#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
import copy
from rebulk import Rebulk , Rule , CustomRule , POST_PROCESS , PRE_PROCESS , AppendMatch , RemoveMatch
from . common import seps_no_groups
from . common . formatters import cleanup
from . common . comparators import marker_sorted
from . common . date import valid_year
from . common . words import iter_words
class EnlargeGroupMatches ( CustomRule ) :
Enlarge matches that are starting and / or ending group to include brackets in their span .
priority = PRE_PROCESS
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
starting = [ ]
ending = [ ]
for group in matches . markers . named ( ' group ' ) :
for match in matches . starting ( group . start + 1 ) :
starting . append ( match )
for match in matches . ending ( group . end - 1 ) :
ending . append ( match )
if starting or ending :
return starting , ending
return False
def then ( self , matches , when_response , context ) :
starting , ending = when_response
for match in starting :
matches . remove ( match )
match . start - = 1
match . raw_start + = 1
matches . append ( match )
for match in ending :
matches . remove ( match )
match . end + = 1
match . raw_end - = 1
matches . append ( match )
class EquivalentHoles ( Rule ) :
Creates equivalent matches for holes that have same values than existing ( case insensitive )
priority = POST_PROCESS
consequence = AppendMatch
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
new_matches = [ ]
for filepath in marker_sorted ( matches . markers . named ( ' path ' ) , matches ) :
holes = matches . holes ( start = filepath . start , end = filepath . end , formatter = cleanup )
for name in matches . names :
for hole in list ( holes ) :
for current_match in matches . named ( name ) :
if isinstance ( current_match . value , str ) and \
hole . value . lower ( ) == current_match . value . lower ( ) :
if ' equivalent-ignore ' in current_match . tags :
new_value = _preferred_string ( hole . value , current_match . value )
if hole . value != new_value :
hole . value = new_value
if current_match . value != new_value :
current_match . value = new_value
hole . name = name
hole . tags = [ ' equivalent ' ]
new_matches . append ( hole )
if hole in holes :
holes . remove ( hole )
return new_matches
class RemoveAmbiguous ( Rule ) :
If multiple matches are found with same name and different values , keep the one in the most valuable filepart .
Also keep others match with same name and values than those kept ones .
priority = POST_PROCESS
consequence = RemoveMatch
def __init__ ( self , sort_function = marker_sorted , predicate = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . sort_function = sort_function
self . predicate = predicate
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
fileparts = self . sort_function ( matches . markers . named ( ' path ' ) , matches )
previous_fileparts_names = set ( )
values = defaultdict ( list )
to_remove = [ ]
for filepart in fileparts :
filepart_matches = matches . range ( filepart . start , filepart . end , predicate = self . predicate )
filepart_names = set ( )
for match in filepart_matches :
filepart_names . add ( match . name )
if match . name in previous_fileparts_names :
if match . value not in values [ match . name ] :
to_remove . append ( match )
else :
if match . value not in values [ match . name ] :
values [ match . name ] . append ( match . value )
previous_fileparts_names . update ( filepart_names )
return to_remove
class RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode ( RemoveAmbiguous ) :
If multiple season / episodes matches are found with different values ,
keep the one tagged as ' SxxExx ' or in the rightmost filepart .
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
super ( ) . __init__ (
sort_function = ( lambda markers , matches :
marker_sorted ( list ( reversed ( markers ) ) , matches ,
lambda match : match . name == name and ' SxxExx ' in match . tags ) ) ,
predicate = lambda match : match . name == name )
def _preferred_string ( value1 , value2 ) : # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements
Retrieves preferred title from both values .
: param value1 :
: type value1 : str
: param value2 :
: type value2 : str
: return : The preferred title
: rtype : str
if value1 == value2 :
return value1
if value1 . istitle ( ) and not value2 . istitle ( ) :
return value1
if not value1 . isupper ( ) and value2 . isupper ( ) :
return value1
if not value1 . isupper ( ) and value1 [ 0 ] . isupper ( ) and not value2 [ 0 ] . isupper ( ) :
return value1
if _count_title_words ( value1 ) > _count_title_words ( value2 ) :
return value1
return value2
def _count_title_words ( value ) :
Count only many words are titles in value .
: param value :
: type value :
: return :
: rtype :
ret = 0
for word in iter_words ( value ) :
if word . value . istitle ( ) :
ret + = 1
return ret
class SeasonYear ( Rule ) :
If a season is a valid year and no year was found , create an match with year .
priority = POST_PROCESS
consequence = AppendMatch
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
ret = [ ]
if not matches . named ( ' year ' ) :
for season in matches . named ( ' season ' ) :
if valid_year ( season . value ) :
year = copy . copy ( season )
year . name = ' year '
ret . append ( year )
return ret
class YearSeason ( Rule ) :
If a year is found , no season found , and episode is found , create an match with season .
priority = POST_PROCESS
consequence = AppendMatch
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
ret = [ ]
if not matches . named ( ' season ' ) and matches . named ( ' episode ' ) :
for year in matches . named ( ' year ' ) :
season = copy . copy ( year )
season . name = ' season '
ret . append ( season )
return ret
class Processors ( CustomRule ) :
Empty rule for ordering post_processing properly .
priority = POST_PROCESS
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
def then ( self , matches , when_response , context ) : # pragma: no cover
class StripSeparators ( CustomRule ) :
Strip separators from matches . Keep separators if they are from acronyms , like in " .S.H.I.E.L.D. "
priority = POST_PROCESS
def when ( self , matches , context ) :
return matches
def then ( self , matches , when_response , context ) : # pragma: no cover
for match in matches :
for _ in range ( 0 , len ( match . span ) ) :
if match . raw [ 0 ] in seps_no_groups and ( len ( match . raw ) < 3 or match . raw [ 2 ] not in seps_no_groups ) :
match . raw_start + = 1
for _ in reversed ( range ( 0 , len ( match . span ) ) ) :
if match . raw [ - 1 ] in seps_no_groups and ( len ( match . raw ) < 3 or match . raw [ - 3 ] not in seps_no_groups ) :
match . raw_end - = 1
def processors ( config ) : # pylint:disable=unused-argument
Builder for rebulk object .
: param config : rule configuration
: type config : dict
: return : Created Rebulk object
: rtype : Rebulk
return Rebulk ( ) . rules ( EnlargeGroupMatches , EquivalentHoles ,
RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode ( ' season ' ) ,
RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode ( ' episode ' ) ,
RemoveAmbiguous , SeasonYear , YearSeason , Processors , StripSeparators )