : f . f_locals ,
" globals " : f . f_globals ,
if hasattr ( fs , " colno " ) :
frame_args [ " colno " ] = fs . colno
frame_args [ " end_colno " ] = fs . end_colno # type: ignore[attr-defined]
new_stack . append ( DebugFrameSummary ( * * frame_args ) )
# The codeop module is used to compile code from the interactive
# debugger. Hide any codeop frames from the bottom of the traceback.
while new_stack :
module = new_stack [ 0 ] . global_ns . get ( " __name__ " )
if module is None :
module = new_stack [ 0 ] . local_ns . get ( " __name__ " )
if module == " codeop " :
del new_stack [ 0 ]
else :
te . stack [ : ] = new_stack
if te . __context__ :
context_exc = t . cast ( BaseException , exc . __context__ )
te . __context__ = _process_traceback ( context_exc , te . __context__ , hide = hide )
if te . __cause__ :
cause_exc = t . cast ( BaseException , exc . __cause__ )
te . __cause__ = _process_traceback ( cause_exc , te . __cause__ , hide = hide )
return te
class DebugTraceback :
__slots__ = ( " _te " , " _cache_all_tracebacks " , " _cache_all_frames " )
def __init__ (
self ,
exc : BaseException ,
te : traceback . TracebackException | None = None ,
* ,
skip : int = 0 ,
hide : bool = True ,
) - > None :
self . _te = _process_traceback ( exc , te , skip = skip , hide = hide )
def __str__ ( self ) - > str :
return f " < { type ( self ) . __name__ } { self . _te } > "
def all_tracebacks (
self ,
) - > list [ tuple [ str | None , traceback . TracebackException ] ] :
out = [ ]
current = self . _te
while current is not None :
if current . __cause__ is not None :
chained_msg = (
" The above exception was the direct cause of the "
" following exception "
chained_exc = current . __cause__
elif current . __context__ is not None and not current . __suppress_context__ :
chained_msg = (
" During handling of the above exception, another "
" exception occurred "
chained_exc = current . __context__
else :
chained_msg = None
chained_exc = None
out . append ( ( chained_msg , current ) )
current = chained_exc
return out
def all_frames ( self ) - > list [ DebugFrameSummary ] :
return [
f for _ , te in self . all_tracebacks for f in te . stack # type: ignore[misc]
def render_traceback_text ( self ) - > str :
return " " . join ( self . _te . format ( ) )
def render_traceback_html ( self , include_title : bool = True ) - > str :
library_frames = [ f . is_library for f in self . all_frames ]
mark_library = 0 < sum ( library_frames ) < len ( library_frames )
rows = [ ]
if not library_frames :
classes = " traceback noframe-traceback "
else :
classes = " traceback "
for msg , current in reversed ( self . all_tracebacks ) :
row_parts = [ ]
if msg is not None :
row_parts . append ( f ' <li><div class= " exc-divider " > { msg } :</div> ' )
for frame in current . stack :
frame = t . cast ( DebugFrameSummary , frame )
info = f ' title= " { escape ( frame . info ) } " ' if frame . info else " "
row_parts . append ( f " <li { info } > { frame . render_html ( mark_library ) } " )
rows . append ( " \n " . join ( row_parts ) )
is_syntax_error = issubclass ( self . _te . exc_type , SyntaxError )
if include_title :
if is_syntax_error :
title = " Syntax Error "
else :
title = " Traceback <em>(most recent call last)</em>: "
else :
title = " "
exc_full = escape ( " " . join ( self . _te . format_exception_only ( ) ) )
if is_syntax_error :
description = f " <pre class=syntaxerror> { exc_full } </pre> "
else :
description = f " <blockquote> { exc_full } </blockquote> "
return SUMMARY_HTML % {
" classes " : classes ,
" title " : f " <h3> { title } </h3> " ,
" frames " : " \n " . join ( rows ) ,
" description " : description ,
def render_debugger_html (
self , evalex : bool , secret : str , evalex_trusted : bool
) - > str :
exc_lines = list ( self . _te . format_exception_only ( ) )
plaintext = " " . join ( self . _te . format ( ) )
return PAGE_HTML % {
" evalex " : " true " if evalex else " false " ,
" evalex_trusted " : " true " if evalex_trusted else " false " ,
" console " : " false " ,
" title " : escape ( exc_lines [ 0 ] ) ,
" exception " : escape ( " " . join ( exc_lines ) ) ,
" exception_type " : escape ( self . _te . exc_type . __name__ ) ,
" summary " : self . render_traceback_html ( include_title = False ) ,
" plaintext " : escape ( plaintext ) ,
" plaintext_cs " : re . sub ( " - { 2,} " , " - " , plaintext ) ,
" secret " : secret ,
class DebugFrameSummary ( traceback . FrameSummary ) :
""" A :class:`traceback.FrameSummary` that can evaluate code in the
frame ' s namespace.
__slots__ = (
" local_ns " ,
" global_ns " ,
" _cache_info " ,
" _cache_is_library " ,
" _cache_console " ,
def __init__ (
self ,
* ,
locals : dict [ str , t . Any ] ,
globals : dict [ str , t . Any ] ,
* * kwargs : t . Any ,
) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( locals = None , * * kwargs )
self . local_ns = locals
self . global_ns = globals
def info ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . local_ns . get ( " __traceback_info__ " )
def is_library ( self ) - > bool :
return any (
self . filename . startswith ( ( path , os . path . realpath ( path ) ) )
for path in sysconfig . get_paths ( ) . values ( )
def console ( self ) - > Console :
return Console ( self . global_ns , self . local_ns )
def eval ( self , code : str ) - > t . Any :
return self . console . eval ( code )
def render_html ( self , mark_library : bool ) - > str :
context = 5
lines = linecache . getlines ( self . filename )
line_idx = self . lineno - 1 # type: ignore[operator]
start_idx = max ( 0 , line_idx - context )
stop_idx = min ( len ( lines ) , line_idx + context + 1 )
rendered_lines = [ ]
def render_line ( line : str , cls : str ) - > None :
line = line . expandtabs ( ) . rstrip ( )
stripped_line = line . strip ( )
prefix = len ( line ) - len ( stripped_line )
colno = getattr ( self , " colno " , 0 )
end_colno = getattr ( self , " end_colno " , 0 )
if cls == " current " and colno and end_colno :
arrow = (
f ' \n <span class= " ws " > { " " * prefix } </span> '
f ' { " " * ( colno - prefix ) } { " ^ " * ( end_colno - colno ) } '
else :
arrow = " "
rendered_lines . append (
f ' <pre class= " line { cls } " ><span class= " ws " > { " " * prefix } </span> '
f " { escape ( stripped_line ) if stripped_line else ' ' } "
f " { arrow if arrow else ' ' } </pre> "
if lines :
for line in lines [ start_idx : line_idx ] :
render_line ( line , " before " )
render_line ( lines [ line_idx ] , " current " )
for line in lines [ line_idx + 1 : stop_idx ] :
render_line ( line , " after " )
return FRAME_HTML % {
" id " : id ( self ) ,
" filename " : escape ( self . filename ) ,
" lineno " : self . lineno ,
" function_name " : escape ( self . name ) ,
" lines " : " \n " . join ( rendered_lines ) ,
" library " : " library " if mark_library and self . is_library else " " ,
def render_console_html ( secret : str , evalex_trusted : bool ) - > str :
return CONSOLE_HTML % {
" evalex " : " true " ,
" evalex_trusted " : " true " if evalex_trusted else " false " ,
" console " : " true " ,
" title " : " Console " ,
" secret " : secret ,